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Cragz UK

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Everything posted by Cragz UK

  1. Yo, this thread is supposed to be Dev Diaries but you've all send it off topic including moderators. Do we have anymore news on A21 or what ?
  2. Agree, this seems to be more prolific in the past year than it every was. point blank headshot hitting the wall behind is annoying. Its like the hitboxes contort and shrivel or at times appear to be 1 pixel is size for the head.
  3. Hi, has anything said about fixing the server browser which they badly messed up in a previous release ? Servers often don't show in list unless you search by name, browser only shows a max of 174 and gives a red warning saying max results reached and lastly WTF is the refresh button ? Its an abomination that should never have made release anyway. Are they updating this as part of A21 development or what guys ? Google and forums results didn't return such a topic which is why I am asking (a second time). Cheers
  4. One of the worst parts about the Trader quest system is that now on Random gen you can end up having to run back and forth across most of the map. Collect Quest Run 8km to quest area to complete quest then 8km back to trader, rinse and repeat for all quests and levels. They used to send you to close by buildings, not anymore which is complete nightmare for new starts which no vehicles.
  5. Hi not only is the server browser anti user friendly the search results are terrible. Issues with current iteration are: • Can no longer browse all servers, you can only search by region • Search results are not showing server pings, just N/A so therefore regions are mixed. For example I am in Europe and there is only one server showing a ping which is incorrect. It is a 15 ping server but showing as 108 ping. The rest of the servers are N/A so the list is 50% Japanese named servers. • Incomplete server list. Since the browser was updated it no longer shows the full list of EU servers and you get an error saying search limited reached at only 147 servers most of which are Japanese or chinese. • You cannot refresh the search and have to go back to region selection first. How on earth were these changed authorised ? Its terrible. Looks like it also helped kill off a number of the most well known servers too.
  6. This is exactly what its like on the server I have been playing on.. on & off for a couple of years. They've switched providers and everything so its clear game limitations. During the day there is around 10 players peaking around 30 max and even with low player numbers the servers soon start crash. They have gone from 4hr auto restarts to restarts every 2hrs with a 20 min daily downtime for full server back ups and it still crashes. I can be merrily playing along and then I start a large POI and the zombies spawn in very late and server starts to struggle. Zombies will start to run on the spot and you the server is going to crash. This has led to many wipes on this server but also roll backs. They just had to do another 2 day rollback tonight so people loose loot and large portions of the bases. Personally along with some more optimisation to support 8+ player multiplayer they should hard code none poi building height limits so players cannot build these stupid sky high sniper towers.
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