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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Anyone know if the following nuisance items are on the list to fix?


MiniBike: Shift Click swapping parts: VERY BAD if it happens with a Shopping cart and dumps all your stuff on the ground. Especially as it will often cause some items to fall out of the world.


Sort Order: Smallest to Largest for stacks please -- OR just make using something always take from the smallest stack. It is like whomever coded the sort function had NEVER PLAYED the game (really does seem like it). Anyone who does knows it takes from the first stack found. As such it should sort smaller stacks before larger so those are used first. Hmmm, do I want to use those 20 bolts on their own, or the 20 in that stack of 250 (leaving two stacks {230 and 20} because sort put the full stack first)?

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Instead of aquatic threats everywhere I'd rather there be an occasional threat anywhere and I'm thinking larger than piranha....





A rare shark or a gator that is zombified wouldn't care if it is fresh water or salt water and just knowing their COULD be something that spawns in the river or lake with you is enough to keep people freaked out every time they risk a swim.


I guess if you ignore biology you could have a Zombie creature that goes in and out of fresh or salt water.


You will need some sort of back story on how that animal got into a zombie state and why has it not jumped into the other animals like Zombie Chicken or Rabbit


Personally something small that does a bit of damage at a time like the Parana would work great and the more time you spend the more HP you loose and the more that might show up to kill you.

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Keep it straightforward and believable Pimps



Personally i play video games to escape reality for a few hours and you hardly expect realism in a zombie game. The video games industry would be pretty boring if every developer stuck to "straightforward and believable". I just want cool enemies and features and if they doesn't fit in with reality then so be it.


Plus there are ways a good storyteller can explain away anything they add. there is already evidence the apocalypse was started due to experiments on biological weapons. Resident Evil had a whole host of enemies, from froglike hunters, sharks, alligators and large humanoid Tyrants that were the result of trying to create a biological weapon using the T virus. I'm glad the makers of Resident Evil didn't adhere to 'straight forward and believable' otherwise their games would have been pretty boring imo.

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Instead of aquatic threats everywhere I'd rather there be an occasional threat anywhere and I'm thinking larger than piranha....








A rare shark or a gator that is zombified wouldn't care if it is fresh water or salt water and just knowing their COULD be something that spawns in the river or lake with you is enough to keep people freaked out every time they risk a swim.


Nice idea but it would have to be small.


Think about the work needed to make sure something big like this does not swim up on land and get stuck.


Could limited to deep water only. Maybe...


Or a alligator.

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Nice idea but it would have to be small.


Think about the work needed to make sure something big like this does not swim up on land and get stuck.


Could limited to deep water only. Maybe...


Or a alligator.


hmmmm. The Flash (DC Comic on CW) has King Shark (the pic above reminded me of him), he can walk on land so anything is possible with mutation. the only restriction depends on how and or what direction the pimps take with npcs/creatures.

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Just chillin' next to the fire in your finally finished base, when a bandit comes to you, demands tribute. If you kill him, or don't pay, you have 2 days to prepare before a group of bandits come to collect or kill you. I suppose this could escalate into a bandit horde on the 7th day, or you've gained enough respect for them to leave you alone.


If their are several bandit hordes then weakness is death, for the leader, so they CAN'T wimp out. Just look at the documentaries on street gangs for source.


I like your general ideas but maybe a time before retaliation attack should be somewhere between hours and a few days like you said.


I'll be glad to get home, ONE low capacity wi-fi and for God's sake, don't drink from the tap! ☺

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Instead of aquatic threats everywhere I'd rather there be an occasional threat anywhere and I'm thinking larger than piranha....


A rare shark or a gator that is zombified wouldn't care if it is fresh water or salt water and just knowing their COULD be something that spawns in the river or lake with you is enough to keep people freaked out every time they risk a swim.


Trolling or not, challenge is essencial for us. Give us your best as a team guys, you seems to do it every time :)

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Oh yes because lakes and rivers are salt water I forget.


Sorry, my bad. I was thinking of Northern Pike not barracuda. Don't know why I typed in the wrong damn name. Piranha don't survive well in the cooler temperatures in North America though they have been known to crossbreed with bluegill.

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An animal with no predators can quite easily repopulate quicker then in captivity in the wild. I don't see why you think its impossible for piranhas to swim to other lake systems and again refer to if a animal has no predators and a piranha is released into the wild it will repopulate it's nature. But you can always mod those animals out if you so wish.

I am currently at work so I can’t do in depth research on this however it appears that in 1975, 41 wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone Park and the current number of wolves in the area is 171. That’s only a threefold increase after 42 years. That’s why I don’t believe exotic animal populations would explode.


And I don’t think it’s impossible for piranha to swim thousands of miles away from their natural habitat, I just don’t find it plausible. If I wanted to be snarky, I could just say “I don't see why you think its possible for piranhas to swim to other lake systems”. I don think there is an interconnected freshwater system that leads from South America to North America, so it is extremely unlikely that piranha would appear in US lakes, streams and rivers.

