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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. What's the log say? Anything before the mono note? After? Any other mods installed that may conflict? Is there a firewall that's preventing the launcher from working? If you are installing manually, what version of sdx are you using to compile the dll? Got an anti virus software?
  2. Just give Sphereii your git link.
  3. Hey could you elaborate more on masks? For those of us that don't know what an alpha channel is? I get the red dot... put that and a city shows up. The yellow is so you can SEE the red dot. What's the blue? Are there any other colors that do cool things? Like green for trader, etc? Also, when I'm loading the heightmap in photoshop, and make the new layer FOR the mask, will I have to flip it at some point? Thanks! Photoshop is NOT my forte.
  4. Tried following your instructions to make a nav map. Copied the dtm.raw from nav, converted to png, renamed to import_HM, stuck that in resources (backed up the old one), turned off roads, traders and small lakes, ran it and it only made biomes, genHM and main.ttw in the output folder. Since I don't know how to use masking *yet*, did I do something wrong?
  5. Quick how-to on using Nitrogen. 4k map and an 8k map. Once I learn the software I'll do more vids showing off the HM and Masks. [video=youtube_share;kQinPBSjbwM]
  6. Crap, I guess I'll learn it and then record one, but fair warning, my videos pretty much suck. =)
  7. That would make a great video demo of your software. You should do exactly that. Kind of a how to AND a look what it can do, all in one.
  8. Smoothworldall I think. Not a fan of it though.
  9. Meshes are loaded into the chunk. Delete the region files AFTER removing the pois from spawning should work.
  10. Might be a load time thing then? How long are you waiting? - - - Updated - - - Also, hit f1 and see if any RED errors pop up.
  11. Console giveselfxp 10000 ...or whatever number you want to give.
  12. Maybe a Force Spawn option that would work in conjunction with Unique?
  13. The max value may be lower than one of your edits.
  14. Disabled. Big Daddy Khaine rightfully believes it ruins the game.
  15. Delete the region files that you want to regenerate.
  16. Tfp hasn't settled on a method yet, so we are all in the dark.
  17. Photoshop allows editing of .raw files, if that helps.
  18. So... No convo about the shopping cart?
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