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  1. Is purple the burnt forest? I'm so excited for its return. Thankfully, with the introduction of the albedo variants, I'd say its fairly likely we get this in future (?)
  2. I do agree that there is a general lack of qol. I woudn't say its as agregious as some games, but it could use some work. The windows issue happens to me on occasion, it seems to be mostly due to the extreme darkness on the interior of buildings making everything appear dark until one goes outside. This is better/worse in certain pois, but hopefully recieves improvements, as it can be extremely jarring. The darkness in interiors is another aspect they are working on. Here's a few examples of things I've found: You can only have one craft item tracked on screen. This also hides any trader quests that may be active. I'm very surprised this wasn't fixed/tweaked quickly after A21. You can't hide the popups, or the hud elements of the poi/biome difficulty indicators. This will likely only come after the HUD rework, so sadly it seems we'll have to wait for a fairly long time for this. Drinking water from a water source is unintuitive. I was unable to figure out how to drink, as you have to stand by the water, stand still and stare at it for a few seconds until it prompts you. This waiting period is not explained anywhere in a journal entry, and is just weirdly implemented. You can call me dumb (true), but this should be explained, or more obvious, due to how important it can be earlygame before you find a source of clean water. You can't select the quality for equipment in the creative menu. Some door frames remain at 1hp when doors are destroyed, and are repaired with seemingly random materials. This also repairs the door, in some cases taking a very high amount of random materials, like 50 brass to repair a 250hp wooden door, while a standard 1000hp wooden door only takes a small amount of wood. Some doors have this problem, some don't. Some spike hitboxes can be completely unhittable. I remember going to a survivor site poi surrounded by spikes, and no matter what angle I tried to hit them at, the attacks wouldn't register. This also applies to repairing placed spikes. It can get annoying. The same thing applies for the repair hitbox for window glass. Doors can now be attacked through, but the hitboxes for these can be iffy, espescially with melee weapons. You could hit through the hole, but damage the door instead. Some perks such as fast healing have unmentioned or unclear downsides. The inventory lock system is a bit unintuitive. Better than nothing, but it could be improved drastically. And finally, stealth can be really janky. I've had trigger zombies spawn directly behind me, as in, nearly touching my player. Funny thing is, this guy didn't notice me, while zombies spawned by me pressing a button while I'm hidding in a dark corner somehow immediately lock on. Not saying you need to be able to stealth everything, but the system can be a bit funny
  3. All things aside, I'm rather excited. I hope 1.0 is a great update.
  4. Huh, neat. Honestly, I think I'd forgotten, I don't delve into the shape menu too deep. Thanks for letting me know
  5. New trailer is neat, but no way cities have zombie density like that lmao, even if they were manually spawned in, the game would chug, among other things make it a tad inaccurate. Also man, I wish we had a different sawed off model. But that's just me. New zombie cop spit particles! Very nice to see. But they look super wide ranging, hopefully they match their hitbox. I hope they don't spit everywhere, currently the pools don't do damage, and having non damaging spit particles everywhere can be confusing Not sure what the frames mean, are they now reverting back to the old frames? Was there a new shovel model or am I stupid? The traders all having that one animation kind of makes me chuckle a bit, espescially given their detailed models. They also just kinda keep their mouths open at all times, without any kind of lip syncing, which is a bit funny, espescially in a trailer. Albedo variants look good. I wonder if you can manually select a variant or if they spawn randomly. Where's the part where any zombie (even the lightweights) gets hit in the face with a heavy weapon, stumbles forward somehow despite being hit square in the head (natural response would probably be to get knocked backward), and hits you mid animation? 💀 Probably one of my only major complaints with the combat, alongside the jank of how crippling limbs work
  6. I like this model so much more than the previous one. Matches with the other soldiers as well. Great job redoing the model! Looks great.
  7. That makes sense, I just meant that as an example since its the first that came to mind. There are quite a few blocks with odd amounts of hp, though. Boards with more/the same hp than walls are some of the first others that I can think of, but there are examples of ones that are more disproportionate. Just interested to know if its on the radar for changes in the future. It's not really of major importance.
