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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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Man, I gotta say, and I truly feel for Gazz... balance is tough! Just released the medieval mod minutes ago, and I'm curious what kind of feedback people will give, but it really taught me several lessons about what the pimps are going through.


I have so much more patience for things like A17 than I did before (and I never really had a problem with slow release dates then, either). It's hard to get it all done, and make it playable.


Good luck TFP, hats off to you.


Congratulations! Feel's good doesn't it? Until the user feedback arrives... :-)

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Congratulations! Feel's good doesn't it? Until the user feedback arrives... :-)


Oh, we have a strick dga♥ policy on that, and all support issues... well, let's just say some users are going to get their inboxes flooded, as I assign those issues to them (even if they've never heard of the mod). ;-)


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I know you don't know, but by saying you don't know then saying you have to say you don't know means you do know and even though we don't know we know you will know and not know to know to tell us that you know so we know you know....


but i still think it would be fun, since electricity is basic right now im just hoping for more fun things in the future, like the automated floors that can flip up and smack a zombie over, now that would be fun.


Only the shadow, and santa claus, truly know.

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Oh, we have a strick dga♥ policy on that, and all support issues... well, let's just say some users are going to get their inboxes flooded, as I assign those issues to them (even if they've never heard of the mod). ;-)


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Only the shadow, and santa claus, truly know.


Then we shall dub them into the shadow claus

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Oh, we have a strick dga♥ policy on that, and all support issues... well, let's just say some users are going to get their inboxes flooded, as I assign those issues to them (even if they've never heard of the mod). ;-)


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Only the shadow, and santa claus, truly know.


Lets hope Pimps don't adapt the new "Guppy Policy" :D


Good luck on the release. I've been following here and there when time permits and you guys definitely put a lot into it. Still best to prepare for the onslaught of nitpicks because people LOVE to nitpick lol. When Im done with 3.2 id love to give it a shot.


Since its ok to discuss our mods in here again, Id like to alert people that 3.2 of Ravenhearst is in full development. More like a 4, which most likely we will be renaming it to. Tons of changes based on feedback when it comes to progression and classes. We have even gotten wilderness spawns back up to A15-ish levels. So that should be fun. Hive controlled pois are a blast to go through.

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Lets hope Pimps don't adapt the new "Guppy Policy" :D


Good luck on the release. I've been following here and there when time permits and you guys definitely put a lot into it. Still best to prepare for the onslaught of nitpicks because people LOVE to nitpick lol. When Im done with 3.2 id love to give it a shot.


Since its ok to discuss our mods in here again, Id like to alert people that 3.2 of Ravenhearst is in full development. More like a 4, which most likely we will be renaming it to. Tons of changes based on feedback when it comes to progression and classes. We have even gotten wilderness spawns back up to A15-ish levels. So that should be fun. Hive controlled pois are a blast to go through.


This is why long dev cycles on the base game are good. Better mods come out.

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Lets hope Pimps don't adapt the new "Guppy Policy" :D


Good luck on the release. I've been following here and there when time permits and you guys definitely put a lot into it. Still best to prepare for the onslaught of nitpicks because people LOVE to nitpick lol. When Im done with 3.2 id love to give it a shot.


Since its ok to discuss our mods in here again, Id like to alert people that 3.2 of Ravenhearst is in full development. More like a 4, which most likely we will be renaming it to. Tons of changes based on feedback when it comes to progression and classes. We have even gotten wilderness spawns back up to A15-ish levels. So that should be fun. Hive controlled pois are a blast to go through.


Have you read MadMoles posts? I've never seen him be overly generous with GA♥, it's what I like about the man :-)


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Is Madmole gonna do his Let's Plays once they're in content lock again? I hope he does, they were hilarious.


I really hope so, preferably with his loudest keyboard and most profane language :-)

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Man, I gotta say, and I truly feel for Gazz... balance is tough! Just released the medieval mod minutes ago, and I'm curious what kind of feedback people will give, but it really taught me several lessons about what the pimps are going through.


I have so much more patience for things like A17 than I did before (and I never really had a problem with slow release dates then, either). It's hard to get it all done, and make it playable.


Good luck TFP, hats off to you.


CONGRATS GUP!!! Along with all the guys who contributed...awesome work!! Cant wait to play it!





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Naw, you gotta dress it in an a17 post... Like ask MM where the gutters are, because you thought about putting them in your mod...


LOL...cant wait!!


Cough * gutter video * Cough

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Naw, you gotta dress it in an a17 post... Like ask MM where the gutters are, because you thought about putting them in your mod...


MM I would LOVE to know more about those sweet trees you showed us a few days ago!


They are almost as cool looking as the trees in some mod i was looking at.


That said


Did i do it right?


And just in case Roland Notices we want to

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Congratulations! Feel's good doesn't it? Until the user feedback arrives... :-)


Yep, loaded up the mod, got a stone axe and chopped down a tree... and a dragon started breathing on me. OK time to run, while on fire. Ran until I ran out of stamia and... dragon still on me. Was that his tree? Like a Smokey the Bear on crack... of course he's the one starting fires (me).


So anyway. I ran to the abyss and jumped in, thinking maybe its a lake (did I mention the huge hole it the ground? Tried to F12 screen shot it but no joy). So I fell maybe 100 meters and started bouncing up and down while the dragon kept breathing on me, out of range of melee, clever him, my 25 quality axe would have destroyed him!


