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That One Week That Madmole Went Away


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I really don't see the problem with nerdpoling, its a part of the game due to how its made, most games like this let you do it. I really don't get why people get so butt hurt over it, I mean nothing is stoping you from you doing it as well to get the loot faster soo... yeah.

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Do people still nerd pole? Like what to 100+ ground level? I have made many up to 30 and still get found instantly at night even though I am stealthed.


How far does one actually have to go for this to work in A17.4?

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Do people still nerd pole? Like what to 100+ ground level? I have made many up to 30 and still get found instantly at night even though I am stealthed.


How far does one actually have to go for this to work in A17.4?


There is no "protection" from the Zeds. Folks are just complaining that other players use it to get up to the top of some POI's to get close access to the loot at the end.

I don't know why they would bypass 90% of the exp and random loot (not to mention to adventure) on the way up, but to each his (or her) own.

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There is no "protection" from the Zeds. Folks are just complaining that other players use it to get up to the top of some POI's to get close access to the loot at the end.

I don't know why they would bypass 90% of the exp and random loot (not to mention to adventure) on the way up, but to each his (or her) own.


Still very annoying when playing on a public server.

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There is no "protection" from the Zeds. Folks are just complaining that other players use it to get up to the top of some POI's to get close access to the loot at the end.

I don't know why they would bypass 90% of the exp and random loot (not to mention to adventure) on the way up, but to each his (or her) own.


From a certain gamestage on it is hardly worthwhile to fight the zombies in the building because you consume more ammunition than you get back through the loot. So I can understand why players take a shortcut. Especially when they have looted the same kind of buildings already several times.


Apart from clearing quests, there is only one known dungeon building that I basically go through completely every time. That's the Doggos and it's so compact that it only takes a few minutes and I want the bones from the dogs inside the building. But even there I don't loot everything anymore. I fight my way through the dogs, zombies and vultures, harvest the dogs' bones and get the loot at the end of the dungeon.

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If you want Madmole back you have to follow the Urban Legend and say his name 3 times while looking into a frosty mug of Draft Beer






HEY! My freakin beer is gone.. WTF??.. :rockon:


One should also note that possible side effects to that method includes Roland posting the emoji timer..

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Four points is a huge, huge prize for doing something so easy and takes so little time. I’m not sure why it is taking “most of the day” for some veterans. I have actually timed it: by 930 in the morning, I have completed the quest items, have several hundred wood, made 20 flagstone blocks (for first day dogs & wolves) and am headed towards the trader to sell a few items as well as complete the quest. At no other time in the game do you get that kind of bonus from a quest so easy to complete.


I was thinking this very thing... I usually finish by 9 -9:30am game time, and that includes searching random cars and trash along the way.

I think that some people have blown this out of proportion.

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Please, please, describe why you like these icons.

What you see when you look at them? What aesthetic touch they cause?

In my opinion they are simply disgusting. Other than high resolution, i can't see any advantage over the old ones.

Or the mere fact that they are new and have high resolution - automatically makes them attractive?


...I really want to understand why people like them.

somebody help me understand this...

I will be grateful to anyone who somehow can explain what the aesthetics of these icons.


PS: new car - I like it...

The road also looks good in the screenshot, but you can find screenshots more better, even from the previous Alphas. Let's see it in action.


"Disgusting" is a bit of a strong word. Do you just not like them, or do you feel like puking whenever you see them? It's this kind of feedback that really burns out developers. It's one thing to say you dislike this or that for this or that reason, but the way you put it is pretty toxic. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, though, maybe it's the language barrier.

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Who in his right mind wants nerdpoling gone? How should i paint the outside of my 100 block tower without that? How do i build certain things?


Good to see TFP won´t touch it. That would kill the whole building part of the game. Sure you could make a scaffold, but than you can make a game only about building if you are at it already.

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Please, please, describe why you like these icons.


I like them. They are slightly bigger, more defined, the darkish blob has been removed from beneath them(not every icon had it)and they slightly overlap the quality bar at the bottom. I just wish the UI Black pin stripes were altered to be thinner or remove them completely for a hovering look.

