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34 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

Why would you need a raft other than to hand out in a lake to avoid a horde?


That's where the "at all" comes into it. I doubt it is very high on their priority list.


On the other hand, with the water fix, water voxels now play nicely with decorations and blocks so there might be the possibility of a fully submerged or partially submerged city and a raft could be useful for rowing out between buildings before diving down to the POIs. I'd like to see something like that if possible.


Even if a whole city isn't possible it would still be useful for a small cluster of submerged POIs.

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18 minutes ago, Roland said:


That's where the "at all" comes into it. I doubt it is very high on their priority list.


On the other hand, with the water fix, water voxels now play nicely with decorations and blocks so there might be the possibility of a fully submerged or partially submerged city and a raft could be useful for rowing out between buildings before diving down to the POIs. I'd like to see something like that if possible.


Even if a whole city isn't possible it would still be useful for a small cluster of submerged POIs.

Would we be able to build underwater, lets say 5x5x5, the part where the water is inside, can we remove we it with solid blocks and then remove them, or use buckets for example ? Like in MC sort of. 

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Rad resistance on armor?  Hellooooo, lead lining mod.  Easy peasy.  To craft it?  You need lead, duct tape, cloth + workbench.  +20% rad resistance for each piece.  Make an "Air filter cartridge" mod for helmets to deal with airborne particles/gas/toxins.  Done.

I already did that myself to use with early iterations of The Wasteland before bdubyah put that in for power armor. 

	<!-- Adding Lead Liner to Power Armor -->
	<append xpath="/item_modifiers">	
		<item_modifier name="modPowerArmorLeadLining" installable_tags="powerarmorHead,powerarmorChest,powerarmorArms,powerarmorLegs,powerarmorBoots" modifier_tags="PAhelmet,PAchest,PAarms,PAlegs,PAboots,PAboots" blocked_tags="noMods,clothing" type="attachment">
			<property name="UnlockedBy" value="modPowerArmorLeadLiningSchematic"/>
			<property name="CustomIcon" value="modPowerArmor"/>
			<property name="CustomIcon" value="modPowerArmor"/>
			<property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>
			<property name="Group" value="Mods"/>
			<property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/>
			<property name="EconomicValue" value="1000"/>
			<property name="Material" value="Mlead_scrap"/>
			<effect_group tiered="false">
				<passive_effect name="BuffResistance" operation="base_add" value=".2" tags="buffRadiation01"/>

And if this 61 year old boomer gamer, not-a-coder, could figure it out?  I'm pretty sure someone who actually understands xpath and xml and how buffs/debuffs work could do a bang-up job with it.

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1 hour ago, beerfly said:

Would we be able to build underwater, lets say 5x5x5, the part where the water is inside, can we remove we it with solid blocks and then remove them, or use buckets for example ? Like in MC sort of. 

We simply don't know yet, we have been told water does not flow like a river, no game does it's simply to expensive to do. (Performance cost)

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4 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

Why would you need a raft other than to hand out in a lake to avoid a horde?


Would you really be able to avoid a horde? Getting into a vehicle during a blood moon just causes the horde to shift into spawning super vultures. You'd only be trading land-based zombies for puking, flying zombies that are far more trouble. I would suspect that getting onto a raft, another vehicle, would cause the same thing to happen.

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the raft or boat idea is not so bad.
A flooded biome is actually a great idea. A small (or rather large) town in a lowland, which was flooded so well. Just a town in a lake. flooding on 2-2.5 floors.
If the raft/boat is to act as a standable object, not as a vehicle but just as a platform, then logically the vulture spawn should not happen. But for this it is necessary that the zombies were not able to swim. Which is essentially logical. I do not think that they should have the necessary motor skills and buoyancy for swimming (I speak as a person who cannot swim)

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4 hours ago, DuHast_Play said:

the raft or boat idea is not so bad.
A flooded biome is actually a great idea. A small (or rather large) town in a lowland, which was flooded so well. Just a town in a lake. flooding on 2-2.5 floors.
If the raft/boat is to act as a standable object, not as a vehicle but just as a platform, then logically the vulture spawn should not happen. But for this it is necessary that the zombies were not able to swim. Which is essentially logical. I do not think that they should have the necessary motor skills and buoyancy for swimming (I speak as a person who cannot swim)


That would be really cool. Reminds me of the movie Hard Rain.

