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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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So who wants to bet on the unrevealed secret of A18? I reckon Sharknado is finally in.


2 bucks on Clowns. They're The Fun Pimps so... Clowns... or maybe Mimes?


couldn't be real 'hookers', would piss off too many peeps


Mimes could have some of their classic pantomime moves, but creepy-fied; that could be a fun task for the artists/animators


but if they went with Clowns, well :biggrin1: they could add Clown-Cars!

(So if you started to wrench one 30 Clowns came pouring out, heh)


--- or. depending on whos supposed to have been watching Gazz, dogs/wolf/bears might well be back to A16 hitpoint lvls, I know I certainly ain't shooting even a Doe unless I'm safe until I know he hasn't gotten to them :)

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Looking at a Map on where to go, does not spoil your Vacation <3


Looking at photos of the places you want to visit does, but isn't that important for a vacation.


Reading spoilers about a movie doesn't spoil watching most movies. It just reduces one part of the fun.


Reading about the books in 7d2d is not the same as experiencing them in-game (that would be really bad) but the first surprise is gone. FInding a spear will not be a surprise anymore, you still will have fun using it.


I'm fine with you redefining the meaning of "spoilers" so that you are not spoiled by the forum :cocksure:


So who wants to bet on the unrevealed secret of A18? I reckon Sharknado is finally in.


Two exit buttons on the main menu! Or drywall texter as background color for the inventory!

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So who wants to bet on the unrevealed secret of A18? I reckon Sharknado is finally in.


It would depend on who designed the new feature.


Madmole: You can command an Abrams tank!! - It can one shot kill anything from 10K away. The downside is your crew are Demolition Zombies.


Gazz: Surprise! "Dune" giant worms attack during blood moon, eating you, your fortress, all your stuff... and anything else you value. The upside is you don't die but are "excreted out", alive, after 100 days. The downside to that is you must watch a black screen and listen to your character scream for 100 days!



I know I'm close... really close.

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Hello Madmole,

Maybe not for A18, but I would love to see more decor blocks, mainly city blocks like traffic lights, new doors with different colors, commercials and warning signs. Maybe even an ATM, of course not working. More textures if possible. I enjoy building prefabs. As enjoyable as playing survival.

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2 bucks on Clowns. They're The Fun Pimps so... Clowns... or maybe Mimes?

Mimes could have some of their classic pantomime moves, but creepy-fied; that could be a fun task for the artists/animators

Mines would make no sounds at all so they would be super stealthy... but they also would only pretend to bite you so they wouldn't be much of a threat.

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Mines would make no sounds at all so they would be super stealthy... but they also would only pretend to bite you so they wouldn't be much of a threat.


heh :) use some of that Vulture AI so they know when we're looking at them they freeze, ha!

N too bad there weren't a few statues scattered around before; could have turned those randomly into Mimes. That'd be a good jump-scare, and add a brain itch, "hmm... somethings different... was there something over there?"


Edit: lol Gronk :)

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Has being able to find sources of nitrate and coal for bullet crafting been improved in a18?


Burnt biome for the coal mines.

Forest for the lead and nitrate mines.


The REAL bottleneck is brass. Paper is easier to find and make but can be a problem.

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LOL of course. The idea is something small and terrifying. Could be a mudcrab from half life. I don't know. Cat zombies? But as a cat lover I can't go there lol. I guess I love dogs too but resident evil made them evil enough I don't mind killing zombie dogs. Something small and creepy. Maybe a torso that grew some spider legs or something like the thing. Doesn't have to be kid, but there really I see no problem with something strain ish. We want them popping out of the painting holes and heat ducts.


Now that just immediately made me think of zombie squirrels. The forest would never be safe again.

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Is he still doing stuff online somewhere? His last YT video is from over 2 years ago.


I watched him years ago... then forgot about him for a bit and when I checked again, I noticed he didn't post a video for a while... and seems like still not.


Wow, I would guess that he had a substantial business he walked away from with that many subs.

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Nice! Is that like a preorder bonus, where I start every new game with a fridge and some books in my inventory?

