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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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kudos fun pimps!

loving the new alpha!

thought i was pretty handy at this game, but you have handed me a bit of a schooling for sure.

still alive, barely, and staring down the day 7 horde (vanilla settings with 200% xp just to hurry things along a little) badly under equipped and under prepared. should be interesting.

is it just me or do i get busted up more than before? seem to be always dealing with sprains and breaks.

the food and water struggle for me is real early on, and i suppose leads to running out of stamina, which leads to getting walloped and therefore busted up more. frustrating to be sure, but it is meant to be a challenge 🙂 finally got 2 dew collectors so can shift the emphasis from stamina to glue/cooking.  
thank god for jen and 3x antibiotics or i would have been utterly screwed. had to take a risk and save $$ and complete reckts quests to get bike and hope next trader had them. luckily it was her and she did have enough.

too much, i need a lie down

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Really enjoying A21 so far, here's some initial impressions.
 - Love the new art assets, the way the doors break, and the zombie jibs.

 - Trader is feeling really, really strong. I hope nerfs are considered, I think they'd be warranted.

 - Spawn by backpack needs some work- my friend fell through the world several times and respawned on barbed wire another time, I get that the respawning on traps may not be so easy, but hopefully the falling through the world part can be figured out.

 - another friend critiques the game needs to do a better job warning you you're about to leave your quest zone and fail.

 - It might be because I was playing with friends all evening, but progression was feeling like it should be slowed down a bit more

 - Are there more hazards on T1 PoIs? I feel like I ended up in more spikes and barbedwire than usual.

 - Has bleed chance been increased? - It sure feels like it, but maybe that's because I'd been in steel armor in A20 for so long. .. Either way, I like it, It was terrorfying and it had me keeping bandages on my hotbar and scrapping clothing because I was afraid I would bleed out on my next sloppy fight, this ties in with.

 - Spear feels really strong early game. Being able to stay at range is so powerful, and the damage on it is good as well- Got myself into a couple dumb, bad fights with it and I survived when honestly, I don't think I should have. I'm not specced into them, it's just very very strong from the baseline, like the club. .. Are the leather knucklewraps and bone knife this satisfying to use early on?

.. Thank you for all the work you've put into bringing this to us, Pimps. I can tell it will once again bring many dozens of hours of enjoyment!

Edited by Mister Forgash (see edit history)
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Didn't have much time to play A21... but so far I'm impressed by the new graphic assets, the improved performance and, in general, by the huge amount of quality of life improvements to the game! :thumb: :whoo:


Of course there's too much to list, but those were the "eye-catchers" to me.

Congrats to the dev team @TFP for setting the quality bar even higher than before. :) 

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15 hours ago, jdifran said:


On both Wayward Eko's and Guns, Nerds, and Steel's multiplayer streams, they were getting quality 3 and 4 end-game loot (comp xbows, steel clubs, etc.) as quest rewards before day 7.  Granted, they were playing efficiently, but that needs serious balancing.


Thats what I am thinking. 

Even if I dont rush, and do many quest. I cant imagine that I can, for example craft a Steel sledgehammer by myself before I find one out there. 


So I guess in the most cases I will find tools / weapons which exceed my crafting skills. That makes the collecting of magazines trivial at some point / gamestage, whats very sad because I really like the concept of collecting magazines and climing up the tech ladder. 


The game-mechanic that says "if you cant craft it - you cant repair it" is more logical to me. 


Maybe theres a mod coming for it... Or maybe the developers can just add an option for it. Cant imagine its hard to do so. 


But before im complaining too much, I will play the alpha by myself today and See how it feels. However, with or without the Mechanic, I love the game. 



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4 hours ago, Thaledwyn said:

Some questions about magazine / container looting in multiplayer:


Does it depend who opens which container in a POI? What I mean:

- Is the chance of getting cooking magazines higher if a player who spent points in cooking loots the kitchen of a house instead of other players?

- Or can anybody loot the kitchen and still finds the cooking books (due to the cooking skill in the party) to give them to the "cooking" player?


4 hours ago, Forgotten Memes said:



Not with the same bonus but still may find them. I think you'll probably have more luck in the Shamway crates.

