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5 hours ago, Gazz said:

A shotgun vs American drywall? That's absolutely what happens...

Heh...ya...but a shotgun vs a safe is probably going to leave your face like American drywall...


I think the point is the block damage is a abit over the top, making the shotties less viable overall...and that's a shame.  Shotguns are my favourite in most shooter games but not in 7D.


Maybe if all that block damage was reserved for a special ammo type and the default shells not do the damage of a howitzer :p


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Day 2


On the second day I set out to do better.   I started scavenging and ran into a wolf. It attacked me and ran off. I gave chase but shouldn't have due to my pack being overloaded. That and I forgot my ammo for my blunderbuss.  I was funny to see. But glad I did because it gave me a chance to see what it would do. Sure enough it acted. The thing attacked me again and I beat it up again. Then ran off. Now I'm wondering if they heal up after moving away... 


Took a mission from trader Joe, made myself a stone shovel and tried it out on the first zed I found. It was like I shot it with a 357 magnum and I only hit it in the head once. It flew back as if hit by a truck, it's head exploding. I took on others but had different results. 

 I saw  the supply plane and the drop Marked it for latter. 

I got to the site marked by the trader for search and destroy, The zombies were tough but they were no match for a badass like me. 😁

I was beating the crap out of them as I went around the yard and into the building. Forgot my ammo again but didn't need it. 


I fell though the floor at one point right into a pool of water while tiring to jump up to a broken latter.

  You think fighting a bunch of zombie's in a closed in space is hard? Try fighting doing that  while IN the water. HA!


We traded blows as I was trying to keep my head above the water. I finally found my way to dry land and worked my way though some caves. You would think the place was owned by a bunch of golfers the way those tunnels ran. With several ladders leading upward. I patched up, waited for the zombie's to come up and played Wak-a-mole with them as they popped up. lol 

Good times. 


Turned in my mission and bought some night vision and Lucky looter goggles.  Took on another mission for the next day, then went after the supply drop.

On my way there I saw a chicken. 

(Honestly officer it just ran right IN front of me) lol 😆

No but seriously it really did  run right in front of me, then stopped right in the grass. So I killed and harvested it. 


I ended up going into the waistbands for the supply's. But the trip was mostly uneventful.  I did like the new effects on the supply box with the flashing lights. Plus the orange smoke does not go away once you get close any more. I liked that. 

I got back and settling in for the night. I might need to go for a walk if those zed's big brothers come looking for me again. Thankfully I have the night vision. Which will be a big help. It's hard enough fighting spider zombies when you CAN see them. lol

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2 hours ago, Ezed said:

Heh...ya...but a shotgun vs a safe is probably going to leave your face like American drywall...


I think the point is the block damage is a abit over the top, making the shotties less viable overall...and that's a shame.  Shotguns are my favourite in most shooter games but not in 7D.


Maybe if all that block damage was reserved for a special ammo type and the default shells not do the damage of a howitzer :p



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13 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

and the pipe bomb issue is reported and fixed in a20 so hopefully for future build in a19.#


Dynamite has the same problem, is it fixed too? In addition, there are problems in the animation of grenades, if we talk about errors of throwing weapons. Should I describe the bug report or is it a known problem?
Thank you for your work :)

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13 minutes ago, Games'n'Grumble said:

Dynamite has the same problem, is it fixed too? In addition, there are problems in the animation of grenades, if we talk about errors of throwing weapons. Should I describe the bug report or is it a known problem?
Thank you for your work :)

that was also included in the report so no need for any further info. (also wasnt my report this time)


to be clear i made a mistake in saying it was fixed. i was meaning to add hope it would be fixed in a19 as well. (i will change original post to not say that tho) sorry <runs off and hides>

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33 minutes ago, Aero said:

Damn... I so very very hate how this game uses the stats for tools and weapons...


Got a lvl 4 steel shovel and with mods it does 249 dmg... so yes that's 1 short for the top soil, so I have to use 2 swings at it...

I want to redo the garden around my base and I don't want to double the work (swings), I put it off until I find a better shovel or can make one.


Finally... on day 53 I find the steel tools schematics... I can make lvl 5 steels tools...

