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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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Anyone else having an issue with sledge turrets falling through the blocks they are sitting to the ground?  Solid concrete pillars (all the way to the ground) and the next thing I know they are inside the blocks sitting on the ground.  really sucks on horde night when that happens.

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Hello TFP ! I really enjoy the good work you've been doing for a few years now, and I have to admit that this is the first time I'm running the experimental version on this game. The new world generation, new POIs and cities are awesome. I especially like the editor part and the new assets, blocks and entities. As I spend a lot of time on the editor, let me point out a little thing that caught my attention :

- About new quest (restore power), I use the system to close a way out for the player once the generator is powered up, which forces to find another way to continue. But i noticed if i launch another quest (day quest) in my POI, same triggered door by generator (which is inactive at this moment) will still trigger. I think this should not happen if the generator is not involved during another quest. I checked the xml file but I didn't see anything about this. 🤔


Otherwise I noticed the new sleeper feature that allows to add a zombie by name, individually. This means that we can now add, for example, a Screamer in a dark corner of the attic. 😈


Anyway, congrats team !

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I just wanted to pop in and say a20 has been a leap forward.  I was just riding through the desert, thinking how much better the terrain felt and how all the major features of this alpha just make it feel more like a complete game.  We all have complaints and things we'd like changed, but cities and map gen, keys to unlock completed POIs, the new art, all the remnants, etc. are all big improvements.   Thanks.

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The version is indeed very enjoyable. The pace is on point, and time management is a thing. We're day 9 and feel like we're really just getting started, it's amazing.


One thing I also noticed was that wood spikes do a TON of a damage if you walk through them, and that lighting yourself on fire is no biggie (I think I lost 3 hp over the course of the 5-6 seconds it took me to choke the fire out). Felt kinda weird to be honest, stubbing my toe and killing myself with ~35hp left while turning myself to a living candle and being fine.





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On 12/21/2021 at 5:47 PM, Gazz said:


Only if you don't put down a forge in the area you're looting.


The argument of having to have the right material smelted falls apart as soon as you build more forges. Whether you have materials idling in the forge or idling in the chest next to it makes no practical difference.


I honestly don't understand your reply. Of course there is a difference between having materials in the forge or in a chest: you can't craft items (like shells) if the materials are in your chest.


If you put down a forge at the place you're looting, that forge will only have the materials that are smelted into it. So if you smelt down all the brass, you still have to get all of that brass out of the forge in order to take it to your "main" forge that has the other stuff you need (like clay). Sure you could do that, but it's a PITA, which is why I've never done it, or seen anyone else do it, ever.


If anything that is an argument for smelting. Without smelting, you can a forge down, and immediately turn brass items into raw brass. There's no gameplay there. You might as well get rid of forges and just craft everything in your backpack.


...BTW, I'm beating this dead horse only because you can influence the game development, and I really really hope smelting isn't removed from the game. If that's not on the roadmap then I'll drop it.

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4 minutes ago, khzmusik said:

If you put down a forge at the place you're looting, that forge will only have the materials that are smelted into it. So if you smelt down all the brass, you still have to get all of that brass out of the forge in order to take it to your "main" forge that has the other stuff you need (like clay). Sure you could do that, but it's a PITA, which is why I've never done it, or seen anyone else do it, ever.

I kind of done that before, though I didn't pop a forge out on the streets.  I would setup an outpost base in a city/town that was far from my starting location and just go back to it every night when I was looting POIs in that area.  I would smelt down the scrap I found and make crafting items (bullet tips, casings, forged iron/steel, arrowheads).


Though that was typically mid to late game when I finished up the surrounding areas and had to expand outward some more for materials.

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5 hours ago, faatal said:

Which is probably a server data issue. Deleting data locally won't fix it if the server turns around and sends you junk data again. All A19 worlds should to be deleted off the server because it is possible an A20 game could be started using an A19 world.


Not for nothing, but this happened to me when A20e went to a new build - meaning, I was on a world generated in A20b214 and it happened when I updated to A20b238.


At least I think it's the same issue. Existing blocks suddenly appear as cubes with weird textures (in my case it's the "black marble" texture). Changing the block in any way - say, by damaging it slightly - fixes the issue.


It doesn't happen often and usually goes away once I exit the game and restart.

