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warmer last won the day on April 9

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About warmer

  • Birthday 12/24/1977

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  • Biography
    The musician behind the band 'Warmer'
  • Location
    Eugene, Oregon
  • Interests
    music, gaming, hiking, cooking, all around exploring the world and the universe...

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  1. WTF is with people who played 100's of hours of a game and more that got their money's worth, yet still feel the need to UNLOAD like this. You are 1 guy out of 18 million opinions. The biggest problem I see with online discourse is the incorrect use of and assumption of things like everybody no one never always You are basing your perspective on a very limited amount of data. 18 million people don't share or oppose your opinion. When we think in absolutes, we can't begin to compromise or understand the other opinions being presented. I LIKE that jars were removed and dew collectors added. It makes finding a cooking pot feel like getting away with robbing a bank. H2O was way too easy before and only food was an issue, now in MY opinion, it feels balanced.
  2. I haven't used torches since A19. There isn't much of a need now that night is brighter than a full moon. The only screamer I have run into in the 5 hrs I have on the 1.0 stable was part of a POI spawn. The reason I know this is I double dipped the POI because it was a quest and she was there before and after quest start restart of the POI
  3. I have introduced 4 friends to this game and with all of them I had to teach them things about time management and choices because most new player don't understand how incredibly important time management is in this game or you get wrecked. Stamina food/H2O management is also a skill that comes with time. These things have nothing to do with combat minus stamina. These are things you learn over many hours of game play and doing it wrong and paying the price. My example of maxing all settings is a reaction to how a whiny manifesto to TFP that they haven't made the game perfect for you yet makes me feel. I know you have a @%$#load of hours into the game. So what is the problem? It's not exactly like you want yet. So mod it. Have agency. Quit your whining.
  4. Your perspective is NOT that of a new player. This is what so many people fail to understand when they talk about balance. If you have been playing this game for 10 years, you have been mentally min maxing on auto pilot for just about as long. No new player will play like this. You are a veteran and know all the tricks to level quickly and obtain loot. Your "personal" experience is not the "typical" experience. In order to fully understand balance, you would need to approach this with virgin eyes, which is impossible in your current state. Turn on max difficulty, feral sense, and always have them on sprint with max bloodmoon and get back to me this is too easy.
  5. I have been playing on all vanilla settings since 1.0 exp was released and it is definitely more difficult than it was before. The biggest difference I think is how skills affect weapon skills and damage now vs previous versions. Previously in A21 After 3 lvls of pummel Pete the game became EASY. I feel like the knock down % chance was lessened because I would almost ALWAYS knock down a zed with a power attack to the head at lvl 3 pummel pete. Now it's not nearly as often.
  6. Sweet! I had no idea personally I can't stand the scroll wheel moving the selection on my tool belt. In the heat of battle I hit that accidently quite often
  7. You shouldn't use words like "everybody" to describe some people. I certainly didn't want it nerfed. 6000 dukes and 36k xp is a damn fine reward. If you are just talking about the actual items, that is secondary to the dukes and xp.
  8. I believe your middle mouse button should be button 3. Quick swap is mouse button 5 for me. Not my middle mouse button. How many buttons does your mouse have? I personally love it once I got used to it, makes quick swapping between water/coffee while mining/logging super simple. Also in battle when you need to move to a heal and back to your weapon.
  9. Well it's obvious from the first paragraph that things are not as they should be, so I wouldn't chalk this up to intended results unless you start a new game. Anytime you are bringing things back from old saves/builds or are using the console to reset things all of the "why is it behaving weird" questions are nearly almost always a result of your manipulation outside of intended values.
  10. This makes sense. If it is tied directly to the chunk size and LOD of object is a function of chunk size (I am assuming if it's tied to persistence) then there might be a finite distance you can render an object like a car.
  11. Ya I have that turned up to max, but it seems like certain objects pop in at different distances. There must be a value assigned to the object related to that. If it's possible to just edit LOD Distance beyond its current limit I could do that as well. Anyone know of a mod or have experimented with this?
  12. If I could make 1 change that bothers me more than anything else it's the pop in of cars and shopping carts on the road. It really feels WAY TOO close and I assume it's been optimized for performance, but how is it tied to view distance as a value we can modify? Is it per object type? I have a pretty robust rig and I want to see how far I can stretch that distance before I consistently drop below 60 fps. If any modders/xml tweakers know I'd love to test this out.
  13. I have seen zombies swimming and walking underwater. Does anyone know why they do one or the other? A moat sounds cool to slow them down, but if they walk, they will just dig under and flood your base underneath
  14. POI types play into loot tables big time. Find the outdoor store and you'll find a ton of bow parts/magazines.
  15. I have never even considered using the drone at all. And now knowing the requirements for crafting I highly doubt I ever will.
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