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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. Unfortunately a lot of what we could do in a16 is not doable now, AND stompynz, the co author and coder, has retired. I have the assets I need for a sequel but I doubt I will take on the task alone. I would need a dedicated coder.
  2. Could you link the review? A18 is actually less mod friendly for the things we need than a16 was. Some afraid right now, any sequel is on indefinite hold.
  3. In my opinion, adding sounds is one of the most ridiculously easy things to do in unity, but ridiculously tedious to source for. I think the best method would be to simply develop a spreadsheet with a sound type, name, and direct link to the sound file. I've spent a hell of a lot more time looking for sounds than I did actually including sounds. There are a lot of "free" sound sites that make you jump through hoops before you can get to the sounds. One of the large ones I can just check the page source and gets direct link there, but that's another story... At any rate that is to me, the most challenging because it's so time consuming part, so would be the best resource. Sound name: contributorMonsterRoar Sound type: mp3 Direct link: ... So something like guppycurBigMonsterRoar Mp3 link ...and just maintain that spreadsheet. Optional information like sound time, original author name, etc would be helpful as well.
  4. The best way to make sure it's up to date is to use the mod launcher and pull every single time.
  5. Sphereii is good people. He means no harm. ....and if he acts up, just say "Klaatu barada nikto".
  6. Try a blur on your maps to prevent high ground spikes.
  7. Sounds like your server host needs it in a weird spot.
  8. Afraid not, at least easily. Boats are actually entities and you can't attached blocks per say to boats. Once TFP adds vehicle mods, IF they decide to allow adding meshes, then that kind of thing can sort of mostly be done.
  9. Check http://terrain.party/ and you can grab the actual heightmaps.
  10. It's a 4 year old post...
  11. I call them "the little roads that could(n't)".
  12. Full server logs would be helpful, to see what other mods are installed and may be conflicting.
  13. Alpha So basically after a world generates, you're essentially left with image files and XML files. Editing those image files directly can change biomes, roads, radiation and even the terrain. Editing the xmls can change water heights and poi placement. So what a lot of us do is run nitrogen to get a base map, then tweak as needed, i.e. what dam is talking about when he says "fallback features". You had the right idea, editing the biomes.png, but it sounds like you did it in the wrong order. You want to do it after the world is generated not before. About the only thing you can do before the world is generated is edit the height map itself, and use the import setting for that when generating a world. Then it will build a world around your height map. The radiation map will scale with the world size, so if the border thickness is 10% of 512k then it will be 10% of 8192. So if it's 50 pixels in the small map it will be 800 in the large one. If you want some ideas on how you can use nitrogen outside of just nitrogen, I have a few videos on my yt in an um, "Gaia" playlist. Might be worth checking out just to see the kind of potential that you can have. touches on my workflow and this one expands on that
  14. You know me, I whore myself out whenever I can.
  15. No way that I know of, but the prefab list does seem to be sorted by coordinate so it should be an easy spot. @gam No clue what you fubared.
  16. That is the link. ...but I just got a fresh download of the creature pack, ran a fresh game, went to a fresh military base and everything worked fine. You should re-download the creature pack, and/or start a new game.
  17. I hadn't seen that, but you can go into the generated prefabs.xml, find that prefab duplicate entry and remove it.
  18. Idea. Go to my gitlab, grab my solider pack and put the guppyZombieSoldiers.unity3d file into the resource folder of 0-creaturepack-zombie's resource folder.
  19. That means the reference to the .unity3d files is wrong, which either means the XML is wrong or that the . unity3d is not in your modname/resources folder. Xyth will be awake in a few hours, I'm certain he will sort it.
  20. Well they're technically loaded, just not used. Except UI mods.
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