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Alpha 19 Dev Diary


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4 minutes ago, Pegasus said:


Yes, if someone is logged into the game the time will continue to run. Time only stops when no one is logged into the game.

Thanks for the info, but does that include me? It was a single player game and I was the only one playing.

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4 minutes ago, analog said:

Thanks for the info, but does that include me? It was a single player game and I was the only one playing.

Yes, it includes anyone logged into the game.  In a single player game, that means you.  Because you did not log out, even though you died, the game continued to run, waiting for you to respawn.


I have used that option in single player to wait out the rest of a horde night when I've died as many times as I cared to die and just wanted it to be morning already. :D


Also, regarding your comment about surviving five days without eating or drinking ... you didn't.  You were dead ... and ghosts don't eat or drink.

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1 hour ago, Pegasus said:

If you want to use the deco blocks, you have several options:


1) Use creative menu and bring them in, then build to your heart's content.


2) Mod them in ... create recipes for them then build with them to your heart's content.


3) Get one or more of the beautiful mods that are out there that have introduced additional deco blocks. There are mods out there with absolutely beautiful furniture and building items.

but ill feel like a dirty cheater  :l

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1 hour ago, beHypE said:

Honestly I don't quite get the argument of "too many poly's would crash the game". I can already make my game fall to it's knees by planting trees everywhere, where's the limitations to how many seeds I can plant in a single chunk ? I can make my base be a nightmare to navigate through by enabling shadows and putting too many lights everywhere, how is the game supposed to lock me out of doing that ?


People can always wreck their game in various ways, I find it quite sad that we're unable to make use of all the awesome decorations the artists make, because of something taken to the extreme by a handful of players. A new tool (special wrench or whatever) to be found in the world that lets you pickup various deco blocks for you to take away would be such an amazing thing to do besides opening cupboards and sinks.

Not really a fair comparison there.  Trees actually have a function in the game more then just decoration.  Can't really play the game.without trees to harvest wood....😅

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10 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

Not really a fair comparison there.  Trees actually have a function in the game more then just decoration.  Can't really play the game.without trees to harvest wood....😅

you could spend DAYS harvesting decorations and houses for wood you need, think of all the fun that would bring....  <jk>😁

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1 hour ago, Pegasus said:

Yes, it includes anyone logged into the game.  In a single player game, that means you.  Because you did not log out, even though you died, the game continued to run, waiting for you to respawn.


I have used that option in single player to wait out the rest of a horde night when I've died as many times as I cared to die and just wanted it to be morning already. :D


Also, regarding your comment about surviving five days without eating or drinking ... you didn't.  You were dead ... and ghosts don't eat or drink.

Thanks! I just wanted to understand what happened, and now I do :)

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1 hour ago, beHypE said:

Honestly I don't quite get the argument of "too many poly's would crash the game". I can already make my game fall to it's knees by planting trees everywhere, where's the limitations to how many seeds I can plant in a single chunk ? I can make my base be a nightmare to navigate through by enabling shadows and putting too many lights everywhere, how is the game supposed to lock me out of doing that ?


People can always wreck their game in various ways, I find it quite sad that we're unable to make use of all the awesome decorations the artists make, because of something taken to the extreme by a handful of players. A new tool (special wrench or whatever) to be found in the world that lets you pickup various deco blocks for you to take away would be such an amazing thing to do besides opening cupboards and sinks.

I suggested the same thing a while back but it seems there's not much enthusiasm for it within TFP.


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2 hours ago, beHypE said:

Honestly I don't quite get the argument of "too many poly's would crash the game". I can already make my game fall to it's knees by planting trees everywhere, where's the limitations to how many seeds I can plant in a single chunk ? I can make my base be a nightmare to navigate through by enabling shadows and putting too many lights everywhere, how is the game supposed to lock me out of doing that ?


People can always wreck their game in various ways, I find it quite sad that we're unable to make use of all the awesome decorations the artists make, because of something taken to the extreme by a handful of players. A new tool (special wrench or whatever) to be found in the world that lets you pickup various deco blocks for you to take away would be such an amazing thing to do besides opening cupboards and sinks.

That comparison doesn't quite work because trees have a limitation with how closely they can be placed together. That limitation doesn't carry over to deco blocks because while I as a player can understand that trees need space to grow I don't understand why I can't place this coffee maker next to this microwave.

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@madmole i had an odd idea for 2 perks to add as kinda more fun than functional.  What if we had a perk that the traders would stock more household items in their inventory, like fridges, stoves and the such, it could be inter intelligence, and maybe one under strength (or intelligence) that would unlock more additional blocks that can be built, or items that can be built?  I think some of the builders who don't go into the creative menu would like having those types of perks, just an idea i had as i do want more items i see in the world in my base naturally, i wouldn't mind even a mod for the wrench,ratchet,impact driver that would give a small chance to pick up the item your breaking instead of the materials.

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On 8/1/2020 at 11:58 AM, Biscoitoso said:

I understand your point of view, but its dont have any solid foundation. Because this game dont follow the reallity. In a reallity based game: your argument is OK. In a game like 7D2D it is not ok. It is not fair you let a character without any equipament fall from a skycraper without any damage just because it have ate a candy, and dont let players like me have a glass door.

We builders are a good % of your public, and customers as well, most players who play in PVE servers, play because they like build. I know a lot of guys what just play in creative. The game will not lose its "survival post apocalyptic charm" if you add some fancy decorative items and painting textures. They will be options to the ones who want use. If you doubt it, just open a voting and ask to your players: "Have the game need more decorative items?" - Yes / No. And see whats happen.

