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[Opinion] The Skill-system feels like its made for Boomers


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Ahoy da mates.


I really dislike the fact that certain skills do not increase by using the items / weapons for it.

My english isnt the best, but what I mean is that if I use a Shotgun, then my skill in Shotguns isnt getting better but I am getting skillpoints which I can spend on harvesting and stuff like that.

It really feels like this skill-system is made for Boomers who like to dig in the underground and still be able to increase their skill in weapons with it. It just dosent feel satisfying.

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lol...You are about a year too late. The big debate over learn by doing happened at the start of Alpha 17 last summer. Man, you really missed all of it and came to this party long after everything got taken down and cleaned up and are just standing in the empty club looking confused.


Classic Gen-Z....

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"We talked about it forty years ago, got it wrong, didn't learn, and we'll never revisit it because we can't admit fault." Classic boomer?


Not a good look for either of y'all.


It's just an inherited RPG system because the core of this game is not to differentiate itself as an RPG. Could it be better? Maybe. Doesn't feel like the most important thing to me, though.

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We talked about it one year ago, made the right decision, most moved on but some never will, and we'll never revisit it in THIS game because it is done and the game is more popular than it ever was with the old system.


Thats being real. Classic Gen-X. ;)

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1 hour ago, Domo said:

Ahoy da mates.


I really dislike the fact that certain skills do not increase by using the items / weapons for it.

My english isnt the best, but what I mean is that if I use a Shotgun, then my skill in Shotguns isnt getting better but I am getting skillpoints which I can spend on harvesting and stuff like that.

It really feels like this skill-system is made for Boomers who like to dig in the underground and still be able to increase their skill in weapons with it. It just dosent feel satisfying.

Well, you have 2 options. Go back and play A16 like some people have, or play Darkness Falls mod. DF is not exactly like A16, but it has LBD. 


Well third option is alot of work, but if you don't like all extra stuff in DF, you can look thru his mod and try to just pull out LBD.

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13 minutes ago, Dethar said:

Well, you have 2 options. Go back and play A16 like some people have, or play Darkness Falls mod. DF is not exactly like A16, but it has LBD. 


Well third option is alot of work, but if you don't like all extra stuff in DF, you can look thru his mod and try to just pull out LBD.

thanks for the Info. Will check it out.

Anyways, I think my biggest problem with the current skill-system is that it feels like a mess.

Its not complex, but it feels like a mess.

My english realy sucks and I am sorry if I trigged anyone with my first post




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Boomers are beyond their 60s, closing in their 70s and they dont play video games. If they do, it certainly isnt this one. You dont seem to know what's a boomer actually.

I dunno why you mentioned that. Since when a certain design element is tied to a certain generation of people? It makes absolutely no sense and its pointless to bring the generational card into this. And for the record, before anyone thinks im offended because im a boomer, im not, for both cases. 

Learn by Doing usually leads to mindless grinding and although it allows to perform and specialize in a certain ability by personal choice, i can see why the Pimps removed it. I can remember when this was the case in Morrowind, where you could level up Athletics at max by repeatedly jumping up a slope, in a matter of minutes... I prefer the current system where most of the weapons are tied to an appropriate attribute. Makes more sense, in my opinion.

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3 hours ago, Domo said:

It really feels like this skill-system is made for Boomers who like to dig in the underground and still be able to increase their skill in weapons with it. It just dosent feel satisfying.

Funny. Someone once wrote that he would like to be a master miner without having to mine.

It works not only in one direction. You just kill zombies all day and improve your mining skills.

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43 minutes ago, Kyonshi said:

Boomers are beyond their 60s, closing in their 70s and they dont play video games. If they do, it certainly isnt this one. You dont seem to know what's a boomer actually.

Depends on what you're classifying as gamers. I know plenty of them that play classic RPG like D&D, and would call them gamers.

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51 minutes ago, Kyonshi said:

Learn by Doing usually leads to mindless grinding and although it allows to perform and specialize in a certain ability by personal choice, i can see why the Pimps removed it.

Only if you let the progress system dictate your gameplay. I ignored the progress system and just played the way I enjoyed it the most and the levels came automatically.
The problem is the mindset of minmaxer. They think that there is no other way to play.