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Four points is a huge, huge prize for doing something so easy and takes so little time. I’m not sure why it is taking “most of the day” for some veterans. I have actually timed it: by 930 in the morning, I have completed the quest items, have several hundred wood, made 20 flagstone blocks (for first day dogs & wolves) and am headed towards the trader to sell a few items as well as complete the quest. At no other time in the game do you get that kind of bonus from a quest so easy to complete.


I was thinking this very thing... I usually finish by 9 -9:30am game time, and that includes searching random cars and trash along the way.

I think that some people have blown this out of proportion.


EXCUSE ME! How dare you emphatically state that ALL 7D2D Forum posters utilize exaggeration, hyperbole, rhetoric, arrogance, etc. I have 600,000 hours in, and have read ALL posts and can tell you they are the most reasonable and understanding people on the PLANET. EVER. IN HISTORY. And Steam and the Interwebs has graphs and charts and statistics that back up all of my claims.


Sidewalks? Great. How about my freaking trains I have been asking for for 12 years? (and with boats we could have yards, and ports and...)


And, btw, that gun fires .2 seconds slower than the real life version. And when am I getting my M1A1 Abrams?


And you REALLY need to make RWG 2500 SQ miles. And put a motorhome in so I can travel between cities just picking off the POI's that I want to, in comfort. (and give a REAL reason for railroads...) And it should be able to have unlimited stacks of everything. (ok, if a motorhome is unreasonable a tandem semi would be just fine.) (I was going to ask for a large cargo plane with rocket turrets and lasers and em guns, but decided that was slightly unreasonable.)


AND, WHEN I ASK MADMOLE A NON-SPECIFIC QUESTION (in really large brightly colored fonts with no paragraph breaks), I fully expect and complex and detailed answers - from him, not someone else. And then I will respond yet again with generalities. And I can do that. Because I am an INVESTOR. (Not just $, look at my time above...)


And are you finally going to put working bathrooms in A18? It would be so freaking realistic to be 'busy' and have a child girl zombie jump out at you. I mean, fight the zombie or pull up your pants? NOW THERE'S DILEMMA. (Although, because you finally took my advice and added am instant reaction to my character and Lucille is already in my hands and my pants are up... but, still scary for a millisec.)


You know what, just put a back door in the game that recognizes me as the player and lets me do ANYTHING but make it appear like it's actually the normal scope of the game that everyone else uses. (And I could care less what that is...)


Where were we?


(Guess I have been holding back too long - huh?)


; - )

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There is no "protection" from the Zeds. Folks are just complaining that other players use it to get up to the top of some POI's to get close access to the loot at the end.

I don't know why they would bypass 90% of the exp and random loot (not to mention to adventure) on the way up, but to each his (or her) own.


The POI designers could have also though about that, and not put the main loot on the roof...

The most valuable loot should be in some location inside, to not be that easily exploitable.

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Your posts being moved is a result of your apparent inability to express yourself politely. “Language Barrier” is not enough of an excuse to overcome the pattern of insulting negativity that issues forth from your keyboard.


You want to do that in the general discussion forum then there is some leeway granted for that. But when talking directly to the developer in his thread if you can’t manage a measure of good manners you won’t be posting there.


Madmole has already threatened to ban you for past comments and making comments like the new icons are disgusting is not constructive nor is it remotely appropriate.


Now if you would like to give specific suggestions for improving some of the icons, the devs are open to that. Recently, Madmole told the art guys that the coal icon looked too much like a snowball. So he is open to suggested improvements on individual icons.


But they are set on the new art style so ranting in general against it is pointless. It won’t change their minds. It’s already done. Complain about it here but not in the dev diary.

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Your posts being moved is a result of your apparent inability to express yourself politely. “Language Barrier” is not enough of an excuse to overcome the pattern of insulting negativity that issues forth from your keyboard.


You want to do that in the general discussion forum then there is some leeway granted for that. But when talking directly to the developer in his thread if you can’t manage a measure of good manners you won’t be posting there.


Madmole has already threatened to ban you for past comments and making comments like the new icons are disgusting is not constructive nor is it remotely appropriate.


Now if you would like to give specific suggestions for improving some of the icons, the devs are open to that. Recently, Madmole told the art guys that the coal icon looked too much like a snowball. So he is open to suggested improvements on individual icons.


But they are set on the new art style so ranting in general against it is pointless. It won’t change their minds. It’s already done. Complain about it here but not in the dev diary.

