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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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1 hour ago, NBornkilla said:

you sure about that xD


Very. There's probably less than like 50 people who regularly post in this thread, and even on the Subreddit, which is still a tiny fraction of the fanbase, they barely know what's going on with A20. Only the most dedicated fans actually go to forums and follow games


Steamcharts says there's 21,000 people playing 7 Days right now, I'd say a few hundred at most are of the expectation that a20 comes out this weekend. For A19 streamer weekend most of the streams I saw were 700-1500 viewers max, and a lot of those would be new people who just saw it on Twitch and tuned in.


It will take a while before the fanbase as a whole is aware A20 is out, so I'd say any backlash or controversy would just be a very vocal minority.

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5 minutes ago, Khalagar said:


Very. There's probably less than like 50 people who regularly post in this thread, and even on the Subreddit, which is still a tiny fraction of the fanbase, they barely know what's going on with A20. Only the most dedicated fans actually go to forums and follow games


Steamcharts says there's 21,000 people playing 7 Days right now, I'd say a few hundred at most are of the expectation that a20 comes out this weekend. For A19 streamer weekend most of the streams I saw were 700-1500 viewers max, and a lot of those would be new people who just saw it on Twitch and tuned in

point made hehe  just want to play some alpha 20  

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1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@Capp00 Guys, you don´t need to explain this to me. I understand that. But a lot don´t, that´s the whole point. It will fall back on TFP and not on you. None of your fans will unsubscribe if it´s not releasing.


And it shouldn´t be on you to make the decision. TFP should have told you "No announcment until we know it´s happening"  to avoid stupid people raging hard against TFP.


When has a hype that didn´t live up to it´s expectations ever been a good thing in game development? We have had lots of examples over the years. Avoiding a hype on release dates as much as you can shoud be 101 of development and marketing tbh.


Go trough a few topics regarding A20 and the development time on the steam forums and see for yourself. There is no logic with people like that. Don´t assume they think like you do. They don´t.

yep that's is true. this same problem had Talyor McVicker with game jurnalists xd

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47 minutes ago, Khalagar said:

Y'all are way over thinking it anyway. Even if it doesn't end up happening this weekend 98% of the fanbase prob wouldn't even notice. We are a minority of the minority, most won't even know A20 is a thing until the full update is out and steam updates it for them

may be true but its the same damn complainers that keep showing up every alpha drop so they can complain and be heard.


they were born for it. :) bless their little hearts ❤️


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4 hours ago, skippy0330 said:

lol you act as if the people who announce it don't have a reputation to upkeep as well....  if they don't, well they aren't big enough to make that sort of impact in the first place. 
I don't think you really understand the industry my friend. 

Personally I have never understood the fascination in watching someone play a game that you could play yourself, and if they really need a reputation for being able to make Mario jump on the turtle to validate their life it maybe a good time to re-evaluate it.

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1 hour ago, Capp00 said:

If I lose 140k subs, I'll be done with content creation and youtube anyway lol


If you lose that many subs, my 5000 imaginary friends will stop playing 7Days on our super skookum MP server and we'll take our ball elsewhere.



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12 minutes ago, nielm269 said:

Personally I have never understood the fascination in watching someone play a game that you could play yourself, and if they really need a reputation for being able to make Mario jump on the turtle to validate their life it maybe a good time to re-evaluate it.


I used to think the same thing, until a Fluffy comedian made a joke about that very thing while I was watching a football game one Sunday.  

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17 minutes ago, nielm269 said:

Personally I have never understood the fascination in watching someone play a game that you could play yourself


Let me help you out:


They are watching someone play AND they ALSO play it themselves. Two different types of entertainment that deliver enjoyment to those who like it. In fact, some might even do both at the same time: Play 7 Days to Die on their PC WHILE they watch on their phone. No need to try and categorize people as either player or viewers.


But I get what you are feeling. My wife and daughter like to knit and I have never understood their fascination with it and frankly if they need to validate themselves by making things out of yarn they probably need to re-evaluate their lives.


Of course there are also people out there who think that people like you and me who play video games and communicate on internet bulletin boards need to re-evaluate our lives because we are wasting a whole bunch of time on worthless activities. 


The worth of any particular activity seems to be relative...

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1 minute ago, Roland said:


Let me help you out:


They are watching someone play AND they ALSO play it themselves. Two different types of entertainment that deliver enjoyment to those who like it. In fact, some might even do both at the same time: Play 7 Days to Die on their PC WHILE they watch on their phone. No need to try and categorize people as either player or viewers.


But I get what you are feeling. My wife and daughter like to knit and I have never understood their fascination with it and frankly if they need to validate themselves by making things out of yarn they probably need to re-evaluate their lives.


Of course there are also people out there who think that people like you and me who play video games and communicate on internet bulletin boards need to re-evaluate our lives because we are wasting a whole bunch of time on worthless activities. 


The worth of any particular activity seems to be relative...


I do understand now.  


I like to watch certain things and I also like to do those certain things.  and I definitely enjoy watching and doing those things at the same time.

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Without getting into details. I know a few people that was goin through some hard times. Each one different things but put that to the side and each one was near breaking points. They just happened to come across some streamers (not all of them are related to one specific streamer) and the play style, conversation and the community for those streamer actually helped them through those harsh times they was facing. They got involved with the streamer and the community and now are like a 2nd family.


I know others that just enjoy watching streams vs watching TV. Or some on the road traveling and wanna watch something. Some that waiting on PC parts so they watching. Some watch and play at the same time......


So many different reasons why people watch. Just because they enjoy something that someone else doesn't understand doesn't make them any different then another person. Everyone likes different things and enjoys different things doesn't make one way right or wrong. If we was all the same we would live in a most boring world.

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17 minutes ago, Roland said:

My wife and daughter like to knit and I have never understood their fascination with it and frankly if they need to validate themselves by making things out of yarn they probably need to re-evaluate their lives.

But they are actually do it for themselves, not watching someone else do it for them. 

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1 minute ago, crazywildfire said:

Some that waiting on PC parts so they watching.

I fall into this category. Damn power supply ended up on the other side of the country after being at a USPS distribution center this side... Prob going to end up pushing for a refund and then trying one of the localish box stores instead. :(

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1 minute ago, hiemfire said:

I fall into this category. Damn power supply ended up on the other side of the country after being at a USPS distribution center this side... Prob going to end up pushing for a refund and then trying one of the localish box stores instead. :(

Maybe Fed-Ex dumped 100s of boxes in the woods like they did where I live.

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