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Now that You have played Alpha 19, What do you like or dislike?

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2 hours ago, dowz0r said:

The looting experience is dulled down to knowing what you're going to get for the most part. Finding a unique POI such as a military base or a specific factory isn't exciting, unless you decide to just save it for later because the game stage system forces you to, not because you know it might be dangerous to go in.

That's because we can not yet have a POI "work" at a higher gamestage all around.

If the shotgun factory was +100 GS and you were to encounter feral and radiated, the good loot wouldn't be free.

(assuming of course it wasn't easy to cheese, either =))

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19 minutes ago, Roland said:

The three radiation levels are already in the code but not implemented yet. 

it NEEDS to be implemented,  BEFORE this update ships to being out of experimental. 


the loot problem is pretty bad, its only decent for me because i doubled the exp we earn. so we are quickl;y getting out of the loot stage of stone tools and basic trash. 


fingers crossed it does get put in before it goes live. 

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14 minutes ago, Colin248 said:

it NEEDS to be implemented,  BEFORE this update ships to being out of experimental. 


the loot problem is pretty bad, its only decent for me because i doubled the exp we earn. so we are quickl;y getting out of the loot stage of stone tools and basic trash. 


fingers crossed it does get put in before it goes live. 

No...it NEEDS to be done according to their development plan. This is early access which means you get to experience aspects of the game while they are a work in progress. There is no way they will get these systems in before A20 as they would require restarts on new maps. 

If you want the fully implemented live version of the game then wait until it’s all done. For now, keep using the options you mentioned if that makes the game playable for you. 

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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4 minutes ago, Roland said:

No...it NEEDS to be done according to their development plan. This is early access which means you get to experience aspects of the game while they are a work in progress. There is no way they will get these systems in before A20 as they would require restarts on new maps. 

If you want the fully implemented live version of the game then wait until it’s all done. For now, keep using the options you mentioned if that makes the game playable for you. 

that is fair. im just worried. this most recent change isnt gona fly well with many players who enjoy the game. the verity of loot from the get go was something people liked, helped make each palythrough very different. not every game would you end up with a steel tool from the get go, hell, even a iron one. now the chance is slim to none with only stone crap being stored in @%$*#!ing gun safes. ruins the immersion too. 


hell, my other big issue is the way they are doing tierd weapons, only focusing on firearms im fine with tools being tierd. the hunting rifle was the big damage dealer, whilst the marksman was for a higher dps and general versatility. but if you wanted to put something down in one shot, you use a hunting. now its.... just go straight for T3. with everything. rest of the guns are garbage now.... kind sucks. 

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3 minutes ago, Roland said:

I guess the looter shooter fans are taking their turn this go around. :)

It is an interesting playerbase we have here.  So many different games wrapped into one.  I do hope the devs stick to their guns (no pun intended lol) and balance all types well so they all feel good and fun to play. 😀

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1 minute ago, Laz Man said:

It is an interesting playerbase we have here.  So many different games wrapped into one.  I do hope the devs stick to their guns (no pun intended lol) and balance all types well so they all feel good and fun to play. 😀

the way they said it, was more that the lower tiers just aint worth using anymore. rather then each tier being special in there own ways. hell look at the revolver and the magnum. the litteral only reason to use the revo is for a discount at the trader. rather then one being higher damage but only 6 rounds, and the magnum being more versatile at the cost of damage. 


and another one, before, the AK had more damage then the M60. but the M60 was.... a M60. Bullet hose, or a more precise, damageing weapon? 


as a note, i went into creative and compared quality 6 weapons to each other to check there stats. its why im making a fus over this. XD 

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6 minutes ago, Colin248 said:

the way they said it, was more that the lower tiers just aint worth using anymore. rather then each tier being special in there own ways. hell look at the revolver and the magnum. the litteral only reason to use the revo is for a discount at the trader. rather then one being higher damage but only 6 rounds, and the magnum being more versatile at the cost of damage. 


and another one, before, the AK had more damage then the M60. but the M60 was.... a M60. Bullet hose, or a more precise, damageing weapon? 


as a note, i went into creative and compared quality 6 weapons to each other to check there stats. its why im making a fus over this. XD 

?? The Revolver IS the Magnum, Same gun..... Did you mean to say the Desert Vulture instead of magnum? That is the semi auto 44 cal.

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54 minutes ago, Colin248 said:

that is fair. im just worried. this most recent change isnt gona fly well with many players who enjoy the game. the verity of loot from the get go was something people liked, helped make each palythrough very different. not every game would you end up with a steel tool from the get go, hell, even a iron one. now the chance is slim to none with only stone crap being stored in @%$*#!ing gun safes. ruins the immersion too. 


hell, my other big issue is the way they are doing tierd weapons, only focusing on firearms im fine with tools being tierd. the hunting rifle was the big damage dealer, whilst the marksman was for a higher dps and general versatility. but if you wanted to put something down in one shot, you use a hunting. now its.... just go straight for T3. with everything. rest of the guns are garbage now.... kind sucks. 

I have just hit GS 70 on one playthrough and a lvl 6 blunderbuss is my mainstay for general clearing (crippleem and rad removed mods installed). The weapons aren't too bad really.

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1 hour ago, Galifrey1965 said:

I have just hit GS 70 on one playthrough and a lvl 6 blunderbuss is my mainstay for general clearing (crippleem and rad removed mods installed). The weapons aren't too bad really.

my issue isnt that the weapons are bad, its more that the higher tiers tend to be better once you get too them, rather then each being in there own....tier. XD 

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Absolutely love the new lighting, and the HD Models, the crawler is freaking AWESOME!


