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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. That's not an sdx mod, so maybe it's specific to the version of sdx you're on?
  2. So I read that every block you used is gone in a18. ;-) (Should be fine)
  3. Well, you know what they say ... Once you go custom, Updates, you can't trust'em ...sorry, best I could do...
  4. But that's not where she di... Oh, the show. Carry on.
  5. Swamped at work but I'll definitely be checking out these beauties when I get done.
  6. Yeh I was curious because terrain.party only lets you grab 60k, this seems much better. Yeh I sometimes have to blur a bit to get rough edges down, b/c to get low levels raised...
  7. Two things alot of people ask for... Boats and a way to jump off of buildings... ...now, how do we post this in the dev diary w/o tipping Roland... ;-)
  8. Yeh but where does it stop? He puts the coordinates of every poi? Gives quest answers? I dunno, slippery slope. I wouldn't want the answers...
  9. He's probably posted their location a half dozen times in this thread. Just saying.
  10. Yeh it is. But we can count on at least a year til a19.
  11. Sub's totally correct in waiting; there is/was ZERO way to know when 18 is coming out, but why release when you CAN know that 18's release is imminent? He's doing some *serious* code changes, truly impressive ♥♥♥♥ when you consider he wasn't even into custom blocks all that long ago, and refactoring (is that the right term?) for a18 will be a HUGE chore. - - - Updated - - - ...and yes, I take credit for getting him into sdx. =)
  12. ...that was funny though...
  13. A17 uses an array not an atlas.
  14. Nope. Only XML's push from the server, nothing else.
  15. Yeh but you can load the dtm.raw in Photoshop and see what it does. Color 0,0,0 is at 0 elevation, color 255,255,255 is at 255 elevation. So if you see an area you want to adjust and you're proficient in Photoshop (I'm not) then you just flip it vertically, edit it, flip it back, save it. For some reason the game translates the .raw files upside down, which is why if you layer splat3.png (streets) over it, it doesn't line up. ...there's a bit more to it but that's the gist.
  16. Here's what I whipped up. Link: Download Unzip into gamefolder/data/worlds So basically I flattened some areas and put some roads down, removed all prefabs and made the entire biome forest... the coordinates are as follows: Atlanta: -1616,124,-1888 Quarry: 269,71,-1858 Woodbury: 629,124,547 Prison: 1257,124,62 Hilltop: -175,147,1378 Alexandra: -748,124,1689 Negan's Compound: -1214,124,1881 Quarry: Woodbury: Alexandria: Hilltop: Feel free to let me know what else you'd like; biome changes, mountains, etc... the layout is pretty similar to the one I did in mspaint above. =)
  17. Sure,it'd be fun. And I'm burned out on downtown guppy atm. =) Gimme a few hours to mess around with some ideas.
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