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23 minutes ago, Khalagar said:

MFW people won't stop posting wall of texts talking about traders despite  it already being said several times traders are in the process of being reworked in A20 and with future changes coming






LOL! This calls for a legendary 7D2D Meme!

Who's up for it? :bounce:

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1 hour ago, LTKarhel said:

OK, now I'll be speaking one-to-one in German with a translation so that nobody can say that we both don't understand each other.

" So Dicker (slang), natürlich redet ein teil im Norddeutschraum mit moin moin. Genauso wie es bei Euch unten der Fall ist, das ihr alle mit Grüß Gott oder Servus sagt" Aber geal, wir sind alles Deutsche im Herzen. Oder anders gesagt Wir sind alles Patrioten. Wir sind zu 50 % Deutsch und zu 50 % Zombies;)

english"So thick (slang), of course a part of northern Germany speaks with moin moin. Just as it is the case with you below that you all say hello or hello" But alright, we are all Germans at heart. In other words, we are all patriots. We are 50% German and 50% zombies:israel:

If you only knew where I really live atm...😅

we could practially be neighbors...seem from a galactic scale of course.

But locating me in Bavaria...no Sir, not even close.


Doesn't matter, this is the internet, who cares anyway.

I could be Steve from New South Wales, Pablo from the Sierra de Perija, Momb'e from Luapula Isango, Li Peng from Cheongpyeong, even Olga from Tunguska.

...phew, that was an awful lot of geographical research just to keep this funny little conversation up 😃

I hope all the other unmentioned regions and genders of the galaxy don't feel discriminated now...



...oh and not to forget:

A20 should have more boobs, newsstands and bandits...and are we there yet?

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3 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

then working as intended :)


but you are actually forgetting something.. the level 0 bag is not a missing bag spawn... it is spawning air.. shirley you can see it right?  <oooops>

working as intended? Are you kidding? It's totally bugged.

drop rates for air are way too high. Check the loot tables, almost all lootable containers have at least 4 (the bigger ones even up to over 30) slots stacked with air.

And when you place and open a storage box you just crafted, it's already full to the max with that stuff.

So where am I supposed to store all my looted air???

How can you sleep as QA with these horrendous, gamebreaking, immersion-killing MFBs?

You have one mf job man 😀

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7 hours ago, bachgaman said:

If they fix 200 bullets to 150 or 50 it doesn't change the meaning of my claim. The point is that by tweaking "25% loot" you will still get "100% loot" from the trader's rewards and the trader's assortment, which makes him even more OP when playing with low loot levels. They will still balance it according to "100% loot", right? (I doubt that the word "balance" is appropriate here, most likely it is still OP) And thus, until the loot settings do not affect the trader or we do not have a separate setting for the trader, it becomes impossible to play with trader and "loot 25%"


Balancing the amount the trader gives away is one part of a fix, if a quest gives too much at 100% it would give too much at a 25% setting as well. The other part is simply not in the game (yet), at least not as an option. EA, remember? The loot setting by the way is called **loot** setting because it is about changing the loot, not the trader rewards. It also doesn't change mining results nor scrapping results, which would be necessary for a complete solution to all resource aquiring.



7 hours ago, bachgaman said:

As for the fact that the game is in development, I am not against flaws, I understand everything, but excuse me when you build a house, the first thing you do is a toilet and electricity, not an amusement park with drones and light music. I emphasize that this is my IMHO.


What constitutes the toilet in this game depends largely on personal views, I can easily ignore traders or quests or make limits what I buy from the trader if I want to, but throwing away 3/4 of any loot I get is hardly practical.


7 hours ago, bachgaman said:



This is their business. If they consider all this mess with xml files and so on to be normal, so be it. My duty is to say my opinion. Just don’t say then that this is a sandbox or that they care about new players.


As a mix of lots of genres they can pick whatever they want from each genre and call it that. And there is no clearcut definition of sandbox. The obvious element of 7D2D that gets them the label sandbox is clearly the building part which many other sandbox games lack in this detail. Another sandbox element is that you can largely play as a miner or tradesman, though in earlier alphas the "sandbox" part was much bigger.


