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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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Interactive Hazzards -- Is there a way to run the big red pipe through a wall? That is, is there some block that is part wall and part pipe, rather than leave a big square hole in a wall and then route a pipe through it?

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The thing with the gas pipes..


If when we smash them, we activate some sort of zombies around the building we are into, few floors up/down and probably around the POI (sorry performance rates) could be cool.  By that I mean much, much more than the ones that activate when switch the valve. 


With some splash damage, just to be sure its not so easy and that we should try to behave. 


No doubt we can`t wait to see it how it goes further. Also, flamethrower turrets. 


Edited by beerfly (see edit history)
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On 5/26/2022 at 1:16 AM, Laz Man said:


What specific change rubbed you the wrong way and why?  The reasoning behind the upcoming crafting change was fully shared by Roland.  Was there something you disagreeded with it inparticular?

I personally couldn't be more happier! Finally! after 20000+ hours in this game they are finally adding PVP content! OMG this has the potential to be the best alpha yet. I could go in to many reasons why i feel like that but no need to. I will tell you i can understand why pve players would get upset about the changes coming but for who ever plays PVP this is not just good news its great news! 

Edited by Grandpa Minion (see edit history)
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13 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

So far i like the look for the new crafting system.  

just kinda sad when they showed the Intellect gear, there is no new baton...  oof

yeah there is a plasma baton in the games files so i was also 50/50 on weather they would show it or not

Edited by Callum123456789
505/50 instead of 50/50 technical accuracy problem (see edit history)
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I hate this new learn by looting system.  It already takes forever to try and find all 133 of the perk books, now we have to find 1,920 magazines to max out all the crafting abilities?  This is the worst idea I've heard since the changes to farming in A20.  Don't spend any time upgrading your home or building a base, because you can't build better guns or tools unless you spend every waking second hunting down magazines.  Want some ammo or food as a quest reward to help you out, well forget it, have to grab the magazines.  Not to mention several of the perks lose almost all appeal to taking them.  Why put any points into Robotics Inventor, Grease Monkey, Advanced Engineering, or Master Chef?  I already only put points in them to be able to craft better stuff, now there is little to no point.  Hey Fun Pimps, if you want to find ways to make the game more fun, try looking at the Darkness Falls Mod.  That mod has made the game more fun than the last 3 updates you have put out.  More varied types of zombies, weapons, tools, mods, materials, workstations and vehicles while balancing a harder overall experience, revamping the skill tree in a way that makes sense without making it a complete grind, and encouraging more exploration.  At level 100 I'm still glad to find materials that I had long since before stopped even thinking about in the vanilla game.  It overall feels like a completely different, and ultimately better, game.

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My assumption is the same magazine will level the same skill. Because making 100 magazines (or however many) per skill is just an insane amount of work. :)

Also, vol1-100 and finding them in order, and making them work with the perks to increase the chances of finding each one in the right order would be a pain for both the devs and plauers.

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I'm puzzled on the only way to level your crafting is through looting magazines which wrestles players choice out of our hand and into a gimmicky RNG system. It would make more sense if they had different crafting skill points to level up what ever you wanted in the crafting tree and have magazines be bonuses. 


Making the magazines the main way to gain crafting brings unwanted attention to this update. It should be an added bonus not a big feature. You guys need to keep your ideas practical. This game is awesome because there are multiple ways of playing it but it seems like our choices of doing what we want are getting punished with the crafting update. Loot buildings or you won't progress is obviously flawed.  Loot, build, protect, explore, hunt, farm and mine are the various of thing we do in 7 day to die. We don't need to be funneled into looting building to get most of our progression.


Having a separate tab for crafting is a good way to expand players choices but RNG magazines cancel the positives out. What do you guys want to achieve with this update and are you seeing the variables that the update will cause?

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I went out of my way to come make an account just to be able to comment how much I hate the new "learn by looting" changes.


Seriously, I started playing this game in Alpha 20 (later than most) and if this change comes to the game, I will stop playing. It sucks the fun out. My entire friend group that I play with feels the same way.


"Learn by Doing" is silly because it's insane to have to craft 100 shotguns or whatever to get better at making shotguns - why make the player do useless crafting of items they don't want and aren't going to use - and the new "Learn By Looting" is worse because it appears to exist for no reason other than to artificially slow the player's progression down. The current system of magazine series and perks is great because it allows the player to determine what direction they want their build to take - and the idea of only progressing by looting (which is only one of many activities to do in the game) is just silly. It also means that players are now fighting for loot instead of playing cooperatively because the only way to progress is hogging the loot, and we need to do insane amounts of looting to find all the new magazines. Limitations should only be added when they make the game more fun. For example, requiring the player to have a perk to craft an item is a fun limitation because it allows a gradual power progression and creates goals to work towards. The player can achieve these goals in many ways - killing zombies, looting, doing quests, building, farming, etc. You've now made it so that any time not spent looting is wasted time in the eyes of the game.


