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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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its not realistic, and the swapping of a shovel to mine gravel wasn't much fun. We can add faulty stone or something with less stability so that its still dangerous. There simply isn't tons of gravel underground. Maybe we're paving the way for something else.


Oh, you big tease, you!


Or good way to shut us up.


Or not, because now we want to know. TELL US! TELLS US!!!

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I cracked two safes now with the lockpicks and its very rewarding. It takes some time but way less then smashing. I have't failed a lock yet maybe I got lucky. Todays stamina change is a big improvement. Finding water was difficult and the old burnt remnants that guaranteed a cooking pot on day one were nowhere to be found so I had water issues on day 2 and 3. RWG is gorgeous and the roads feel very natural. Combat feels much more rewarding with some dismemberment going on here and there. I got a double barrel and bought the shotgun hobo perk and one shotted a stripper in the face, that felt pretty rewarding.


Knowing there are hundreds of schematics and books out there and that I will need to find a lot of parts to craft a good gun has made looting a lot more interesting. Having freedom to specialize early game feels awesome. I've only bought strength perks so far except the cardio one which is under fortitude now. The POIs are great, lots of remnants but if you want good loot you have to do a dungeon crawl. The remnants help the frame rate. FPS is 60 for me, where A17 was 20-30, and it looks much better than 17.


Loads of new art making the game look amazing, new icons are fantastic. A few need improved but I put notes in on those. I had so many moments that are impossible in static world games. Explosions do massive poi damage now, so when a zombie struck a car in a garage I was in, I was in the loft above it, I fell down into the exploding room and it scared the crap out of me. Another time I was looting the top of a steeple and didn't look above, once I cracked the safe the noise woke up sleepers above me who fell on me and I was in very tight quarters. I switched to pistol and shot frantically and survived. I haven't died yet and I'm on day 4, but its been many close calls.


I do want to thank the community. A lot of the feedback has been hard to swallow, but after lots of tuning, design and balance I feel like this build will be what we had hoped 17 would be. It just plays so cohesive. We've cleaned up a lot of weird systems and things that make no sense from years ago and it just feels right now. I'm sure it will still be months of tuning but this is the beginning of something we're really proud of and I think the community will love.


Oh and lots of new animations too. Its just a lot of polish. Smooth framerate. Unitys incremental garbage collection plus our optimizations seem to have the game never pausing like it was in a17. Now its just smooth.


As much as we complain (myself included =)) we still love the game and appreciate all the work tfp do. There are a lot of things I'm prersonly looking forward too in a18. I just wanted to take a moment to say that. Now back to complaining lol joke

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I think the twitchy guy used Linux before he turned....


We need to get J.K.Rowling on the case. She's great at retconning characters into "diversity" roles.


I think the zombie stripper is actually Welsh, the biker was once a woman and I'm pretty sure a properly fitted hazmat suit can double as a burka. I'll have to ask around some Muslim friends but I'm pretty sure that last one is real, depending on the design of the hood.

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Lol. Not these jokes again..


It'll give me something fun to read on my lunch break :-)


On the plus side it looks like we may be getting another variety of stone to replace it, if I read MadMole's response correctly. Some form of weaker, fractured, stone that can be removed quite easily with a pickaxe. As the resident expert do you have a suggestion for the type of geological entity this could be?

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It'll give me something fun to read on my lunch break :-)



I eat during lunch.. I read the forums during the time im supposed to be working. Less lunch time wasted that way.


And im getting paid while reading and posting. I guess im a professional forum user.

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My last post was deleted. Let me simplify this. Mad Mole said that the main focus for Alpha 18 would be optimizations and bug fixes. Is that still the main focus?


Yes. But there’s only so much discussion to be had over optimizations and bug fixes.

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It'll give me something fun to read on my lunch break :-)


On the plus side it looks like we may be getting another variety of stone to replace it, if I read MadMole's response correctly. Some form of weaker, fractured, stone that can be removed quite easily with a pickaxe. As the resident expert do you have a suggestion for the type of geological entity this could be?


Well.. a weaker fractured rock can be anything in my opinion. Make it limestone so it can stand out a bit from the regular rock in the game. Or you could go for a conglomerate rock, which is basically solidified gravel. This could even use the same texture i think.

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DB Shotgun looks amazing! I think if grass get visual upgrade like Rust the whole game and biomes will look much better, a17 tress look so good in comparison. Expensive for old computers? so create grass quality option, leaving current 2d for low/medium with upgraded texture with better terrain blending and new 3d grass for high/ultra.


Grass is on the list. The big issue is the low quality meshes.

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I always enjoyed fallouts, but they are better than ours. It beeps and you have a second to disarm it and then you can pick it up. Ours are bit cheap, but it is what it is. Get some heavy armor so you can take an explosion, or stay out of the wasteland. Noone is going there soon a 19 ish anyway without a full hazmat suit. It should be dangerous and it will provide the best loot as well.


Good enough. I guess once that stuff is implemented it will give more of a justification for the wasteland to be an area that's meant to be that dangerous with land minds and all because of the great rewards it offers if you can survive it.

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Nah, the overlay icon is in the top left.


Anything from the symbol atlas can be put there, so... happy or sad clubs could be a thing.

That sounds like what i said! that's cool feaure!

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The truth is, you're making crap up in your head to fit your own narrative.


The right phrase! That! 100%!

Only this need say - not me.


The truth is, you're making crap up in your head to fit your own narrative. Meaning, you're not one of the devs and because you don't like the answers the actual devs give you, you feel that you know better hows things should be done. Even if you WERE 100% correct on everything, it still wouldn't change anything, its still a TFP game and good or bad, in the end... it wasn't yours to decide anything on. The fact that we have any influence on the game design is amazing and you should be grateful for that.

:) so....you're right...in all this!


Do you know from which this nonsense in my head?

Some devs it put there their contradictory explanations. I'm not the only one here.

You know what i want? You would not believe! - to such disaffected chatterboxes as i - was less ;)


And of course, i wonder what's really going on. I want to ask and be sure that this is the answer, not an excuse. Before, I didn't even ask here - i just read what others answer.


Yes, i'm not a game developer, but you can not even imagine which i have knowledge ;).

Maybe, that's the reason it's incoming to my head.


In other places, i sometimes explain to people what happens to the game.

And almost always, i'm on the side of the developers.

People who are not experts, very poor understanding of what's going on, and a good answer, reduce passions.

I do not write negative reviews in steam - but others write.

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Could you make Zeds "ragdoll" once they hit the ground? Just to not see them fall from 10 meters and land on their feet like gravity is a joke to them.


Can you make the cop, tourist, and big mama bounce a few times?


I could, but they are not beach balls.


I'm admittedly a little late to this one, but just got caught up. I think a better idea would be a chance of the AOE knockdown like the Sledgehammer perk when they hit the ground.

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madmole, I know it's not a big deal but could you look into the icon for the removal of a marker/quest on the map?

Maybe it's just me, but the one on top (for quests) confused me a bit at first (even if I'm now used to it).

I think the one on the bottom (shared quests) feels more intuitive to me.

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