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Madmole’s Recipe Request


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Yes most people are gluten and dairy sensitive. I used to think I had a crappy immune system because I got sick 5-6x a year. I was just poisoning myself with that crap and stressing out my immune system. I quit eating that, lost 30 pounds and have been since twice (both times much shorter colds than the old days) in 3 years.


Sorry for off topic, but if I can help one person improve their life, its worth it :) Now back to regularly scheduled programming.


gluten inflames the brain membranes. what is one of the symptoms or diseases like parkinsons and altzeimers? an inflamed brain membrane....

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Joel's Jamba Juice: Fer what Ails ya


<recipe name="DrinkJoel'sJambaJuice" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="drinkCoffee" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="drinkYuccaJuice" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="drinkRedTea" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="drinkBeer" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="itemVitamin" count="1"/>


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Joel's Jamba Juice: Fer what Ails ya


<recipe name="DrinkJoel'sJambaJuice" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="drinkCoffee" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="drinkYuccaJuice" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="drinkRedTea" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="drinkBeer" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="itemVitamin" count="1"/>



LOL here drink this... umm whats in it? Don't worry about it, it will put hair on yer chest. lol.

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@MM: A18 looks to be amazing. Thanks for making a game that absolutely devours my free time. Great work! Here's a few recipes (one for each cooking tool):


Vegetable Casserole (a hearty alternative to veggy stew)

<recipe name="VegetableCasserole" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodCropPotato" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="foodCropCorn" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanPeas" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodMushroom" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanPasta" count="1"/>



Hobo Jerky Strips (mix honey, aloe, beer + fat into a thick sauce, coat rotten meat and grill into jerky strips)

<recipe name="HoboJerkyStrips" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingGrill" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodAnimaFat" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="FoodRottenFlesh" count="10"/>

<ingredient name="foodJarofHoney" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="CropAloeLeaf" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="drinkBeer" count="1"/>



Snowberry Antifreeze (increased stamina/health regen/buzzed/cold resistant)

<recipe name="SnowberryAntifreeze" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolBeaker" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodCropGraceCorn" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="CropSnowberryPlant" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="drinkJarGrainAlcohol" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCornStarch" count="1"/>


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Chunky Beef Stew Recipe:

<recipe name="foodChunkyBeefStew" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodCanBeef" count="2"/>



Chunky Chicken Stew Recipe:

<recipe name="foodChunkyChickenStew" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodCanChicken" count="2"/>



Chunky Lamb Stew Recipe:

<recipe name="foodChunkyLambStew" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodCanLamb" count="1"/>



Cats Pajamas Recipe:

<recipe name="foodCatsPajamas" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodCanCatfood" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanSalmon" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanTuna" count="1">



Dogs Breakfast Recipe:

<recipe name="foodDogsBreakfast" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodCanDogfood" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="foodCropPotato" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCropCorn" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="drinkCanRiverWater" count="1"/>



just a few (some rather silly) off the top of my head. (yes, some inspired from valmod to give credit)

Really need extra uses for all those cans of food.


Yes, the murky water from for the Dog's Breakfast. (we dont' have toilet bowl water) :D

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Chicken Tikka Masala recipe:

<recipe name="foodChickenTikkaMasala count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodCanChickenRation" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanChilli" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCornCob" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="drinkBottledWater" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodPotato" count="4"/>


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  • 3 months later...

Cornmeal Crusted Snake with Yucca Fries:


<recipe name="foodSnakeYuccaFries" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodRawMeat" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="foodCornMeal" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanChilli" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="resourceAnimalFat" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCropYucca" count="2"/>


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Is this the Level by Doing thread? I just don't see why we can't gain experience by actually doing activities, instead of this magic perk system.




<recipe name="foodJerky" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolGrill" tags="learnable">
     <ingredient name="resourceMeat" count="1"/>


...totally made up the names, dunno what the actual item names are.


The logic: You have this totally retarded but necessary system where you need 5 meats to make a meal, but this gives you purpose for the extra pieces and would only stave off hunger for a short amount of time, and the only development time it would cost is making an icon for it.


Snap into a slim jim!

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I use these

<recipe name="foodpearPie" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" >

<ingredient name="foodCanPears" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodEgg" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCornMeal" count="1"/>


<ingredient name="drinkJarBoiledWater" count="1"/>




<recipe name="toolBeaker" count="1" craft_area="forge" material_based="true">

<ingredient name="unit_clay" count="20"/>

<ingredient name="unit_glass" count="20"/>




<recipe name="foodLambStewie" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" >

<ingredient name="foodCanLamb" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanPeas" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodEgg" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCornMeal" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="drinkJarBoiledWater" count="1"/>


<recipe name="foodSteakandAlePie" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" >

<ingredient name="foodCanBeef" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCropGraceCorn" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodEgg" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="foodCornMeal" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="drinkJarBeer" count="1"/>


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How about a good old classic


S'ghetti and Meatballs Recipe:

<recipe name="foodSghettiMeatballs" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodCanPasta" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanChili" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="foodRawMeat" count="3"/>

<ingredient name="foodCropMushrooms" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="drinkJarBoiledWater" count="1"/>


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A handful of suggestions:


Surf N' Turf Recipe:

<recipe name="foodSurfNTurf" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodCanOfTuna" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="foodRawMeat" count="10"/>

<ingredient name="foodPotato" count="10"/>

<ingredient name="drinkJarwater" count="1"/>



(Benefit: Could give a temporary attack damage buff.)