Lovely :D Can I chose which bookseries is in there or is the fridge a lootbox with random books every time?



Also nice to see in your latest video, that books are actually worth more than ~100 dukes (~2000) that were once mentioned.


Nothing here to see :smile-new:


which makes the 50xp even more laughable


I had a whole stack of them.

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If we had never seen a playthrough it would be a good idea to loot a poi, but odds are anyone interested has by now seen a lot of playthroughs.


THIS is why we can't have nice things..(like the parasail).. no one listens to you. ;)


I have the same problem with my wife... I never listen to her either.


Oh! And your OCD comments? She is probably going to go MAD not completing book sets. Maybe a value is or can be added to increase the probability of finding books we haven't already found? Or the trader can add unfound books to his reward list so trader book rewards are always worth getting?


(This is a woman who has to have EVERY crop in the game in her farm, cook every recipe, and have every color dye in a box.)


Awesome, we've created a reason to play late game for extended hours. Not changing it, its perfect. I might bump the XP, but people don't think about the big picture. Its not that books are super rare. Its not that there are too many books. Its that there is also a schematic for everything in the game, so when you stick 250 names in a hat and draw one, then put it back mix it up, draw again... it might take a long time to get every one drawn once.

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This game is hell on my OCD, I'll walk into the mining pit my buddy made and immediately start laying wood frames on the floor so I can reach the ceiling and make it level.


That and my tendency to hoard stuff, I was so happy when I had a chance to get my arrows back from the Z's.

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Awesome, we've created a reason to play late game for extended hours. Not changing it, its perfect. I might bump the XP, but people don't think about the big picture. Its not that books are super rare. Its not that there are too many books. Its that there is also a schematic for everything in the game, so when you stick 250 names in a hat and draw one, then put it back mix it up, draw again... it might take a long time to get every one drawn once.


The only thing that kept us from playing more end game was not being able to keep up with base repairs and ammo after a certain point, like day 145 or so. Horde nights were such bullet sponges and just did so much damage even with turret and blade trap coverage. (a16) We never got that far in A17 because it felt a bit off, and we were expecting the next update sooner.


(NOT a biggie at all, and you can take your time now. I'm not always an Orc, and am working on a Spiderman Mysterio costume for Dragoncon in Atlanta... so we won't be installing or playing a18 till the end of the first week in Sept.)


Hmmm... maybe its time for an avatar image change?

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There could be a feature where every time you place a block, a voting window pops up for everyone on the server.

If the majority votes "yes", the block is placed.


That would not only fix people using bedrolls as bedrolls but also campfires or cement mixers.

Campfires especially are so cheap that players might be tempted to just build one while they are out looting, skipping the challenge of going back to their base!


Any chance you can add more Useful data to some blocks like who placed it and when and maybe a trigger so I can have code that can register to listen for that type of block? I know some blocks like secure chest have more info about the owner but bedrolls seem pretty dumb.

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@MM With all the news you’ve given us for A18, all the choices your team has made over the many alphas are starting to make so much sense. It has been a darn cool process for me, as an outsider, to watch happen. I’ve played games for decades from the original arcades to my first pc game, Star Trek on an Apple iie, to current games and I never knew what went on in the making of a game. Besides playing your cool game, thanks for the ride of seeing a glimpse of what is necessary to make that happen. I’m stoked to see the remaining work. Very interesting stuff & I can see why you enjoy it. Sorry if slightly off-topic.

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Now that just immediately made me think of zombie squirrels. The forest would never be safe again.


Zombie rats? You can also go with mutated roaches. Both have a knack for surviving the worst conditions.


It would be nice if their AI was different then normal zombies so they dont immediately attack and break out of whatever hidden place they are spawned thus ruining the surprise factor.

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Zombie rats? You can also go with mutated roaches. Both have a knack for surviving the worst conditions.


It would be nice if their AI was different then normal zombies so they dont immediately attack and break out of whatever hidden place they are spawned thus ruining the surprise factor.


Hearing something scratching at the walls as your mining could have quite a creepy fear factor. Delay the trigger a bit so you never know if they're going to burst out from behind.

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