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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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1 minute ago, meilodasreh said:

that made me laugh so hard 😂

immediately had that picture in my mind, them all sitting around a decadently filled breakfast table, after having worked all the weekend to polish the game for us...

and then:


"ok guys, so everybody is content with the current build to release it?"

"yes...we might do it right now"

"whoo...aaiit a minute *munch* these beagles are great..."

"oh yeah, you're absolutely right *munch*"

"have some coffee too?"

"oh thx mister, I could use one after that long hard weekend"

"you're welcome"

"can you please pass me the butter please"

"dude it's right in front of you!"

"I know but I'm too lazy to bend forward to it"

"I see"

"So what about that A20 thingy we had on schedule today?"

"Dude...the butter"



...oh my god it keeps going on in my head forever 🤣


I'm more concerned with why they're eating beagles.... 

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1 hour ago, overgoat said:

Does anyone know if anyone of the streamers this weekend have shown the setup/configuration of dedicated server on A20?  Specifically thinking about the random gen on a server.  The normal game random gen looks super streamlined now, but curious if it is all still controlled by a config file on dedicated server.


There are one or two new settings in the config file so you should use the new file to be sure and bring over your changes from the old config file.


Apart from that it should work identical to A19. Streamers were not told any secret fu and they obviously managed to set them up, and I know for sure at least one streamer who did not use a managed service


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This seems like an issue that will probably need to be addressed. There's a clear reload speed difference between the pipe weapons, and the pipe pistol especially is atrocious. Every streamer I've seen test them was of the opinion that the pipe pistol was the worst one, so it having the longest reload definitely doesn't help. Pipe machine gun seems to be the clear winner, they were already saying to build it over the lever action in every situation and just use controlled fire rate. Even the pipe shotgun seems to lose out to the machine gun in most situations



Edit:Fixed link,  My image literally 404'd as I was watching the gif wtf


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4 minutes ago, Khalagar said:

This seems like an issue that will probably need to be addressed. There's a clear reload speed difference between the pipe weapons,


and the pipe pistol especially is atrocious. Every streamer I've seen test them was of the opinion that the pipe pistol was the worst one, so it having the longest reload definitely doesn't help. Pipe machine gun seems to be the clear winner, they were already saying to build it over the lever action in every situation and just use controlled fire rate. Even the pipe shotgun seems to lose out to the machine gun in most situations





Yes. Start yet another "weapon A is so much superior compared to weapon B, and weapon C is totally useless" argument.

People are always getting so emotional about discussiong it, they will all forget how time passes about this.

So I will have the full bandwidth of server download speed at my service when opt-in A20 goes live.


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55 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

that made me laugh so hard 😂

immediately had that picture in my mind, them all sitting around a decadently filled breakfast table, after having worked all the weekend to polish the game for us...

and then:


"ok guys, so everybody is content with the current build to release it?"

"yes...we might do it right now"

"whoo...aaiit a minute *munch* these beagles are great..."

"oh yeah, you're absolutely right *munch*"

"have some coffee too?"

"oh thx mister, I could use one after that long hard weekend"

"you're welcome"

"can you please pass me the butter please"

"dude it's right in front of you!"

"I know but I'm too lazy to bend forward to it"

"I see"

"So what about that A20 thingy we had on schedule today?"

"Dude...the butter"



...oh my god it keeps going on in my head forever 🤣

alright guys lets release the alpha 20 

hummmm i think putting some bacon to this  bagel would make it even better 


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10 hours ago, Khalagar said:

Aw, having to work on the weekend. Hopefully the general reception has been encouraging / positive for them and not just overly negative on the drone / farming  etc stuff

Massively positive. Maybe 90%. You always get the 10% who liked whatever some other way.

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12 hours ago, hiemfire said:


Never expect to actually get a 50% return on a 50% probability in any game when using sample sizes below 1000. Most likely, from my experience over the years, is 20%-30% return, getting a seed in this case, on a 50% probability. So 3 seeds tops needing 35 fruit for full replant leaving 5 fruit left over. The first trick is actually getting those first 10 seeds for the calculations you and @meganoth did to even be possible. Doing it through farming from 1-2 seeds ain't likely to happen and from what I recall it is a sub 10% chance for any seed to drop in trash and un broken sinks.


Sorry, but that is at most "alternative" math. You get 20-30% from a 50% ratio? It may FEEL like that for people because of psychological effects and selection bias. Naturally if you ask around, for every super-lucky guy who gets 10 out of 10 seeds back (and relishes it privately or doesn't even notice it) there will be another guy getting 0 out of 10 and complaining that RNG is broken. Happens in all the RPGs with random rolls and tactical war games.


You don't need 10 seeds to start a farm, I used 10 seeds so the math is understandable without fractions. You just need a (random but steady) supply of produce and seeds to eventually have a big farm. With luck it happens faster, with bad luck slower.


Even if your first potato seed dies (with LotL1) you still have 4 potatoes out of it. Just finding another potato gives you another roll on the random table. Or another seed gives you another roll and 8 potatoes aka 2 rolls+3 potatoes aka 3 rolls+2 potatoes aka 4 rolls+ 1 potato aka 5 rolls. This takes 15 days but with 2 potatoe seeds you actually get 5 rolls on a 50/50 chance that must all fail before your effort were wasted.


As long as you continually find or can buy some seeds you can try and try again. Just like opening containers to **sometimes** finding something good.



