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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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No, they were worth 100 dukes. He had stacks of 20.


big oof... but thx ^^


Oh no.....it was dropped. Now he’ll pick it up again when he reads your post and realizes his error.


you know I said that I was gonna drop it... but if you really want me to continue this badly, I'll do you the favour!


... nah if they wanna continue the trend of not listening... I'm fine with that. ^_^ Its not a big enough issue for anyone to leave a bad review so whatever. I am just hoping that ONE DAY they might listen ONCE to what I have said. I wasn't always right (especially about the A11 or 12 update in interface design), but more often than not, stuff that I criticised that was beaten down at first got changed lateron.

And it is just exhausting to ALWAYS have to ARGUE and ARGUE for small stuff like this that is so super obvious and non intrusive (seriously! how is 2000xp for a super rare item a lot when one zombie can give as much?)


But yeah this is my last post on the issue. All has been said, maybe they will take a look, maybe they won't. The rest of A18 looks promising so I don't want to imagine the worst and just try it.


Good night :)

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First hands on new death penalty:


Last night was day 41 pretty early. I took a T5 from the trader and jumped on my minibike and ended up at shotgun messiah factory. I'd never done it before so I didn't know how long it would take. I only had about 3-4 pain killers and no medicated bandages. I have 4 ranks in healing factor so I regenerate very fast. I thought I can probably handle this, the only thing I was concerned with was ammo so I went through it my heavy armored level 45 ish green iron armored fort build. I had roughly 300 726 and my awesome AK that does 70 damage....


Yeah, I've learnt when tackling a T5 to take 2 bundles of medicated bandages, and even then to consider scrapping cloth for more on the way through. Taking a splint is also a good idea, coz it's too easy to suffer a big fall on the way out (being impatient to exit a big maze of a building). I usually also have 2 days worth of food with me before I begin. Given I've taken to using a club or sledge, I will also have to consider antibiotics if A18 has effective infection once again, coz the weakening effect is just lethal to a melee player.

My other T5 strategy is to begin the quest during the night so that I have a better chance of finishing before the next night, coz you don't want to face the final cluster of ferals/radiated during their stronger night time state.

Still being deep within a T5 on a horde day is asking for trouble!

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Voxel games don't benefit as much as other games on looking grungy. I shouldn't have to do a Glock 9 house flip to make a poi look somewhat livable. With all these overly dirty grayed out texters. With all the visual noise put into the game it's like we get it we are in an apocalypse but I suggest you guys do another pass of making the game have cleaner/ simpler textures and don't shy away from color.


I too thing that we should have some clean texture, Where I can paint my newly created house or something with proper color texture rather than those rusty ones. We have lot of color but not proper texture for paint. We were in bad world, but when I paint I will paint it clear to make me feel good, not to remind me of old stuff.

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Some people might like this:


+Added: Air conditioners and new car radiators models drop radiators when destroyed. (Joel)


Good news :)


If you ever need another rational Copper source, consider electrical Transformers.


Neighborhood telephone pole mounted distribution transformers have many pounds of copper in the windings.

Also larger buildings have them in the mechanical room. Especially Data Centers; which also have -tons- of batteries.


Just in case, since ripping copper pipe out of houses would be difficult, game wise.


(ignoring that aluminum windings aren't uncommon, since when was the last time anyone saw a copper car radiator? :) )

(... and cases are brass, and we don't have a zinc source... all good, transformers fit the gameplay very well I think)


--- Edit: noticed the other day (rl) that the Railroad Crossing arm used mild steel plates as counter balance for the arm (easily 75+ pounds); maybe a source for Wrenchable Steel?

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So Players like to drop a sleeping bag anywhere so if they die they can just spawn next to death location.


is there a way to add support to control how often a bag can be dropped or how many? like 1 bag every XX minutes? that would allow to make the game more of a challenge


That's an interesting question Lonestar. Just a thought, but it may be possible with existing code; swap the Priority?


Right now any new bedroll takes primacy, any older one/s are no longer a spawn point.

If it were flipped, then only the 'oldest' bedroll would be a spawn point.

So you'd have to take added risk by picking up your bedroll before heading out to a tough poi... could be fun :)


Edit: just recalled that when I tried to have 'fall-back' bedrolls, it didn't work. So guessing the code simply writes over "BedSpawnLocation" anytime a bedroll if placed... no idea if that'd be moddable.

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Let's imagine you have the opportunity to make a single prefab with the following conditions:

  • You can make it as large/long as you want
  • It must be a single continuous Dungeon Crawl.
  • It takes the team the same time to make and impacts performance about the same as a T3 POI, regardless of size.
  • It has the same quality, polish, and basic design philosophy as an A18 dungeon crawl, and cannot introduce any assets/mechanics that won't exist in A18.

How large would you want such a prefab to be?

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Another potential source for copper. Is placeholder wall blocks. With an adaptive texture similar to the way terrain filler reacts.

There are lights in game and they are on, so must be some wires also. You break the block and wrench the wires. As an addon it could be set to potentially shock, or blow out the lights in the POI at random.

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I too thing that we should have some clean texture, Where I can paint my newly created house or something with proper color texture rather than those rusty ones. We have lot of color but not proper texture for paint. We were in bad world, but when I paint I will paint it clear to make me feel good, not to remind me of old stuff.


Having just a normal drywall texter would do it for me. That’s my main grip with the textures.

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So Players like to drop a sleeping bag anywhere so if they die they can just spawn next to death location.


is there a way to add support to control how often a bag can be dropped or how many? like 1 bag every XX minutes? that would allow to make the game more of a challenge

There could be a feature where every time you place a block, a voting window pops up for everyone on the server.

If the majority votes "yes", the block is placed.


That would not only fix people using bedrolls as bedrolls but also campfires or cement mixers.

Campfires especially are so cheap that players might be tempted to just build one while they are out looting, skipping the challenge of going back to their base!

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There could be a feature where every time you place a block, a voting window pops up for everyone on the server.

If the majority votes "yes", the block is placed.


That would not only fix people using bedrolls as bedrolls but also campfires or cement mixers.

Campfires especially are so cheap that players might be tempted to just build one while they are out looting, skipping the challenge of going back to their base!

It would be impractical to implement. If the server has quite a few members i can imagine alot of messages popping up. Also most won't have time to respond to every voting window as it can disrupt the game and lead to frustrating deaths. Implementing a feature similar to Ark Survival Evolved's respawn delay after first death could help but making it way more forgiving would be needed.

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So Players like to drop a sleeping bag anywhere so if they die they can just spawn next to death location.


is there a way to add support to control how often a bag can be dropped or how many? like 1 bag every XX minutes? that would allow to make the game more of a challenge


Making the bag more costly to craft (I usually made it cost 20 cloth, 20 cotton and 20 fiber at least), reducing stack size to 1 and not being able to pick the thing up would certainly help in this regard, force people to spend resources and think twice about placing the bag randomly.

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It would be impractical to implement. If the server has quite a few members i can imagine alot of messages popping up. Also most won't have time to respond to every voting window as it can disrupt the game and lead to frustrating deaths. Implementing a feature similar to Ark Survival Evolved's respawn delay after first death could help but making it way more forgiving would be needed.


I think it's a fairly safe bet that Gazz wasn't being entirely serious on this point. :)

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