Maybe needs a little work. Did I mention the errors in the command screen and the sound track that kept looping?

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Yep, loaded up the mod, got a stone axe and chopped down a tree... and a dragon started breathing on me. OK time to run, while on fire. Ran until I ran out of stamia and... dragon still on me. Was that his tree? Like a Smokey the Bear on crack... of course he's the one starting fires (me).


So anyway. I ran to the abyss and jumped in, thinking maybe its a lake (did I mention the huge hole it the ground? Tried to F12 screen shot it but no joy). So I fell maybe 100 meters and started bouncing up and down while the dragon kept breathing on me, out of range of melee, clever him, my 25 quality axe would have destroyed him!


Maybe needs a little work. Did I mention the errors in the command screen and the sound track that kept looping?


I think feedback for mods is probably best posted in their respective threads in the forums.

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Take the time to thank a veteran today. Because of them, we live in a free country were following your dreams is possible.


If you dare to dream.



So take the time to remember our veterans for there sacrifices please. :)

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Take the time to thank a veteran today. Because of them, we live in a free country were following your dreams is possible.


If you dare to dream.



So take the time to remember our veterans for there sacrifices please. :)


i wasnt in any wars at the time of my duty cycle 1976-1979, but i recruited a lot of new soldiers. (i was a recruiter for national guards), my wife served her (ra) time in italy.


<salutes to past and present Veterans>

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Guest Rassilon
Take the time to thank a veteran today. Because of them, we live in a free country were following your dreams is possible.




Excuse the Question, but how many Invasions on their Homeland exactly defended the US againt?

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I think feedback for mods is probably best posted in their respective threads in the forums.


Normally you would be right but given Guppy's rather vocal criticisms of TFP's work over the course of many years I think he deserves his day in sun... to be flambéed. :-)

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*Trigger alert*


As a European, I reserve my judgment of US military policy :)


Tempting though it was to post a picture of a red-coat... we're not saluting national policy, we're saluting the massive bollocks it takes to put your life on the line for something greater than yourself. Regardless of whether you're right or wrong that takes courage.


There's a lot of military in my family and I can't really claim that Britain has had a great track record of morally justifiable wars in recent decades (the reason I didn't sign up).


Didn't your lot sail a ship up the Thames and take a shot at parliament recently?*


*European recently... which spans the last 300 years. :-)

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Tempting though it was to post a picture of a red-coat... we're not saluting national policy, we're saluting the massive bollocks it takes to put your life on the line for something greater than yourself. Regardless of whether you're right or wrong that takes courage.


There's a lot of military in my family and I can't really claim that Britain has had a great track record of morally justifiable wars in recent decades (the reason I didn't sign up).


Didn't your lot sail a ship up the Thames and take a shot at parliament recently?*


*European recently... which spans the last 300 years. :-)


Hehe, you're right. We burned their ships right under their noses :) Then again, karma hit, and we were forced to trade a piece of prime real estate (backwater island of Manhattan) for a piece of jungle were one would be able to grow nutmegs!


And of course it takes bollocks to put your life on the line for something greater than yourself. That can (often) be honourable. But it's difficult to judge whether the individual soldier is right or wrong. There is, for example, no such national Veterans Day here in Germany. Why would there?


Plus there are a lot of different professions who put their life on the line for the greater good of the society. Case in point, teachers in the US.



/totally off-topic mode

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Normally you would be right but given Guppy's rather vocal criticisms of TFP's work over the course of many years I think he deserves his day in sun... to be flambéed. :-)


Lol, I ain't skeered. =) Wyvern nest being disturbed when you chop a tree shouldn't be happening in the spawn biome though, neat.

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I've been watching some Unity 2018.1 development video's specifically featuring HDRP and the only thing I can say is WOW.


You guys should take 10 min and check out this video, however if you don't I will sum it up for you by saying we are in for a treat if The Fun Pimps decide to move forward using HDRP.


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I've been watching some Unity 2018.1 development video's specifically featuring HDRP and the only thing I can say is WOW.


You guys should take 10 min and check out this video, however if you don't I will sum it up for you by saying we are in for a treat if The Fun Pimps decide to move forward using HDRP.



Not right now for sure. SRP is beta, not ready for production yet and not covered by regular unity support yet.



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I've been watching some Unity 2018.1 development video's specifically featuring HDRP and the only thing I can say is WOW.


You guys should take 10 min and check out this video, however if you don't I will sum it up for you by saying we are in for a treat if The Fun Pimps decide to move forward using HDRP.



Would you rather have better graphics or more features and less bugs? There's a limited team working on the game and not everything can be done at once.


Also be wary of tech-demos, they're usually just smoke and mirrors. The lovely scene in the forest wasn't rendered in real-time on a home PC, that's more like a CGI film where things are pre-built and pre-rendered, don't expect that kind of performance while playing a game any time soon with any game engine.

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Would you rather have better graphics or more features and less bugs? There's a limited team working on the game and not everything can be done at once.


Also be wary of tech-demos, they're usually just smoke and mirrors. The lovely scene in the forest wasn't rendered in real-time on a home PC, that's more like a CGI film where things are pre-built and pre-rendered, don't expect that kind of performance while playing a game any time soon with any game engine.


I want it all why do I have to compromise?


That is patently untrue because far cry 5 renders graphics that good at 4k in real time at playable frame rates, of course it is built on the Cryengine 5 but Unity 2018 is supposed to be as good by the end of it's development cycle.

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