(Fish could replace the cans of tuna if and when they are in the game.)



Sticky Ribs Recipe:

<recipe name="foodStickyRibs" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodRawMeat" count="15"/>

<ingredient name="foodCornstarch" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanOfChilli" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="drinkJarHoney" count="2"/>



(Benefit: Could confer a faster healing buff on the player)


(Bone could be added to the recipe for authenticity.)



Veggie Scrambled Eggs (1) Recipe:

<recipe name="foodVeggieScrambledEggs" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodEgg" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanOfPeas" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="drinkJarOil" count="1"/>



Veggie Scrambled Eggs (2) Recipe:

<recipe name="foodScrambledEggs" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodEgg" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="foodSalt" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanOfPeas" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="drinkJarOil" count="1"/>



(Benefit: None)


(Second recipe would need the addition of salt to the game.)



Loaded Skins Recipe:

<recipe name="foodLoadedSkins" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodPotato" count="10"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanOfTuna" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="drinkJarOil" count="1"/>



(Benefit: Could confer a speed boost buff on the player.)


(Alternatives could replace the baked potato with tuna filling, such as beef or chicken. Fiery Skins could also be made by adding 2 cans of chilli.)



Spicy Steak Sandwich Recipe:

<recipe name="foodSpicySteakSandwich" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodRawMeat" count="10"/>

<ingredient name="foodCornbread" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="foodMushroom" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanOfChilli" count="1"/>



(May need oil.)


(Benefit: Could warm the player giving a small hypothermal protection buff.)



Chicken and Mushroom Soup Recipe:

<recipe name="foodChickenAndMushroomSoup" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodMushroom" count="10"/>

<ingredient name="foodChickenRation" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="foodCornstarch" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="drinkJarWater" count="2"/>



(Benefit: Could aid in the healing of broken limbs by negating some of the healing time, add a hypothermal protection buff, or help fight/slow down the rate of infection.)



Fruit Smoothie Recipe:

<recipe name="foodFruitSmoothie" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolHands" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodBlueberries" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="foodYucca" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanofPears" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="itemSnowball" count="5"/>



(Recipe could also include honey.)


(Benefit: Could confer a short stamina regeneration buff on the player.)


Blueberry Icecream Recipe:

<recipe name="foodBlueberryIcecream" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolHands" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodBlueberries" count="20"/>

<ingredient name="drinkJarWater" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCornstarch" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="itemSnowball" count="25"/>



(Recipe could also include honey.)


(Benefit: Could cool the player giving a small hyperthermal protection buff.)


I had a lot of fun creating these. I'll add any more I think of as and when 😁


Forgive the mistakes in the item classes, I'm new to this 😂

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Pizza! You need more Pasta cans because you are removing the pasta but keeping the sauce. Corn bread pizza crust since we dont have flour in the base game. No cheese in the base game either so its mushroom chicken pasta sauce pizza /shrug


Pizza Recipe:


<recipe name="Pizza Pie" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" craft_tool="cookingGrill" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodCanPasta" count="4"/>

<ingredient name="foodCornMeal" count="4"/>

<ingredient name="foodCropMushrooms" count="2"/>

<ingredient name="foodCanChicken" count="4"/>


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Corned Mutton Recipe:

<recipe name="foodCornedMutton" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodLampRations" count ="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCorn" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodPotato" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodMushrooms" count="1"/>



(Corned mutton uses more ingredients IRL, such as spices and onions, but I guess we could work with what we've got?)

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Corned Mutton Recipe:

<recipe name="foodCornedMutton" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="learnable">

<ingredient name="foodLampRations" count ="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodCorn" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodPotato" count="1"/>

<ingredient name="foodMushrooms" count="1"/>



(Corned mutton uses more ingredients IRL, such as spices and onions, but I guess we could work with what we've got?)



It needs salt also, maybe if they add some other basic ingredients. Good idea though 😁


I was also thinking of cured ham and other meats but our ideas may be useless in this respect (as preserved food) since there is no, and as far as I'm aware will be no spoilage timer.


Unless it's just a basic food of course, or unless corned mutton is lamb and corn 😐😆

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Creamed Corn Recipe:

<recipename="foodCreamedCorn" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags= "learnable">

<ingredient name="foodCorn" count ="1"/>

<ingredient name= "bottledmurkywater" count="1"/>


(Benefit: Could decrease thirst degradation.)

(Side Effects: Could have a chance of giving the player dysentery, or food poisoning.)



Painted Creamed Corn Recipe:

<recipename="foodCreamedCorn" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags= "learnable">

<ingredient name="foodCorn" count ="1"/>

<ingredient name= "bottledmurkywater" count="1"/>

<ingredient name= "paint" count ="5"/>


(Benefit: Could decrease thirst degradation. Might strengthen the player's creative muse for a short while.)

(Side Effects: Could have a chance of giving the player dysentery, or food poisoning.)

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