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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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is there a graphics setting to turn off the "dust" storms. smoke effect?? i look at the sky and i get 60fps i look at the ground and i get 60 fps i look at the building accross the street in a desert biome 7fps!! the only difference i see is that loking up or down i dont see the dust clouds passing slowly by gpu is at 50% usage 60 fps vsync on with no dust. as soon as the dust clouds start 100% gpu usage and 7 fps.

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And we improved these quite a bit, they howl before they attack now, before they were just stealth biters. Some people complained were dumbing it down lol. They are still super nasty.


The only thing I hate about this game right now from the bottom of my heart is that quests don't have a warning for the player leaving the quest area and just pop failed.


It's a common mistake for players to do Fetch and Clear Multiplayer quests and forget the Fetch part and screw your 3 hours clearing it without fair warning.



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I'm not gonna say you are lying I just have trouble wrapping my head around that. are you saying you prefer the blunderbuss to later shotguns or just that you like it as a T1. I guess I can see the latter I just can't see Regularly using a gun that blows it's load on 1 shot even if it hit like a freight train. Reloading in a bad situation is death, Especially early on. I'd rather have a pistol or SMG (both of which I personally find are much easier to acquire far earlier than a pump shotgun) Where I can kill more than one (or two because of AOE on the buss) Zombies with a clip before I gotta reload. It's actually the same problem I have with the double barrel but it still gets 2 shots and reloads twice as fast.


I guess my problem with the shotgun progression Is that it really feels like there is a lack thereof. the Double barrel Feels only marginally better than the Blunderbuss and then the pump Sits in line with most of the t2 weapons instead of the t3's it's supposed to match.


100% accurate. The double barrel is as useless as it gets really; either there is 1 or 2 zombies that could get dispatched without ammo, or there is more and it's a death sentence to use it and having to reload. A 2-bullet close-range weapon just doesn't fit this game, pump should be T2 and there should be a fully fledged T3 that kicks ass. Shotguns are barely usable before you get a decent pump and by that time you'd be better off having specialized into something else anyways.

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just a little question. when im picking the juniper tree (treejuniper4m) from creative menu and want to place it, no tree get placed...just an invisible block(i cant place another block on that same postion after placing. is this a bug with missing texture or did you guys just deleted this treeblock?


have a nice day

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Its pretty silly, its a zombie apocalypse you don't get time to landscape. Maybe we can overcome the limitation but I was told hey you get 3 blocks whats it going to be.. um ok dirt/adaptive and gravel. Maybe asphalt would be more desirable than gravel?


If you create the possibility to include soil types in the painting menu ( brush ) the problem would be solved.

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For such a great card it kind of a POS. Fatselum didn't fight half the fight he did against Adesanya. Wonder Boy showed he's still got it, but Luque didn't get him into a clinch and throw knees, which is how he always wrecks everyone. Black Beast clearly lost but since he's a fan favorite they gifted him a win.


Kevin Lee, wow training with GSP has turned him into a new man. Gillespie though needs to go down to 145, he is TINY.


Walker...WTF. As soon as he said he wants to show the world he's not just a knockout artist and can go the distance I cringed. Dude you are nitrogycerin shut up and KO dudes. He pranced around and didn't throw anything, and it was clear that Anderson was intimidated, but eventually he's like ♥♥♥♥ it and started throwing and caught the guy. Walker doesn't have the best chin but he's dangerous as hell IF HE THROWS. He failed to throw and didn't fight how he gets it done and it cost him.


Burgos Delivered, that guy is just a brawler but his size won the fight for him.


That Edman guy, holy hell, 21 years old and puts Tavaraz away effortlessly in the first round.


That black guy who wrecked Arlovski is nasty everyone will be ducking him.


Masvidal is the real deal, he has improved a lot. Very snappy with good combos and nasty elbows. I am sure he will get a title fight against Usman/Covington winner. Too bad they stopped the fight that cut wasn't so bad. He made Diaz look stupid. Undercards were better than the main event for the most part. Masvidal delivered until it was abruptly ended at least.


Interesting, I thought black beast had that in the bag.


