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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. Best to just paint the biomes you want. Load the PreviewMap.png file in an image editor. Add a the biomes.png as a layer. Make it so that the PreviewMap.png one sorta shows up in the biomes.png layer. Switch to biomes.png in the layer selection. Paint your biomes where you want using the specific biome colors. Delete the PreviewMap.png layer. Save the new biomes.png. Run the biomes.png file through the NitroGen tool that fixes biomes (just in case). Viola.
  2. 3) You're going to love being able to specify a corner spot for Atlanta, have a spot for the quarry, farmhouse, the prison, Woodbury, Alexandria, and the skin walker area... make a little quest driven adventure that brings you from place to place...
  3. Feature Requests: 1 - ability to define street widths prior to generation (got ya covered Black Eagle) 2 - a bit weirder... the ability to read a generated world and create a splat3 from it. This would allow me to manually "fix" roads, or add new ones and not have to package .rg files with my world maps. Thanks for your consideration! =)
  4. Damn perfectionists... always holding off on releases. =)
  5. Number one question I read in this thread...
  6. ...people been crying for boats since forever, why hasn't this thread blown up? =)
  7. Lol, we got this section Roland... Oh wait, you are a modder now, so you're allowed to be here...
  8. Have you tried it with default loot settings? 2019-08-28T23:15:30 359.077 INF Setting for 'LootAbundance' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 200, default = 100 ...might be something that breaks when you change it in the menu. Lots of custom code in the mod...
  9. ...you need to supply the logs from when you were having trouble with darkness falls for this to work.
  10. Copy the contents, paste them into pastebin.com, then put the link here.
  11. https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?37912-IMPORTANT-Please-Read-Before-Creating-New-Threads&p=389512&viewfull=1#post389512
  12. Yes, first post; he should probably contact a moderator and have the title changed. =) (or start a new a17 thread) But my guess is, he'll do that in a18 since it's around the corner anyway.
  13. Have you at any time provided a log? What other mods are you using?
  14. Oh, I see the problem; You need help.
  15. Yeh, you can use unity to "stamp" features like mountains into an existing terrain; it's particularly easy with the GAIA plugin.
  16. He'd be a fool to release it prior to a18 when it's this close... so no, I think it'll come out after he reconverts his stuff to a18.
  17. Top notch work Sub. Very very nice.
  18. Ah. Interesting mechanic. It's not my personal taste, but it is cool. "Run for the bright green". =)
  19. I like the middle yellow one.
  20. You got a model of that? Rigged and animated?
  21. That's a bot, alloc. They're getting clever.
  22. We may be saying the same thing, I dunno. I'm advocating overwriting the world folder in /saves as opposed to data/worlds. Creating the game first would mean the admin doesn't have to know how to set up the folders or put the required files in. Overwriting data/worlds/navezgane affects any future nav games. I'm not saying my method is the most efficient, I'm saying it'd be the easiest for a server admin who doesn't intimately know the file structure, especially on a rented server where they likely have more access to the save folder than the data/worlds folder.
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