Care about new players? You are pushing for a setting that has nothing to do with new players. New players don't need options. They can't estimate if this or that option should be set or not. And turning off traders would definitely be the wrong move for a novice player. Options are for experienced players who know the game and want something different.



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4 hours ago, bachgaman said:

So, is this comparable to coding drone or bandits?


Not at all comparable.  I whipped this out in about 10 minutes and tested it to verify I had no mistakes in my code.  However, this is nothing compared to modifying the traders to allow optional settings and redoing the UI to accommodate even more settings / options.  And if I was to modify the traders to provide options, I can see why TFP has not made this as a priority.  If they are going to add more options, they will want to do it all at once rather than constantly having to update the interface over and over again.  And bandits?  I shudder trying to code the AI to make it look good.  I am expecting Faatal and his team to amaze us when they are finished with it.  😉


In addition, the starting quests and the quest to find the first trader are in there for new players (and those that like 4 free perk points).  They even tweaked them in Alpha 20 to make it easier to find the components at the beginning.  For those of us that are driven and want something different, it is on us.  We can modify the starting quests if we want to, make them take longer, tailor them to a specific build or end goal, or just delete them / ignore them altogether.



    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival1']"> </remove>
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival2']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival3']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival4']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival5']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival6']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival7']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival8']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_whiteRiverCitizen1']"> </remove>    



I do. The point of my messages is not that I cannot do something, but that most players cannot do it. Those who did not go to the forum (and their overwhelming majority) and did not find out about xml files, etc.


How do these same players change other games if they don't know how?  By finding people who did mod the game and download their mods.  Just because you or I or anyone else want something in this game, it doesn't mean it will happen.  This is TFP's game, not ours; and they have a plan on how they want to do it.  They will take feedback and implement ideas they think are great to have, but if it doesn't fit the plan, the odds are that it won't be added.


Now, I can only speak for myself in this.....If I am not going to get what I want, what should I do?  Complain about it not being in?  Imply that the Developers are being lazy because it hasn't been implemented yet?  No.  I realize that what I want may be different than what they are planning on doing, so I learned Xpath and been experimenting with various changes I can make on my own.  Everyone reacts differently in these situations.  I choose to spend my time learning a new skill and implementing my vision on the baseline that TFP have created with this game.  I try to make my response to a situation productive.  In the end, doing this has not only made it possible for me to tweak this game to my liking, but to offer assistance to others.

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2 hours ago, meganoth said:

Balancing the amount the trader gives away is one part of a fix, if a quest gives too much at 100% it would give too much at a 25% setting as well. The other part is simply not in the game (yet), at least not as an option. EA, remember? The loot setting by the way is called **loot** setting because it is about changing the loot, not the trader rewards. It also doesn't change mining results nor scrapping results, which would be necessary for a complete solution to all resource aquiring.

I know that loot option is a loot option and I agree with that. Apparently, you are inattentively reading what I write, because that's what I am talking about. We should have 2 options "loot" and "trader's rewards/assortiment". I wrote several times that each option in the world settings menu does not change anything except what is written in it. I did not suggest changing this

2 hours ago, meganoth said:

What constitutes the toilet in this game depends largely on personal views, I can easily ignore traders or quests or make limits what I buy from the trader if I want to, but throwing away 3/4 of any loot I get is hardly practical.

This is what satisfies the basic needs of the player. Does the word toilet amuse you? Haha. Well done, but I can lie in bed and play 7 days to die in my head. What's next?

2 hours ago, meganoth said:

As a mix of lots of genres they can pick whatever they want from each genre and call it that. And there is no clearcut definition of sandbox. The obvious element of 7D2D that gets them the label sandbox is clearly the building part which many other sandbox games lack in this detail. Another sandbox element is that you can largely play as a miner or tradesman, though in earlier alphas the "sandbox" part was much bigger.

Okay, I realized that this word should be used only when it is convenient for you. Every time I was sent to change xml files, look for mods or artificially deliberately limit myself in something, these tips were supplemented by the words that this is a sandbox game. Now you literally tell me "no, man, this game is not a sandbox, well, more precisely, a sandbox, well, not quite, well, you know, I just don't want to agree with you on anything."