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21 час назад Роланд сказал:


Если плот вообще добавлен, это может произойти только после того, как игра станет золотой. Новые модели персонажей будут в A22


22 часа назад Йост Амман сказал:


спасибо за ответ ребята. Жаль, что модель была перемещена, хотя я наблюдал за человеком, который выкладывает информацию об игре на своем канале и говорит, что новая модель подтверждена в альфа-21. Жаль, конечно, что он дал ложную информацию. В общем, тогда я жду альфа 22, очень надеюсь, что это не займет так много времени, чтобы выйти как альфа 21)))

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On 3/5/2023 at 4:40 PM, Annihilatorza said:

For me what's easier in the apocalypse, hoeing the ground and planting seeds or building a special box with nails and precious straight cut lumber and then filling it with soil and fertilizer.

Although the game makes the boxes look that way, who is to say you actually have to do that?  A garden box can easily just be logs placed in a box formation and filled with dirt.  Not very difficult or "expensive" to do regarding resources.  Fertilizer isn't even a requirement if you have good soil.  And if you don't, well... at that point it isn't any different from on the ground with bad soil.  But it allows you to bring in good soil to use if your soil on the ground isn't good.  Either way, I don't really think they're going to bring it back at this point.

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On 3/3/2023 at 3:02 PM, Roland said:

I did retire....meaning I only do as much as I want when I want and its all free. I traded my company pants for a kilt and I'm feeling the breeze.

Ahem.... thank you for the visual.  





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2 hours ago, Druid_Koldun said:


спасибо за ответ ребята. Жаль, что модель была перемещена, хотя я наблюдал за человеком, который выкладывает информацию об игре на своем канале и говорит, что новая модель подтверждена в альфа-21. Жаль, конечно, что он дал ложную информацию. В общем, тогда я жду альфа 22, очень надеюсь, что это не займет так много времени, чтобы выйти как альфа 21)))


They were trying to release them in A21, but got pushed back to A22.  The video you saw and depending on when it was created, the content creator might have been going off old information or what information was known at the time.  Hopefully the incorrect information was not intentional.

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On 3/6/2023 at 9:08 PM, Roland said:


That's where the "at all" comes into it. I doubt it is very high on their priority list.


On the other hand, with the water fix, water voxels now play nicely with decorations and blocks so there might be the possibility of a fully submerged or partially submerged city and a raft could be useful for rowing out between buildings before diving down to the POIs. I'd like to see something like that if possible.


Even if a whole city isn't possible it would still be useful for a small cluster of submerged POIs.

this would be so awesome, having pois submerged in some sort of u8nique water based tile will certainly encourage exploration with water which right now is absent and always has been and this seems like the perfect solution.

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On 3/4/2023 at 2:56 PM, Druid_Koldun said:

Ребята, скажите, пожалуйста, планируется ли добавить анимацию скручивания на пальце револьвера, когда вы его достаете и убираете в ковбойском стиле вестерна. А также несколько крутых анимаций при вытаскивании другого оружия? Очень хотелось бы видеть такие крутые анимации в игре

Здравствуйте, молодой человек, скажите, пожалуйста, если у вас есть планы добавить показ одежды, перчаток, доспехов от 1-го лица. Я буду очень рад, если вы мне ответите

It feels like your native language is somehow different... and you use a translator to make it look like Russian ?
 I am Russian myself, and when I read your messages, I have a strange feeling...

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There is no release date yet?

We have been waiting 7 months since the last version update (20.6) I also hope that optimization problems are solved, with an RTX 3080 and another 3060 I have lag in the hordes due to FPS drops in medium graphics, when in other games with higher requirements I do not I have those problems.

I hope alpha 21 will not be long in coming, people are waiting and time just goes by.


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1 hour ago, MrKioha said:

There is no release date yet?

We have been waiting 7 months since the last version update (20.6) I also hope that optimization problems are solved, with an RTX 3080 and another 3060 I have lag in the hordes due to FPS drops in medium graphics, when in other games with higher requirements I do not I have those problems.

I hope alpha 21 will not be long in coming, people are waiting and time just goes by.


Nope no date as of now

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