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What settings do you, the players use? And what settings do you, the developers play on?


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I usually have everything set to default aside from air drops being everyday, day set to 90 minutes and seeing a few less zombies on screen during a blood moon.


Though im curious, what does everyone use? Everyone should tweak their settings to be the most fun and not the boring grindy mess this game CAN be at times. It'd be nice to know what everyone else uses to fit their needs and play style.

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I actually have three different games going.

One is mostly default settings and is used for multiplayer with family and friends that I have just recently introduced to 7D2D. What isn't default is the days are set to 90 minutes, regular zombies run at night but ferals sprint, airdrops shown on map, max xp sharing radius.

Then there is my quick, solo challenge game that I like to play every once in a while, especially to get my deaths up (otherwise I would never get that Steam achievement).  10 minute day length, maximum nighttime length, nomad, 200% loot, 50% XP, airdrops every 3 days marked on map, BM every night, 64 max zombies, 300% AI block damage normally and on BM, self-imposed rule of permadeath. In this game, I make sure the max zombies is 64 because since the days are so short, it needs to get as many zombies on the screen immediately as it can at the start of each night. I crank up the loot because, if you are lucky, you might be able to get into a single POI per day. Usually though, it takes several days under these settings to complete one (can only be in a POI for a moment before having to go back outside).

Another game is my more serious solo game. 2 hour days, 50% loot, 50% XP, warrior, no airdrops, 32 max zombies, BM with random range 4 -7 no warning, self-imposed rule of permadeath. I have found for normal play, setting the max zombies to 64 is fine but it just means heavier use of explosives. I've recently become tired of that so I've moved to 32... might even take it down to 16.

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SP: Warrior, 16 hours daylight, 67% loot, no airdrops, no loot respawn, 50min days, 24 zombies, perma death. Next playtrough i might do this on a wasteland only map. Gonna be tough, guess it will take a few starts until i make it to my first blunderbuss. :D


MP is more about building. We play warrior on 90min days with 5 days of loot respawn and drop nothing.

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I fiddle with the settings on nearly every SP playthrough, so there I cannot say that I have a standard, just depends on how much of a challenge I am looking for at the time. The only setting that I never change is loot respawn, which is always off.


On MP? I mostly play with my wife and/or kids. So, 90 min days; usually default xp (though sometimes we crank that up a little, 150% max); if it is just me and my wife we often use 200% loot (because she likes the fact that every schematic/book is a quantity of two, so she knows if she has learned one of those, I have); mark airdrops is always on, loot respawn at the min; everything else on default.

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These days its usually this:

- Warrior difficulty

- 90min Day length at first then i reduce it at 60 after the third Blood Moon

- Again, after third Blood Moon, i turn off the warning and set the BM occurence to 2 days threshold

- 64 zombie Blood Moons

- 125% XP

- No Loot respawn

- No Air Drops

- Only Backpack drops on death

- Day time Zs Jog, Night time Zs Run, BM and Feral Zs Sprint


I also gradually modify the spawning.xml files to have 2 and 3x more zombies on map, at 0.5 respawn rate, meaning new Zs will reappear every half-day/night, on all biomes. I also mod the values for the number of Zs that appear for Wandering Hordes to be much higher.

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Our server is set to warrior, 120-minute days, x4 biome spawns on a 1-day reset, 16 zombies per player for horde night. No air drops, keep toolbelt only, jog/run/sprint, 7-day respawn (though frankly we could turn this off; we rarely ever re-loot any POIs). Hordes are 7 days +/- 1 day, with warnings. We have a couple of modlets which 1) slightly increase chance of eggs in nests, 2) add radiators to refrigerators and Ice Cold Drink coolers, and 3) allow harvesting bones and rotten meat from fallen zombies while slightly nerfing the harvesting of roadkill, zombie dogs, and zombie bears. We run SMX UI and the Creature Pack for spiders, hornets, and dogs. Or we did in A18; haven't checked to see if it's ready for A19 yet.


We're mostly into exploring and building out a horde base, so it's definitely not a Hard Mode server to play on. We still get killed from time to time, but usually due to our own stupidity or lack of planning. Or poor horde base design. Or my dumbass partner shooting out the motion sensor that runs the dart traps. 🤬

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Lately, it's been 120 minute days, survivalist, self imposed perma death, no loot respawn (always choose this option), and will usually bump up exp to 200% for at least a day or two otherwise the beginning can get pretty rough (meaning I die too quickly and have to start over).