Сlearly (I understood). Thanks.

tell me Roland, whether it was true in my posts can be traced exactly what i allegedly want to force developers to reconsider? Still, i would call it "criticism".... or suggestions.

It sounds strange to me that this is how it is perceived... I don't use the words water "do it" or "you have to"...

And Thank You for your personal patience :)

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if you play without Creative Mode, Wood/scrap is Tier 1 and the easiest to get. There will be quiete some time until you can harvest Rock with a reasonable yield. If thats the case, Rock/Steel sure is the upgrade


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with a 83% certainty, no.

maybe 2020 or rather 2021, just my guess


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+1 awesome ideas.


Why do the developers keep saying false promises then what is the point in joel saying 7days would go gold in 2019 when it's no way near done just giving people false hope it's time they finished this game now or stop telling us lies and just get on with it just like joel says alpha 18 is coming first half of this year more like closer to end of year love the game and everything they have done but just get on with it instead of false promises

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Why do the developers keep saying false promises then what is the point in joel saying 7days would go gold in 2019 when it's no way near done just giving people false hope it's time they finished this game now or stop telling us lies and just get on with it just like joel says alpha 18 is coming first half of this year more like closer to end of year love the game and everything they have done but just get on with it instead of false promises


I don't see what the difference is. I'm gonna play it whether it's an Ax or a Bx version. They want to add more features that are a part of the fundamental gameplay so it stays in Alpha for as long as needed. How is this a bad thing? It might be bad if the game was overloaded with features, but it's not.

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Guest Rassilon
Why do the developers keep saying false promises then what is the point in joel saying 7days would go gold in 2019 when it's no way near done just giving people false hope it's time they finished this game now or stop telling us lies and just get on with it just like joel says alpha 18 is coming first half of this year more like closer to end of year love the game and everything they have done but just get on with it instead of false promises


First of all, use ".,:;" thanks.

Second, quoting myself from this very same page:

""MM stated a while back, that A18 went a lot bigger then expectated when he made that guess, and since we really get some content this time, im okay with waiting for fall-ish

( no matter how important the "behind the curtains" changes in A17 where, it was a bit lacking of motivation and content) ""


the 2019 thingy got dropped a long while ago, with reasonable Arguments. Be honest: Is this game ready for shipment in its current state? No it is not. For me, Water Overhaul and Bandits are missing for that (at least)

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Why do the developers keep saying false promises then what is the point in joel saying 7days would go gold in 2019 when it's no way near done just giving people false hope it's time they finished this game now or stop telling us lies and just get on with it just like joel says alpha 18 is coming first half of this year more like closer to end of year love the game and everything they have done but just get on with it instead of false promises


It's a recurring issue with developers and their way of communicating, development is a tricky road and devs who are passionate about their "babies" get too excited sometimes and since the internet and social media are at hand 24/7 they can communicate instantly and even though they personally believe what they're saying that tricky road always surprises them. I understand that and I don't mind anymore, this game just keeps getting better and better, they can take as long as they need as long as there's a playable version.

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Why do the developers keep saying false promises then what is the point in joel saying 7days would go gold in 2019 when it's no way near done just giving people false hope it's time they finished this game now or stop telling us lies and just get on with it just like joel says alpha 18 is coming first half of this year more like closer to end of year love the game and everything they have done but just get on with it instead of false promises


Joel is an optimist and can sometimes get exited and just writes what is on his mind. He probably was genuinely thinking they could get the game to gold within 2019 when he wrote that. But also also wrote about other stuff that later did not make it. The pimps as far as I know do not give out promises or release dates, but they do sometimes give estimates about stuff and the nature of estimates is that they can be off.

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Why do the developers keep saying false promises then what is the point in joel saying 7days would go gold in 2019 when it's no way near done just giving people false hope it's time they finished this game now or stop telling us lies and just get on with it just like joel says alpha 18 is coming first half of this year more like closer to end of year love the game and everything they have done but just get on with it instead of false promises


You guys are the reason hardly any devloper mentions hardly any estimates or projects anymore. Basically I am inclined to say toxic stuff like yours returns us a lot LESS info instead of more. Why bother talking about the progress, if there is some Jamie behind the scenes, waiting to bitch at it if plans change. So sick of it. Sorry for having a go at you, it' by far not only you, but it's absolutely toxic and counterproductive

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