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The obligatory "Tell Me Something I Didn't Know About A18" Thread


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As the topic suggests, this thread is for each player to list a factoid about A18 that they have discovered and which others may not yet know. I will start....


Wall Radiators can be destroyed with a Pick for a Radiator, which smelts to Brass. These are very abundant in houses and other POIs and are now a major source of precious Brass.

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Intellect is one of the most usefull skilltrees.

Junkturrets are automatic defenses with great dps.

And a stunbatton with great mods like flaming shaft is awesome.


also it has all the electric stuff and workbench and stuff...

And if you want to specc into smgs or something buy the fergettin elixyr later.

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You can kill boars super easy using a little homemade trap.


You need:


Wooden Ramp: <

Wooden Frame: X

Wood Spikes: i


So you build a small row of wooden frames on the ground, maybe 4 or 5. You put a ramp on the one side and put 2 more wood frames stacked vertically on the other side. Looks like this.


i i i i i X



You stand on top of the 2 frames. The boar runs up the ramp and over the spikes to get at you. You can shoot him from your position. Works on default setting. You might need more spikes on higher settings. Easy raw meat!

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Also the AC units now drop a radiator also.


There is a large chandelier that when harvested with wrench will get you forged steel. Also the non functioning vendor machines will also get you some steel.


I can confirm the steel from the large chandeliers. 👍


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You can do perfectly fine if you don't have every single item of quality 6 after 10 days.


Hahaha, nice 👍😂


Edit: coffins are a great source of ammo. Dont forget to dig next to every tombstone for more coffins. 😎

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Unlocked safes can be wrenched for steel


the weights-set, cement mixers, workbenches, and chemistry labs can be wrenched for lots of loot, including a healthy dose of iron bars


Schematics and books you have read, or know through perks will show an "Open book" icon on the top left of the picture, while ones you don't yet know will show a "closed book"


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Some people still might not know...


There is a tiny bar on the top of your toolbelt that shows your experience progress to the next level. It fills up blue, and when it gets full, you level. When you die, it partially turns red at the left, and as you gain experience, the red shrinks. When the red is gone, your experience bar is restored at whatever it was when you died.


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fist weapons and knives have a faster attack animation and attack speed than empty hands. Useful for breaking grass, shrubs, or cloth

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I have dubbed my Hunting Knife, "Mr. Lawnmower".


Haha, that is an interesting use case. I wonder what other activities out there can benefit from this? High speed farm harvesting? 😂


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Unlocked safes can be wrenched for steel


the weights-set, cement mixers, workbenches, and chemistry labs can be wrenched for lots of loot, including a healthy dose of iron bars


Schematics and books you have read, or know through perks will show an "Open book" icon on the top left of the picture, while ones you don't yet know will show a "closed book"


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Some people still might not know...


There is a tiny bar on the top of your toolbelt that shows your experience progress to the next level. It fills up blue, and when it gets full, you level. When you die, it partially turns red at the left, and as you gain experience, the red shrinks. When the red is gone, your experience bar is restored at whatever it was when you died.


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fist weapons and knives have a faster attack animation and attack speed than empty hands. Useful for breaking grass, shrubs, or cloth


Didnt know that about safes, that one is a keeper, especially since steel crafting is high up in the int tree unless you can get lucky finding/buying a crucible.

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Haha, that is an interesting use case. I wonder what other activities out there can benefit from this? High speed farm harvesting?


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Didnt know that about safes, that one is a keeper, especially since steel crafting is high up in the int tree unless you can get lucky finding/buying a crucible.


unfortunately, unlocked safes still have 2500-5000 hp, and yield only 1-3 steel bars...but when you're trying to get the last 2 bars for a mod...

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unfortunately, unlocked safes still have 2500-5000 hp, and yield only 1-3 steel bars...but when you're trying to get the last 2 bars for a mod...


It was like that in previous alphas too, If you figure out at what interval the steel will drop (I used to know), you can hit it with a pick-axe until right before you hit that number, then pull out the wrench. Wrench a couple times, get the steel, then go back to the pickaxe, etc.


But also since it is RNG how many bars you will get sometimes it will not work perfectly. Since 1 interval may not drop.

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