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A20 Developer Diary Discussions


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5 hours ago, EffiJeff said:

So, I tried to figure out the release date for A20 experimental. Coming from facebook, I managed to count (hopefully right) that there were 7-8 developer streams for A19.

We know now that the developer streams will be weekly. So let's say there will be 7 streams which gives us the date for 20th of october. We also know A20 will be released on monday, so the soonest possible date is 25th of october. But personally  I think there might be 8 streams and A20 will be released 1th of november, right after halloween, it sounds much better. Guess we will have to wait and see :)

Nice calculations  but remember Matthew 25, verse 13: "13“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour ...


And people have guessed in the past and when the date came and went it lead to an event known as the Great Disappointment.



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3 hours ago, Roland said:


One lesson we can really learn from the Mayans: They really didn't know @%$# about making calendars...

Actually, I wasn't talking about the Mayans. Or maybe I missed your joke?


Anyway, I was referring to a Christian group now known as the Millerites that made big waves in 1844 because someone had worked out based on scriptures that was the day Jesus would return. It was a pretty big thing in those days and they made a big nuisance of themselves with their beliefs, so I'd say the majority of people would have known what they believed.  As you can see, He didn't return then. And that then lead this group into the Great Disappointment. 


But I couldn't resist to throw some comparisons to their great disappointment and when we've had expectations the new Alpha will be released and wasn't.

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7 hours ago, KhaineGB said:



System.Random rnd = new System.Random();

int currentYear = 2021;
int randomYear = rnd.Next(0, 10); 
int releaseDay = rnd.Next(1, 30); 
int releaseMonth = rnd.Next(1, 12); 
int releaseYear = currentYear + randomYear;

Log.Out("Release Date: " + releaseDay + "-" + releaseMonth "-" + releaseYear);

There's your RNG release date generator. Feel free to use it. ;)


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1 hour ago, JamesKirk said:


For me the result was 30th of February 2022.😨

Obviously, the next thing you have to do is to design a machine that lets you go to a different reality, one where February has 30 days in it.  😉


Though you may have to get a Steam account there in order to download the Alpha20 version...probably can't link your accounts between realities  😁

Edited by BFT2020 (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

Obviously, the next thing you have to do is to design a machine that lets you go to a different reality, one where February has 30 days in it.  😉


Though you may have to get a Steam account there in order to download the Alpha20 version...probably can't link your accounts between realities  😁

Maybe someone know Elon Musk?  Just convice him to invest some money in TFP and we will get A25 in next month 😂

Edited by Matt115 (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Matt115 said:

Maybe someone know Elon Musk?  Just convice him to invest some money in TFP and we will get A25 in next month 😂

From what I have seen online he wouldn't improve things. Seems he has been known to have to made estimates and had to push back dates so may not be any difference.

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1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

em. More money= more guys working on game


This is only a possibility, not a certainty. A small team has advantages too, so whether more money is used to increase the team may not be certain. For example it could also be used to create a second team that creates another game in parallel. Or to bolster the bank account for bad times.


And for completeness sakes, more guys working on a game first slow down everything for some time while the currrent devs need to tell the new devs about everything.

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2 hours ago, meganoth said:


This is only a possibility, not a certainty. A small team has advantages too, so whether more money is used to increase the team may not be certain. For example it could also be used to create a second team that creates another game in parallel. Or to bolster the bank account for bad times.


And for completeness sakes, more guys working on a game first slow down everything for some time while the currrent devs need to tell the new devs about everything.

I was make this "simple" but i will expend what i say; let's say - musk decided to invest 1 000 000 $.  So TFP could - employ few more people , use monocapture for animations etc 

Btw - annonce a new game before ending 7dtd would be just bad decision

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3 hours ago, Rabbitslovecactus said:

@faatal First person view sounds great for vehicles. But I've got to say, the physics and controls of driving the vehicles is a priority IMO. Right now they feel robotic and stiff, especially the Gyro. Would be nice for the gyro to operate like a helicopter, or similar to the gyro of the Road Warrior movie. Lift off right from where you are, no need to drive forward to lift off. Either way, keep up the great work!! Best game ever!

Helicopter controls are rather more complex. There's a vehicle mod with a helicopter with true helicopter controls (within the limits of vehicle controls in 7d2d), and it is a challenge.


Unless you mean go up and down like a helicopter and forward like a plane?


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3 minutes ago, dcsobral said:

Helicopter controls are rather more complex. There's a vehicle mod with a helicopter with true helicopter controls (within the limits of vehicle controls in 7d2d), and it is a challenge.


Unless you mean go up and down like a helicopter and forward like a plane?


Exactly, which would also allow us to hover.  

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