Hate, early game food scavenging, it detracts from the rest of the game when all you do is scavenge for food.  I used to be happy when I found a wrench or acid in sinks, now I'm like meh, where is my canned food.  I used to yell at the other players when they ate their starter can of chili or moved the can of salmon from the crafting box to the ready to eat box, now....  Now I'm being quiet and eating what I find.

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My biggest issue is the food issue, and burning through so much while mining and the lack stamina that follows it. In 18, I could pretty much swing the iron pick without draining my staima at similar levels except I hardly ever used sexy Rex, and now I've got two levels and seems to little effect. I've found little food/meat or seeds to grow my own food. So I basically have to give up mining until I find a lot more food or an auger.

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4 hours ago, Skullfracture said:

So a broken leg shutting down play for an actual real-world hour and half (40 minutes if you can find x2 Duct Tape) is bad enough (it's @%$*#!ing terrible is what it is), but I just got one shot killed by a falling piece of tent.



Healed your broken leg didn’t it? Problem solved. :)

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love candy, new tools and weapons, new progression, HD models, burnt forest, and almost everything



Dislike, wasteland (feels like a burnt forest V2 could uses some green fog or sky), no love for early on Intellect player, (Add Junk baton and plasma!)



thats it!  

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I've been able to spend a bit more time playing, up to day 12 now.  Was down in a poi, I think it was some type of ore refinery.  I kept hearing a dog growl, but couldn't find it.  I finished looting the poi and headed out to find myself face to face with 3 dogs and 2 bears.  OMG the bears are bullet sponges now.  I emptied a clip of 9mm into one's face and it ate me.  Surprisingly my 7 year old son was playing with me and out of no where he sniper shot them from so far away I couldn't see him (he had an 8x scope on his hunting rifle) and took them down.  That was a lot of meat.


On another day I also heard a dog outside of our base, so I headed outside to kill it and it was a pack of about 6 dire wolves.  Again, I was eaten.  These random animal packs are great and add a lot to the game.


There really needs to be an adjustment to the hunger.  I spend most of my time looking for food, I can eat can after can of food and then exert myself a little and I'm starving again.  Meat takes 5 raw to make one charred.  And 1 charred gives what, about 5 to hunger.   I'm sure it's more useful if it's made with other things into stew or something, but at the early game it's next to useless.


I may be doing something wrong with farming.  I found some corn.  Takes 5 corn to make 1 seed.  Plant a seed and grow a crop that yields 3 corn?  That part is confusing me.  Wouldn't it make more sense if 1 corn made 2 or 3 seeds?  Or even just 1 seed.  I haven't experimented with farming much, I did max out the skill.  Maybe I'll try another veggie and see, if I can find one or a seed.

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My number one dislike is that death cures all critical injuries and resets hunger and thirst back to 100% with the only penalty being a slight delay to leveling up again.


Not cool.


My best likes:


Ability to craft stuff that is better than what can be found is restored.

Dynamic music including the combat stuff.

Critical Injury System minus the death easy out.

Three Blundies on the Belt


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9 minutes ago, Roland said:

My number one dislike is that death cures all critical injuries and resets hunger and thirst back to 100% with the only penalty being a slight delay to leveling up again.


Not cool.


My best likes:


Ability to craft stuff that is better than what can be found is restored.

Dynamic music including the combat stuff.

Critical Injury System minus the death easy out.

Three Blundies on the Belt


Death cures all ills Roland.  ;)



Edited by Gobarg (see edit history)
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My biggest dislike so far is the change where you can't find anything good until you get higher game stages.  It is so frustrating to open up sealed crate after sealed crate and have stone @%$*#! tools and weapons.  I love how it looks, how it plays, but the linear loot progression sucks and is something I loved about the game in the past, that you could find something good day one.

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I figured out farming.  lol, probably works the same as it did in a18, but food was never an issue there so i didn't farm.  Yes, it takes like 5 corn to make a seed, but the seed grows the plant, you chop it down and it grows again.  So that's pretty awesome actually.   Had my day 14 horde, I was able to get up some spikes and electric fences, it seemed to work really well.  I did notice the birds were MUCH stronger than on day 7.  On day 7, one pistol shot and they were down.  On day 14, big difference.  

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I really like the prefabs in A19. Back in the day the prefabs weren't all that impressive; stores were generic brick buildings with a sign out front and crates inside. But now if I walk into a sporting goods store it actually looks like a real sporting goods store. The trashed up shelves are a nice touch, and with the new lighting everything really comes together and it feels like you're really there.

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14 hours ago, Glaston said:

Whoever made the Savage Country store.



This Alpha is worth it just for that POI .


Those POIs are nuts; I've had 3 different playthroughs where I've found one and walked out with enough BDU sets for my entire group of 4-5 and then some...not to mention almost all the dye we could ever need.

Edited by Kazgrel (see edit history)
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55 minutes ago, stupid said:

I really like the prefabs in A19. Back in the day the prefabs weren't all that impressive; stores were generic brick buildings with a sign out front and crates inside. But now if I walk into a sporting goods store it actually looks like a real sporting goods store. The trashed up shelves are a nice touch, and with the new lighting everything really comes together and it feels like you're really there.

100% the world is starting to feel more lived in!  All the new blocks are also great for creative builders!  MORE PLEASE! 😅

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