2 hours ago, meganoth said:

Care about new players? You are pushing for a setting that has nothing to do with new players. New players don't need options. They can't estimate if this or that option should be set or not. And turning off traders would definitely be the wrong move for a novice player. Options are for experienced players who know the game and want something different.

It depends on what you call care about new player and who the new player is and how long they will stay in the game. If this is a twitch user who buys, plays for 2 days and forgets, then really, for such people, the integration of Twitch and drones is the best content, and we do not need any options. But if we are talking about people who will come, love the game and stay with it for a long time, strengthening the community of this game, then it needs variability and replayability. The quick profit road usually leads nowhere

2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

Not at all comparable.  I whipped this out in about 10 minutes and tested it to verify I had no mistakes in my code.  However, this is nothing compared to modifying the traders to allow optional settings and redoing the UI to accommodate even more settings / options.  And if I was to modify the traders to provide options, I can see why TFP has not made this as a priority.  If they are going to add more options, they will want to do it all at once rather than constantly having to update the interface over and over again.  And bandits?  I shudder trying to code the AI to make it look good.  I am expecting Faatal and his team to amaze us when they are finished with it.  😉


In addition, the starting quests and the quest to find the first trader are in there for new players (and those that like 4 free perk points).  They even tweaked them in Alpha 20 to make it easier to find the components at the beginning.  For those of us that are driven and want something different, it is on us.  We can modify the starting quests if we want to, make them take longer, tailor them to a specific build or end goal, or just delete them / ignore them altogether.



    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival1']"> </remove>
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival2']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival3']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival4']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival5']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival6']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival7']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_BasicSurvival8']"> </remove>    
    <remove xpath="/quests/quest[@id='quest_whiteRiverCitizen1']"> </remove>    


Great, but are you serious about the fact that changing the UI to add new options is hard task? Let's leave the trader settings aside, because probably, the mechanics of rewards and assortment of the trader do not include variability and customization. Let's just say it's difficult to implement. But what about settings we can change in the XML file now? For example, Wandering Hordes. Why can't the player be allowed to modify this XML file through the game interface? Or are you talking about the need to create a new tab or scrollbar in the menu? Well then it must be a joke

2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

How do these same players change other games if they don't know how?  By finding people who did mod the game and download their mods.  Just because you or I or anyone else want something in this game, it doesn't mean it will happen.  This is TFP's game, not ours; and they have a plan on how they want to do it.  They will take feedback and implement ideas they think are great to have, but if it doesn't fit the plan, the odds are that it won't be added.

No way. They play at default settings and forget about the game when they get bored. What percentage of players do you think comes to installing mods or finds out about manual editing of xml files? 


Of course, I understand that this is their game, not ours. I have no illusions about this. I just express my opinion

2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

Now, I can only speak for myself in this.....If I am not going to get what I want, what should I do?  Complain about it not being in?  Imply that the Developers are being lazy because it hasn't been implemented yet?  No.  I realize that what I want may be different than what they are planning on doing, so I learned Xpath and been experimenting with various changes I can make on my own.  Everyone reacts differently in these situations.  I choose to spend my time learning a new skill and implementing my vision on the baseline that TFP have created with this game.  I try to make my response to a situation productive.  In the end, doing this has not only made it possible for me to tweak this game to my liking, but to offer assistance to others.

Yes, you are great, this is a good approach. It's probably better than complaining on the forum, but let's be honest, how many people have played with your modification? How many people generally play mods or manually edit the xml? How does this compare to the total number of players in 7DTD? I think this only applies to deeply interested connoisseurs. Do not think that 100% of the players in this game live on this forum. And I don't think that many people even think about such opportunities. They just buy the game. They are playing. They get bored. They delete the game. End.

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1 hour ago, bachgaman said:

I know that loot option is a loot option and I agree with that. Apparently, you are inattentively reading what I write, because that's what I am talking about. We should have 2 options "loot" and "trader's rewards/assortiment". I wrote several times that each option in the world settings menu does not change anything except what is written in it. I did not suggest changing this


Yes, sloppy reading on my part, you did mention to add a second option


1 hour ago, bachgaman said:

This is what satisfies the basic needs of the player. Does the word toilet amuse you? Haha. Well done, but I can lie in bed and play 7 days to die in my head. What's next?