I'm really excited about some of the other changes that are supposedly coming to the game soon, but this single change has me upset enough to quit playing the game altogether. I really don't understand why we keep reworking systems in the game that have been reworked 2 or 3 times before already? But then maybe that's why the game is still in alpha after 8 years...


I agree with the previous poster - it feels like EA syndrome - "we know what you find fun better than you do." It's never to late to walk back a bad decision - please avoid the sunk cost fallacy and revert the changes to skills. It's okay to experiment with changes or toss around new ideas, but don't commit to a bad decision just because you've already invested time and effort into it. Seriously, it's *good* that you're trying new things and always looking for ways to improve - it would be bad if you weren't. But sometimes an idea just isn't what's best for the game, and you have to not be afraid to toss it.


I post this not because I'm angry or anything, I just know that I really enjoy the game and I want to keep playing it - I don't want the game I love to become unenjoyable for me, which is what this change is going to do. The system we have is really cool and I really like it, I really hope we can just keep it so I can continue to enjoy the game.

Edited by ZeMayoMan (see edit history)
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I have to say that in the games I play, the new learn to craft system would not actually change all that much. The equipment I tend to use is almost always rewarded from quests, purchased from vendors, or found in the world. Crafting items really doesn't happen in our games at all, except for expendable equipment (explosives, lockpicks, etc.). You want to try this out, I say go for it. So far, I see nothing about it that changes my experience much if at all.

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3 hours ago, Victor.19 said:

@RolandCan you tell us what the team's been working on lately?


Just perusing the work log and keeping things general it looks like



Bandit POIs


Ragdoll physics

Optimizations and fixes to various systems


Localization Fixes



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12 hours ago, Zombiepoptard said:

Loot buildings or you won't progress is obviously flawed.  ... We don't need to be funneled into looting building to get most of our progression.



How do you get a Quality 6 item now without looting?  How do you get enough parts and materials to build Quality 5 items without looting??


If you have an actual answer to that question, then, that will be the same way you can do it with the new system, but instead of scrapping items for parts just save up and buy the quality you like. 

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1 hour ago, Roland said:


Just perusing the work log and keeping things general it looks like



Bandit POIs


Ragdoll physics

Optimizations and fixes to various systems


Localization Fixes



7 days official twitter posted a long time ago a small video clip about a new "breaching tech" where doors for example split into many peaces, did this got completly scrapped or is it still in the works? 

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11 minutes ago, BenZ0 said:

7 days official twitter posted a long time ago a small video clip about a new "breaching tech" where doors for example split into many peaces, did this got completly scrapped or is it still in the works? 

I don't know for sure (so I don't know why I'm offering an answer 🤨 ) but IIRC the new cellar doors in A20 are those exact types of doors (I've never attempted to craft them personally). You can shoot through them when they break as opposed to all other doors. As far as I'm aware they are still planning on implementing that for all doors. Whether or not this is being worked on as part of A21 is another story.

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19 minutes ago, BenZ0 said:

7 days official twitter posted a long time ago a small video clip about a new "breaching tech" where doors for example split into many peaces, did this got completly scrapped or is it still in the works? 

as far as I am aware of being able to shoot through holes in doors and 'breaching them' was something they didn't get done in time for A20, the tech is there for the new blocks they added but I am 100% sure this will be done for all the doors.  don't quote me though I aint a TFP employee

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32 minutes ago, BenZ0 said:

7 days official twitter posted a long time ago a small video clip about a new "breaching tech" where doors for example split into many peaces, did this got completly scrapped or is it still in the works? 

Thanks for bringing this up again, this was in the process for Alpha 20 iirc. I would hope that this would be included in some manner for Alpha 21.

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1 hour ago, BenZ0 said:

7 days official twitter posted a long time ago a small video clip about a new "breaching tech" where doors for example split into many peaces, did this got completly scrapped or is it still in the works? 


Still in the works! :)


That list I made was not comprehensive just a few things that stood out as I scrolled the reports. All sorts of things are being worked on including doors.

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13 minutes ago, Roland said:


Still in the works! :)


That list I made was not comprehensive just a few things that stood out as I scrolled the reports. All sorts of things are being worked on including doors.

I see, thanks for the answer 

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59 minutes ago, Victor.19 said:

@RolandIn the question of water, what goal does the team want to achieve?


I'll let a developer reveal particulars about water when they feel they've made enough progress to talk about it.  I don't want to make waves.  But I can say generally that they want it to generate in the world correctly, behave well with other blocks and decorations, and to not destroy performance. You won't get another drop of information about it from me though. 

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Roland said:


I'll let a developer reveal particulars about water when they feel they've made enough progress to talk about it.  I don't want to make waves.  But I can say generally that they want it to generate in the world correctly, behave well with other blocks and decorations, and to not destroy performance. You won't get another drop of information about it from me though. 


lol I see what you did there.

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