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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Anyone know if the following nuisance items are on the list to fix?


MiniBike: Shift Click swapping parts: VERY BAD if it happens with a Shopping cart and dumps all your stuff on the ground. Especially as it will often cause some items to fall out of the world.


Sort Order: Smallest to Largest for stacks please -- OR just make using something always take from the smallest stack. It is like whomever coded the sort function had NEVER PLAYED the game (really does seem like it). Anyone who does knows it takes from the first stack found. As such it should sort smaller stacks before larger so those are used first. Hmmm, do I want to use those 20 bolts on their own, or the 20 in that stack of 250 (leaving two stacks {230 and 20} because sort put the full stack first)?


+1 to both of these. The basket thing happens to me more often than I would like to admit, engines also dump all of their gas when you shift-click them into the bike. Sometimes I have issue with stacking when I'm mining at the same time. I wonder why there are piles of ore falling to my feet, open up my inventory and see that I have multiple partial stacks of arrows or some random crafting resource that I have used recently.

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Everyone knows it was the Pirhanado of 2025 that brought 1000s of the Pirhana north. Many died when they fell out of the massive twister onto land but enough fell in the lakes and rivers of Randomgane to live and to multiply and wreak havoc in the apocalypse.


Waterways Shmaterways.... ;)


But what about the water temperatures? Has anyone researched if the water temps could realistically foster something of the nature of the Piranha? And what time of year is it? Surely we can do a little digging and help the Pimps come up with a logical timeframe due to the symmetry of snow to desert ratio on a map. We need to examine the piranhas flesh and see whether or not it can withstand the heated waters of Arizona.


Guys if we want these threats to be as realistic as possible, we must not sleep until we feed science what it wants and what it wants is accuracy. I look forward to seeing what all the scientists, doctors, geologists, doctors, mechanics, nurses, contractors, carpenters, culinary chefs, morticians, grave diggers, meteorologists, anthropologists, psychologists, janitors, motorcycle enthusiasts, stay at home moms, stay at home dads, whatever Morlock is, guppies, data analysts, server owners, hackers, avengers, professors, coaches, IRS agents and cult leaders come up with in this investigation.


I would have added math teachers to that list but we all know no one listens to them...

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Everyone knows it was the Pirhanado of 2025 that brought 1000s of the Pirhana north. Many died when they fell out of the massive twister onto land but enough fell in the lakes and rivers of Randomgane to live and to multiply and wreak havoc in the apocalypse.


Waterways Shmaterways.... ;)


Sorry to say that hurricanes and tornado and other twisting storms can not cross the equator either :-(


Having said that the moon in the sky is completely wrong, so may be the earth is spinning strange.

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Arizona style dangers,

1. prairie dog burrows, break an ankle

2. snakes

3. wolves

4. vultures



edit: aw shucks Trolland.


I live in AZ, and the actual threat are:

1. Snowbird on the road driving

2. Stepping on a Goat head seed

3. 3rd degree burns from your seat belt

4. The ridiculous car insurance rates


Bonus: Everything is covered in Fire Ants, football size cockroaches, Black widows, Scorpions, and Dust, but you get used to that at least.

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Sorry, my bad. I was thinking of Northern Pike not barracuda. Don't know why I typed in the wrong damn name. Piranha don't survive well in the cooler temperatures in North America though they have been known to crossbreed with bluegill.


No way. Blue Gill are more of a cichlid in the family Centrarchidae. Closer related to Oscars and Tilapia. Pirahna are characins, which are more like a tetra that you would buy at Petsmarts. They would never be able to breed any more than your cat and dog would.

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Sorry to say that hurricanes and tornado and other twisting storms can not cross the equator either :-(


Having said that the moon in the sky is completely wrong, so may be the earth is spinning strange.


The Orinoco River is north of the equator and one of the native habitats of Piranha. Scientists do speculate that it was the wrongness of the moon that caused the whole thing but at least there was no equatorial crossing of Piranha laden tornadoes.

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The Orinoco River is north of the equator and one of the native habitats of Piranha. Scientists do speculate that it was the wrongness of the moon that caused the whole thing but at least there was no equatorial crossing of Piranha laden tornadoes.


You can all stop speculating about how piranha made it to the north.


It was me :D

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TFP can you please take care of the PVP it s just getting bigger and bigger every single day i know it not what this game made for but people having a bless time in it incloding me

i would like some hitbox changes and improvement

new guns

new movment like climbing high walls and prone animation just like PUBG

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TFP can you please take care of the PVP it s just getting bigger and bigger every single day i know it not what this game made for but people having a bless time in it incloding me

i would like some hitbox changes and improvement

new guns

new movment like climbing high walls and prone animation just like PUBG


They said they will look into PVP, but later. Makes sense if you ask me because they have a lot of framework to do like this player model movements he showed off in this last video. Hitboxes is probably more a betha thing when all features are in the game and they look into balance... So relax and place landmines.