No, the word toilet is YOUR analogy of a basic need. And I used your word to describe the same thing. Instead of searching everywhere for an insult maybe look for the message. For you and (judging by the support you are getting from other forum posters) only you at the moment this option is a basic need. Everyone else seems to cope quite well without that option


1 hour ago, bachgaman said:

Okay, I realized that this word should be used only when it is convenient for you. Every time I was sent to change xml files, look for mods or artificially deliberately limit myself in something, these tips were supplemented by the words that this is a sandbox game. Now you literally tell me "no, man, this game is not a sandbox, well, more precisely, a sandbox, well, not quite, well, you know, I just don't want to agree with you on anything."


Where did I say this is not a sandbox game in that paragraph? I would say this is "inattentive reading" from you now.


I said that this is partly a sandbox but to be called a sandbox in a genre mix a game just needs very few of those features. I made this point because you were arguing that this game having "unnormal" xml modding meant it isn't a sandbox. Or maybe you just meant the missing option preventing the game being a sandbox?

I didn't really want to ask, I#m sure you have a definition of what a sandbox is supposed to be and so 7D2D is not a sandbox to you. Fine by me. For me 7D2D is still a sandbox although other genres are more dominant in 7D2D.


My memory is very bad, so please show me a few of those posts where I supplemented anything by the words that this is a "sandbox" game. This sounds very unlike me, so maybe you are confusing me with Roland



1 hour ago, bachgaman said:

It depends on what you call care about new player and who the new player is and how long they will stay in the game. If this is a twitch user who buys, plays for 2 days and forgets, then really, for such people, the integration of Twitch and drones is the best content, and we do not need any options. But if we are talking about people who will come, love the game and stay with it for a long time, strengthening the community of this game, then it needs variability and replayability. The quick profit road usually leads nowhere


Wait, you are "redefining" new players now as people who stay with it for a long time? 😄 I would call them long-term orr even veteran players.  And yes, they need replayability. Now seriously, you are talking to a guy with >2000 hours in the game and complain to him about missing replayability! 


Twitch integration was a private project by a 7D2D team member, care to tell him he can't do that in his free time? Sure, further development is likely on company time but I still would say this is a bad example.


Drones are a legitimite feature TFP planned though, lets look at it. Intelligence was missing a tier 3 "weapon" and fitting with the theme they created the drone. It was necessary to complete INT and it was an excellent idea in my view. Your twitch player who plays for 2 days will probably never see that drone (if it really will be classified as tier3). And yes, even though I have said repeatedly that the trader is OP I would prefer the drone to any trader config option.


By the way, an important information you might not know: TFP will add steam workshop support when the game goes gold. If you don't know, steam workshop is a simple way for "noobs" to install mods into games.  Yes, there is a reason this will be a late addition and yes, again, EA is not for everyone. If you need to install mods and can't, wait for the game going gold.





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6 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

working as intended? Are you kidding? It's totally bugged.

drop rates for air are way too high. Check the loot tables, almost all lootable containers have at least 4 (the bigger ones even up to over 30) slots stacked with air.

And when you place and open a storage box you just crafted, it's already full to the max with that stuff.

So where am I supposed to store all my looted air???

How can you sleep as QA with these horrendous, gamebreaking, immersion-killing MFBs?

You have one mf job man 😀

why the hell arent you using your brain cell... bottle the air and sell it.. jimmy crickets i gotta think of everything...


just remember you have to be fast to bottle it or it gets away. :)

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11 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

why the hell arent you using your brain cell... bottle the air and sell it.. jimmy crickets i gotta think of everything...


just remember you have to be fast to bottle it or it gets away. :)

oxygen tanks coming in A21 with water rework. can be used as a weapon and for scuba diving

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2 hours ago, meganoth said:

No, the word toilet is YOUR analogy of a basic need. And I used your word to describe the same thing. Instead of searching everywhere for an insult maybe look for the message. For you and (judging by the support you are getting from other forum posters) only you at the moment this option is a basic need. Everyone else seems to cope quite well without that option

What kind of support? Are you talking about a Kuosimodo hater who spam dislikes and your friend Ronald? Are you really drawing any conclusions from a sample of 2.5 people?😂


2 hours ago, meganoth said:

Where did I say this is not a sandbox game in that paragraph? I would say this is "inattentive reading" from you now.

