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Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Dev Diary

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27 minutes ago, Kalex said:

Seems a lot less to me. I've chopped 30+ stumps and still haven't gotten any honey. That challenge is going to take forever to complete.

I have 2 saves in 1.0 so far. For the first one (which was for testing things) I got honey from the second stump I destroyed. On the current save I've had to have gotten at least 10 honey's in 14 days.


Sometimes in A21 I would barely get honey. 


If I only knew the name of the XML @bdubyah screenshotted, I'd post the probability difference between A21 and 1.0. 


Found it. "blocks.xml". The probability of getting honey from a tree stump is 0.2 which is the same between A21 and 1.0.

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2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

So... they removed honey from tree stumps. :ohwell:

I thought they nerfed it up. I got jipped over & over in A21. Here in 1.0, it seems like I get a honey every 3 or 4 I find.

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1 hour ago, Kalex said:

Seems a lot less to me. I've chopped 30+ stumps and still haven't gotten any honey. That challenge is going to take forever to complete.


Bad luck. You can flip a coin over and over, betting tails, and get heads 31 times in a row. It's unlikely, but entirely possible. AFAIK it's a 10% chance for honey from stumps. Every time you destroy a stump, the game rolls the die. Destroying 10 stumps doesn't guarantee a honey.

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Honey can be annoying.  I got 2 honey right away.  Since then, I haven't found any in 4 days, hitting every stump I find.  Beginning to wonder if it is broken on my save somehow.

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3 hours ago, Kalex said:

I've chopped 30+ stumps and still haven't gotten any honey. That challenge is going to take forever to complete.


If that's not an exaggeration, the odds of not getting any honey in 30 draws where each draw is 20% would be (1.0-0.2)^30 = 0.00123794003 or 0.12%


Normally I'd say it's time to buy a lottery ticket, but in your case it seems like time to avoid lottery tickets.

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Everyone who tries to infere the chance of getting honey with just 20 or 30 tries should be slapped with the life-sized stone statue of their math teacher. Haven't you learned anything from multiple years of playing a looting game?


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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I know everyone's talking about honey right now but like. did they buff night time zombies or something?? im on nomad dificulty, in the desert, in a small city (not sure what size, really, but its a desert city), in the navezgane public library, sneak sitting on the ROOF and it's been a steady stream of zombies hearing and seeing me! I'm not even moving around at this point and a feral wight somehow heard/saw me and came running??? (Feral sense is in fact off, I'm running completely vanilla apart from UI-specific mods)


also to contribute to the honey discussion, I finished the challenge on day 9 (I'm on day 10 now). Third or fourth stump gave me honey the first time, but I'm constantly on the lookout for them in the wilderness and on POIs.

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Our first experience/impressions with 1.0 EXP:


We play as a 2 man/woman group on insane:

One Str/Fort for cooking/digging/harvesting, the other Agi/Int/Perc for salvaging/electrics/cars/medic stuff.

We started in forest biome.


First issue:

We shared all books according to weapons and "tasks" and therefore had mini bikes on day 8.

But it took us until day 10 to get all tier 1 quests for each player to get a normal bike...


Second issue:

Since we had to do 20 tier 1 quests (and we are only 2 players!), there was A LOT of repetition in buildings....


Possible solution:

Make group quests count again or reduce the number of required quests for each player to 5 or 7.


Third issue:

We had only 1-2 ferals in forest biome (and only random during night).

But after reaching burnt forest and starting a normal tier 2 quest we got 3 ferals + 1 radiated in this POI (it was big buns which is always "harder"). But WTF? Was this snow already?🙂

But overall:
- Good slowed down progress speed
- Nice characters

- New bridges are nice
- Super nice vehicles

- We LOVED the new wolves / coyotes pack animations!

- Trader opening at 4am? Check.
- No ending zombie waves on blood moon? Okaaaayyyyy? 😲

Edited by Thaledwyn (see edit history)
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Okay, so I just managed to clear vanity tower on my agility/bow build on day 11 in the burnt forest. I'm level 23 with a mix of primitive and tier 1 gear, took me around an hour to clear. One thing I'd like to note is how bad the rewards were. Most of the poi didn't have much loot other than food, and the final hardened chest only had ammo, schematics, a food bundle, and a quality 2 knife which was only a tiny bit better than what I have now (and some stuff I could sell). I think higher tier pois need a bit of a further loot increase. It doesn't feel like I was rewarded for taking the risk of clearing such a large poi early. I just went slow and got through it eventually. It was a fun experience, mix of stealth and loud fighting, but the actual reward wasn't very good. I think I would have recieved better items by going through a few tier 2 pois. So my feedback would be to make the poi bonuses a bit more impactful for tier 5's.


Another thing I've been noticing are the new road intersections and bridges, Love these! They add some very nice variety to the roads. Roads and paths also seem to be able to better carve through hills, which is also really neat.

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On 6/22/2024 at 12:14 PM, MechanicalLens said:

@faatal I saw it mentioned in the RWG Previewer in various streams that toggling certain features may break traders. I presume this means removing any biomes from your world. If I were to do a snow biome only playthrough later on in the version, for example, what kind of "game-breaking content" could I expect to encounter? :) Are the negative effects detrimental or trivial?

