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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Figured I'd stop being a peeping Tom, thread stalker and come out from behind the bushes. So... Hi. Been following the thread since the 200 pages and stoked for A17. I'm not really a "gamer", but got hooked on 7DTD!... Well done TFP


Howdy. =)

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Figured I'd stop being a peeping Tom, thread stalker and come out from behind the bushes. So... Hi. Been following the thread since the 200 pages and stoked for A17. I'm not really a "gamer", but got hooked on 7DTD!... Well done TFP


Ha, I knew someone was watching me! ;)


But really, welcome to the forums and before you ask. Yes we are all crazy. :)


- - - Updated - - -


Nop playing Undead Legacy Mod by Subquake!!


Are We There Yet? :)


What?! I didn't know we were going some were. lol

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The Fun Pimps are a bit lazy I think or maybe not?


Dear Survivors,

I'm new here to this Forum and at first I have to say that I really like this game. I always thought TFP are a bit lazy but it is a very huge and complicated game so I think it was okay the way they worked.


I was glad that they enlarged their team and that it would take a few months for A17 to come out, but guys I hope that A17 will be a Beta version of the game because otherwise you just needed too mouch time...


Don't get me wrong, but I think waiting for about a year for one update is quite long. Especially in this status of the game. you should do it like someone before me explained it... You should do it like Mojang where you have special updates for special features, so we do not have to restart after every update because you changed the skill system or RWG... This sucks... Buildinig a Base for so many hours just to get an update where you completely change RWG...Thats not funny.


Another thing I want to mention is that we should get something like a food update. Where you get lots more food items and maybe plastic bottles (not instead of the moonshine bottles) and lots more food items. Because thats not a lot of work to to...


We should also get the ability to craft or find more backpacks with different sizes. I think some things you copied from other games (like the right click melee hit from Unturned?-not sure) but then you should also look for more important stuff from other games like the AI works or the bbackpacks and so on...



I'm so happy to see that we'll be able to have the hunting rifle with magazine...


I hope the devs will read it and I fully respect you but I had to say it.

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Guest Rassilon
Dear Survivors,

I'm new here to this Forum and at first I have to say that I really like this game. I always thought TFP are a bit lazy but it is a very huge and complicated game so I think it was okay the way they worked.


I was glad that they enlarged their team and that it would take a few months for A17 to come out, but guys I hope that A17 will be a Beta version of the game because otherwise you just needed too mouch time...


Don't get me wrong, but I think waiting for about a year for one update is quite long. Especially in this status of the game. you should do it like someone before me explained it... You should do it like Mojang where you have special updates for special features, so we do not have to restart after every update because you changed the skill system or RWG... This sucks... Buildinig a Base for so many hours just to get an update where you completely change RWG...Thats not funny.


Another thing I want to mention is that we should get something like a food update. Where you get lots more food items and maybe plastic bottles (not instead of the moonshine bottles) and lots more food items. Because thats not a lot of work to to...


We should also get the ability to craft or find more backpacks with different sizes. I think some things you copied from other games (like the right click melee hit from Unturned?-not sure) but then you should also look for more important stuff from other games like the AI works or the bbackpacks and so on...



I'm so happy to see that we'll be able to have the hunting rifle with magazine...


I hope the devs will read it and I fully respect you but I had to say it.


Not that im completly disagreeing with the "more food and Items" but i allready see comments from Roland or Gazz incoming "Mod it"^^

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More food and items isn't always a good idea, it'll end up like some of the discussions on empyrion, how they just want an injection to feed yourself with all the vital nutrients in it, because food and medicine etc has gotten way too over complicated with too many choices and ingredients.

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Dear Survivors,

I'm new here to this Forum and at first I have to say that I really like this game. I always thought TFP are a bit lazy but it is a very huge and complicated game so I think it was okay the way they worked.


I was glad that they enlarged their team and that it would take a few months for A17 to come out, but guys I hope that A17 will be a Beta version of the game because otherwise you just needed too mouch time...


Don't get me wrong, but I think waiting for about a year for one update is quite long. Especially in this status of the game. you should do it like someone before me explained it... You should do it like Mojang where you have special updates for special features, so we do not have to restart after every update because you changed the skill system or RWG... This sucks... Buildinig a Base for so many hours just to get an update where you completely change RWG...Thats not funny.


Another thing I want to mention is that we should get something like a food update. Where you get lots more food items and maybe plastic bottles (not instead of the moonshine bottles) and lots more food items. Because thats not a lot of work to to...


We should also get the ability to craft or find more backpacks with different sizes. I think some things you copied from other games (like the right click melee hit from Unturned?-not sure) but then you should also look for more important stuff from other games like the AI works or the bbackpacks and so on...



I'm so happy to see that we'll be able to have the hunting rifle with magazine...