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been playing for a few hours now in a random gen and all I have to ask is if y'all are going to pay my hospital bills, because my heart just literally fell out of my butt!! (/j)


YOU GUYS ADDED SCREAMERS TO THE POTENTIAL SLEEPER ZOMBIE SPAWNS?! EVIL!! ABSOLUTELY EVIL!!! I jumped so hard I alt-tabbed and now my armpits are itchy >:/


anyway this alpha is going great so far, everything looks so good and crisp and clean!! nothing to report apart from weird town/city generation (the town I'm in right now is one town, but none of the roads are actually connected when they look like they should be; but road generation is in the bug pool document thing so I don't know whether to report it or not). and kudos to whoever made the calendars (not those ones), i noticed the 2034 one is accurate to real life, that's such a small, yet awesome detail lol


oh, and that new fun pimps intro logo is great, way better than the static one!


edit: god yeah the performance upgrade is insane too, this is the first time on my hardware I've ever been able to play a 6K world at Full graphics resolution without getting worried I'll max out my VRAM. It's been steady 60 frames too, which is insane (on an RX580 and ryzen 5 3600x no less! not the best hardware but damn!). and all the new assets, everyone has already said just about everything about them but I could literally cry with the new doors and decoration items. just wish more were craft-able, but I'm sure someone will end up modding most of the new stuff in that hasn't been added already!

Edited by vergilsparda
had to gush about what everyone else is sorry lol (see edit history)
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Did almost 11 hours of gameplay, I might need a priest. Or a bed. Not both, definitely not at the same time.


This alpha is just better. Well done Pimps, appreciate the time you gave for everything so far, can`t wait for more of course. 


*passing out on the floo

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I'm enjoying this alpha a ton minus some balancing stuff (which I make a separate topic about) and performance could be better (feels like a bit of a wash between the optimizations and new art stuff), but really it feels more polished than its ever been and the new art and everything is great.  Combat feels a bit more weighty too, seems like zombies get hit on their ass faster.

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Regarding trader quest reward balancing:

I got a level 3 iron spear as reward while I could only craft a level 4 stone (0 points spent in daring adventurer).


So it still feels like crafting is behind (like in A20 where you got all of your level 5/6 steel armor as quest reward/loot before being able to craft even one)

But could be also just good RNG 🙂


We will see.

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4 hours ago, Philipp said:

The game-mechanic that says "if you cant craft it - you cant repair it" is more logical to me. 

Can you imagine this in Co-op? You throw some tools together for your buddy and head out to do a PoI, before you know it, teammate is asking you to come home and repair their tools.

I'm thinking loot/trader stage just needs to be nerfed to achieve the similar result of not having gear much better than what you can craft.

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I absolutely love the new update.  It feels like a survival game again.  I'm still in very early game so I haven't seen any significant imbalance in tool/weapon progression.  I did find a tier 6 helmet on day 2, which honestly felt great given how much of a struggle everything else was (in a good way), but that was random loot, not the trader.  (For context, this game is a 2 player co-op, Warrior difficulty, no mods.  And we're little old people; experienced but not particularly great gamers.)


The quality-of-life improvements are amazing!  All the little annoying things I used to do (destroying nests and trash, labeling each trader) are done automatically now and it makes me so happy.


The new art assets and textures are really sharp.  I'm not usually one to care much about the "look" of a game, but the quality and detail of the new assets really adds to the game, so much so that even I noticed.

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Playing Co-op with the wife and so far Great Job Fun Pimps!!!  


Performance is considerably better on my rig and it's 5 years old.

New art and POIs are great

Dismemberment is fantastic and funny as hell

*&%$*ing zombies eating my kills is fabulous. lol

We're on day 4 and I've crafted more tools and weapons than most entire playthroughs already....NICE  We will actually craft our bikes instead of taking the trader reward bike.  That hasn't happened in my playthroughs in a hot minute.

Food and water have been a challenge so far. We were excited to be able to make corn bread.  When was the last time that happened? .... Never.   By night fall we are both hungry and thirsty.  Getting the water filter was easy enough then we realized we hadn't been keeping plastic....Oops 

No cans or jars cluttering up my inventory is great.  I hated scrapping a can every time I ate.

OMG DOORS!!!! Makes the world so much more realistic!

A21 was worth the wait for the hatches with the arrows alone! lol

New work stations are awesome.

Houses with names instead of Oldhouse546125464.  I mean, c'mon who can't love that?

Magazines have been fun in my opinion, not sure why there's been some hate on them.  I'm enjoying spending my skill points on things other than recipes to be honest.


Just my opinions on day 4, Good job to all that brought us this build!

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So here is my first impression :

Map : 10k generated


Pros :

- Finally the game feel more optimized than never... for now, I didn't experienced with a good crowd of zombies.