Part of me was *hoping* Diaz was just about to turn it up in round 4, he tends to do better late in fight .....shame he robbed the opportunity.


I always liked Wonderboy but during the first Woodley fight we named him Crumpleboy, — so we dont call him Wonderboy anymore lol


I don’t even wanna talk about walker. I don’t even know WTF to say about that fight. :(.

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100% accurate. The double barrel is as useless as it gets really; either there is 1 or 2 zombies that could get dispatched without ammo, or there is more and it's a death sentence to use it and having to reload. A 2-bullet close-range weapon just doesn't fit this game, pump should be T2 and there should be a fully fledged T3 that kicks ass. Shotguns are barely usable before you get a decent pump and by that time you'd be better off having specialized into something else anyways.


The double barrel shotgun is fine for early game. Spec into it, get close, do headshots. I am using everything at my disposal. I place my junk turret and dance around a bit, and that gives me breathing room to reload. I do think the double shotgun could take the place of the blunderbuss as the tier 1 weapon, pump shotgun feels more like a tier 2, and I would love to see a combat shotgun for tier 3 that holds a lot more shots and has a decent range.

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Is there any chance future RGW will include some sort of a highway on the map? Like a bigger road, maybe a single branch, and going through the entire map? Maybe it's separated by a barrier, etc.


That be neat to have highways or motorways etc. Flyovers that are also intact would bring road variety.


Train stations and rail track splatted around be good as well.

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"I got banned for leaving highly negative reviews on the game! I was just expressing my opinion and they violated my freedom of speech! Don't play this game!" *Shakes my head* (Yes, that review exists, just worded differently and more "valiantly".)


Anywho, approaching day 14, cannot wait. :D


lol what game are u guys talking about?

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So use gravel? Why is it so important? We could possibly swap gravel for asphalt. I don't think we can add another though, shader limits.


Maybe we could use the paint tool to paint ground textures, since it already exists, and the ground textures would just need to ber added to the paint table?


When I was stuck in that burning biome, I planted trees to make it more attractive, and the green grass texture could have been painted on the ground to simulate the old replacin the ground type trick.


When building, sometimes I want dirt on the ground, and sometime green grass textures. Its an asthetic choice, and as an artist I'd think youy could see the desire for that ground appearance option.


(And congrats on crushing the player count! The wife n myself were on from 10am yesterdsay till 10pm contributing...lol!)

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So use gravel? Why is it so important? We could possibly swap gravel for asphalt. I don't think we can add another though, shader limits.


Because some people like things that you now think are useless but were around for 17 alphas. Thats why its so important. Sometimes it appears like you just dont like something and no one else should either. World building was a heavy focus at one point in this game, I know that has shifted recently but that does not mean those who loved it just stop loving it. I know streamlining is a huge focus now but its important to remember some of the things that brought all of us to your table in the first place. We already lost maple and plains, couldnt the deco fans out there keep SOMETHING they like around?


You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar.

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For me it's just weird that MM took over a "design" role but all that he's done is cater to his particular gamestyle (Run and gun and loot) and any fan resistance to the deficit of other roles and playstyles has been met with.


A.) Handwaving away by MM which can largely be spelled out with two words, "Business" and "Streamlining". This is very similar to taking credit to a past administration's successes as your own. Business decisions and lack of streamlining were part of the formula that brought up this game for 17 alphas and made it successful. Going away from this trend will bring in more sales, probably, but the sales will be directed at the generic game players typically only seen on consoles and casual "Make more Chocolate" games and future gameplay WILL suffer for it. You're diluting your playerbase and alienating the people who have been here with you for 6 years.


B.) The sycophants that agree with ANYTHING that MM puts out or says. Guys, come on, we all love this game, and MM can be a positive infulence for sure, but when he says that the sky is green and you agree emphatically but everybody else looks out the window and says, "Yeah still blue here...", that's a "you" problem, not an "everybody else" problem.


Forming an army about a wrong opinion says more about the army than the contrast of ideas. Get your ♥♥♥♥ together, forums.

