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Alpha 20 Dev Diary


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1 hour ago, spacepiggio said:

U can find working stuff like forges, benches, theyre either broken & lootable or usable. Just got to Poke Around...

I thought I saw earlier in this thread it was said there are no Useable workstations / forges / etc found now.  Only broken and lootable.

Maybe I am mis-remembering, but our team has yet to find a working one.

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7 minutes ago, LewZephyr said:

I thought I saw earlier in this thread it was said there are no Useable workstations / forges / etc found now.  Only broken and lootable.

Maybe I am mis-remembering, but our team has yet to find a working one.


That was my impression too, Infact I thought there was a post somewhere where the devs took them out because they would be used to easily skip progression 

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17 minutes ago, zicky said:

I did find a working cement mixer at a poi



I thought vending machines were similarly disabled outside of the traders' machines, but have found one or two which were functional. Maybe I just had bad luck, but the frequency of working machines should probably have been lowered, so all is good ;)



-Arch Necromancer Morloc

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From the beginning of the "Bring Back LBD" movement I have said that the simplest solution was to just remove crafting from the loop. It could have solved both the "spam-crafting" and "stand on cactus" issues with one move. Most of the popular mods that use LBD have some form of this "Action Skills" approach.


Now that crafting might be getting it's very own learn-by-whatever system, I would be interested to hear the arguments against such an Action Skills system in vanilla.


Frankly, the RPG-ish system we have now is my least favorite part of the game, but I'm not going to dilute the point by listing my personal peeves.


I'm just curious to read other opinions as to why action-based LBD wouldn't work.

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15 minutes ago, FranticDan said:

Is it intentional that the only primitive item in the entire game with random stats is the pipe machinegun? Or an oversight?


I don't know, but I would bet my lunch money it is a bug/oversight




Changed :

Added missing random loot counts to some raw food crafting ingredients





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2 hours ago, saltychipmunk said:


That was my impression too, Infact I thought there was a post somewhere where the devs took them out because they would be used to easily skip progression 


found it for you:


On 12/8/2021 at 5:39 PM, madmole said:
On 12/8/2021 at 2:35 PM, Doomofman said:

Are there no more working workstations in the wild? Yet to find one myself or see anyone else get one on streams

Nope, they completely bypass the natural progression that gives the player a feeling of accomplishment. WIthout needs and desires, the game is boring so I had them make them ALL broken. Now when you finally craft one or buy one you feel extremely rewarded instead of meh I'm already at late game tech because I found a trader with all the workstations intact on day 1. @%$# that.


still unclear to me what MM meant. Says ALL, but then gives example with trader.

I have read it as it was meant "just the ones at traders, because they usually have 'em all together in one place".

But now I see it could also mean really every single one on the entire map, so those in POIs too.


I would now interpret it as there are supposed to be no working ones at all,

and that one that was found in a POI was overlooked.

Or maybe caused by corrupted files, like old save/world or similar from A19, from an incomplete wipe before starting over with A20?


Can anyone of the staff please specify?


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1 hour ago, meilodasreh said:

still unclear to me what MM meant. Says ALL, but then gives example with trader.


He was playing a test run, found a trader with all stations working and it ruined his test run, so he told them to make ALL stations the player didn't craft be destroyed


You cannot find working stations anymore




  • In A19 items got increased scrapping speed when scrapping to iron. Updated all other scrap actions to the same speed. 


Huuuuuuuge!! Screw the brass scrapping time



Slightly lowered the stamina use of the pipe baton 


I won't say no to it, but it's weird this is the only change on pipe baton. It still isn't very clearly mentioned in the UI, I've seen many people confused on what attribute pipe baton belongs to and whether it scaled with the electrocute perk line at all

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16 minutes ago, Weazelsun said:

Could night quest be activable from 22 - 4 instead of the 22 - 1? Would give more leeway when having to travel from one quest to another.

0400 is dawn in 7D2D so no longer qualifies as night. Starting at 0100 gives you 7 minutes and 30 seconds real time, on default settings, to finish the quest before dawn arrives.

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You don't fail the quest once dawn starts, so you could probably cheese it by just standing there afk until dawn but that's boring.


I really like the idea of the night quest, just wish the reward was better. I hope they explore hard quests like that more, like force enabling feral senses and nightmare run speeds while in X tier PoI or after accepting X quest type. They could even force raise difficulty to make zombies more durable etc, there's a lot of neat options they could pursue for making some new quest types that are highly challenging but also rewarding

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20 hours ago, Hated said:
  • Most pole and smaller sized shape HP values reduced by 75% 
  • Most plate and similar sized shape HP values reduced by 50% 


No reduction in upgrade costs though? - Confirmed

 So now we have to go back to uglier bases and ignore all the good pieces that were put in because not only are they weaker, but they cost way more given their weaker state.


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45 minutes ago, Weazelsun said:

Could night quest be activable from 22 - 4 instead of the 22 - 1? Would give more leeway when having to travel from one quest to another.

Normally, you would only be going from the Trader to the Quest. If you are in MP and accepting multiple quests, prioritize the Night Quest first. If you are accepting multiple Night Quests from the trader, I'm not so sure TFP should change the system for that edge case. I'm sure the window of 22-1 was set to encourage people to complete the quest at Night rather than waiting to 3:45 to start the quest and complete it during the day.

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