Where did I say you didn't say that?

3 hours ago, bachgaman said:

"no, man, this game is not a sandbox, well, more precisely, a sandbox, well, not quite, well, you know, I just don't want to agree with you on anything."

How are you doing with reading? I wrote what I wrote, namely that you contradict yourself trying to sit on two chairs

2 hours ago, meganoth said:

I said that this is partly a sandbox but to be called a sandbox in a genre mix a game just needs very few of those features. I made this point because you were arguing that this game having "unnormal" xml modding meant it isn't a sandbox. Or maybe you just meant the missing option preventing the game being a sandbox?

I didn't really want to ask, I#m sure you have a definition of what a sandbox is supposed to be and so 7D2D is not a sandbox to you. Fine by me. For me 7D2D is still a sandbox although other genres are more dominant in 7D2D.

Freedom, creativity, the ability to set your own rules, goals, objectives. If the developer does not allow this, then this is not a sandbox. We can do this only by workaround "cheating" ways, by replacing the game files. This means the developer does not allow us to do this. So the game is not a sandbox.

2 hours ago, meganoth said:

My memory is very bad, so please show me a few of those posts where I supplemented anything by the words that this is a "sandbox" game. This sounds very unlike me, so maybe you are confusing me with Roland

Trying to catch on a lie again? How incredulous you are. Should I go through the entire forum and re-read all the threads to prove to you that I'm not lying?

And I said that it was YOU who told me? I didn't seem to write that. But even so, then ... man

Took two minutes to find this. Pull yourself together

2 hours ago, meganoth said:

Wait, you are "redefining" new players now as people who stay with it for a long time? 😄 I would call them long-term orr even veteran players.  And yes, they need replayability. Now seriously, you are talking to a guy with >2000 hours in the game and complain to him about missing replayability! 

Do veterans come into the game and immediately become veterans? It seems to me that you did not understand anything, but made a clever face.

2 hours ago, meganoth said:

Twitch integration was a private project by a 7D2D team member, care to tell him he can't do that in his free time? Sure, further development is likely on company time but I still would say this is a bad example.

So what? We have discussed this a hundred times already (I will not give links, look for it yourself). Am I now prohibited from referring to Twitch integration as bells and whistles to lure new audience? If it is, in fact, it is. In this context, I am not saying that they HAVE to do something different. What I'm talking about is that this is the right content to attract people to the game. But the game also needs content to keep people in it. So that they don't throw it after the first playthrough. How can you not understand this meaning?

2 hours ago, meganoth said:

Drones are a legitimite feature TFP planned though, lets look at it. Intelligence was missing a tier 3 "weapon" and fitting with the theme they created the drone. It was necessary to complete INT and it was an excellent idea in my view.

It is a pity if this is really the case. The idea is terrible, because it is disgustingly knocked out of the primitivism of the post-apocalypse. It is impossible to assemble a flying smart AI robot from @%$# and sticks on your knee. And if our character is such a genius, why doesn't he create a flying army of killer robots? And will not fly with them into space? This is absurd and spoils the whole atmosphere of the game. The robotic guns were on the edge, but this...

2 hours ago, meganoth said:

Your twitch player who plays for 2 days will probably never see that drone (if it really will be classified as tier3).

What difference does it make if he sees it on stream, man, did you forget again? Two days of tight play on standard difficulty is quite a lot to reach the max perk level even for a beginner, especially if he is spoiled by watching the stream and now stupidly repeats the streamer's actions.

2 hours ago, meganoth said:

And yes, even though I have said repeatedly that the trader is OP I would prefer the drone to any trader config option.

Well done, but even I understand that the costs of developing the discussed trader's options are not equal to the costs of developing a drone

2 hours ago, meganoth said:

By the way, an important information you might not know: TFP will add steam workshop support when the game goes gold. If you don't know, steam workshop is a simple way for "noobs" to install mods into games.  Yes, there is a reason this will be a late addition and yes, again, EA is not for everyone. If you need to install mods and can't, wait for the game going gold.