(btw... got 8 traders that I see regulary... not their inventory or the quest rewards ever gave me this or the better shovel)


I make one... and... great... It has lower stats then the lvl 4 one... even with the added mod slot... now I do 248 dmg... even less...



Sounds like the shovel was balanced by Gazz. 😉


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44 minutes ago, Aero said:

Damn... I so very very hate how this game uses the stats for tools and weapons...


Got a lvl 4 steel shovel and with mods it does 249 dmg... so yes that's 1 short for the top soil, so I have to use 2 swings at it...

I want to redo the garden around my base and I don't want to double the work (swings), I put it off until I find a better shovel or can make one.


Finally... on day 53 I find the steel tools schematics... I can make lvl 5 steels tools...

(btw... got 8 traders that I see regulary... not their inventory or the quest rewards ever gave me this or the better shovel)


I make one... and... great... It has lower stats then the lvl 4 one... even with the added mod slot... now I do 248 dmg... even less...



Item stats are random in set ranges with a good bit of overlap between quality grades and tiers. As it encourages you to always be looking and shopping around for a better tool even with a quality 6 steal tool. Which is something that is often over looked with people being quick to replace gear for higher quality ones and scraping/selling/droping everything else with out giving their stats a single look. Since they assume that all quality X tools are the same and always better then anything with a lower quality.

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2 hours ago, Gazz said:

It's kinda impossible to balance.

We have a lot of small boni affecting block damage but the end result is rounded down massively to "number of swings".


There will always be situations where bonus XYZ "does nothing" when looking at a specific block type.


Long ago I had suggested that the "wasted damage" would carry over to the next swing. That way even 5% more block damage would be guaranteed to  "do something".

Never got any traction, though.

Just make the shovel the most powerful tool in the game and I will be happy.  ;) 


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5 minutes ago, Danidas said:

Item stats are random in set ranges with a good bit of overlap between quality grades and tiers. As it encourages you to always be looking and shopping around for a better tool even with a quality 6 steal tool. Which is something that is often over looked with people being quick to replace gear for higher quality ones and scraping/selling/droping everything else with out giving their stats a single look. Since they assume that all quality X tools are the same and always better then anything with a lower quality.


That stats are random within their lvl is fine, great even. That does encourage you to check the stats if it has the same lvl.


I had lots of times finding the same lvl tool or weapon and checking the stats. A number of times the stats of the new item were better and I switched them.


But when I find a higher lvl tool or weapon, it should ALWAYS be at least 1 point better in the stats then the max stat of the lower lvl one.


Because what now? Do I need to spam craft steel shovels in the hopes of making a better one? Wasn't spamcrafting removed from A15 -> A16?...


Not to mention that it takes alot of the steel tools parts that I rarely find (but I do got a couple of hundreds of military armor parts for some reason, like so much more then any of the other parts I find, nicely balanced)...

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27 minutes ago, Gazz said:

It's kinda impossible to balance.

We have a lot of small boni affecting block damage but the end result is rounded down massively to "number of swings".


There will always be situations where bonus XYZ "does nothing" when looking at a specific block type.


Long ago I had suggested that the "wasted damage" would carry over to the next swing. That way even 5% more block damage would be guaranteed to  "do something".

Never got any traction, though.

That theoretical approach has problems on its own when taking into account multipliers and mining. The current system is ok. Not perfect, not awful. Just "gamey" enough.

Must've been hell to balance it though. You did an outsanding job there . Now, about the shape menu.... do you guys  have some spare time, like 4 months and 556 red bulls to make it work? lol.

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Anything that you can easily bulk craft is going to all be the same but as it gets harder to craft it the wilder the random stats get. Especially if the item needs parts to make as the devs want to ensure that you always have a reason to collect them.


Basically they are adding artificial gamey mechanics to pad out the end game grind to keep people playing for longer. 

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19 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

so leave the shotty at home.. problem fixed... :) but do agree.. it'll wreck your home faster then a PO'd spouse.

I beg your pardon!  Did my eyes deceive me?

Leave home WITHOUT my shotgun?

One NEVER leaves home without a club and Shotgun.

It is the quintessential 7DTD experience.

"Wakey Wakey you lot!  It's PARTY TIME!!!"