But, I've been playing this game a long time (5000+ hours) so no two games are ever the same and I am always looking for a new way to make it more challenging.

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60 minute days

18 hours of daylight

BM every 7 days

Speed at day: walk, night: sprint, feral: sprint, BM: run

100% XP

100% player block damage

75% zombie block damage

50% or 75% loot

Drop backpack only on death

12 BM zombies at a time

Airdrop every 3 days, marked


I'm sure for most of the developers most of the time, the relevant settings are: debug mode on, creative mode on, god mode on :p 

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Default, except:


  • 50% loot
  • 50% exp
  • 50% zambie DMG to blocks
  • 4-8x more zambies on the map (depending how adventurous I feel) - WrathmaniacsMoreZombies_x8
  • bigger wandering hordes (though they do choke up my potato until I clean them up) - FAWK-WANDERING-HORDES
  • oh, and randomized loot again (FAWK-LOOT-ALL)
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I use nitrogen and generate a world without any traders.


120 min days

16 hours of daylight

Remove treasure maps from loot drops.

Lower the probability for food and drinks to show up in loot containers. I set the probability to .01 in all the loot tables they show up in.

Turn off air drops

16 zombies on horde night

No loot respawn

Never use vending machines

destroy all gear/items on death when Im not playing dead is dead




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8 hours ago, Tmodloader said:

I leave them unmarked. If you arent watching the plane then you dont deserve the drops

I used to play it that way too, that is, if I had them active at all. Over time though, the little mini-game of immediately running after it at noon just didn’t do much for me. After proving to yourself that it isn’t hard a few hundred times, you kinda just don't care anymore.

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On 8/27/2020 at 4:06 AM, Darklegend222 said:

I usually have everything set to default aside from air drops being everyday, day set to 90 minutes and seeing a few less zombies on screen during a blood moon.


Though im curious, what does everyone use? Everyone should tweak their settings to be the most fun and not the boring grindy mess this game CAN be at times. It'd be nice to know what everyone else uses to fit their needs and play style.

I've only been  exclusively playing Darkness Falls mod. So not a flat comparison. I use max days, zombies jog at night and then everything else default across the board.  


Not sure how Darkness Falls difficulty would translate to vanilla. Vanilla hoard nights are pretty mild compared to DF hoard nights. 

On 8/30/2020 at 9:26 AM, Perramas said:

I use nitrogen and generate a world without any traders.


120 min days

16 hours of daylight

Remove treasure maps from loot drops.

Lower the probability for food and drinks to show up in loot containers. I set the probability to .01 in all the loot tables they show up in.

Turn off air drops

16 zombies on horde night

No loot respawn

Never use vending machines

destroy all gear/items on death when Im not playing dead is dead




Wow - Whats you longest run on this?

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My latest game is Warrior setting, zombies jog, 120 minutes, 18 hr days, no air drops, nothing drops on death, 16 bm zombies,and 75 percent loot.  Everything is default.  Would do more challenges but my computer is older than my 9 year old son so those will have to wait until after I build a new one.  LOVING a19. 😀

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It's varied a bit over the years, but the current Alpha 19 session a friend and I have going has the following settings, if I don't list the setting it's at default.

Difficulty: Insane
24 Hour Cycle: 30 Minutes
Daylight Length: 16
Blood Moon Frequency: 3 Days
Zombie Feral Speed: Nightmare
Zombie Blood Moon Speed: Nightmare
Drop on Death: Backpack Only
Blood Mount Count: 64 Enemies [Coupled with a MaxAlive of 256]
Air Drops: Every 7 Days


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We change Server-side XMLs constantly as issues/suggestions are brought up by our clients. 


Difficulty: Custom

24 hour cycle: 2 hours

Daylight: 16

We run Nitrogen maps (10K - 16K), added Burnt and Wasteland

endless zombies in Wasteland 24/7, endless at night in Burnt Biome (nearly impossible to survive alone early game)

extra zombies/increased respawn in other biomes

Adjusted screamer spawn rate to max (20 and staggered via gamestage). 

Added zombies/small animals/larger animals and custom tweak their HP, Speed, etc.

Added food recipes, tweaked for balance/buffs and then nerf for rarity to balance difficulty.

Bloodmoon: 10 day with 3 day swing (7-13 days)


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