- Was very surprised about headshots with blunt weapons leaving the skull crack opened and overall dismembering 

- Graphic environment much much better, keep it up, continue this way and add more and more of this kind of content!

- Good job for water overhaul 

- Early difficulty is very challenging and it's a good thing

- Lot of new POIs

- RWG looks fine, cities are huge and that's very nice

- Lights look polished again, despite some bugs in buildings. Also it would be cool to create a more realistic light outside

- We can finally "swim"

- All these new animations (doors) are lit, keep it up!

- I was stunned about the Joel's shop design, it's super great

- Vehicles look very good

Cons/Progress to be made :

- Not a fan of the new skill book system yet

- UI not reworked, there are tons of way to make UI look badass and enjoyable.

- Zombies and zombie movements look too familiar, really need to add diversity and polishing animation (jump, rush) to make it scarier

- No graphic changes when items break or used (blood stain etc)

- I found it very cool that empty props stay open when empty, but very sad that we can't use it anymore then after.

- Should add animation for cabinet closing/opening

- Grass and natural ambient still look meh/20

- Should add some animation to zombies faces, they still look very mechanic

- I dont feel safe when zombies can pass through big doors during opening/closing animation lol, need to fix that

- Shop too op for the beginning, should decrease the amount of offers

- What did you do with the eating sound?? Need to add real animations about eating..


I've just played 2 hours so far but it's a great update!

(I hope i'll be alive to play the A22 version tho)


Edited by Teezer (see edit history)
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18 hours ago, jdzane said:

nvm moot point, I can't randomly generate any world, as I keep getting an "out of memory" error.


Hi jdzane, click the A21 banner above on how to submit a bug report if you haven't done so already.  I think there is a known issue with running out of memory if you generate too many maps back to back without exiting.


Regarding the no trader issue, we will need your map info. / seed.  Thanks.

17 hours ago, jdzane said:

Thanks, I'll give that another try. I had quit and restarted after each one. I think it may also be my fault, my D drive (where 7D2D is) had less than 10 gb of free space, and my C drive (windows location) had less than 2 GB free. I'm clearing up some space, then I'll do a restart, kill the BS I don't need running in the background, and then try again. 


Glad to know it's a known bug though.


You may want to clear out some old generated maps pre A21.  I know those take up alot of space.


Stored somewhere like...


App data / roaming / 7d2d / generated worlds


Just make sure to backup any old saves or worlds you plan to keep.

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I decided not to rush anywhere. I'm betting 25% experience and 25% loot. Day 60 minutes. At night I study changes in perks and crafting. 
The 4th day has come. I have problems with water, with food, with stamina, with resources. 
The horde will come in 3 days. I don't even have 100 arrows. 
Panic! I feel extremely uncomfortable, and I like it!

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On 6/5/2023 at 12:09 PM, faatal said:

They are a combination that goes together to meet a general performance target. Moving any setting lower from a preset is not bad and should simply increase performance.

That should not be the case, but I'm curious to see how it runs for you.


My Biggest fears were warranted unfortunately. Last tested medium settings game was playable on medium with around 22-28 fps. And no delay when using mouse to move. Also XBOX One Elite controller use had no issues or major delays at all. 


After updating to A21 Game was stuttering giving me less than 10 fps with noticeable mouse delay. Also the xbox elite controller barely functions it would accept a command like look up and then continue to look up and never accept another command till several seconds later. (such as look left or right) 


Changed all settings slowly down from medium to lowest (medium, low, then lowest) Slight fps improvement (almost 18 fps at lowest and minimal mouse delay) however xbox one elite controller still had same issue of accepting one command such as looking in a direction and be non responsive for several seconds. (basically unplayable with controller unfortunately) 


All my drivers are up to date and ive tested various settings to see if it helps, but unfortunately I am not able to play A21 in an enjoyable way. I cringe to see what happens if I was to make it to a blood moon night. (Game is launched and hosted on the laptop and has default value for hordes, etc. ) All previous saves were deleted as well. I uninstalled completely and removed all mods, had game install with the current A20 so it was a pristine clean ideal installation example and then updated to A21. 


Optimized laptop to dedicate all its resources to 7d2d. 


Laptop Specs:

2.8 GHz Intel Core i7-7700HQ Quad-Core.

16GB DDR4 RAM | 1TB 7200 rpm HDD.

17.3" 1920 x 1080 Anti-Glare Display.

