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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Go back and watch the video. Joel talked about picking up arrows. He said he would love to be able to retrieve arrows. He literally said that what he showed is the starting place.


Everdeen is sticky arrows. Sorry if it is underwhelming compared to expectations but that is what hype is all about :) Trust me that playing with it is far more enjoyable than watching it. I probably ran around for 45 minutes just shooting zombies and deer and boars trying to stick as many arrows in them before their....ahem...huge red HP bar depleted completely. Sticky arrows adds more than you would guess to the archery part of the game-- even if you can't retrieve them yet.


So I guessed right! Everdeen is people! Um, I mean Sticky Arrows!

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Done until you think about abandoned cars. Need an entirely new action to get the gas out.


All I can see so far is more silly micromanagement to get the same things done.


I'm not sure how wanting gas to be scarce equates to "more silly micromanagement." With how easy it is to get gas right now why even have it in the game? I've never ran out of gas and I never mine for shale. Needing to conserve your gas is a good way to limit the OP nature of vehicles that can outrun everything in the game. I don't find that a silly argument at all.

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So I guessed right! Everdeen is people! Um, I mean Sticky Arrows!



I'm a little late to the party. But here's my 2 cents in regards to Health Bars.


They should only be used for vehicles, pets, bosses, and regenerating enemies.


Everything else should be left untouched.



Normal whack a mole zombies or zombir dogs don't need a cartoony RED House of the Dead style bar taking up even more screen space.



Half of the fun is not knowing if it's dead.


Taking this away really would cheapen the game experience imo.



Just add health bars to the enemies and things/ vehicles that need real time knowledge of how much health is left.


I.e. driving your jeep without a health bar, you're unsure how long til it explodes.


Same goes for regenerating zombies or bosses. You need some kind of visual indicator be it thru UI, or even more awesome would be visual ♥♥♥♥ like they're walking cycle gets distorted, or they start bleeding a bunch.


Dismemberment is already in, so this could be done specially for bosses, without health bars even.


But alls I know is 7DTD ain't no arcade game and those HB's on EVERY zombie or animal would get annoying in a couple mins.



Ps. This is my first post. Damn I wrote an essay :(

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I'm not sure how wanting gas to be scarce equates to "more silly micromanagement." With how easy it is to get gas right now why even have it in the game? I've never ran out of gas and I never mine for shale. Needing to conserve your gas is a good way to limit the OP nature of vehicles that can outrun everything in the game. I don't find that a silly argument at all.


I used to occasionally set a barrel down and shoot it at (hopefully tactical, but usually poorly-timed) particular moments during larger/tougher fights. Sometimes gas would build up in storage but usually this used it up at about the right speed. The fairly recent change that invalidated such a maneuver meant I suddenly had more gas than I needed.


It's so trivial to out-path zombies, and breadcrumbs won't change that...just make a few jumps needed and they're hopeless. Aircraft haven't ever been needed for evasion and won't be. They would be great for transitioning to permanently higher-threat areas but they're most likely going to be a one-off after the thrill wears off and you decide you'd rather be on the ground actually playing still. That and bragging rights if you're the only one who went to all the effort to get one functional on your server.

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I'm a little late to the party. But here's my 2 cents in regards to Health Bars.


They should only be used for vehicles, pets, bosses, and regenerating enemies.


Everything else should be left untouched.



Normal whack a mole zombies or zombir dogs don't need a cartoony RED House of the Dead style bar taking up even more screen space.



Half of the fun is not knowing if it's dead.


Taking this away really would cheapen the game experience imo.



Just add health bars to the enemies and things/ vehicles that need real time knowledge of how much health is left.


I.e. driving your jeep without a health bar, you're unsure how long til it explodes.


Same goes for regenerating zombies or bosses. You need some kind of visual indicator be it thru UI, or even more awesome would be visual ♥♥♥♥ like they're walking cycle gets distorted, or they start bleeding a bunch.


Dismemberment is already in, so this could be done specially for bosses, without health bars even.


But alls I know is 7DTD ain't no arcade game and those HB's on EVERY zombie or animal would get annoying in a couple mins.



Ps. This is my first post. Damn I wrote an essay :(


I approve and ratify this first post. I can easily say that very few first posts have been as incredibly on target as this first post. Welcome to the forums and always post what I'm thinking please and thank you.

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I'm a little late to the party. But here's my 2 cents in regards to Health Bars.


They should only be used for vehicles, pets, bosses, and regenerating enemies.


Everything else should be left untouched.



Normal whack a mole zombies or zombir dogs don't need a cartoony RED House of the Dead style bar taking up even more screen space.



Half of the fun is not knowing if it's dead.


Taking this away really would cheapen the game experience imo.



Just add health bars to the enemies and things/ vehicles that need real time knowledge of how much health is left.


I.e. driving your jeep without a health bar, you're unsure how long til it explodes.


Same goes for regenerating zombies or bosses. You need some kind of visual indicator be it thru UI, or even more awesome would be visual ♥♥♥♥ like they're walking cycle gets distorted, or they start bleeding a bunch.


Dismemberment is already in, so this could be done specially for bosses, without health bars even.


But alls I know is 7DTD ain't no arcade game and those HB's on EVERY zombie or animal would get annoying in a couple mins.