I didn't realise my life was so bereft of meaning until I found the Auto Shotgun ;)


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16 hours ago, Gazz said:

A shotgun vs American drywall? That's absolutely what happens...

Yikes!  If I tried that in my house I'd have a face full of, returning at velocity, buckshot!

Mind you the house is designed to withstand a force 5 cyclone... so yeah... I'll have to take your word for that :)


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22 minutes ago, Gobarg said:

I beg your pardon!  Did my eyes deceive me?

Leave home WITHOUT my shotgun?

One NEVER leaves home without a club and Shotgun.

It is the quintessential 7DTD experience.

"Wakey Wakey you lot!  It's PARTY TIME!!!"

I didn't realise my life was so bereft of meaning until I found the Auto Shotgun ;)


What do you do when you start a game then?  😁

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after i am doing a desert survival (im living in the boobie trap) and MAN!


i want to see Joshua trees In this game! Its So weird to me seeing Oak trees in a Dry desert...


if you don't know what they look like. this is what they look like, And Plus they can get REALLY Big even bigger then i though and They would Fit well in game because they are in Arizona, Arizona Has desert, Navezgane is in Arizona! HINT!  


Joshua Trees - Joshua Tree National Park (U.S. National Park Service)


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3 hours ago, Gobarg said:

Run and hide like the coward I am until the day comes when I can strike fear into the local rabbit and chicken population with my level one dubs

Not me. I'm known as the badass of  Navezgane. lol

I killed a dog with my fist 30 seconds after start with nothing but my fist. On the second night I punched out a Direwolf, took it's head clean off. 😆

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On 7/28/2020 at 12:55 PM, madmole said:

All crafting XP is bad form, it needs to be 100% removed, or 100% added.


100 forged iron is nothing, try ARK I needed 4200 forged iron to make a ascendant long neck that did 400% damage. You want it, you pay the price. 5 acid is easy to get if you know where to look. I have tons of acid collecting dust in my storage chest. Buy a chem station from a trader if you think the crafting cost is too steep.

Nothing better than when your hard work pays off. Glad you are enjoying the fruits of your labor!

I can only partially agree. As you have likely heard a buttload of times, Learning-by-doing is the most immersive. E.G. best gameplay.

Also, aside from horrible animation, why in the name of Jesus' mortal @%$# are you playing ARK? Empyrion is better than ARK and that's still a D- high school project. The last time it was so hard to get acid pre-A19, acid wasn't in the game.

If you honestly want to see somebody enjoy the fruits of their labor, consider impregnating a woman and waiting 40 weeks. It's probably the worst thing you can do for your own freedom, but nutting in a woman is probably the best. Everything in balance, as it should be.

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6 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

Sounds to me like survivalist at least. What difficulty level are you on?

Nomad difficulty. Mountain lions are tough.

This is why I argue the snow biome is tougher than the wasteland. Sure, the wasteland has vultures, zombie dogs, zombie bears, land mines... but the snow biome has mountain lions, dire wolves, lumberjacks, and bears literally everywhere. You'll spend a good portion of your time early on trying to find a house that doesn't have a mountain lion or whatever prowling around outside.


One major benefit of the snow biome, ironically enough, is there's food growing everywhere. I got 2 and a half stacks of snowberries by the end of day 1.

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1 hour ago, MechanicalLens said:

Nomad difficulty. Mountain lions are tough.

This is why I argue the snow biome is tougher than the wasteland. Sure, the wasteland has vultures, zombie dogs, zombie bears, land mines... but the snow biome has mountain lions, dire wolves, lumberjacks, and bears literally everywhere. You'll spend a good portion of your time early on trying to find a house that doesn't have a mountain lion or whatever prowling around outside.


One major benefit of the snow biome, ironically enough, is there's food growing everywhere. I got 2 and a half stacks of snowberries by the end of day 1.

I see. Well body shots with stone arrows can take a fair amount of time because the head is hard to hit when they are clipping/jumping. I love those moments. The efficient hunter in me says to build a tiny tower of a good 6 blocks foundation and fine enough height to avoid jumps and stuff, but sometimes we don't have the luxury and have to improvise with cars and big landscape stones.

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