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2 hours ago, Blake_ said:

Imagine Rekt with Jen's dialogue: Snowdog npc. A whole new meaning to the speech : "I treat you that good and you don't even furking tip me"

XD  it would be sooo goood

2 hours ago, beerfly said:

We don`t talk about that, but keep looting ;)

Everybody love are good boi UwU he loves so much his new collar. Hehe he loves to play with hm.. "another" dogs with "special tails" 

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1 hour ago, Lord Morphleyes said:

Hey all, 


I am setting up my A20 dedicated server and I have a bunch of questions. Where is the appropriate place in the forums for me to ask them? 


Best place would be "General Support".

15 minutes ago, wolfbain5 said:

@madmolehey man, I thought you said in the previous alpha that we were supposed to start in the forest. so far I have a start in the wasteland and one in the snow biome... Did you change your mind? also. Dire wolves during the day on day 1? is that an intended change? this was snow biome.


Dire Wolves in the snow biome on day 1 ? I think that is intended. Snow is second hardest biome.


4 hours ago, Callum123456789 said:



this zombie is just staring at me here kinda odd but i guess she doesnt wanna fight 


I have seen a similar issue in another POI I think. The zombie seemed stuck in its corner, it wiggled like it wanted to move but couldn't


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Just out of interest, do we know if the apparently weird effects of changing the loot percentage are:

a) Just one of those things

b) A known bug but just not a priority to fix anytime soon

c) Actually working correctly and I'm just not understanding how it's meant to work


Just started a new 75% loot game and it's been hammered home to me how badly eggs are affected - I've looted 180 feathers, averaging about 4 feathers per nest, and one egg.  Dropping to 4 feathers per nest seems perfectly reasonable for 75% but the egg reduction appears to be vastly bigger.

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1 hour ago, wolfbain5 said:

@madmolehey man, I thought you said in the previous alpha that we were supposed to start in the forest. so far I have a start in the wasteland and one in the snow biome... Did you change your mind? also. Dire wolves during the day on day 1? is that an intended change? this was snow biome.

You are supposed to start in the forest, but I think there is a bug with it finding or not having a nearby point.

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1 hour ago, wolfbain5 said:

@madmolehey man, I thought you said in the previous alpha that we were supposed to start in the forest. so far I have a start in the wasteland and one in the snow biome... Did you change your mind? also. Dire wolves during the day on day 1? is that an intended change? this was snow biome.

Seed and map size?  I recommend submitting a full bug report (banner above) so we can confirm.

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3 hours ago, Exxodous said:

Anyone else having an issue with sledge turrets falling through the blocks they are sitting to the ground?  Solid concrete pillars (all the way to the ground) and the next thing I know they are inside the blocks sitting on the ground.  really sucks on horde night when that happens.


Yes, I assume it's probably related to all the shape changes causing the turret to no clip through the floor when it decides there's no floor there. Hopefully our on call after hours wizard Faatal works tirelessly over Christmas to fix this issue. Forget family, your fans are DYING here, alone and cold in a zombie horde!


It happens when there's enough stuff going on to make the game laggy, and then the turret just yeets itself away to a more important battle. I've not found a fix for it, besides just not using turrets at all if there's any chance of there being enough zombies to cause lag, which defeats the purpose of the turrets lol.  Intellect is not the tree to go into for A20 besides the trader reward perk, but it sounds like A21 might be kinder to it

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So I feel like I owe you guys an apology. I was just in a really bad mood I guess when I tried out A20 dev, not to mention after a long hiatus the game is briefly very difficult as I have to relearn all the things that are muscle memory after playing a few hours.


I have changed my Steam review. This is not to say that I don't feel my many criticisms are valid (although some things I was a bit over the top with), but all in all you guys continue to put in the effort and even with the things I dislike about the game, there are still many things to like about it.  I still liked the game better when it was more FPS and less RPG but I realize this isn't going to change and shouldn't keep me from otherwise liking the game that does continue to evolve.


A AAA game that I get maybe 80 hours out of I tend to be happy with because I play through it once or twice and pretty much shelve it, but a sandbox I spend hundreds upon hundreds of hours in it becomes easy to dwell on the bad instead of the good. Familiarity breeds contempt as the old saying goes. 


Yeah, that's kinda a lame apology I guess, I seldom apologize for anything so I'm not very good at it 😛 

Anyway, enjoy the thumbs up on Steam from me, because I rarely give them out. Merry @%$#ing Xmas you buncha Ho ho hoes! :D


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7 minutes ago, Krougal said:

I still liked the game better when it was more FPS and less RPG...



This is an interesting take. The general consensus I've seen is that the game is trending more towards FPS/ action-oriented and away from survival/RPG. The game has definitely has been trending towards guns and heavy looting since I first started playing in A15.

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