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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. Gotta say, it is unnecessary, but it is beautiful. 😃 Nice job homie. Welcome to modding.
  2. That's awesome. Next time it happens, go to the console and type LE and see if it's listed. It may be a vanilla bug though; I read that some people experience that.
  3. Being updated for a19. ...also, just install a16, copy to another folder, install the original mod there, then restore your original folder to the latest. Two copies, one current the other a16, one purchase. Also... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLskpLrVBPtTO9aoG788g0BnvgjtKmEW-_
  4. This is a "feature" of microsplat. The bane of all modders.
  5. MM replied: No, lockpicking is shippable as is. Sure a minigame might be better but we're a small team and we can do more quest types or redo features that are shippable already. SphereII and I coded and released a lockpicking minigame mod which your welcome to use as a starting point. Its tied into the perk and inventory system, and resembles the one in Skyrim. I'd love to see it added to the base game. It's minigames like this that make the world immersive.
  6. Sounds like server tools needs to whitelist what this mod does, maybe?
  7. Yeh balance is a @%$# and unfortunately one of those things that you can't please everyone; I'd agree some balance probably needs to be made for those mats, though. Rags? Tig?
  8. I'm not sure what the guys have in the plans for future development so I'm just spitballing here... Just going by the original vision, the gas shortage and difficulty to build were an intentional balance to the amount of cars you could find... The idea was, yes there's a lot of cars, but repairing and gassing them was the balance/challenge. Now, the issue is, vanilla. Removing the (easier) vanilla vehicle system as well as disallowing other vehicle packs *should* make it a bit more balanced, but each player decides that.
  9. EAC disabled doesn't disable logging, but this may help: OUTPUT LOG LOCATIONS Windows: From Steam or Launcher <gamefolder>\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log__<DATETIME>.txt From .exe %AppData%\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die\player.log From dedicated through startdedicated.bat <gamefolder>/7DaysToDie_Data/output_log_<DATETIME>.txt Linux From Executable <homefolder>/.config/unity3d/The Fun Pimps/7 Days To Die <- Dedicated>/Player.log From start scripts or Steam <gamefolder>/7DaysToDie_Data/output_log__<DATETIME>.txt From server with management scripts /home/sdtd/instances/<instancename>/logs/output_log_<DATETIME>.txt MacOS <homefolder>/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log Really just depends on how you launch it.
  10. Yo, we're back working on medieval II; looking forward to integrating once we're done. 😃 (probably end of year, beginning of next)
  11. I enjoyed the crap out of it; the world was "alive" again. Well, dead, but you get it.
  12. ...running into a real space issue on the laptop, which is delaying my zombie conversion... I think I have that sorted (or maybe I just deleted some unity projects I will need later, but that's a tomorrow problem), so *may* have my conversions done tonight. If not, tomorrow is a travel day, so I dunno when afterwards.
  13. Cool, hit me up. Right now I'm just bringing in blocks.
  14. Even if you do a table (and you can), you can't edit it or delete it after, so it's not worth doing. Glad you're still modding homie.
  15. There are two ai packages we can use, but one causes errors at traders, so the crappier one is used. Hopefully fixed in 19.
  16. ...definitely need a video demo of this...
  17. Pic of the prefab? I'm sure khaine would want it removed. DF has a selection of compo prefabs, but not all.
  18. Might not have rights to write to that folder. Put it in a normal folder. 😃
  19. Very nice. You've been a busy slacker.
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