Trader quests progress from lower difficulty biome to highest. If the next biome is missing, you will have no destination. You will also not have the type of trader that goes with that biome. You can always wander around and find traders yourself. My daughter and I are are playing together and we only did the dig quest at Rekt, then just left the forest for the burnt forest, as I wanted something different, and just searched around until we found the big town and Jen. I had a basic memory of how RWG laid out the map. We did not even place a storage chest until day 5.

Play the game how you want, but as we add more biome progression (hazards/weather), story and end game content, it will require playing in a way where those features can chain together if you want that content to fully work.

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6 minutes ago, faatal said:

Trader quests progress from lower difficulty biome to highest. If the next biome is missing, you will have no destination. You will also not have the type of trader that goes with that biome. You can always wander around and find traders yourself. My daughter and I are are playing together and we only did the dig quest at Rekt, then just left the forest for the burnt forest, as I wanted something different, and just searched around until we found the big town and Jen. I had a basic memory of how RWG laid out the map. We did not even place a storage chest until day 5.

Play the game how you want, but as we add more biome progression (hazards/weather), story and end game content, it will require playing in a way where those features can chain together if you want that content to fully work.


I hope it becomes a toggleable thing down the road for RWG though. Like a Story map vs a Free Roam map or something like that

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Can someone explain what's the difference between the Rogue Hood's "Loot Bonus" and the Treasure Hunter's Mod's "Better Loot"? I assume they must be different things because they don't stack like the Enforcer's Sunglass' Better Barter and the Cigar's, when showing the stats.

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1 hour ago, faatal said:

Trader quests progress from lower difficulty biome to highest. If the next biome is missing, you will have no destination. You will also not have the type of trader that goes with that biome. You can always wander around and find traders yourself. My daughter and I are are playing together and we only did the dig quest at Rekt, then just left the forest for the burnt forest, as I wanted something different, and just searched around until we found the big town and Jen. I had a basic memory of how RWG laid out the map. We did not even place a storage chest until day 5.

Play the game how you want, but as we add more biome progression (hazards/weather), story and end game content, it will require playing in a way where those features can chain together if you want that content to fully work.

The biggest issue here is how broken it makes things.  For Navesgane or even Pregen, that's one thing.  But when people play RWG, they're looking for a random experience.  The same for all the people who make or use custom maps, like DC.  This should either be optional in the game settings for the map or it should have fallback handlers for when something isn't set up exactly they way you "want".  For example, if it's set to go from Rekt in forest to Jen in burnt and Jen isn't in burnt, it will see that there isn't a Jen in burnt to go to, so will either send you to a different trader in burnt or to Jen in another biome (depending which you prefer).  If there's no burnt at all, it will send you to Jen in another biome.  If there's no Jen, it will send you to a different trader in burnt.  If no Jen or burnt, it will send you to a different trader in some other biome.  This prevents things from breaking regardless of the map and really should be done, imo.  Especially if you're going to tie more things to a specific progression.


Or just have that be an option like I said, where it works the new way when enabled or the old way when disabled.  Disabled and also disable the story if you feel that would be better.  After all, no story will be good enough for people to want to do dozens of times the way they play the game dozens of times.  So having an option to disable the story once you've done in a few times would probably be good anyhow.


There's nothing inherently wrong with this new setup except that it can't be disabled.  Just look at my first RWG game.  I had to travel 4km on a bike on day 3, through the wasteland, to get to Jen and then travel that far back because RWG set up the map that way.  That's not a good thing.  I could do it, even if I didn't enjoy the long ride, because I have played the game a long time.  But a new player is going to die, probably repeatedly, trying to do that.  That's a great way to lose players.

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Now that I am playing 1.0 the game is much harder. 

Awards if halved, which sucks. 

Also the enemy's seem harder to kill. I feel like I traded my knife for a banana, which also sucks. Even when you stab them in the face they don't even slow down. Sometimes they even rush you.   

You would think that a stab to the face or other blunt force trauma, even a zombie would be pushed back or something other than a grown. 

At least you start off with a bit more water now. But your still dead if you can't find a pot. 

The primitive bow seems to have more power but only if you use it in stealth. 

I end up using that more, rather than a pipe gun. As the first pipe guns are crap and ammo is twice as rare now. 


I see that Rex has gotten a lot of love. As he has a lot of new lines and is more than willing to share them. lol 

I also hear him over the intercom now, rather than Joe, which is a good change. He opens earlier to, which is nice. Too bad the prices are still high. 


Why did I have to start with Rex? lol😂 Why couldn't it be with the Dr? 😆

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1 minute ago, Alphabeta110 said:

@фатальный @Лаз Мэн @Роланд Optimized for xbox one what?



lets go!!! and yeah this is so the game can mostly stay 60FPS AT least on consoles

Ark has this too, granted it lowers the graphics but its worth it, i hope we get at least 40 zombie hordes

Just now, Adam the Waster said:

lets go!!! and yeah this is so the game can mostly stay 60FPS AT least on consoles

Ark has this too, granted it lowers the graphics but its worth it, i hope we get at least 40 zombie hordes


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20 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

поехали!!! и да, это для того, чтобы игра могла поддерживать 60 кадров в секунду по крайней мере на консолях.

В Ark это тоже есть, конечно, это снижает графику, но оно того стоит, я надеюсь, что мы получим хотя бы 40 орд зомби.

Кстати, могу ли я просто отдать деньги сутенерам!

So far, it is impossible to make a pre-order ☹️☹️☹️

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