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I am currently at work so I can’t do in depth research on this however it appears that in 1975, 41 wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone Park and the current number of wolves in the area is 171. That’s only a threefold increase after 42 years. That’s why I don’t believe exotic animal populations would explode.


And I don’t think it’s impossible for piranha to swim thousands of miles away from their natural habitat, I just don’t find it plausible. If I wanted to be snarky, I could just say “I don't see why you think its possible for piranhas to swim to other lake systems”. I don think there is an interconnected freshwater system that leads from South America to North America, so it is extremely unlikely that piranha would appear in US lakes, streams and rivers.


Good point Professor ,

in a way we see the water system, that is not actually proper implemented and all of us can make so much different scenarios, from sharks and piranhas, to high radiated liquid full with who knows what the nature can do.


Lets see what, when the time comes they will propose, because, as much as we see on the ground , we can see underwater, hopefully without destroying system requirements.

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I am currently at work so I can’t do in depth research on this however it appears that in 1975, 41 wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone Park and the current number of wolves in the area is 171. That’s only a threefold increase after 42 years. That’s why I don’t believe exotic animal populations would explode.


And I don’t think it’s impossible for piranha to swim thousands of miles away from their natural habitat, I just don’t find it plausible. If I wanted to be snarky, I could just say “I don't see why you think its possible for piranhas to swim to other lake systems”. I don think there is an interconnected freshwater system that leads from South America to North America, so it is extremely unlikely that piranha would appear in US lakes, streams and rivers.


I was merely pointing out that it is pheasable as to why there are non native animals to another area lol. They could have been released by escape or people released them cause they couldn't contain them at their own place after illegally acquiring them. Here in Australia we have had many instances where a foreign animal has gotten loose or released by the owner due to unable to care for it or what not.


It is quite fathomable and believable that the rhinos etc escaped a zoo. Unknowingly how long I to the apocalypse you are. And for some dimwit to have released a whole lot a pihranas I to the system there but as another said if a game went full realistic no one would play it lol. This is a game not real life. By your statement zombies are not native to Arizona either lol. So they should remove them.....

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We already have zombies that go in and out of the water...namely. ..everyone of them.

If anything make a swampy like zombie that can hide in vegetation outside and underwater ...think Guille-suit looking zombie. Maybe he is a bit faster underwater then out.

By the way.. will there ever be underwater vegetation?

Under water plants that could hide this type zombie or add to food recipes or recipes in general?


Still think we need some sort of late game challenges....havent heard about bandits being worked on in several alphas....are they a possibility for A17 or A18?


What other late game challenges are coming down the pipeline?

What if bandits don't materialize? The game really just stops at a certain point in base building and item level. As well as accumulating so much material that repairs are easily done to an already indestructible base.



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I am currently at work so I can’t do in depth research on this however it appears that in 1975, 41 wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone Park and the current number of wolves in the area is 171. That’s only a threefold increase after 42 years. That’s why I don’t believe exotic animal populations would explode.


And I don’t think it’s impossible for piranha to swim thousands of miles away from their natural habitat, I just don’t find it plausible. If I wanted to be snarky, I could just say “I don't see why you think its possible for piranhas to swim to other lake systems”. I don think there is an interconnected freshwater system that leads from South America to North America, so it is extremely unlikely that piranha would appear in US lakes, streams and rivers.


Everyone knows it was the Pirhanado of 2025 that brought 1000s of the Pirhana north. Many died when they fell out of the massive twister onto land but enough fell in the lakes and rivers of Randomgane to live and to multiply and wreak havoc in the apocalypse.


Waterways Shmaterways.... ;)

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Anyone know if the following nuisance items are on the list to fix?


MiniBike: Shift Click swapping parts: VERY BAD if it happens with a Shopping cart and dumps all your stuff on the ground. Especially as it will often cause some items to fall out of the world.


Sort Order: Smallest to Largest for stacks please -- OR just make using something always take from the smallest stack. It is like whomever coded the sort function had NEVER PLAYED the game (really does seem like it). Anyone who does knows it takes from the first stack found. As such it should sort smaller stacks before larger so those are used first. Hmmm, do I want to use those 20 bolts on their own, or the 20 in that stack of 250 (leaving two stacks {230 and 20} because sort put the full stack first)?


I had the swapping thing happen to me not long ago. Freaked me out when all my stuff in basket dumped on the ground. Forgot I had a picked up another basket and when I was shift clicking all my inv into the minibike basket....well you know what happened when I shift clicked on it. I went into panic mode as I has a lot of good crap. Of course I frantically hit e to pick it all up and started shift clicking it all again....and of course I had picked up the basket again so....yeah :D

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I had the swapping thing happen to me not long ago. Freaked me out when all my stuff in basket dumped on the ground. Forgot I had a picked up another basket and when I was shift clicking all my inv into the minibike basket....well you know what happened when I shift clicked on it. I went into panic mode as I has a lot of good crap. Of course I frantically hit e to pick it all up and started shift clicking it all again....and of course I had picked up the basket again so....yeah :D


Been there, done that... right before clicking and swapping the basket the third time I realized I had scavenged a second basket. So, only lost some stuff. :(

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