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A20 Developer Diary Discussions


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7 minutes ago, Zayah136 said:

Make sure to allow dyeing vehicles when you get to vehicle mods, it's really hard to tell who's bycicle is who's sometimes. That and I would loooove a purple bike.

In A19 I don't have this problem anymore because of the yellow direction icon being directly on the vehicle.

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11 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

Do you want me to pull out an abacus?

I don't even think the Buddhist monks could use one to calculate how many times it'll take before it sinks in without the abacus breaking. Heck, I suspect a calculating program would smoke a Cray if it was applied to the question.

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22 hours ago, Gazz said:

Different games do set boni differently.


The Boni, a people in africa, like to gather honey and, I presume, put the honey in pots.

The Boni always look for their honey pots, it what boni do.

Hope this helps!


Also, its best to call them the Aweera, they like that better. 




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1 hour ago, Ranzera said:

I have quite a few take aways from the stream, but this is bar-none my biggest one. You guys clearly want to have some kind of class system. Why not just stop beating around the @%$#ing bush and implement one and leave the gear out of it. You would have so much more freedom with it and much less stupid "LeT mE pUt On My CoRn PiCkInG hAt."


ETA: Also, 10 (I think that's the right number) equipment slots down to 4 is a travesty. What a loss. I used to argue with the guys in the older alphas who said that removing complexity was becoming a problem.


I was wrong.

Well it certainly destroyes the Sandbox aspect of the game even more, i have to agree.


yet, im still excited for it, that the game moves more in the direction of an RPG and still gives the Player Freedom to CHOOSE to wear this or that outfit.


With the Slot i agree too, thats why i asked above about Tinting/Transmogrify


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On 10/31/2020 at 8:26 AM, Gazz said:

Different games do set boni differently.

This might be about a product called Boni-Whip. It's said that even on very low frequencies the Boni-Whip produces very good reception results...


For anyone wondering, we're talking about active wideband antenna 20kHz - 300MHz... ;)


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1 hour ago, Ranzera said:

I have quite a few take aways from the stream, but this is bar-none my biggest one. You guys clearly want to have some kind of class system. Why not just stop beating around the @%$#ing bush and implement one and leave the gear out of it. You would have so much more freedom with it and much less stupid "LeT mE pUt On My CoRn PiCkInG hAt."


ETA: Also, 10 (I think that's the right number) equipment slots down to 4 is a travesty. What a loss. I used to argue with the guys in the older alphas who said that removing complexity was becoming a problem.


I was wrong.

I'm not sure about your point. Seems a little bit like this:





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5 hours ago, unlike them said:

Read the A20 roadmap and I'm very impressed. As always, he game is getting more awesome with each alpha.


But the clothes changes are not very clear to me. Are we still gonna have armor besides clothes? Or only chest piece? Also all the listed outfits were combined of helmet+outfit+gloves+boots, except for the nerd outfit, that didn't have a helmet but had goggles. Can we equip the nerd goggles with let's say the complete lumberjack outfit? Or the goggles go to the helmet slot? Or is it an early stage prototype and it is too early to ask these kind of questions?

They are replacing all the gear slots with a new 4 slot system so the days of wearing cloths under armor are gone. As a result the outfits they shown and the many others not shown yet will be all your character will be wearing. So if you want the complete set bonus for a outfit your going to have to deal with all the down sides of wearing it. Such as being forced to deal with freezing or over heating or radiation or light vs heavy armor for getting the perks that you want. As a result adding way more importance to the armor mods  that help in dealing with all that.



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1 hour ago, Morloc said:

This is just my opinion, but less equipment slots is not better. Ever.


I'm not sure I feel more strongly about anything else in gaming.



Yes. I understand the situation. But in my opinion they are not dumbing down the game but deleting useless insulation barbie clothing garbage and turning every single piece of equipment (and tools and weapons) into a legendary marvel with buffs. So it isn't really a bad tradeoff.  Plus, the new armour effects are WAY better than anything you could ever have by using those dull a19 clothing slots. 

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29 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

Yes. I understand the situation. But in my opinion they are not dumbing down the game but deleting useless insulation barbie clothing garbage and turning every single piece of equipment (and tools and weapons) into a legendary marvel with buffs. So it isn't really a bad tradeoff.  Plus, the new armour effects are WAY better than anything you could ever have by using those dull a19 clothing slots. 

To add to this, this is will be the first iteration. While im still intersted if dying and transmog will be a thing of these outfits, in later alphas we might see more outfits or variants. Just like the Bookset that started in A18 and got expanded in A19.


People need to realize that A20 is in (early) work and things might change or get added.

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42 minutes ago, Yoghira said:


Могу я спросить вашего специалиста по аудио в вашей команде разработчиков, планируете ли вы вставить пространственный звук / звук в Alpha 20 или более позднюю версию?


Хорошо, это только вещь, когда вы играете в наушниках, но должна быть возможность активировать. Это создаст гораздо лучшее погружение, потому что

вы точно знаете, куда смотреть, если слышите шум. Выше / ниже, слева или справа, позади или впереди вас - вы можете сказать, где они (зомби, животные), ... с закрытыми глазами.


Я установил Unity, чтобы поиграть с ним, и это очень просто. Я старался:

Спационализатор Unity,

Резонансный звук,

Плагин Oculus Spatializer

Steam Audio Spatializer.

Вам не нужны звуковые отражения, амбисоники или тому подобное, вам нужен только спейслайзер.