"Mod it" => What I can do if dont know how to mod? Or what I can do if dont found any mod for what I want? And what I can do if the modding community just dont answer my request?

If TFP already have very much work, then dont need creat new items, just creat recipes for the already existing ones or add to trader, like commercial doors.

Thanks for your attention.

Stay safe and well.

It would take you a few minutes to ask how to mod it, then a few minutes to do it yourself. I wasn't a great scripter for Oblivion, but I posted questions and the generous modding community replied and I figured things out. I'm pretty sure our community would do the same for you.

It just isn't a good design for the vanilla game to have 1000's of recipes, it makes the menu lag and normal players aren't interested in crafting commercial doors and seeing 1000's of recipes in the menu confuses them.

If we switch to door helper it might be possible, but I still think it is just a better as a mod. I don't have half the stuff I'd like either, but I realize I'm a 2% player and I separate my emotional desires from good business decisions, and only choose features I think are good for the majority of players.

The argument isn't if it is realistic or not. The questions are:
Will most players use this? No.

Will it cause performance issues? Yes.

Would it delay going gold, and already promised features? Yes.
Can it be easily modded? Yes.

So unless the answers are Yes, No, No (4th question doesn't matter to me) then the answer is probably always going to be no to x feature request.

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22 hours ago, Gromit said:

Have to agree with the request for some fresher paints as that is something survivors would eventually want to do. Escapism from the grim reality an' all. It might be an apocalyptic setting but I highly doubt survivors (the ones that intend to live long that is) would want to live in absolute filth either. This used to irk me with Fallout 4, especially that cafe with the mother and her drug addict son. There's still skeletons from the war still in their seats, 200 years later.


Have to agree with more lighting options as well. I typically have to use the mining lanterns in my builds because the electrical lights hammer performance too much and the POI lights don't work on our builds sadly.


Maybe but not when we are struggling with vram and performance.

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2 hours ago, kryzzk said:

you could spend DAYS harvesting decorations and houses for wood you need, think of all the fun that would bring....  <jk>😁

Actually I agree!  I think that would be a fun challenge.  Not everyone is a lumberjack by trade although we can role play one buy perking accordingly. :)

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On 7/31/2020 at 10:06 PM, madmole said:

Guys, nitrogen is a mod, and mods are off topic. Thanks.

Ask and thou shall receive... sometimes :)


Hi MM,


Thanks for the round tower design, I figured since everyone was doing castles I should at least start to try and make one too and see what happens.  I did run into a blending issue with this tower design and wood ramp blocks (roof) but it still came out okay.  I used paint so the blocks that didn't quite fit together aren't so obvious from a distance.  See image below. I highlighted red the voxel space where I couldnt find a block that  would blend well into the tower.




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There is something wrong by enable players to harvest decorations from POI's? I still have some fund memories of ripping the roof off a crack-a-book store just to have a nice roof in my base, and tearing down the cinema "screen" for white walls before painting came to be. Wouldn't need crafting recipes (how do i spell that word) at all, and the decoration beeing in the game already. 


Perhaps a tool mod acting like minecraft "silk touch".

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6 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

thats strange!



when i find a zombie, like zombie Arlene in the wild she is short! almost shorter then the player. 

Maybe it works only when you find spawner will not apply this changes i think.

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3 hours ago, madmole said:

It would take you a few minutes to ask how to mod it, then a few minutes to do it yourself. I wasn't a great scripter for Oblivion, but I posted questions and the generous modding community replied and I figured things out. I'm pretty sure our community would do the same for you.

It just isn't a good design for the vanilla game to have 1000's of recipes, it makes the menu lag and normal players aren't interested in crafting commercial doors and seeing 1000's of recipes in the menu confuses them.

If we switch to door helper it might be possible, but I still think it is just a better as a mod. I don't have half the stuff I'd like either, but I realize I'm a 2% player and I separate my emotional desires from good business decisions, and only choose features I think are good for the majority of players.

The argument isn't if it is realistic or not. The questions are:
Will most players use this? No.

Will it cause performance issues? Yes.

Would it delay going gold, and already promised features? Yes.
Can it be easily modded? Yes.

So unless the answers are Yes, No, No (4th question doesn't matter to me) then the answer is probably always going to be no to x feature request.

Very thank you for the explanation and the new deatils, now I understand your point of view.

Drink water and fix your backs.

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Wow. The amount of self entitlement, lack of event knowledge and complete grammar problems from that one guy was truly mind blowing. So much, he blew his  own mind and it’s no longer there. So anyways 


came across some piercings in game. They don't really do anything, which reminded me of the holy metal mod that’s only in the creative menu, that provides extra damage. Anyone have any info on what might become these two items? Just curious. 

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4 minutes ago, Yopo said:

came across some pirecings in game. That doesn’t really do anything, which reminded me of the holy metal mod that’s only in the creative menu, that provides extra damage. Anyone have any info on what might become these to items? Just curious. 

Iirc they increased infection chance. Sort of a balls out hardcore mode wearing them.

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1 hour ago, Yopo said:

Wow. The amount of self entitlement, lack of event knowledge and complete grammar problems from that one guy was truly mind blowing. So much, he blew he’s  own mind and it’s no longer there. So anyways 


came across some pirecings in game. They don't really do anything, which reminded me of the holy metal mod that’s only in the creative menu, that provides extra damage. Anyone have any info on what might become these two items? Just curious. 

Sorry if my grammar is not good, english is not my mother language and I have to learn that by myself. =/

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