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 (4GB GDDR5)

Windows 10 Home (64-Bit)


Task manager shows while in lowest settings mode:

7d2d Usage (well its both the 7DaysToDie.exe as well as the UnityCrashHandler64.exe combined into one, but the crash handler doesnt use much of each)

26% cpu usage and 46% (3,252mb and climbing)memory 


If you need any other information, please let me know. Thanks! 

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1 hour ago, Laz Man said:


Hi jdzane, click the A21 banner above on how to submit a bug report if you haven't done so already.  I think there is a known issue with running out of memory if you generate too many maps back to back without exiting.


Just FYI, this sounds like exactly the same issue I reported last night. RWG results in "Out of memory" errors, even when there are gigabytes of memory available.


It happens every time for me, and has nothing to do with generating more than one map. I have had zero success generating any random world at all.

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For testing purposes and because I'm a total weenie (shut it!), I have perk points set to 2 per level, Adv. diff, 175% xp, 120 days, 200% loot and, on day 6, I've hit level 21, still only have tier 4 stone tool ability, tier 5 stone spear (can make a tier 1 iron but, ew) and various strange weirdness for magazines.  I mean, already 23 in electrical?  wha....  I managed to loot a tier 6 pipe machine gun and might have enough ammo to supplement using the spear in a melee focused horde base with pipe bombs and Molotovs to boot.  I've found 4 traders on a random gen 6k map (still on a bicycle) and wow... just wow, the infested quests are nothing to sneeze at when you're wielding stone, pipe guns and a primitive bow, wearing cloth. Talk about bleeds and cuts and.. yeah, keep on sending me to the snow biome, Joel... arse.


Even with settings so focused on quick advancement, exploration trumps mining for this particular play through since the new and refurbished POIs are just shining beacons tugging at my soul, and sometimes actually eating it.  I'm sorely tempted to turn off horde just to keep exploring but I have to keep reminding myself that the 'new' will still be there even when we get the next build drop and I delete this map to have a clean install.  Probably do an 8k next time.


Kudos, guys!  It's the little things that are blowing me away and I just wanna hug every overworked developer and planner and thank you for all the effort that went into this build. I am NOT finding exceptionally 'out-of-level' loot and the traders don't appear to be selling exceptional stuff even with a couple points put into Daring Adventurer and Better Barter. All you nay-sayers need to get out there and PLAY!  Get into solo if you think it's too easy and adjust the settings until you're in pain or comfortable.  I keep seeing people talking about things needing to be nerfed?  Hell, I have all the stuff turned way up and STILL behind what I'd normally be doing though, with 2 perks per, I've been spreading the points out more than normal.  I'm old too, though, so there's that.  God, I'm loving this!

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10 hours ago, NukemDed said:

still alive, barely, and staring down the day 7 horde (vanilla settings with 200% xp just to hurry things along a little) badly under equipped and under prepared. should be interesting.

200% xp adds to difficulty, beacuse you level up fast, and so does your gamestage rise, which makes enemies tougher, whilst your equipment mostly won't keep up with that.

In short: boosting xp gain messes up balancing a good bit.

At least the very first horde night is especially tough then. Good luck!


Edited by meilodasreh (see edit history)
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15 hours ago, Neminsis said:

Look, these perfect players that you keep going on about, I'm not sure they even exist outside of vague rumors in chatrooms and message boards.


Hey, I am sure this isn't on purpose, but you are strawmaning me here. Where did I ever ask for perfection? Is it perfection now if people play cooperatively? In that case my group of 4 people, each of which died at least once on our first day in A21, are perfect players. They'll be glad to know but probably surprised.


It isn't even necessary for a "co-op looter" to bring back any magazines on the first day and instead read them or throw them away. The first day is especially hard for our small inventories, no bag mods yet, and the user is usually trying to join the group which is often 1-3 kms away. It doesn't really matter if a few of the magazines get lost.

Even if he sometimes drops those magazines in later game when he has so much more important stuff in his inventory (though what stuff should that be really?), that makes only a marginal difference in how advanced the builder or builders in the group will be. The builders generally will not feel any difference in their XP gaining speed when they get the upgrade from a quality4 to a quality5 iron pickaxe a day later. Doubly that if they already have a quality3 steel pickaxe bought at the trader.


But if the looter doesn't **generally** bring back magazines the builders absolutely need or ask for (for example the farming and electrical traps magazines) then he is not even half-competent, he is an absolut loser at playing co-op, sorry to say. Fighting together and getting stuff to the people who want that stuff are the two big areas of co-operation in a game, what else do you think co-op play is about?