Thanks for the info, but I've already tried all big and popular mods I found. By the way, i dont like most of them. But there are ingenious ones like the Undead Legacy. Precisely in terms of little things, such as a redesigned backpack, in which 1 feather is not equivalent to 6,000 lead by weight (as in the vanilla version)

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9 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

drop rates for air are way too high. Check the loot tables, almost all lootable containers have at least 4 (the bigger ones even up to over 30) slots stacked with air.

And when you place and open a storage box you just crafted, it's already full to the max with that stuff.

So where am I supposed to store all my looted air???


1 hour ago, Gazz said:

Oxygen not included.


Instead he can store his looted air in it😉

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8 hours ago, bachgaman said:

Great, but are you serious about the fact that changing the UI to add new options is hard task? Let's leave the trader settings aside, because probably, the mechanics of rewards and assortment of the trader do not include variability and customization. Let's just say it's difficult to implement. But what about settings we can change in the XML file now? For example, Wandering Hordes. Why can't the player be allowed to modify this XML file through the game interface? Or are you talking about the need to create a new tab or scrollbar in the menu? Well then it must be a joke

I never said it was hard, just that it is not something I would want to do.  What you see as a simple setting change on the front end has a ton of work in the background in order to implement it properly.  Once you start updating things like an UI, you want to have all the changes planned out ahead of time so you are only doing it once; especially if you are pushing to release the game in 1-2 additional development iterations.


Then you have to consider project management.  Say they have 26 tasks (I don't know how many they have exactly) labeled A through Z.  Task Z is to finalize the UI with all new options.  Tasks S through Y are additional customization options that they want to add to the game settings based on internal discussions and gamer feedback (lets say Task U is trader customization options).  Task Z requires tasks S through Y to be done first, or the person doing Task Z would have to keep going back to this task as another of the prerequisite task is completed.  Since Task Z is not critical or game breaking, they would wait until all of the prerequisite tasks are completed (only a sadistic person would ask a programmer to constantly redo Task Z over and over again if it is not a high priority task).


But that is only a small slice of what they are doing.  Tasks A-R are higher priority, and the top 10 tasks (A-J) are ones that they have to complete.  In my scenario, lets say Task D is to tie all the elements together (the story, traders, Noah, the Duke, the bandits, etc.).  Once Task D is completed, how does Task U affect it?  Does giving the players the option to eliminate traders break the game?  Does it tie into the plan for the game overall?  How does Tasks A-R affect the remaining tasks?


There are other things that have to be taken into consideration before they can even start working on additional customization options (I recall a comment from a TFP member about not wanting the UI to become bloated, so that requirement itself could potentially limit additions to it).

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6 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

why the hell arent you using your brain cell... bottle the air and sell it.. jimmy crickets i gotta think of everything...


just remember you have to be fast to bottle it or it gets away. :)

Dear Joseph

They call him Mister Tibbs, I mean Jiminy.      Cricket that is.  No lie
I swear.


I once bottled methane at camp as a joke, volatile to say the least.
Later you could order a concentrated vile from a joke company. My
friends and i would break it on the floor of the subway. Just 4 fun.


So it proves anything is possible.      When you put your mind to it.


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8 hours ago, bachgaman said:

What kind of support? Are you talking about a Kuosimodo hater who spam dislikes and your friend Ronald? Are you really drawing any conclusions from a sample of 2.5 people?😂


I'm talking about people wanting that feature. If TFP looks for interesting options for people they don't count people largely indifferent to that feature, they look for a mass of people who would need it. You claim to speak for "new players who play the game a lot", I just don't see any trace of them here in the forum at least to call that a **basic** neccessity


8 hours ago, bachgaman said:


Where did I say you didn't say that?


"Now you literally tell me "no, man, this game is not a sandbox, well, more precisely, a sandbox, well, not quite, well, you know, I just don't want to agree with you on anything.""


8 hours ago, bachgaman said:

How are you doing with reading? I wrote what I wrote, namely that you contradict yourself trying to sit on two chairs

Freedom, creativity, the ability to set your own rules, goals, objectives. If the developer does not allow this, then this is not a sandbox. We can do this only by workaround "cheating" ways, by replacing the game files. This means the developer does not allow us to do this. So the game is not a sandbox.


