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Whats 1 think you like. And dislike about alpha 18/19


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I'm sure this thread will lose track quickly due to paragraphs but. I figure it be worth asking. I'll start. 

I love the new points of interest layouts and new points. like pop culture refs and buildings being bigger with more and interesting loot. each building is more interesting then a zombie filled house with 2 floors. it takes longer to get through them and they have alot more in them its nice. I also love the new variety of zombie models

as for a dislike. I don't like that better tools use so much more stamina. (also the current perk system is broken feeling to me. >n>)

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Love the slow progression, hate looting the same things over and over again in early game (that should change with A20 tough, i hope)


The new POI´s and POI layouts are great.


Absolutly hate the auger and chainsaw sounds. Yeah i know those are loud in RL, but it´s a game ffs, people want to talk on TS/discord while playing. Or do prefer that not every neighbour hears that sound if you play on speakers. Also the chainsaw doesn´t sound anything like a real chainsaw, not even close, more like a wet sponge on metal. It squeaks. Why does it squeak?







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Love the new zombie rag dolling and the way this works during combat. One of the best changes in the most recent alphas that really connects the player with their weapon.

Hate the game stage / perk focused progression and looting system and how it continues to become artificial and shallow. 

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8 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

Absolutly hate the auger and chainsaw sounds. Yeah i know those are loud in RL, but it´s a game ffs, people want to talk on TS/discord while playing. Or do prefer that not every neighbour hears that sound if you play on speakers. Also the chainsaw doesn´t sound anything like a real chainsaw, not even close, more like a wet sponge on metal. It squeaks. Why does it squeak?

I was thinking of things I don't like about this game but yea, I definitly agree with this one being the most annoying.
When playing with friends with voice chat, well , it's always like "Sorry what did u say? I am using the auger". Did lower the game volume down to 8% and it was still bloody loud, ear deaffening, its so absurdly loud im surprised nobody sued the fun pimp for hearing damage.

One of the things I like most about A19 are the loads of poi's and that you can actually see books in the bookstore, proper shelves in the gun store , etc etc. It feels like they really improved the world on that part, now we just need more zombies roaming around in it.

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59 minutes ago, Solomon said:

I love the new looks and POIs, its fresh and looks cool!


I despise the new loot system and the road the devs seemingly took to ride the game into yet another zombie mmo what we already have thousands of.

If i sit and think about it. i think. given time i can rationalize parts of the loot system. but i think the leveling up system still bothers me for the most part. that and the way they are handling injuries. but ya poi's are the biggest thing for me to o3o

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10 minutes ago, Mr.tektite said:

If i sit and think about it. i think. given time i can rationalize parts of the loot system. but i think the leveling up system still bothers me for the most part. that and the way they are handling injuries. but ya poi's are the biggest thing for me to o3o

I can see their reasoning, i just think its a terrible decision. This game is best when it embraces the absolute freedom of the sandbox parts, everything what limits it further just turns it into yet another run-the-mill zombie game.

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1 hour ago, Solomon said:

I love the new looks and POIs, its fresh and looks cool!


I despise the new loot system and the road the devs seemingly took to ride the game into yet another zombie mmo what we already have thousands of.

Mine are pretty much the same as yours. The loot system is generally hated by most of the playerbase who has played a19 experimental from what i've seen so far. A18 worked great it didn't need to be changed at all, other than the new items being added into it of course.

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41 minutes ago, Solomon said:

I can see their reasoning, i just think its a terrible decision. This game is best when it embraces the absolute freedom of the sandbox parts, everything what limits it further just turns it into yet another run-the-mill zombie game.

Thats the problem, TFP keeps removing choice from the player with each alpha past alpha 16 causing the game to get less and less like a sandbox it was meant to be, and more like some crappy on rails linear rpg, not that those are bad, but 7dtd will not work as one with how the game is.


First we got learn by doing removed and replaced by this stupid nonsense stat system.


Then zombies can dig, so now people who liked to build underground can't, I used to build underground because the Si system has a habit of screwing me over and collapsing entire bases I try to build all because I accdentally put 1 block to many, then it causes a cascade ruining what might have been hours of work. ONLY the most recent block should fall, not the entire row/floor.


Next we got zombies that can swim faster than the player some people used to float on top of water at night or on horde night, again player choice here some people like the bloodmoons others hate it.


Then we got vultures that can fly faster than a motorcycle can go.


We got the smart zombies which means the player has to pretty much build a base to exploit the AI or else they will just take your base down since they know exactlly where to hit to cause collapses, so you can't really build nice things anymore.


Now we got the loot system in a19 which removes any sense of randomness from the game, making loot completly linear with 0 variation what so ever. Needs to go back to a18 loot, and add the new items as i've said many times. The new loot system is mostly hated by players, that should be a pretty damn big sign to revert to a18's loot. I liked a18's loot as it was completly random what you'd find, though items did appear more often at higher GS like steel tools etc, you could get lucky and loot a quality 1 steel pickaxe on day 1 its all luck, and felt very sandbox-like. Most important of all, it made every game feel different, compared to a19 where every game feels the exact same as the last.


Seriously try a18 game, but do not spec in intel, other than 1 point in advanced engineering to get forge early. You rely on schematics now to craft things or finding the stuff in the world, makes every game different, especially if using rwg maps. I play dead is dead so when I die I tend to delete the save and restart, often on a entirely new rwg map even. This worked well in a18 due to the loot system being like it was, every single game was quite different than the last. A19? i've started about 5 or 6 new games total, and so far every single one has felt the exact same, destroying my desire to really play much more of the a19 at all. I am hoping in a19.1 they will switch loot back to how a18 was, all it'd take is copying a18's loot.xml and adding in the new items. If they do this, they can fix one of the largest complaints about a19 in one quick file copy and then edit.