15 hours ago, Neminsis said:

I'm saying that perfectly normal average players are going to be incentivized to read all the books by the sheer volume of books, the longer distances between quests now, and the initial scarcity of food and water, and that it's likely possible to allow stay at home players to be effective without changing game mechanics, without affecting the balance for everyone else, or relying on everyone to suddenly become those legendary perfect teammates.

If for example the exp gain on gathering tasks were bumped up a little, the prices to sell bulk materials were a little better, if the trader carried cheap low tier tools, if tool crafting books in particular were more readily available at the trader specifically. None of that changes game mechanics. or affects the game balance for anyone else, or requires new code and could probably be done in minutes with a few xml tweaks. Ideally you should be able to make it through the first 7 days without having to quest at all as a solo player. You could do it in a20 but then tool upgrades were way too easy to come by in the previous system. They don't need to be that easy for this to be viable.


All possible balancing changes, and remember I mentioned that xp gain could be increased if necessary for balance. But ideally we should talk about measures once it is established that there is a problem at all. Right now I can't imagine your group has already tested A21 and determined they can't adapt to it and there is something wrong. You may fear or expect it but unless YOU are perfect you simply can't know. No matter in how many minutes that change could be done, you will surely not get anyone from TFP to make it right now.


15 hours ago, Neminsis said:

Thanks for repeating my argument for why looters aren't incentivized to not read all of the books themselves and consequently why your legendary perfect teammate doesn't actually solve the problem.


My statement was about tool magazines and you infere from this something about all magazines? Come on, logic 101.


The looter can read tools magazines and it will not make a yota of a difference to the builders. The looter can not read the traps or seeds magazines without it heavily affecting the builders/farmers. And the looter is incentivized to bring back those magazines. I don't know how to say it any simpler.


15 hours ago, Neminsis said:


The problem for the stay at home player is ultimately exp gain. Yes, shared exp offsets this somewhat, but because the trader now avoids sending you on duplicate missions and there has been a focus on more wilderness quests, the looter is going to be out of range a lot sooner than you might expect, and even so the exp gain from quest rewards and selling to the trader is still the favor the looter.


A theory and a possibility, except that with the looters out of share range. Roland reminded us that there is an option for PartySharedKillRange. When you can set the range who cares where the trader sends them.


Balancing changes may be coming after some playtesting. Or maybe builders do find out that it doesn't matter that they are only level 35 when the looter is already level 40. Or the builders find out that some mechanism in the game allows them to build and be happy in A21 by just doing something a little different. I don't know. Must be playtested.



15 hours ago, Neminsis said:

Not at all, it really doesn't need to be as mind numbingly easy as it was in previous versions and I'm not seeking any shortcuts. If you think it's taking the easy route try putting a point into better barter, miner 69er, motherload, salvage operations and then see how well you can lvl without questing at all. That's pretty much the optimal build for it. If it helps you get into the right mindset, pump it up to Insane so that you're incentivized to avoid the majority of fights until you've crafted better equipment, and are limited to grabbing what you can off the streets. 


My "easy route" comment was specifically about the tools progression. If you are fine with slowly progressing from stone to iron to steel tools, that is what A21 is or should be. How much influence that has on xp gaining is again to be determined by playtesting and can then be adjusted. 


15 hours ago, Neminsis said:

This is essentially what it's like for a lot of players and why many opt to stay at the base soaking up shared exp until they've leveled high enough, and are equipped enough to survive tier 1 quests without dying. I'm not suggesting any shortcuts to progression at all, just giving a certain subset of players more options and agency without having to rely entirely on handouts. It really doesn't serve team building to have some players advance faster than others, does it?


PartySharedKillRange exists for that subset of players. There is your option.


And the trader may be the other big option as it seems from first feedback that the traders are OP as always. Remember that magazines are only determining what you craft. A builder doesn't care about what pickaxe he can craft when he can buy a better pickaxe at the trader. 





Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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Need some advice and help with regards performance and onscreen FPS.


At first game seems very smooth, no more stutter or jumps when zombies spawn in now.


But, with 31% CPU and 42% GPU 58% Memory from a locked 72fps MAX system I suddenly noticed when say in a built up area it drops to the 20fps.

I can spin about and it go up a bit maybe 10FPS keeping in same position on the map.


System :


Windows 10

16GB Ram

Ryzen 7 3700X

GTX 3080ti


Looking at things nothing is pushed at all, its not graphic settings I as I can lower options and exactly same issue, besides like I say GPU isn't battering a eye at this game. I know we had something like this in the previous build and could be same situation with the game engine I think.



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