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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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As I understand it, we will be able to unite weapons without modifications and other items on the workbench to get the best quality, since this is happening now at 16 Alpha.




Joel, Gazz, Roland and all peoples who read this, what do you think about adding a chance to break an item on workbench, a chance to improve an item on workbench, and some other chances that will depend on the level of the character's special skills?




I like the IDea..but this game has Gone totally Carebear mode...its Lost..but after Alpha 8..it will be found again.

Even some of the MOds people put out are Even worse when it comes to Easy.....I tried them all..got bored after like 10 mins and i had all the End game stuff just from looting


THe Recipe thing really broke this game...Causes so much Inventory lag its ridiculous....Sometimes i wonder if it was a Ploy to get us to stop/slow us down on modding this game...


UMA Zombies we're the the BEst Zombies i seen so far..now you have to look at the same Zed over in over if you TRY to bump up the difficulty....

Oh look its 100 Steves....<<....The buzzards....dont get me started....look cool but...eh...


maybe this new AI thing they are working on will fix alot of the bugs..but i swear if i seea Spinning zombie in the Next Alpha...i give up....

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After a few years Minecraft hit a point where the sheer number of mods available started to degrade the overall quality of the game mainly because everyone had a different vision on what Minecraft should be, eventually though a few really good mods surfaced that were so good that they just ruled mainstream modding.


What you describe actually sounds like success to me.


Keep in mind, "vision" tends to change when the paydays get enough 0's in them.


Mojang is one of the worst gaming companies in the history of gaming, worse than Activision, worse than EA, worse than anyone you can possibly think of, they were lazy, complacent, lacked vision and ultimately completely failed their loyal customers when they refused to replace their game engine when community modding evolved and threatened to outgrow it, in fact it was careening towards a cliff of self destruction and would have died a horrible death if Microsoft wouldn't have swooped in and saved it.


The Fun Pimps are NOT Mojang, they wont fail us like Mojang did.


Microsoft purchased a successful IP for $2.5 billion, and Notch sold it because he was tired and ready to move on.


I am all about the art of the video game and would love to make something lasting, but good lord, I would sell in an instant for that much money. And then focus on the art the second time around.

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I tried them all..got bored after like 10 mins and i had all the End game stuff just from looting


I can understand some of what you say. The menu lag, the duplicate zombies, etc...it does suck a bit but as for easy part I don't know. Have you tried Ravenhearst? I guarantee you aren't getting end game stuff from looting in 10 minutes. You can't even get iron tools until level 30. There is a new update suppose to be coming to it in a day or so to fix some glitches so maybe wait until then to give it a go.

I wouldn't give up on the game yet until at least after it goes gold. If you don't like it by then, well then you can at least say you gave it a shot.

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As I understand it, we will be able to unite weapons without modifications and other items on the workbench to get the best quality, since this is happening now at 16 Alpha.




Joel, Gazz, Roland and all peoples who read this, what do you think about adding a chance to break an item on workbench, a chance to improve an item on workbench, and some other chances that will depend on the level of the character's special skills?




i actually agree with this. there needs to be a chance to break. until you have the proper skills. too many times playing with friends. did we get purple quality gear VERY early game just by combining items that were say green. everyone literally jumps from orange to purple after only several hours of gameplay. its rediculous. the risk has to outweigh the reward. in every thing, it makes the reward that much more valuable.

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i actually agree with this. there needs to be a chance to break. until you have the proper skills. too many times playing with friends. did we get purple quality gear VERY early game just by combining items that were say green. everyone literally jumps from orange to purple after only several hours of gameplay. its rediculous. the risk has to outweigh the reward. in every thing, it makes the reward that much more valuable.


With that in mind, Wet Concrete Blocks sell for WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much. Really, go sell a stack of 500 wet concrete blocks to a trader and see how FAST your barter skill goes up + the stacks and stacks of dukes you get. It's a little insane considering how easy it is to just stay in a hole and mine up the materials required for 500 wet concrete blocks. Kind of hard to have any sort of player driven economy in a server when players can basically have unlimited dukes once they get a steel pickaxe or auger

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i actually agree with this. there needs to be a chance to break. until you have the proper skills. too many times playing with friends. did we get purple quality gear VERY early game just by combining items that were say green. everyone literally jumps from orange to purple after only several hours of gameplay. its rediculous. the risk has to outweigh the reward. in every thing, it makes the reward that much more valuable.


You obviously didn't if you're on PC. You can only combine 100 quality above what you can make so you can't make anything purple until your skill is rank 8/10, which is what? Level 80?


If you even find a wrench to make a workbench within several hours, you're pretty lucky.