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5 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

Boomers are beyond their 60s, closing in their 70s and they dont play video games. If they do, it certainly isnt this one. You dont seem to know what's a boomer actually.

I dunno why you mentioned that. Since when a certain design element is tied to a certain generation of people? It makes absolutely no sense and its pointless to bring the generational card into this. And for the record, before anyone thinks im offended because im a boomer, im not, for both cases. 

Learn by Doing usually leads to mindless grinding and although it allows to perform and specialize in a certain ability by personal choice, i can see why the Pimps removed it. I can remember when this was the case in Morrowind, where you could level up Athletics at max by repeatedly jumping up a slope, in a matter of minutes... I prefer the current system where most of the weapons are tied to an appropriate attribute. Makes more sense, in my opinion.


I'm closing in on my 60's and play this game and many others. Not sure what your'e basing your assumptions on but let's just say they're wrong. But at least you know what a boomer is which puts you miles ahead of the pack.

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They tried various methods of letting you use something to increase your skill in it. they couldn't come up with anything that was too easy to exploit so that people had the game won in a few days.


I remember keeping the window to my forge open and making arrows. I forget what skill that increased but it didn't take very long to max it out


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15 minutes ago, ElCabong said:

I remember keeping the window to my forge open and making arrows. I forget what skill that increased but it didn't take very long to max it out

Oh, no. You would craft anvils!

Have 8 forges going in turn and click through them to get 8x the XP and put the anvils back in to smelt. 😃

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I teach high school and kids use “boomer” to mean any old person that doesn’t “get it”. I’m pretty sure the OP wasn’t targeting people aged 60+. If he’s 15 and you’re 30 he’s going to call you a boomer because to him you’re out of touch. He could’ve substituted it with idiot, geezer, casual, dumbass, etc. 

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2 hours ago, Slaasher said:


I'm closing in on my 60's and play this game and many others. Not sure what your'e basing your assumptions on but let's just say they're wrong. But at least you know what a boomer is which puts you miles ahead of the pack.

Alright, everybody's gonna come at me with their story, like all retired people, without exception, play 7DTD lol. Let me rephrase this.


Yes, late boomers play video games and i personally know one who does, a lot on GTA V and Dying Light, for instance. But what i wanted to say, this isnt a prime interest for the vast majority. You retire, you collect pension, by a nice car or a RV, travel. They dont really wanna sit down in their house basements pressing buttons. Again, not judging, not trying to be offensive, yes there are exceptions, this is just something that we can observe most of the time. Like, there's certainly kids in their early 20s who go play bridge or bingo. But that's not the prime interest for the vast majority.


That's all i wanna say.

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Kyonshi, may i suggest that while your guesses about retired folks entertainment preferences may or may not be accurate about the entire population of retirees, you are only addressing those who frequent this forum. 100% of the boomers who read your posts here do, in fact, play games like this.

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Why 'Boomers'? LBD is an older system than the most recent RPG style that was introduced in recent alphas. LBD is super old. I was a 90s/00s kid and LBD was more a part of the earliest RPGs than what has become the current industry standard - earning skill points to spend as you like. Not saying it's a bad system but it's certainly not the newer of the two, in fact I would call it old school at this point.


And some Boomers play video games. I used to play MMOs with my uncle as a kid.

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He was just using the teenager way of being dismissive of the skill system. He wasn't literally thinking of 70-year olds playing video games and preferring skillpoints to LBD. My dad is a boomer and enjoyed video games but more importantly he bought video games for me. :)

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Been saying for a long time... a hybrid system is best. There are two kinds of enjoyment to be had. Instant gratification and the rewards of hard work. Perk points bring instant gratification. Stretching out progression does add to the grind, but when this part of the game is dictated by randomness, luck, it is not the same satisfaction as grinding something with purpose and where you are in full control. You have achieved something because you put the effort in, not because you just happened to finally find a book.

Some people only find instant gratification fun and satisfying. Some people only enjoy the immersion of improving your character through learning and training. A hybrid system touches on both and everyone is happy.

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