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That streamlining discussion again ? Come on, i'm the first to voice my criticism regarding various points (bladed weapons & stun batton being terrible, shotguns being terrible, etc...), but A18 is a masterpiece regardless. Asphalt got removed, it was probably an "oversight" or at least something that wasn't deemed important. That doesn't mean TFP just ♥♥♥♥s all over builders. I'm sure they will figure out a way to bring it back, but let's be fair, besides that dude who needs it, noone voiced the concern by now.


The double barrel shotgun is fine for early game. Spec into it, get close, do headshots. I am using everything at my disposal. I place my junk turret and dance around a bit, and that gives me breathing room to reload. I do think the double shotgun could take the place of the blunderbuss as the tier 1 weapon, pump shotgun feels more like a tier 2, and I would love to see a combat shotgun for tier 3 that holds a lot more shots and has a decent range.


No it isn't fine. It serves absolutely no purpose when you know how to melee or unless you refuse to melee. Either there's 1 or 2 targets on you and it's an easy melee kill, or there are more targets and it's a terrible weapon choice because of its mag size and effective range. Even for the odd dog or wolf encounter it's subpar because it is totally unforgiving if you ever miss your bullets. It's just worse than an AK in every way unless we look at raw damage per bullet.

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That streamlining discussion again ? Come on, i'm the first to voice my criticism regarding various points (bladed weapons & stun batton being terrible, shotguns being terrible, etc...), but A18 is a masterpiece regardless. Asphalt got removed, it was probably an "oversight" or at least something that wasn't deemed important. That doesn't mean TFP just ♥♥♥♥s all over builders. I'm sure they will figure out a way to bring it back, but let's be fair, besides that dude who needs it, noone voiced the concern by now.




No it isn't fine. It serves absolutely no purpose when you know how to melee or unless you refuse to melee. Either there's 1 or 2 targets on you and it's an easy melee kill, or there are more targets and it's a terrible weapon choice because of its mag size and effective range. Even for the odd dog or wolf encounter it's subpar because it is totally unforgiving if you ever miss your bullets. It's just worse than an AK in every way unless we look at raw damage per bullet.


I agree that it is very weak, but early game I always used it as oh♥♥♥♥zombieinmyfacegoawaynow solution. Its quite fun when you unload both barrels and see him fly


- - - Updated - - -


For me it's just weird that MM took over a "design" role but all that he's done is cater to his particular gamestyle (Run and gun and loot) and any fan resistance to the deficit of other roles and playstyles has been met with.


A.) Handwaving away by MM which can largely be spelled out with two words, "Business" and "Streamlining". This is very similar to taking credit to a past administration's successes as your own. Business decisions and lack of streamlining were part of the formula that brought up this game for 17 alphas and made it successful. Going away from this trend will bring in more sales, probably, but the sales will be directed at the generic game players typically only seen on consoles and casual "Make more Chocolate" games and future gameplay WILL suffer for it. You're diluting your playerbase and alienating the people who have been here with you for 6 years.


B.) The sycophants that agree with ANYTHING that MM puts out or says. Guys, come on, we all love this game, and MM can be a positive infulence for sure, but when he says that the sky is green and you agree emphatically but everybody else looks out the window and says, "Yeah still blue here...", that's a "you" problem, not an "everybody else" problem.


Forming an army about a wrong opinion says more about the army than the contrast of ideas. Get your ♥♥♥♥ together, forums.


From what I heard, he started this whole project to create a game HE would love to play. I think that is his vision and I can respect that. I also do it like this for my projects. But I do agree that it would be nice if he listened to feedback and actually thought about it in depth. I feel that he takes it on very surface level. Usually the player feels something is off, he tries to identify it and report it.


However most players are not good at identifiing the key underlying issues so they will tell you: T2 bow should be craftable without parts. But real issue here is that it is hard to get into stealth gameplay because of rarity of weapons to go with that playstyle. Here lies the question: Is understanding player needs in Designers job description? I would think so. I like that MM takes time to react for many posts here. That is good. But I would like it if he thought a bit about what the poster tries to actually say. Otherwise there is failure to get idea across, and it creates devide between him and some of his playerbase.


And yeah, I really dislike fanatic fanboys that downplay any valid criticism. Game can be pretty awesome but still has its problems, especially in early access

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