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Alpha 19 Dev Diary


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40 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

It is my goal to be known as the one who can put the fun in any funeral. 😜


Your inquiry was not recognized. Please insert 37 bowls of rice into the containment unit for your message to be fully processed. ;)


...Rice confirmed for A20? Maybe?


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Had my first horde night (day 63) today with demolishers involved. I guess about 10 visited my horde base and as I did not expect them to appear my turrets have triggered the first one instantly. Big explosion but fortunately a few meters away from my base leaving a big hole in the soil.


As much as I hated them in Alpha 18 I have to admit that now, with blade traps not triggering their bomb anymore, they are quite feasible. Sadly I cannot use my turrets any longer during horde night but blade traps, electric fences and aimed shots on their heads deal with demolishers pretty successfully.

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5 hours ago, AtomicUs5000 said:

I wouldn't bring that up to the zeds. Then you'll hear them whining and complaining about our perpetual energy robotic workbenches, our ability to make concrete mix without water, our door knobs, and of course our ability to fly.

Well in this alpha they got nothing to complain about.

Robot turrets are pretty useless without a tight choke point, so all they get is a whack in the bean bag/cooter.

waterless concrete mix might be just slighty op, but the best concrete has the least water in it anyways irl..

Doorknobs are overrated, since they cut through the door..and your solid steel walls.. with hardly any effort.

And finally only the extremely lucky/elite get to fly. the rest of us ground pounders are down in the dust with them, so they can go back to their graves and pound sand.. lol


That feral night sense might be a ok idea, but I would ask that it be made a optional check box.

It sounds terrible to me, since I already have to sneak around my home base real quiet like, to keep them from bashing their way in.

They can already run like the wind at night, they really don't need any more advantages.

We have a advantage during the day, they have a advantage at night with speed. Everything in balance as it should be..


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4 hours ago, Laynie said:

I agree with MM here. I love getting my @%$*#! beat! There is already ways to turn off the zombies or the hordes off so people can feel like they run the world. No judgement here, like I've said before, I first played with cheat mode so I could H my way out of the zombie dogs gross teeth 😛 My point is, why make it a default when the option is there already. Just my opinion, not meant to upset anyone. ❤️ 

@SnowDog1942 down boy, DOWN!

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6 hours ago, Laz Man said:

Don't forget our ability to carry metric tons of building materials in our tiny backpack......😅

Or our most insidious ability that the zeds can’t even come close to. It’s our ability to read patch notes and examine the code to meta the crap out of any system and feature in the game before we even start playing for ourselves.  That’s a curtain no zed can see let alone pull back. 

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48 minutes ago, wolfbain5 said:

good, too many are closeted pervs who are too pc to be fun. glad you are more free. and @SnowDog1942 is a good sport. a little too free with Devega, but meh, consenting adults, a little rope, closed doors sorta thing. @Roland "Stop filming!" geez, people get caught that way.

Pc is no fun 😆

17 minutes ago, SnowDog1942 said:

That's me exactly.  Some day I'm going to reveal my true self.


Also, if anyone wants to sext me, PM me for my number.  


Edit:  Wow!, 3 requests already.  This is great!

Did you make 3 accounts and sext yourself 🤭

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2 hours ago, Laynie said:


Lmao Yikes! 

At least I'm only type2. Always forget which type is which, and only take pills. Kind of hate needles. When I go in for diabetes checkup, I can't watch needle piercing my skin but love watch blood pouring into vial. Think its more I'm afraid I will flinch.

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15 minutes ago, Dethar said:

At least I'm only type2. Always forget which type is which, and only take pills. Kind of hate needles. When I go in for diabetes checkup, I can't watch needle piercing my skin but love watch blood pouring into vial. Think its more I'm afraid I will flinch.

Type 1 is what you're born with and type 2 is acquired so to speak. Mi mam was diabetic. Flinching is what causes bruises 😬 lay back and think of England (or so the phrase goes here) I'm not scared of needles but I hate the thought of meds in the vein. I do love the tattoo needles however. That's like a massage 😃

4 minutes ago, AtomicUs5000 said:

A friend of mine wants to know how one could do such a thing automatically. What can I tell him?

Humhum, just askin' for a friend eh? 🤣😛

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Dev question: Armor in loot seems to noticibly favor Heavy Armor over Light. Is this intended &/or will this remain as is for the forseeable future?


On Nerdpoling. One thought for TFPs; it's fairly common for there to be small loot like the Purse or Small Ammo Pile up on high shelves (or hidden up in the acostic tile, falling zed ceilings) where you have to either nerd pole up a block to loot or hop like a bunny and try to get it. If these small loot items were easier to _interact_ with, not saying they'd have to be bigger, maybe just larger interact boxes, then that might reduce some of the game training players to use nerdpoling.



Personally I basically only use nerdpoling for building & mining. Main use being for foundation piers/pilings.

I find early game mining very tedious, ~25+ pecks of a stone axe, so I prefer to dig straight down say 15 blocks then nerdpole back up leaving flagstone blocks behind for support piers for the base above. Later I can mine at night under the base without worrying that it will collapse.


Yes, I could mine out 2 wide on the way down and then place blocks and ladders to get back up, but that just seems like additional needless tedium, to me.

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