Ps. This is my first post. Damn I wrote an essay :(


Welcome to the forum! I really don't have a preference for or against the health bars as I know I can mod it out of my personal game and I don't generally play on on-line servers. But I can see some peoples reasoning's for not wanting the clutter if they are playing on line and cannot change it themselves. I think a solution would be a toggle- press once to remove the bar, twice to remove all UI elements, and third brings back everything. Everybody happy.

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Getting oil into or back out of a vehicles tank needs granularity because tanks have different sizes.

We could also go with (inventory) gas cans having "durability" so the can would be x % full after filling up your vehicle and you would have to fill up the gas can... how?

At some point you have to convert more granular gas items into it so... not much gained one way or the other.


What about just making 3 different size gas cans that give you X amount of fuel? I large =full tank /small= half tank / jar= 1/4 with limited amount of miles for each...large lasts a day, etc?



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Gotta agree with Jax. Seems weird.


Maybe everdeen is zip lines, because maybe Roland got confused about which teen heroine movie was which, and meant Divergent?


Nope. It is not the zipline. Roland got what he secretly wanted since he started playing....the fire dress.

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Loving the updates - power attacks coupled with what seems like zombies actually falling backwards via ragdoll physics, the 'twitching' is, hopefully, going to be kept in as it looks creepy, and arrows sticking to targets. Distant trees for forested areas would feel much nicer, but also hoping for easier manipulation of the terrain, or for it generally become more interesting on the smaller scale - more tiny outcroppings, little dips, small hills or even minor cliffs/ravines.


Regarding healthbars, not too keen on something garish and bright-red for all enemies personally, but out of curiosity, what if something like that was unlocked via a perk, and slowly displayed while concentrating upon a single enemy? Doesn't necessarily need to be a large health-bar, maybe an ui-indicator or something.

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For me it's not immersion, it's garishness. That, and more importantly, it takes AWAY from any "oh ♥♥♥♥" moments, and "why won't this guy die" moments, as now, I'll know exactly how to meta game, which zombies to target, and when to run the hell away.




There will be an option to put duct tape on the monitor where HP bar appears 😎

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Am I selfish or do I think that we should get the experimental A17 to speed up the release and find the bugs now rather than later (of course new ones could pop up)?


Release to experimental too early, and you get too many reports on the glaringly obvious bugs, which aren’t useful. Release too late, and more of the obscure bugs that take longer to tease out slip by into the full release. Only The Fun Pimps have a clear enough picture of the state of development to see where that needle they’re threading is.


This is EA, not EA.


And that bit of lexical confusion right there is why “EA” is the most unfortunate game-related acronym for this decade. :)


For the airship, think steam punk. Not a Goodyear blimp, but dirty, stinky and... yeah, think men's locker room meets basement furnace. :)


I’m guessing you don’t work in the marketing department. :p

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Am I selfish or do I think that we should get the experimental A17 to speed up the release and find the bugs now rather than later (of course new ones could pop up)?


i think at this point, you'd get a wicker basket from gazz to dump random bits and bobs on to the floor to stare at confusedly.

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Not sure about your experience. But they would improve my experience by letting me not having to swing a club at a regenning health zombie for 5 minutes to even know if i have the power to kill it. Just One example


Regenning zombies is also a bad idea. How can that be justified? What exactly is the mechanism that drives the process of regeneration?


It would be wonderful to play the game unmodded for an Alpha or two, but considering some of the recent proposed changes, it looks like it’s just a pipe dream...

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Release to experimental too early, and you get too many reports on the glaringly obvious bugs, which aren’t useful. Release too late, and more of the obscure bugs that take longer to tease out slip by into the full release. Only The Fun Pimps have a clear enough picture of the state of development to see where that needle they’re threading is.


To add to your point, there's a good chance that the game is actually completely unplayable in its current build. For all we know, the current test build may only be good for testing features as they get ported in. Zombie spawning might not be working outside of manually calling from the F6 menu. The starting quest or respawn after death may be broken due to some bit of code that is currently being overhauled. I'm guessing that the process of rebuilding as much of the game's infrastructure as they seem to he overhauling for alpha 17 would break a lot of game features. It's probably not very playable until they are close to releasing an experimental build, or at least have content lock.

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As long as I can turn off health bars for everything that would be great. I like seeing mine but only when I am below 30%. I don't care for zombies having them games like WOW have them on everything but you can turn them off.


This, certainly. Please give us some control over them.

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Regenning zombies is also a bad idea. How can that be justified? What exactly is the mechanism that drives the process of regeneration?


It would be wonderful to play the game unmodded for an Alpha or two, but considering some of the recent proposed changes, it looks like it’s just a pipe dream...


I'm not a fan of the regen either, i'd even take a huge damage sponge with no regen over the regen crap. As long as I know I would eventually kill it, even doing the smallest damage. With Regen you just don't know.

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So a recap of A17:


-Until there's a reason to stay and defend something (NPC's for example) tower defense is purely a sandbox activity. So a sandbox mode should be added.


-If breadcrumbs are important to the game then anything that breaks breadcrumbs should be moved to the sandbox mode like Ziplines (if added) and anything that flies.


-What a person sees on the HUD should be 100% controllable.


-Al's Marina needs to have both an underground adventure sub-POI and a underwater adventure sub-POI. (If it takes up the whole map, so be it).


I think I mentioned everything we all want in the game, did I miss anything?

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