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The Bike animation is awesome! will we be able to use motor oil to lube the chain so we can get more speed and or reduce noise?


also will there be BMX add-ons so we can use the skate park? :)


on the Vehicle, you have Diesel exhaust stacks - will this be a Diesel vehicle? we only have gas in the game.

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In the area of "wildlife" that isn't native to a area, that is found in all countries. A certain type of frog (or toad) in Australia that was brought over from I don't know where, the irritating pest of Starlings from England, the pythons, specifically the Burmese from another country that are taking over the Florida Everglades, and more.

On piranhas, I have no problem in believing that someone would have them as "pets" and then dump them in a lake or river to get rid of them. A lady who worked with my husband, her son had a couple in a tank and she told him to get rid of them. What he did I have no idea but I am sure that there are many owners of this fish would dump them in a body of water when they get too big to handle or the novelty wears off.


This is a game that in some areas realism is nice, but in many other areas, it just can't be done. Piranhas I could accept, a individual who raised them to study lived near a river and some relative tosses them into a river to get rid of them when he dies. The nuclear fallout causes them to mutate and they now live in the rivers and lakes.

Personally, I think we need more critters, whether something that escaped from a zoo, breeding farm, illegal animals or other that escaped when zombies attacked where they live. I think that Starvation goes over board, but some could have escaped from zoos, private reserves. Tigers are found in India and also the Siberian Tiger. Leopards are found in snow areas and in jungles.

If you want to keep to realism, raccoons are found everywhere, in deserts and extreme cold climates. Smart, they learn and teach their young and grow to the size of a small dog, have them be mutated to be larger, and as scavengers, opportunistic critters that will eat just about anything. Goats, there would be places that would keep them for breeding; some babies can only drink goats milk, so there would be some who raise them.

Groundhogs could be found there, don't know if they are native. Also beavers, they could have dams and when you get near one, to cross it or swim close by they could be dangerous. They can be eaten and their tails could be used for a weapon and their sharp teeth put into a club.

Buffalo, they are raised for meat in Arizona, they could have gotten free from ranches and breed, becoming game and be dangerous.


I don't understand why there aren't more animals, fruit trees and other veggies. I'm not going a lot, but a apple tree randomly planted in a back yard or near a lake. Blackberries, raspberries would grow wild, carrots, turnips; any root veggie would grow in a lot of different areas. Vineyards are being planted in some areas, so we should be find grapes in some areas. I'm not asking for all of them, but a fruit tree, another animal, veggie and berries or grapes. We can make beer, why not wine?

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But what about the water temperatures? Has anyone researched if the water temps could realistically foster something of the nature of the Piranha? And what time of year is it? Surely we can do a little digging and help the Pimps come up with a logical timeframe due to the symmetry of snow to desert ratio on a map. We need to examine the piranhas flesh and see whether or not it can withstand the heated waters of Arizona.


Guys if we want these threats to be as realistic as possible, we must not sleep until we feed science what it wants and what it wants is accuracy. I look forward to seeing what all the scientists, doctors, geologists, doctors, mechanics, nurses, contractors, carpenters, culinary chefs, morticians, grave diggers, meteorologists, anthropologists, psychologists, janitors, motorcycle enthusiasts, stay at home moms, stay at home dads, whatever Morlock is, guppies, data analysts, server owners, hackers, avengers, professors, coaches, IRS agents and cult leaders come up with in this investigation.


I would have added math teachers to that list but we all know no one listens to them...


Okay, so I had a look with my amazingly rare power of "common sense". Currently the temperate forest biome would be the closest fit. They actually prefer something a little warmer but as of yet we have no real tropical jungle biome.


I think that would be a nice addition, the temperate biome is relatively safe from a survival perspective and lakes are easily avoided. It would add a threat which doesn't have to be leveled to the player as it can be easily circumnavigated by n00bs or the fearful.

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No way. Blue Gill are more of a cichlid in the family Centrarchidae. Closer related to Oscars and Tilapia. Pirahna are characins, which are more like a tetra that you would buy at Petsmarts. They would never be able to breed any more than your cat and dog would.


Just going by a report a number of years ago when some piranha were found in the gravel pit lake near Chicago. The article suggested that they were piranha-bluegill hybrids. Obviously I was a victim of bad journalism and my own laziness at not looking it up.

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Great vid. Love the idea of more vehicles, gun mods and a better player animation.


2 suggestions:


1- please allow for multiple seats in the new vehicle makeover. The current minibike animation gives my wife motion sickness when riding. Allowing her to ride along with me would make for a better gameplay experience when travelling.


2- in the 3rd person view, move the crosshair from waist level to shoulder level. The current position makes it very awkward to target items up on shelves or anything above your chest.


Looking forward to what else is in store. Great job Fun Pimps.

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