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Ragsy 2145

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  1. A small update on progress for V1.0 release: Just in process of double checking all the vehicle wrecks in world and repairable blocks for terrain alignment ..... you can probably spot the EVO wreck in background of the screenie below that a few positions have changed from the A21 release. A 'few' vehicles now have some visual mods , I am not sure for Vehicle Madness wether vehicle mods would be suitable for some of the more basic vehicles as most go for the good stuff later in game when they get the chance. The biggest down side of the 'visual mod' add on's is that each visual mod adds more size to the modlet overhaul. Currently the total size is just less that 500Mb for the 60 plus vehicles and 140 plus wreck variants Just about ready for Test run .... i have a few testers lined up so hopefully they wont find too many bugs . Oh I also added a new vehicle that was kindly donated by KueleAskkopf for Vehicle Madness use , many thanks . Added the usual dirty look to it for VM Regards Ragsy!!
  2. All that adding the 'plow' vehicle mod does is just 'extend vehicles physics colliders out at the front of the vehicle' and when the vehicle mod is installed it adds passive effects that vehicle can do more damage to entities , blocks and also increases the vehicle degredation levels. So the plow mods existing visual look can be replaced with a spikes 'visual effect' for when you install the plow mod like this for a rough example. Regards Ragsy!!
  3. These vanilla buses are in Vehicle Madness already ... 9 Seats for a crowd Regards Ragsy !!
  4. The V1.0 game release for 7 days is still under its 'expermental stage' so TFP could change things drastically between releases like they did during the A21 Expermental on the vehicle side . So I would not want to release too quickly and have a load more things to fix up as theres a lot of work involved for 60 plus vehicles and over 140 wreck variants. Its ok for smaller modlets to get quick updates during experimental as there is not as much work to do. Like last time in A21 Experimental there will be a initial pre release testing to chosen testers. I can tell you that the visual mod add on's will be most probably be a work in progress during this release of Vehicle Madness so to start with only a handful of vehicles will have them and more will probably be added in subsequent updates for Vehicle Madness. Regards Ragsy
  5. Oh I wish it was a few simple fixes to get Vehicle Madness running it would have been wonderful for me 😀 I am plugging away at the update which included fixing the wheel rotations in unity as V1.0 messed them up and all the seating was borked on all 67 vehicles due to the new character poses . Also have some blocks to sort out ... and a few textures and adding some visual mods as I go . Not to mention all vehicles had to have the new xml for vehicles speeds and a few other things. Regards Ragsy !!
  6. Vehicle Madness changes the way vehicles are built so probably not , ah I just twigged you are the person who commented on the 'A21' Vehicle Madness video on my Youtube channel . I am not sure any other users have managed to get Vehicle Madness working with War3zuk Overhaul Mod maybe they have and can help ? The A21 version has been out since October 2023 and I have not seen anyone ask about issues with War's overhaul. Usually you would see some error messages pop up in the console if there is a serious conflict some red and some yellow maybe .... but again overhaul modders do do thier own things with vehicles and I know Bdubs vehicle were incorperated by War as they are all part of a all in one standalone pack that Bdub released . Regards Ragsy !!
  7. ActiniumTiger is planning to update this mod for V1.0 Stable as a few others are interested. Regards Ragsy !!
  8. Chaos Bike Updated for V1.0 ******* MODLET MUST BE ON BOTH CLIENT AND THE SERVER TO USE THIS MOD IN MULTIPLAYER ******* This Version is not backward compatible with A21 Changelog 1. Updated seating XML to new character poses 2. Updated Vehicles XML 3. Updated Texture settings. 4. Physics updated slightly for V1.0 Details: Darryl's Bike from The Walking Dead modelled by Chaos . Two seater via adding seating mod. vehicles.xml is fine tuned and bike will lean into corners more without that awful pop up wobbly effect that the vanilla bikes have. Bike will turn without the back wheel slide that vanilla Motorcycle has Download Here The Chaos Bike by Ragsy for V1.0 Regards Ragsy !!
  9. Thanks for the kind words As bdubyah states above quite a few things to tweak and deciding which vehicles will benefit more from the visual mod side of things, all vehicles have had a base level pass over and all of the wheel rotation issues that came up in V1.0 update are sorted and the new XML changes are implemented now. Biggest pain for Vehicle Madness now is the vehicle seating side since TFP changed the player character but I am plugging away at them and so far I am at vehicle 23 with another 44 to go ( and some are 9 Seats per vehicle omg ) lol. So I am at a stage where Vehicle Madness in general is working as before but with wonky seats on 44 of them lol. Also some vehicle textures and wreck block textures will need sorting for V1.0 and a few vehicle wreck blocks need slight adjustments . So it wont be out at least before a stable version of V1.0 drops and maybe a few weeks after that. Some tests with vehicle visual mods .... 🙃 Regards Ragsy !!
  10. Hind Mi24 Helicopter Updated for Ver 1.0 ******* MODLET MUST BE ON BOTH CLIENT AND THE SERVER TO USE THIS MOD IN MULTIPLAYER ******* This Version is not backward compatible with A21 Changelog Updated seating XML to new character poses Updated Vehicles XML Updated Entityclasses.xml Details Hind has 3 fixed seats and 3 you can add via the seat mod option, so yes 6 seats total . May only show as 4 seats on the UI which is a TFP Developer issue Parts may be available at traders at the obvious high prices. Note : This Helicopter is using different controls compared to the Gyro , Spacebar = up C = Down W = Forward and Shift for Turbo S = Slow/Brake/ reverse AD = Left /right Helicopter will go to ground when you run out of fuel , also will not have any lift to take off from the ground if no fuel . I think it flies quite well using these modified controls and with a bit of practice you can get used to it. Other Info For those interested in the xml , motor 2 is to spin the tail rotor propeller with no forces applied as the only way this style of control will work, Motor1 has to be set to input forward which without the secondary motor looks odd as tail rotor would come to a stop and spin down when hovering . Download Here Ragsy n Tigers Hind Helicopter for V1.0 Alternative flying mode For those that like the 'older Gyro style' helicopter controls myself and Bdubyah came up with for the MD-500 way back in ye olde A17 Black Wolf made an updated version with a few new tweaks and that can be found here Black Wolfs Helicopter XML for Original Helicopter Controls Under the section Mi-24 Hind Enjoy ! Regards Ragsy n Tiger ( ActiniumTiger)
  11. Yes there are plans to update for version 1.0 at some point depending on the amount of changes they do to vehicles from the A21 release. A21 was a big big update to do for Vehicle Madness and a very very time consuming update. Regards Ragsy!!
  12. Vehicle Madness may not work with Ravenhearst as they do a lot of changes to the base game and have thier own code implementations. Regards Ragsy!!
  13. I only ever played the original flatout but yeah that is something if game is still being played online today wow. I will change the name in a future update ;). Regards Ragsy!!
  14. All of the A21 modlets from Myself and Tiger so far are here .... A Team Modlets For A21 Older A20 modlets will be updated as and when we get to them ...... A20 Modlets from me are here for reference https://gitlab.com/Ragsy2145/ragsy-a20-modlets When Tiger is around again he will update the OP on this thread. Regards Ragsy!!
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