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I like that blade traps no longer trigger demolishers, since that opens up a lot of new possible designs for horde and everyday bases.


I don't like the traders. But i can see them as a lesser evil to make the game appeal to more, and new players.

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  • New zambies :)
  • New POI's.
  • New Zed stumble/ragdoll system.
  • New variety of food.
  • New weapons.

Not loving:

  • Dungeon style of POI's (just gets old after a while when you learn the zambie hideouts and you can just head straight to the loot room).
  • Loss of good ol' wellness in favor of short lasting buffs.
  • Undead are rare and far few between.
  • S.M.R.T. zeds. So easy to cheese.
  • Gamestaged loot (Although I can see why they did it. But artificially prolonging the progression is bad. M' kay?).
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On 8/7/2020 at 11:26 AM, pApA^LeGBa said:

Absolutly hate the auger and chainsaw sounds. Yeah i know those are loud in RL, but it´s a game ffs, people want to talk on TS/discord while playing. Or do prefer that not every neighbour hears that sound if you play on speakers. Also the chainsaw doesn´t sound anything like a real chainsaw, not even close, more like a wet sponge on metal. It squeaks. Why does it squeak?







i think 99 % of the user HATE THE  NEW SOUND of chainsaw/anger

i dont understand because its so terrible unrealistic (i v asked the chief..but i dont get an answer)


i try a solution:

perhaps some users are so "dumb" they dont look at the screen and the MUST HEAR what they do..(sorry iv no better words for it)

i have an idea...put back the old 18,4 sounds in it, and when u anger sand > sand clouds, when coal >black dust, when stone >little stones fly around and so on

that woud be nice



>i like the new grafix

>the new iq from the zombies is better

>ak47 flashing when u shoot (nice in the dark)

and 100 little things that the game make superb



>auger/chainsaw sound

>at the start u find only weapons at ur gamestage, iv found 80% stone things looool...nahh thats little boring

>the weather changes "freakly"..in 18.,4 it was smoover, more chill..slower (in a19 its 70% bad weather in the desert or woods), thats not soooo cool


but they make a great work..


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*Honestly, I love a lot of things about alpha 19.  Much of the list is a bit cumbersome for the forums and tbh, I've already spoken in other threads about specifics.

EDIT:  Thank you for the spear fixes.  I had just started a pure PER build this week.  Before the patch, it felt like i was throwing pool noodles!




*Swimming Zombies.  Sincere dislike.  You don't need these.  There are other ways to make improvements to the game that don't require super human attributes in a rotting corpse.  They already have a hive AI.  They already have a difficulty toggle.  They don't need to swim.

*Roaming daytime hordes are erratic.  Also, low density zombie populations in cities are disheartening.   There should be way more wandering zeds, and moreso in civilized areas than in the wild.


Tangiental, but related:  Has anyone noticed how few Screamers seem to spawn?  Several months ago, they were kinda thick, and now i feel like im seeing the reverse.

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6 minutes ago, TheRani said:

I like the Desert Vulture.  It is amazing.

I dislike that Crack a Books rarely have actual books in them anymore.  I feel like it's maybe 95% paper, 5% books/schematics/sticky notes now.

What I found a bit silly about this is that you see a giant stack of books and if you do get the paper, its like 5 pieces of paper...from an entire stack of books. bit weird

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cant really judge  a19  effectively 


but A18


+zombie ai

+poi/unstable floor




-ammo/guns too easy to get  (day 1 pistol is normal and after week or so theres nor eason to use melee/bow with all the ammo around)

-concrete OP and easy to get its so easy nowadays find working cement mixer in poi  that you can have 2nd strongest block within days  making wood/reinforced/cobble/flagstone.... useless and forgoten

-RWG = a17  turned rwg into complete trash its mostly noticeable at roads that often  turn up  at extreme angles or biome borders - we have  +- 20 blocks difference between biomes thats nearly impassable

-RWG cities =  boring block based linear trash .....  a16 cities used to be alot more random

-POI loot =  many poi have easily acessible single loot room thats easily abused/nerdpoled .. loot should be spread over whole poi  instead  empty house with loot room 5 blocks from entrance

-zombies =  while we have  more and more zombies .. difference between majority of them is rather cosmetic  19 alphas and  we still have  only few unique zombies (like spider/demo/cop)

-farming = after some struggle in a17  we arrived to  a18   with  more than enought  food/water in poi  to stay at  250+

ebem worse .. with lack of wellness  we have no reason to ever make any more complicated food

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15 hours ago, smokingpaper said:

What I found a bit silly about this is that you see a giant stack of books and if you do get the paper, its like 5 pieces of paper...from an entire stack of books. bit weird

Think of it this way:  You did find 50 books but most of them were useless, the loot you see is only the actually useful stuff.

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About my likes and dislikes I generally agree with other people.


What I love:  The beautiful lighting, and the early game scary-ness (sneaking with a candle through dark buildings looking for a pistol)


What I hate:  There's nothing I would use the word "hate" on.  I dislike the auger hit sounds strongly and wish for improved AI for the zeds (not smarter zeds.  Just the current AI feels cobbled together and a bit broken)


I also like that it gets cold at night and hot in the day.  

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