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A16 - STARVATION Mod for A16


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We have not heard from our coder Morte for several months so at this point I'm guessing there will not be a Starvation A17.


That's devastating to hear. Loved this mod. We're not loving A17 and don't really want to go back to spinning zombies of A16. Hopefully, Morte has a change of heart.

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Hi all. I have some questions for the creators of the mod. It's about the code of the rottenness of food.


The code <property name = "foodSpoilImmune" value = "60" />, is what controls the duration of a food, unless you store it in a functional fridge, which has a value of <property name = "foodSpoilImmune" value = "100" />.


The questions are the following:


When you store a food in the fridge ... The value becomes 100 or both values are added?


What kind of ratio does this value follow? 60 hours in-game? Does the climate (heat and cold) affect this ratio in any way?


I would greatly appreciate the help. And above all, thank you for your magnificent work. I can only play this game with your mod. After trying A17 and reviewing its code ... Although I find it in many cases more versatile, I do not like this new version in general. It is a real shame, if it is the case, that this mod is not going to update to the new version.


A thousand thanks in advance.

Edited by Maska_zgz (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

aww thats terrible if thats true! fingers crossed hes simply takeing a break away from 7 days. i know i did for the longest time!


il hold out on hope that this mod gets updated for alpha 17. the mind boggles with what you lot could do with all the new features implemented with the game! as well as mixing them with your own!

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  • 1 month later...

One of my players pointed me to this mod, and I installed a 16.4 client to test it. What a wonderful mod! Seems many other mods and modlets are based on the ideas of Starvation Mod, like the Farming, Animal Breeding etc. And it is not a mod that simply stretches the game by "split-recipes", as my player called it. I would really like to see an update to A17.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

No diet version. No planned work on this mod anytime soon, if ever. You will eventually find many of the features of Starvation in other large mods like Darkness Falls and Ravenhurst now that there is a lot of new code available to the modders that didn't exist back in A16.

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  • 1 month later...

Is it possible to modify gun kickback in skill or perk?


For example"progression.xml":


<action_skill name="Pistols" exp_to_level="150" icon="pistol" description_key="pistolsDesc" title_key="pistols" group="firearms">

<effect name="kickbackAim"> <!--Reduce kickbackAim-->

<multiply perk_level="0" value="1.3" />

<multiply skill_level="1,5" value="1,0.95" />

<multiply skill_level="5,11" value="0.95,0.9" />

<multiply skill_level="11,19" value="0.9,0.8" />


The result was an error...

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Is it possible to modify gun kickback in skill or perk?


for example "progression.xml":


<action_skill name="Pistols" exp_to_level="150" icon="pistol" description_key="pistolsDesc" title_key="pistols" group="firearms">

<effect name="kickbackAim"> <!--Reduce kickbackAim-->

<multiply perk_level="0" value="1.3" />

<multiply skill_level="1,5" value="1,0.95" />

<multiply skill_level="5,11" value="0.95,0.9" />

<multiply skill_level="11,19" value="0.9,0.8" />

<multiply skill_level="19,32" value="0.8,0.7" />

<multiply skill_level="32,49" value="0.7,0.6" />

<multiply skill_level="49,70" value="0.6,0.5" />

<multiply skill_level="70,100" value="0.5,0.4" />




The result was an error...

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Just gonna say: This needs to come back. This was by far the best mod during A16. It turned vanilla endgame into Starvation middle-game. Everything that was attempted in A17 and A18 to make vanilla better was already decently implemented in this mod. But what it suffers is the lack of optimization in A16 vanilla.


I dont hate on A17 or A18, but I do still have this mod installed and keep going back to it after 2 or 3 playthroughs of the new alphas.

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Just gonna say: This needs to come back. This was by far the best mod during A16. It turned vanilla endgame into Starvation middle-game. Everything that was attempted in A17 and A18 to make vanilla better was already decently implemented in this mod. But what it suffers is the lack of optimization in A16 vanilla.


I dont hate on A17 or A18, but I do still have this mod installed and keep going back to it after 2 or 3 playthroughs of the new alphas.

I also still having this on my PC too,and this was the mod that brought me to play single player of this game,before that I was pvp player.Then In A17 I moved to Darkness Falls which is fun and challenging too.
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DF is OK. But its not the same.


-Steel is its own thing, scrap it or forge the raw material from iron an coal

-Second forge for steel items

-Quadruple the workbenches and quadruple the unique items

-unique zombies you could only find on 100+ gamestage hord nights or in certain POIs

-Radiation zone was a placw to strive for. Was a more challenging place than early alpha hub city

-waste land had bandits, and they were seriously dangerous. But also uniquely rewarding.

-radiation suit had a purpose.

-farming was unique, required maintenance.

-winter brought out unique animals/monsters

-triple the wandering enemies everywhere, wandering hordes much larger

-unique items could only be obtained through abnormal means. The power suit and special melle could only be gotten from specific enemies that were not in the 'normal' world.

-new traps and power

-new skill sets


It had everything that people wanted that A16 lacked. It still has a ton more than the other mods are lacking.

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DF is OK. But its not the same.


-Steel is its own thing, scrap it or forge the raw material from iron an coal

-Second forge for steel items

-Quadruple the workbenches and quadruple the unique items

-unique zombies you could only find on 100+ gamestage hord nights or in certain POIs

-Radiation zone was a placw to strive for. Was a more challenging place than early alpha hub city

-waste land had bandits, and they were seriously dangerous. But also uniquely rewarding.

-radiation suit had a purpose.

-farming was unique, required maintenance.

-winter brought out unique animals/monsters

-triple the wandering enemies everywhere, wandering hordes much larger

-unique items could only be obtained through abnormal means. The power suit and special melle could only be gotten from specific enemies that were not in the 'normal' world.

-new traps and power

-new skill sets


It had everything that people wanted that A16 lacked. It still has a ton more than the other mods are lacking.


Agreed. I love DF. Having a blast, but I do miss Starvation still. The insanity of it all... Yeah..horde nights were just farming time as you built up resources and equipment in preparation to move in to the radiated zones.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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