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5 hours ago, Doomofman said:

I've seen some worrying performance drops in the cities from the streams/videos I've watched over the weekend. I know there's a trade off in performance for the complexity/density of the new city/town layout but I'm concerned that trade off has gone a little too far

One of the first things I noticed on Friday. I've spent many hours this weekend analyzing and fixing. Found our block entities were the issue with no culling or bad culling distances. Code now adds missing culling, enforces a minimum and warns us if devs don't set any renderers for a LOD level. Got big FPS boosts. Ultra Object Quality has also been reduced a bit, since this was hurting their FPS for little visual difference.


MP paint bug was also fixed. Saw TexCubSF having trouble with his group not seeing each other's paint.


Perfect examples of how streamer weekend allows us to watch real players test the game and fix stuff before a ton of people get hit with the issues, which would make for lots of complaints and duplicate bug reports. Now we could have our own testers play the game and somehow stream it, so we could watch and do the same fixing, but it would still release on Monday either way. Our own testers would also have to stop playing to repro the bug and make a report.

7 hours ago, icehot said:

The only real issue I've noticed so far watching youtube and the streams is the weird AI pathing, but that might already be fixed (or perhaps it's intentional but it looks bugged to me).

No fixes yet. This alpha I've not spent a ton of time on AI and with all the new blocks combined with ducking, it needs more work.

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1 hour ago, Khalagar said:

This seems like an issue that will probably need to be addressed. There's a clear reload speed difference between the pipe weapons, and the pipe pistol especially is atrocious. Every streamer I've seen test them was of the opinion that the pipe pistol was the worst one, so it having the longest reload definitely doesn't help. Pipe machine gun seems to be the clear winner, they were already saying to build it over the lever action in every situation and just use controlled fire rate. Even the pipe shotgun seems to lose out to the machine gun in most situations



Edit:Fixed link,  My image literally 404'd as I was watching the gif wtf




So I wonder if having multiple pipe guns of the same type on your belt will be a thing like the blunderbuss was.

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Well as a Fan Boy from 2014 I was always under the impression to play XP in Vanilla for testing or reporting. So explain to me again how people playing in CM helps find any real bugs. I only see key giveaways from streamers who were confused when asked about a key players thought would let them play the weekend stream, fools...I say

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31 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Even if your first potato seed dies (with LotL1) you still have 4 potatoes out of it. Just finding another potato gives you another roll on the random table.

And here is the problem. Sacrificing early food supply for a chance to break just under even from planting and being able to keep planting. If you don't get the seed back then you don't have 4 potatoes, you have 4/5ths of the next seed you need and an empty stomach, or you have the 40 food from the potatoes to fuel you while you roll the dice on containers and traders to have some other food since trying to farm early game is pointless.

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2 minutes ago, spacepiggio said:

Well as a Fan Boy from 2014 I was always under the impression to play XP in Vanilla for testing or reporting. So explain to me again how people playing in CM helps find any real bugs. I only see key giveaways from steamers who were confused when asked about a key players thought would let them play the weekend stream, fools...I say


CM lets you jump to a place that would take you a while to get to.  Like how Capp showed the mods for the Drone or all the reloading for the various pipe weapons.  That's pretty much all I watched as far as the streamers go, but I'm not on TFP's staff looking for bugs, my heart goes out to the bug trouble shooters watching what is going on and then trying to figure out what is wrong so they can fix it.  Hat's off to ya, TFP!


Meanwhile I'll be shuffling between Stellaris, Satisfactory and Valheim whilst I wait for A20 to appear on my beta list.

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32 minutes ago, faatal said:

One of the first things I noticed on Friday. I've spent many hours this weekend analyzing and fixing. Found our block entities were the issue with no culling or bad culling distances. Code now adds missing culling, enforces a minimum and warns us if devs don't set any renderers for a LOD level. Got big FPS boosts. Ultra Object Quality has also been reduced a bit, since this was hurting their FPS for little visual difference.


I noticed the "Shotgun lag" seems back when watching MisutoM play. I had the issue from like A16-18 but it was gone in A19, but he was having it in A20


When there is a lot going on and you fire a shotgun, the game hitches and freezes up for a second as soon as the pellets impact a zombie. I don't know if it's the hit register or the blood or what, but it was getting pretty hectic for him. When it would happen to me in the past, it was so bad it would even happen when my friend fired his shotgun within like 300 meters of me. I would know he was fighting even in a different nearby PoI by the game hitching


Misuto was also getting memory leaks where he had to restart every 5-6 hours, but that is probably hard to narrow down



13 minutes ago, rigmormortis said:

no release yet?


They said afternoon. They are having a meeting at noon CST (it's 11:30 now) to address the state of the game and see if it's ready and then will make any changes etc


Assuming nothing major goes wrong, I'd say expect it to be at least 2-5 hours from now

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11 hours ago, Laz Man said:

Excited to hear all of your impressions after tomorrow.  Apart from the streamer weekend hype train, the team did get alot of fixes/adjustments in from it.  Hopefully that translates into an even more polished release for everyone else come tomorrow.  😁



Time stamp says you said that TODAY.  as in Nowday so that means tomorrow would be NOT today.    Or is your  yesterday my today? so that your tomorrow is my Now? 


Oh and someone order TFP some Bagels so that they don't have to be distracted by caffeinated Beagles.  


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Okay, done cussing about the thinly veiled slot machine that is farming and instead have a suggestion for a change to it that hopefully keeps what TFP was going for and reduces the loss from bad rng. Reduce the chance to get a seed to 25% and drop the cost to craft a seed of any type to 4 "fruits". It would make investing into the perk necessary while still slowing the accumulation of crops. With LotL 1 at worse the player will break even instead of being net negative for the investment of crop while still digging into the core resource of the game, time, to keep things going.

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