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Microsoft purchased a successful IP for $2.5 billion, and Notch sold it because he was tired and ready to move on.


Specifically he was tired of everyone grumping at him no matter which way he took his game idea. He literally couldn't make 'em happy, despite the ridiculous MAU's.


Mojang worked hand-in-hand with the Forge folks to make the central piece to the Minecraft modding puzzle as performant as possible. As someone with two kids who is asked/told to play with them, download/install mods, make different kinds of servers for them etc. I've become all to familiar with Minecraft mods. The sheer number of ways that game has been extended in all different directions is impressive even if 90%+ of the mods really suck...and they do.


By the way, 7DTD's crafting screen lag is almost certainly an Alpha phenomenon. They'll optimize out whatever's taking so long. Give 'em time.

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I like the IDea..but this game has Gone totally Carebear mode...its Lost..but after Alpha 8..it will be found again.

Even some of the MOds people put out are Even worse when it comes to Easy.....I tried them all..got bored after like 10 mins and i had all the End game stuff just from looting


THe Recipe thing really broke this game...Causes so much Inventory lag its ridiculous....Sometimes i wonder if it was a Ploy to get us to stop/slow us down on modding this game...


UMA Zombies we're the the BEst Zombies i seen so far..now you have to look at the same Zed over in over if you TRY to bump up the difficulty....

Oh look its 100 Steves....<<....The buzzards....dont get me started....look cool but...eh...


maybe this new AI thing they are working on will fix alot of the bugs..but i swear if i seea Spinning zombie in the Next Alpha...i give up....


Yeah I agree with the Zombies, I prefered the UMA ones as their looks was rather randomized, so you rarely seen the same one twice. I really wish they;d bring that back, complete with maybe stat ranges, like a nurse zombie could have between 70-130 health, variable dmg etc. A few diffrent wolf/bear/dog skins would be nice too just so that its not the same carbon copy.

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I can understand some of what you say. The menu lag, the duplicate zombies, etc...it does suck a bit but as for easy part I don't know. Have you tried Ravenhearst? I guarantee you aren't getting end game stuff from looting in 10 minutes. You can't even get iron tools until level 30. There is a new update suppose to be coming to it in a day or so to fix some glitches so maybe wait until then to give it a go.

I wouldn't give up on the game yet until at least after it goes gold. If you don't like it by then, well then you can at least say you gave it a shot.


I'm playing Ravenhearst now. When you get to start with a good weapon and 100's of rounds of ammo, you may think it's gonna be a walk in the park. Then you actually start playing and you realize just how badly you need all that ammo! The zombies are tougher and more plentiful. I never get a moment to breathe in this mod. Definitely not for casual players. My only issue is the menu lag caused by all the new items and recipes. But it's worth it. Modding will keep this game alive for several years after it goes gold, if you ask me.

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Yes, THESE are the devs that deserve to be accused of being anti-modding....


Well yeah I guess I didn’t have my coffee yet

Just saying if it wasn’t broken before why change it

If the purpose was to let people know where somthing is made then just make journal post instead ?

If I came of a bit hard I’m sorry it just makes me wonder

I enjoy the open file access a lot I have made some pretty cool stuff for sure


- - - Updated - - -


I like the IDea..but this game has Gone totally Carebear mode...its Lost..but after Alpha 8..it will be found again.

Even some of the MOds people put out are Even worse when it comes to Easy.....I tried them all..got bored after like 10 mins and i had all the End game stuff just from looting


THe Recipe thing really broke this game...Causes so much Inventory lag its ridiculous....Sometimes i wonder if it was a Ploy to get us to stop/slow us down on modding this game...


UMA Zombies we're the the BEst Zombies i seen so far..now you have to look at the same Zed over in over if you TRY to bump up the difficulty....

Oh look its 100 Steves....<<....The buzzards....dont get me started....look cool but...eh...


maybe this new AI thing they are working on will fix alot of the bugs..but i swear if i seea Spinning zombie in the Next Alpha...i give up....


Man...that guy needs a hug

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As I understand it, we will be able to unite weapons without modifications and other items on the workbench to get the best quality, since this is happening now at 16 Alpha.




Joel, Gazz, Roland and all peoples who read this, what do you think about adding a chance to break an item on workbench, a chance to improve an item on workbench, and some other chances that will depend on the level of the character's special skills?




To be totally honest with you, that would suck.

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If not break completely...downgrade one tier on failure...or break on critical failure and downgrade on fails...


Or maybe a chance of just nothing happening and add an annoyingly long cooldown before you can try again... just to replace the frustration of zombies no longer spinning in circles after the update.

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