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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. You can. Point the GameWorld to the world name, I believe.
  2. Yeh it just seems to be the actual weapons, which can now all be done via xpath (which is a lot easier to install than having people copy files into different folders)... so do you have access to the .unity3d files Tristam?
  3. What's in the alt and alt.manifest? Just wondering if there's an xpath or dmt workaround for whatever it's doing.
  4. When activating an offline zombie by entering the chunk, can/will this result in zombies popping up before your eyes?
  5. That's a great idea for a UI improvement imo.
  6. https://discord.gg/HmxayGs
  7. Traders are spawning too far from you is my guess. After the world gens but before you go in, try editing the spawnpoints.xml and making them closer to the trader spawns in prefablist.xml
  8. How close are you to having a version with sleepers?
  9. Nicely done! Testing it was pretty cool and I found that their silence was mitigated by their shooting at me or their loud mouth, so the footsteps weren't missed. I happened to be testing some other toys when you put this out so I did double testing; all worked out, I'll post the youtube once it's finished processing, because I made a few comments.
  10. Yeh, he's adding it to Sam Neils world (see prefab section). If Sam packages it correctly (they're both learning how I think?), it'll be a non issue for him.
  11. Add a mods/modname/worlds/yourworldname folder and put the fully edited prefabs.xml in there. No Xpath, but it should "install" the worlds folder when run.
  12. Or alternatively, don't care about the steam login part at all, and set permissions for everyone to view. The steam part is only handy if you want person a to see lcb's but person b not to, etc.
  13. Yep, but use a subdomain. map.yourdomainname.com or something.
  14. Depends on your domain provider. Look for sub domain redirects or some combo of those words, then just point it to your ip : port. You likely can't test from your local network, so test from your phone (make sure you're off WiFi).
  15. I use map.guppycur.com and use a redirect on my domain host (GoDaddy). You do it there.
  16. Good to see you mag. Nitrogen is a great tool, I'm certain that once you really understand it, you will love it. Because it also has configuration files, you could, in theory, release a NitroGen compopack that takes advantage of the features in his configuration file. Think of the config.txt file in nitrogen/resources/ as NitroGen's rwgmixer.xml file.
  17. Can't. Once it's seen, it cannot be unseen.
  18. Import pulldown, choose importHM or whatever it's called, point it to your heightmap, profit. ...after generation edit the biomes.png to suit your needs.
  19. Ha. I did nothing. =) All you buddy. =)
  20. To set up on a dedicated server: Copy the world from Nitrogen/Output to 7 Days to Die Dedicated Server/data/worlds ...so it would say something like 7 Days to Die Dedicated Server/data/worlds/guppy8kGaia Change these two lines in your serverconfig.xml file <property name="GameWorld" value="guppy8kGaia"/> <property name="WorldGenSeed" value="guppy8kGaia"/> ...are both lines required? Dunno. Probably just need the top line,but um, it works so fuggit. =)
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