  8. Very random and unimportant question: But have there been any changes to the creative menu? Like adding a quality selector, for instance. Edit: Another question I have is about block health values. I've noticed a lot of blocks with weirdly high or low HP values proportional to what they are. For instance, cloth mattresses with more hp than cupboards and cabinets. Are these things on the radar? Just curious. Not an issue or anything, just sort of interested in the thoughts on it. This also includes stuff like the leather chests with really high hp.
  9. Huh. Honestly, I always used the word microtransaction just meant any kind of additional purchase, like I call dlcs microtransactions too, but thats just me. And then I call major additions expansions. I haven't thought that much about it, I guess the meaning is different. To me, a cosmetic ingame purchase is pretty much the same thing as a cosmetic dlc, at least in terms of how much I dislike them 😅
  10. That was a thing? That's dope, +1 from me, they made all those changes to water, would be great to have something like this to put it to use
  11. I think a poi that spawns at water/a river would be absolutely dope. Would definitely look forward to more reasons to explore outside of cities, and that would also add some cool set dressing and detail to the world.
  12. You know those shanty town pois that used to be in the game? I really enjoyed how they were sort of different, and were a bunch of different buildings as opposed to a more traditional dungeon style. It's not that great or new of an idea compared to something more novel, but I enjoyed them, would be nice if they returned. I remember dying once to the trapped gun safe iirc Hm, alright. Lank sharks or we riot 😄 This is an essential part of every survival game, truly appalling it hasn't been added. We also haven't recieved dolphins, literally unplayable.
  13. Huh. The more you know. Lots of smart people on this forum 🙂
  14. Oh, did unity end up keeping that new pricing plan that they got a lot of flak for a while back? I don't remember. 💀 Edit: Does anyone know if that cowboy hat has been seen in a22? The one that was shown in the character animation preview a while back. I almost forgot about it, but its a pretty dope hat so I hope that it is.
  15. I mean, yeah, good point, I'm sure some people are like that, but some people are just throwing out their thoughts on it. But there are some genuine concerns here. For instance, in an interview, the 2 cofounders of tfp said "the biggest optimizations will come with gold". Now we're learning that they're optimizing, yes, but there haven't been any extreme improvements, and we're already pretty much at gold, and the other features on roadmap they released before this one is coming afterwards as well. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the team have made a bunch of improvements as they work on a22, but it sounds more like performance will be an ongoing thing. I saw an earlier comment saying the game didn't support multithreading? I'm curious about that. Games without that tend to struggle a lot more, I wouldn't be surprised if thats holding the game back a lot, even if its a major undertaking, it may be worth looking into if it all possible. I personally have some issues, but nothing too new, communication is kind of lacking, outside of a couple people of the forums. None of this is particularily agregious, or anything to get extremely mad over. tfp kind of reminds me of valve in that regard. I think people get more negative or critical about this stuff because of the lack of communication. Generally, when people feel like they aren't being heard, they talk a lot louder. I believe most people just want to say their peace about the state of the game. Quite a few people can get frustrated at the current magazine system's rng nature, for instance. Perhaps you raid a gas station and get no vehicle books? Or you raid a tier 5 military poi on day 1 and you get a pipe pistol with some magazines as your reward? Or how water flows? Misc stuff like this, and stuff relating to roadmaps, releases, etc, are all important to talk about and discuss. Hell, a pretty good portion of the stuff I've said or suggested have been pretty dumb, but maybe some of the people's ideas are good? I don't know. My biggest issue/suggestions is about communication. It'd be sick if they posted a steam update blog/announcement every month or so, tell us what theyre working on (that they can tell us), show some teaser images, talk about community suggestions or questions on these and the steam forums. Terraria's devs sort of do the same thing, and its great. Also helps build up hype. What are the devs thinking? What are they trying to decide? What bugs have come up? etc I'm happy with some aspects of the roadmap, like how we're getting the weather update in q4 this year, which is far earlier than normal, excited for how weather impacts gameplay, as well as some of the other stuff, and for some reason I'm oddly happy about having our gear reflected on our fps model. 🙂