А затем, чтобы сделать это "идеальным", привяжите шаги к стопам, "Grrrrrrrr" к голове, "swooshes и" swooshes "к руке или руке

и "гибы" или попадания в координаты столкновения - готово. 😀



И второе, что я осознал, это то, что вы используете «Линейный спад» вместо «Логарифмический спад» в большинстве случаев.

ваши «Настройки 3D-звука» для звуков существ.

Это вызывает неестественное ощущение расстояния до источника звука.

Пожалуйста, используйте «Логарифмический спад», если вы переходите в пространственное положение или нет.


Что вы как сообщество и как разработчик думаете об этом?


С уважением


How lovely!
Everything is good with us!
  The gameplay is perfect! Thought what an @%$# I was missing!
AAAAAAAAAA! Now I'm busy, it's all about the sounds!
Make them and life will improve, loot to the developers, it flows like a river!
Hmm !! :(

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On 10/31/2020 at 11:05 AM, Danidas said:

For future versions of the game would you consider the possibility of re-adding cosmetic mods. Like the current hat mods for helmets to make them look like a cowboy hat, baseball hat, etc but for all 4 gear slots. In order to allow us to swap out the look of our gear to further diversify our characters appearance beyond the dye system. As one of the main complaints about the new gear perk system is that everyone will end up looking identical when doing a specific role.


Glad you are seeing it now. A lot of us have been arguing this for years but we were treated like a group of morons who were holding back the games potential.

Im sorry but I am not into this whole Fallout/WoW inspired clothing system. We wanted better armor and clothing choices but we did not ask for set bonuses and tiered raid style junk. Now with biomes getting gamestaged like WoW zones (good job on removing the extra biomes btw BEFORE adding in zoning makes a lot of sense) I am starting to think my time is coming to an end with this game. Which is quite sad as I have so many good memories but i played 7 days because it was 7 days. The team seems intent on becoming a poor clone of every other game out there so why would i keep playing this one when i can play the superior versions of all of this?


A16 will always be the prime for me in this game, and as we go forward I see glimpses of brilliance but the avalanche of generic shooter/looter survival mechanics that are replacing a once complex and fun core game are making it quite difficult to keep coming back for more.

Compare the complexity and gameplay from 16 to today and what you have is a shorter more simplistic version of 7 days that looks amazing. Something i wont deny is the art and style have come a LONG way but the growing trend of games looking gorgeous with having little to no substance is a sad one in this day and age of gaming.

Wish i could be more excited for the road ahead. Maybe the games outgrown me. I dont think so though as i can load up older versions and still sink hours into those. So its good we have that option. Just wish I could be on the hype train for whats to come.

5 hours ago, art1336 said:

So we're not going to be able to wear clothes and armor at the same time? What's the design motivation behind that?

Things have been going in this direction for a while. They prefer simplicity over complexity, streamline over choice. Thing is this one seems to hit a few more folks than the other stuff we used to comment on. Simplified farming, removing resources, removing LBD, gun parts, simplifying meats etc are all things people used to discuss but none seemed important enough. Some of us were constantly reminded about our over reactions. Yet here we are, 20 alphas later and STILL removing content. 

Clothing is just the next in line to get the hand of simplicity reach down and sweep it into the sea.

Edited by JaxTeller718 (see edit history)
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10 hours ago, Ranzera said:

ETA: Also, 10 (I think that's the right number) equipment slots down to 4 is a travesty. What a loss. I used to argue with the guys in the older alphas who said that removing complexity was becoming a problem.


I was wrong.

Not necessarily. It all depends on how they put down things in the game.


Removing stuff may be even better if you achieve the same goals. Think about when they invented the dishwasher as an example: before that, in restaurants, you had 1) the pile of dirty plates 2) The washing basin with soaped water 3) the washing basin with clean water to wash away the soap 4) the pile for clean (but wet) plates 5) the clean and dry plates. All that was put together inside the magical box we call the "dishwasher"! :hail: 🍽️🍽️🍽️🍽️

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Thank god this was moved out of dev diary, was afraid someone would actually read my post.


We moving all the "omg it looks amazing cant wait" posts too? since those definitely fall under discussions, albeit more positive ones.


1 hour ago, Roland said:

Getting to play with all the inevitably cut content is truly one of the Early Access perks.

One of the reasons i will never say i wasted money on it, or regret buying it. It gave me over 4000 hours of amazing enjoyment. But even the strongest most classic of cars run out of mileage and cant be amazing forever.  Stronger shinier faster models are always an inevitability. 

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22 minutes ago, JaxTeller718 said:

We moving all the "omg it looks amazing cant wait" posts too? since those definitely fall under discussions, albeit more positive ones.

We are moving all the posts that are not directly responding to or asking a question of Madmole be they positive or negative. Your rant was in reaction to someone else’s comment to Madmole. His was definitely not positive but it stayed because he was talking to the developer. Everyone who started discussing whether in agreement or not with him came here. 

Hope that jives with your sense of fairness. 

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1 hour ago, Ranzera said:

Hmm, I got that backwards. All the responses were moved here. Splitting discussions is confusing.

It's about keeping things tidy. Every so often a new member (whether they revisit the forums or not is another question) would complain about how they would have to sift through dozens of pages to maybe get one useful post from a developer. A lot of people simply do not have time on their hands.


I'm sure something could be done to "tie conversations together", such as providing links to the original message in every post in which someone responds to it, but that would be an unnecessary amount of work on Roland's part when it doesn't matter at the end of the day. In about a week few, if any, people will revisit these specific posts.

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