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3 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

I see. Well body shots with stone arrows can take a fair amount of time because the head is hard to hit when they are clipping/jumping. I love those moments. The efficient hunter in me says to build a tiny tower of a good 6 blocks foundation and fine enough height to avoid jumps and stuff, but sometimes we don't have the luxury and have to improvise with cars and big landscape stones.

Then I'm lucky (or unlucky) that the mountain lion didn't budge at all during the, um... process.

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I ALWAYS leave home without a shotgun and a club...just my iron knuckles now on day 23 and I destroy @%$#! love it...


But yeah , out of all the new POI's I have explored this play thru , my favorite one so far is the "Boars and Corn" one...with that giant , green mutated pig in the underground below the place....that was a nice surprise and a real monster lol , it hurt me and took an absolute beating to take down! 

Edited by Demonoid74 (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Demonoid74 said:

I ALWAYS leave home without a shotgun and a club...just my iron knuckles now on day 23 and I destroy @%$#! love it...


But yeah , out of all the new POI's I have explored this play thru , my favorite one so far is the "Boars and Corn" one...with that giant , green mutated pig in the underground below the place....that was a nice surprise and a real monster lol , it hurt me and took an absolute beating to take down! 

Ah, Grace. Yes that was a cool surprise. I hope there's more of that in the game but so far I've found none. 😩

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Hunting at night with Night vision


I went hunting at night because it was too boring to just hang out at my base, waiting for feral's to attack me. 

Really I was going to do a mission but suddenly there were all these animals so I had to try. 


I ended up killing two wolves, one looked like a dire wolf. 

I found a bear nearby. Did you know that you can climb on top of the bridge? So I was shooting it but then got hit by some zombies that were coming from behind and were gnawing on my backside. I took care of them and went back to shooting the bear. 

I ran out of arrows and my blunderbuss wasn't doing anything. So I attacked it with my shovel but kept getting hit. I tried again with my blunderbuss. It worked now. 

I did not make it to the mission but had a load of meat and stuff and so headed back home around dawn. 


Things of note:

Night vision is great. 

Primitive bow's aim and damage still suck. 

Blunderbuss can be powerful but only at point blank range and can still miss. Guess that's why they call it a blunder. ;) 

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13 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

But Crossbows are boring! There i said it!


REAL MEN uses Bows! But Still Bows need some Good old TLC. i may make a post a Idea about bows on the pimp dreams.

Maybe explain why bows are hard to aim. The only reason I see for it being hard is because you have to adapt to the ballistic trajectory. But that is exactly the reason why the bow is not boring and the crossbow is.



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11 minutes ago, Ezed said:

I've always wished arrows caused some bleed, at least with non infected animals.  :) 

why not both.



my idea to make the bow at least simi better is


Sight (it has a Base sight and you can put reflex sight on it)

Faster but less accrete Fire when not ADSing

Slower but stronger shoots when ADSing

New way of holding it

Able to fire more then one arrow (by holding R and selecting Muilti shoot. you will need 3 stone, iron or steel arrows) 

More Mods to uses (Laser sight, New sight and Flashlight)

Does bleed damage (10% with stone, 25 with iron, 50% with steel)

Does More cripple damage when hitting the knee. (i took a arrow to the knee)

8 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Maybe explain why bows are hard to aim. The only reason I see for it being hard is because you have to adapt to the ballistic trajectory. But that is exactly the reason why the bow is not boring and the crossbow is.



i guess that and for me most of the time they don't hit the thing i want. (but i may just be bad SMH)

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45 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

why not both.



my idea to make the bow at least simi better is


Sight (it has a Base sight and you can put reflex sight on it)

Faster but less accrete Fire when not ADSing

Slower but stronger shoots when ADSing

New way of holding it

Able to fire more then one arrow (by holding R and selecting Muilti shoot. you will need 3 stone, iron or steel arrows) 

More Mods to uses (Laser sight, New sight and Flashlight)

Does bleed damage (10% with stone, 25 with iron, 50% with steel)

Does More cripple damage when hitting the knee. (i took a arrow to the knee)

i guess that and for me most of the time they don't hit the thing i want. (but i may just be bad SMH)

Sounds like a great way to max out the bow. :) 

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1 hour ago, Adam the Waster said:

why not both.



my idea to make the bow at least simi better is


Sight (it has a Base sight and you can put reflex sight on it)

Faster but less accrete Fire when not ADSing

Slower but stronger shoots when ADSing

New way of holding it

Able to fire more then one arrow (by holding R and selecting Muilti shoot. you will need 3 stone, iron or steel arrows) 

More Mods to uses (Laser sight, New sight and Flashlight)

Does bleed damage (10% with stone, 25 with iron, 50% with steel)

Does More cripple damage when hitting the knee. (i took a arrow to the knee)

i guess that and for me most of the time they don't hit the thing i want. (but i may just be bad SMH)

All weapons hit a random location inside the inner circle formed by the target cross. The bigger the circle the less accurate the weapon.


