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Alloc last won the day on July 30 2017

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About Alloc

  • Birthday 09/16/1986

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    Germany - Darmstadt
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    Electronics, IT

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  1. Sorry, but if you get that error it's not the latest version. That specific issue was fixed in the core mod v34. Maybe you tried updating the mods while the server was running?
  2. So far neither Cata nor I have further ideas what's going on there. From what Cata found it seems to be you're the only one hit by that right now - which is kinda unfortunate as it also limits the available data. From what you said it seems like it's not an issue with the game side server. If you can still use the game's web dashboard it means the server is running and responding fine. So if CSMM/Takaro are no longer connected at that time it must either be on the client side (i.e. CSMM/Takaro in this setup) or something in between on the network level.
  3. grats on the improvements- performance wise i've seen so far 1.0- alot of them are making a nice impact for multiplayer.

    Right now the biggest issue i am seeing is the SERVER BROWSER.. its a complete rekt, maybe worse than it ever has been.


    A. players can not find the server most of time 

    B. connecting direct ip doesn't always work for them

    C. most players that are able to connect for the first time have had to connect by steam friend list to join game from player profile

    D. this whole alpha i have had many players that could only join server from steam friend list "join game"

    please do something about this because its prob one of the most important fixs the pimps could do right now imo

    thanks and again grats on the improvement that have been made.

  4. Hm, if the web dashboard shows the log output fine and CSMM does not capture anything and/or can not reconnect that seems to indicate the 7d server side is fine at that point. Checking with Cata. Also interestingly your log does not show any SSE related errors like dropped/timed out connections. Does not have to say anything but still unexpected if there's issues with the connection.
  5. Also pushed an update to the dedi builds that will have a fixed TFP_CommandExtensions if you were using the pm/sayplayer command.
  6. It's due to the changes in b316, will release an update in a few minutes. /EDIT: Update is live
  7. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/104-improvements-for-the-dedicated-server/?do=findComment&comment=559846
  8. Do you have a full log with such an error? (Ideally with knowing the time it happened in the log ) Typically that's caused by the client closing the connection, so in that case CSMM. Reconnecting afterwards should be fine though, but I'm not sure what Cata has implemented in that regard. /EDIT 1: When it happens, can you still use the game's web dashboard to look at the log output? /EDIT 2: Do you also use the game's web dashboard for the server? If so, is it only you or are there a bunch of people accessing it at the same time, possibly permanently with the console / log section open? /EDIT 3: Re edit1: When it happens, can you still use the game's webdashboard in general (so *both* log output specifically as well as other functions like looking at settings or whatever or even just reloading the page)
  9. The fix is in the next 7d build.
  10. Confirmed. That should make it "easy" to fix now
  11. Damn, looks like serialization of those actually fails due to the publicizer. Will be a larger change to fix this unfortunately.
  12. Do you happen to have the full log of the pastebin snippet above? And ideally also the log of the server session before that one?
  13. Yeah, that part's fine, that's related to Mono's lookup for libraries. Similar messages appear without any mods at all on Linux.
  14. Kinda... did you actually delete the persistent.bin file after installing the last update? That would be the only exölanation for me why this would happen right now.
  15. Depends on your goals. If you just want a map (or any of the new dashboard's like the command console) no need to get my legacy mods. If what you're looking for is related to any player data (e.g. positions, inventory) you won't be happy with the current state of the dashboard alone as it can't provide that yet. It will be on par with the legacy mod features, but that requires some changes to vanilla first.
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