And there is the freedom to set your own goals and objectives. There is the creativity available. But no game is a perfect simulation and allows EVERYTHING you just invented as a goal, there are always limitations. In a space sim sandbox you often can play as trader, pirat and headhunter, but you usually can't play as a cashier in a bank, it is still called a sandbox.

Furthermore the only wall between you and your ability to play without traders is not even installing of any mods, it is just to not use traders. But tell me what profession is that you are playing here, a non-trader? What role are you missing in this sandbox?


8 hours ago, bachgaman said:

Trying to catch on a lie again? How incredulous you are. Should I go through the entire forum and re-read all the threads to prove to you that I'm not lying?

And I said that it was YOU who told me? I didn't seem to write that. But even so, then ... man

Took two minutes to find this. Pull yourself together


Thanks for searching. These seem to be the only posts where I mention sandbox to you. In both those posts there wasn't a single mention of modding and one was a speculative piece about treasure hunter, the other I mentioned sandbox to say that there a a few goals in the game you can choose. And we argued a lot already so I have a bit of a difficulty to match those two posts with your assertion that I made a link between modding/limiting yourself and this being a sandbox game.


8 hours ago, bachgaman said:

Do veterans come into the game and immediately become veterans? It seems to me that you did not understand anything, but made a clever face.


Please refrain from adding insults.


A child grows up to be an adult, but when someone says "child" he doesn't refer to adults. Same goes for "new users" and "veterans"


8 hours ago, bachgaman said:

So what? We have discussed this a hundred times already (I will not give links, look for it yourself). Am I now prohibited from referring to Twitch integration as bells and whistles to lure new audience? If it is, in fact, it is. In this context, I am not saying that they HAVE to do something different. What I'm talking about is that this is the right content to attract people to the game. But the game also needs content to keep people in it. So that they don't throw it after the first playthrough. How can you not understand this meaning?


I just said it would be a somewhat bad example for your case because it didn't start as something planned and developed by TFP, it was never an item on any priority list inside TFP. And the drone is a much clearer case to argue about because it was clearly high on the priority list of TFP.


"but the game also needs content" So the drone is not content? How about we wait first whether it proves to be a popular item or not.


8 hours ago, bachgaman said:

It is a pity if this is really the case. The idea is terrible, because it is disgustingly knocked out of the primitivism of the post-apocalypse. It is impossible to assemble a flying smart AI robot from @%$# and sticks on your knee. And if our character is such a genius, why doesn't he create a flying army of killer robots? And will not fly with them into space? This is absurd and spoils the whole atmosphere of the game. The robotic guns were on the edge, but this...


The drone isn't much farther ahead to current tech than the robotic turrets and traps that all have a friend-foe detection, some even a detection between living and dead person.


Questioning realism in this game is rather useless, there is a heap of unrealistic stuff in it. Accept it or play a more realistic game. The developers won't change the overall direction of the game because you don't like it. 


8 hours ago, bachgaman said:

What difference does it make if he sees it on stream, man, did you forget again? Two days of tight play on standard difficulty is quite a lot to reach the max perk level even for a beginner, especially if he is spoiled by watching the stream and now stupidly repeats the streamer's actions.


So what? If you look around, you can find stupid people anywhere. Why should people who don't play the game enter into a discussion about features of the game? And no, max perk level does not give you the schematic of a tier3 item. 


8 hours ago, bachgaman said:

Well done, but even I understand that the costs of developing the discussed trader's options are not equal to the costs of developing a drone


True, but the drone was your example. Obviously cost of development alone is not the only metric to decide which feature gets implemented and which isn't. What others have tried to say that removing the trader is not a thing TFP can implement in 2 days and forget about it the rest of development, it is NOT an insignificant effort.


8 hours ago, bachgaman said:

Thanks for the info, but I've already tried all big and popular mods I found. By the way, i dont like most of them. But there are ingenious ones like the Undead Legacy. Precisely in terms of little things, such as a redesigned backpack, in which 1 feather is not equivalent to 6,000 lead by weight (as in the vanilla version)


Good, you found a mod to your liking. Vanilla is supposed to be "outplayed" by veteran players, everyone eventually gets fed up with the same stuff. This is why games-as-a-service exist (7D2D isn't one but sometimes feels like one when a new alpha gets released) and this is why players get mad with anticipation when a new alpha in EA comes about.


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