So unless you are near enough to an enemy that the circle is filled completely with its head you have a chance to not hit the head even if you pointed absolutely accurately at it. This is done because this is an RPG where the abilities of your character are important and not only the accuracy of your mouse hand like in a shooter.


If you want to be accurate with a bow, get yourself a composite (because the target circle is much smaller than with primitive and wooden bow) and invest in stealth so you can get near enough to your target.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

once upon an alpha... they used to.. shoot the deer and followed him until he dropped from bleeding to death.... that was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away :)


would be nice to see a return or perk proc for it.

As a very advanced perk or book or quest reward that gives a little bonus chance it could work. Fallout has some bonus perks from completing quests. Now, as a 100% feature it would be unbalanced as it would guarantee the kill and bring back meals on wheels. 

Edited by Blake_ (see edit history)
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With the bow, you only have to aim above your intended target if you're like +15m away. Try aiming directly at your intended target, maybe for the crown (top) of the zombie/animal's head when it stops moving, from stealth. Killing wolves is extremely dangerous early-game, unless you have a blunderbuss, OR a regular primitive bow and good aim. After that sneak head shot you can typically hit it twice in the head with a club or knife power attack and it'll die, even on Warrior difficulty. Bears and Direwolves and Mountain Lions are a different story lol... Basically if you encounter one, head to a POI or your base and put a wood frame in front of the door so they can't enter, then safespot them. 

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11 minutes ago, meganoth said:



If you want to be accurate with a bow, get yourself a composite (because the target circle is much smaller than with primitive and wooden bow) and invest in stealth so you can get near enough to your target.




I have not been able to find one yet but i am enjoying the Wooden bow.. Those Gears on it *uhhhhhhhh* its so nice! 


crap im turning into Snowdog!

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9 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Any chance we could get more sleeper volume triggers? Maybe an "Alert" one that spawns them in wandering around right off the bat? Would be a nice option. :)

To expand on that, we could call it a special screamer, maybe use the same model but have her colored different, say a black dress instead, and when she wakes up in a poi she screams, not summoning a new horde, but waking up the others and possibly even changing some into a higher tier zombie for added difficulty, we could call her Siren as a placeholder name, maybe even have her spawn on horde night and when she screams some zombies "glow" like have a red mist around them meaning they have a boost to health and damage, kinda like a bard in dnd

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10 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:



I have not been able to find one yet but i am enjoying the Wooden bow.. Those Gears on it *uhhhhhhhh* its so nice! 


crap im turning into Snowdog!

Find the book and parts, you are gonna have a lot of fun in POIs, while hunting, learn the curviture of the shot as you aim and you are gonna enjoy the results. I was a crossbow fan btw. 

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13 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

Well Fun Pimps, we asked for tougher animals, and you certainly delivered. Thank you for that. :)

<your screenshot here, but snipped for space>

That`s how we`ll make a primitive fishing nets when/if water update comes up. Poor needle cat :)

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what 4 mods can be used in conjunction with each other in the knife? most conflict with each other and can only use 3 mods in the purple

so far. a grip type. a durability type. and a blade/head <damage mods> type only. grips can't be used together, durability types cant be used together, and blade/head <damage mods> types cant be used together



club/bat has a decent amount. some <damage mods> types can be used together. but the others need love too.

Edited by wolfbain5 (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, meganoth said:

1. All weapons hit a random location inside the inner circle formed by the target cross. The bigger the circle the less accurate the weapon.


So unless you are near enough to an enemy that the circle is filled completely with its head you have a chance to not hit the head even if you pointed absolutely accurately at it. 1b. This is done because this is an RPG where the abilities of your character are important and not only the accuracy of your mouse hand like in a shooter.


2. If you want to be accurate with a bow, get yourself a composite (because the target circle is much smaller than with primitive and wooden bow) and invest in stealth so you can get near enough to your target.

1. The cone needs to be narrowed. This is a survival sim/1st person tower defense game, not quarter slots at a casino.

   1b. I think you're mixing up RPGs with Gatchas. Character abilities/perks don't affect accuracy in 7D2D. Damage dealt and effect on hit yes. Accuracy is fully dependent on rng, either where the shot lands or adjusting the cone via rolling lucky on loot.

2. Here once again all you're saying is "Get lucky.".

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9 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

Let me guess... you hate stealth, right?

Lol. Make assumptions much? I have reasons for my request, as I do think it would be useful in multiple scenarios, but I can't mention my true reason as it's a forbidden topic here. ;)

1 hour ago, Phoenixshade35 said:

To expand on that, we could call it a special screamer, maybe use the same model but have her colored different, say a black dress instead, and when she wakes up in a poi she screams, not summoning a new horde, but waking up the others and possibly even changing some into a higher tier zombie for added difficulty, we could call her Siren as a placeholder name, maybe even have her spawn on horde night and when she screams some zombies "glow" like have a red mist around them meaning they have a boost to health and damage, kinda like a bard in dnd

That's...not really what I meant at all. I just meant the settings sleeper volumes use. They have triggers, such as Active and Attack. Was just wanting another one that would come in handy.


Not saying your idea isn't cool or anything, just not what I was referring to. :)

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