I hope the devs will read it and I fully respect you but I had to say it.


Well, not to blame Fun Pimps but their update came at slow rate to me. I usually get bore with level on Day 20-30 as my player is strong for any challenge. so I keep trying different mod. Not sure why you are upset for getting update and feeling like to start over. Starting over is what keep the interest in game.. building is secondary objective. you can do that in creative mode without zombie if you are builder..

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More food and items isn't always a good idea, it'll end up like some of the discussions on empyrion, how they just want an injection to feed yourself with all the vital nutrients in it, because food and medicine etc has gotten way too over complicated with too many choices and ingredients.


Yup. Unless you can carry one junk bag that carries all your small, storage stealing nic-nacs. Oooor, a larger storage space.


Realism left that room a long time ago, so, why not?

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I see that Roland posted on top of the thread that the first post has been updated on the 1st of April, but I fail to see what exactly has been updated. I know of this April Fool's joke, but nothing new came around that time, right?


Probably just the update to put it back to the way it was before April 1st.

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Ha, I knew someone was watching me! ;)


But really, welcome to the forums and before you ask. Yes we are all crazy. :)



Yes, I have been watching you from the window sillls...


The discussions have actually been entertaining to watch. I am definitely on the side of letting TFP work their magic for as long as they need to to come up with what they think is best/doable for the update.

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Yup. Unless you can carry one junk bag that carries all your small, storage stealing nic-nacs. Oooor, a larger storage space.


Realism left that room a long time ago, so, why not?


And the reality with a complex food system is that people will eventually settle for "good enough" by choosing a food/drink combo that works well for their play style and location. It's the people that like to craft that want all the variety and I don't blame them. This problem is not far off from the "many types of wood" issue we had several alphas back. Inventory was filling up fast because nothing stacked even though it was similar.


There is no way for TFP to get this "right" for everyone. That is why the approach of letting the modders rule is the right way to go.

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After a few years Minecraft hit a point where the sheer number of mods available started to degrade the overall quality of the game mainly because everyone had a different vision on what Minecraft should be, eventually though a few really good mods surfaced that were so good that they just ruled mainstream modding.

Mojang is one of the worst gaming companies in the history of gaming, worse than Activision, worse than EA, worse than anyone you can possibly think of, they were lazy, complacent, lacked vision and ultimately completely failed their loyal customers when they refused to replace their game engine when community modding evolved and threatened to outgrow it, in fact it was careening towards a cliff of self destruction and would have died a horrible death if Microsoft wouldn't have swooped in and saved it.


The Fun Pimps are NOT Mojang, they wont fail us like Mojang did.

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Dear Survivors,




I was glad that they enlarged their team and that it would take a few months for A17 to come out, but guys I hope that A17 will be a Beta version of the game because otherwise you just needed too mouch time...


Don't get me wrong, but I think waiting for about a year for one update is quite long.





So how long did it take you to do an update this extensive to your game? I mean, if you know how long is too long I assume you have had some experience in making games of this size and complexity.

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“The wisest are the most annoyed at the loss of time” said Dante Alighieri once. We can`t fastforward the process of developement, but only to slow it down with that "give us a date, or i quit" stuff. Kill some time doin some creative stuff..workshop is on it`s way, do stuff to make us proud of the game later.

Keep up boys and gals, worst is gone, the best is on it`s way !


P.S. not being motivational, just irritated.

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After a few years Minecraft hit a point where the sheer number of mods available started to degrade the overall quality of the game mainly because everyone had a different vision on what Minecraft should be, eventually though a few really good mods surfaced that were so good that they just ruled mainstream modding.

Mojang is one of the worst gaming companies in the history of gaming, worse than Activision, worse than EA, worse than anyone you can possibly think of, they were lazy, complacent, lacked vision and ultimately completely failed their loyal customers when they refused to replace their game engine when community modding evolved and threatened to outgrow it, in fact it was careening towards a cliff of self destruction and would have died a horrible death if Microsoft wouldn't have swooped in and saved it.


The Fun Pimps are NOT Mojang, they wont fail us like Mojang did.


The fact they made a game like minecraft in Java was a piss-poor idea from the very start, even base minecraft runs like ass because java is not meant for a game like that.


- - - Updated - - -


And the reality with a complex food system is that people will eventually settle for "good enough" by choosing a food/drink combo that works well for their play style and location. It's the people that like to craft that want all the variety and I don't blame them. This problem is not far off from the "many types of wood" issue we had several alphas back. Inventory was filling up fast because nothing stacked even though it was similar.


There is no way for TFP to get this "right" for everyone. That is why the approach of letting the modders rule is the right way to go.


Realism was gone since the game was out in alpha 1, the fact you can mould iron with your barehands killed any realism it had already. I do agree with the let modders add the clutter junk people want, as the base game already has too much clutter as it is.

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