  16. Good sir, you are based. Good point about the ea thing, it is true. My only real irk is the dlc I guess. But I think I'm the only one who doesn't like even cosmetic stuff like that in games- it didn't stop or reflect negatively on other sucessful indie games like deep rock galactic, and it doesn't bother most people. Just rubs me the wrong way a little. Makes me happy when games don't put that stuff in their games in any capacity, and its something I'd otherwise praise about the game if it didn't have any gameplay or cosmetic dlcs. I don't think I'd have as much as a problem if they released it after they finished their promised features, but I still wouldn't be a fan. 😅
  17. Sorry, I more meant that, instead of working on dlc stuff, perhaps they could work on some of the older textures, or certain biome tree textures that look a bit dated. There's still a lot of stuff that would benefit from facelifts. I sorta phrased it poorly, apologies, but I just don't like this kind of dlc in general, finished or not. Its always a big win when games just add this stuff in without an extra price tag. DLC being added before promised features is only a sort of side thing for me. Just to add, I'm an idiot, so I probably just said something dumb, sorry. 💀 I think it just boils down to me not liking paid dlcs
  18. imo you shouldn't have to pay, even if there is a good variety that comes with the game. This isn't a live service game, and the game isn't even done. Cosmetic or not, its unecessary. Espescially considering the game isn't finished yet.
  19. I feel like the problem just boils down to how they did this. The announcement was completely random, and it contradicts things they've stated in the past, like how they said previously they didn't want to rubber stamp the game gold "Unfortunately, to do a proper airport with our current standards we would need more than just one airplane model. Maybe for DLC or next game. " I really hope they don't start selling poi packs on console or pc 💀
  20. Here boss, it's not perfect but hopefully its better.
  21. Sorry, there's an outfit dlc shown as under the q4 2024 section in the roadmap 😅
  22. Was the console version initially shown to not come with rwg? I don't remember. Seems like a pretty big thing to be missing, I'm not a console player, though. Once again, very much against this dlc. I don't think its okay to not only release the game before a lot of promised features on a previous roadmap to gold are implemented, but also create paid dlc as the first update after release, espescially given the price hike. I think I'm making such a big point of this because in an interview, I believe one of the main devs said "we don't want to just rubber stamp it gold", and now it feels kinda like thats what theyre doing? I don't know. I still love the game, but man, this puts a bad taste in my mouth. At least we got a timeline, I guess? 🤔 Zombie stages sounds cool, that sounds more like additional tiers like radiated or feral instead of wholly new zombies. Hopefully we do get fully new ones at some point though, some of the current archetypes feel like they do the same thing as one another (exploding, spitting acid)
  23. I think the only things on the roadmap itself I dislike are the dlc stuff, and the events. I assume events are like, random events. I personally don't like scripted stuff like that. I assume its like, a zombie horde spawns at this time, or when you go to this location, or simillar, also sounds like bandit groundwork. I hope we go further away from stuff like triggers and untoggleable switches, not lean more into them, but thats just my take.😅 I'm kind of suprised they disabled the comments on the original video. Since they promoted in on social media, it could have been a good place to look for all kinds of different perspectives on the announcement.
  24. Honestly, the twitch integration thing always seemed redundant to me. I don't know why they added it, seems more like something that should be added post release, if at all. I agree about the dlc. Espescially given like you said- the game isn't finished. Doesn't seem very fair to add. The art assets confuse me as well. I figured and hoped they would redo some of the old very noticeable textures, like some of the ground textures, textures transparent at certain angles, tree models & textures, etc, but it's been mostly pallets and crates and random props that I've seen so far. I also personally don't see why they needed jiggle physics on models in the first place but thats just me, having a floppy belly or gore pieces really don't add anything imo 😅 I think there was something to be said for the old graphics too. Something about lower detail models with the fog and sounds of the old versions made it scarier to watch and play imo. I can agree with you there, I don't care a ton for bandits or the story, I just mentioned them since they've been pushed quite a few times now.
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