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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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You don't plan Alpha releases around other games coming out. You release Alphas when you are ready for your player base to test the new features. THAT IS THE ONLY FACTOR. There is only about 3 people in the forums that seem to actually understand what an EA game is and what to expect, and better yet what NOT to expect, of the different alpha releases. EA is a peek into the dev process. Yes, that process has to change a little because the different Alpha releases have to be a bit more playable than they would for only internal testing. BUT, this IS a dev process.


Things generally true of EA games: Releases aren't "TIMED". They really are "ready when they are ready". TFP isn't being snarky when they say that. That's just the way it is in development. They don't add features earlier than they feel is best for development just to keep interest or because people think the game is unfinished without them. Of coure the game is unfinished. IT'S ALPHA. Hell, these days Beta is unfinished and Full Release for most games is unfinished. No one has shipped a finished game in decades.


Am with you................btw who is that other 1 person that understands what an EA game is......

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The Fun Pimps should work a deal to embed the entire original Plants vs Zombies game in 7DTD that way they can have arcade games in "rich people" houses in their entertainment rooms, Theater lobbys, Bars etc, that would be sweet.

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not gonna lie, i would love to be able to piece together a pool table and play a game of pool at night in my base, it would be a great time killer for added entertainment, heck id even settle for a dart board and darts that could be used as a throwing weapon too, on the small things to brighten up the apocolypse

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Heck, I'd like to have an MP3 player in the game where I can play some tunes or maybe catch a radio station (with adjustable volume). It could alert zombies but hey some risks are worth it. You could let it play like one or two songs from the persons computer and then they could find upgrades that would allow more songs or even some built-in tunes from old copyright free music. Walkie talkies would also be nice in multi-player games or to catch broadcasts from traders, so you know when you're near one based on signal strength. Just some other ideas.

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So after "fishing" around a bit in other survival games this week now that Ravenhearst is released I have been noticing something. There are several mechanics in play in other survival games that seem pretty standard now. NOT including these I think hurts 7 Days a bit.


-Fishing: It's in every now game as standard now. PixArk, Subsistence, Hold Your Own etc ALL come with fishing already in.


-Food Urgency: Spoilage may not be everyone's cup of tea but it is in most major new games, as is refrigeration/preservation.


-Bandits/NPC: Subsistence and Hold Your OWn come to mind but others too are developing Bandits who think and act on their own.


-Water Dangers: Piranhas, Sharks, all sorts of wildlife in water. And speaking of...


-Water Physics: Every new game that's voxelated has running water. Portal Knights, Minecraft, PixArk all have water that moves and flows. It not only makes things more exciting but it can be used in builds as well.


-Underground Dangers: Not sand worms or digging zombies, but lava and environmental dangers. These aren't as standard but all voxel games i know of have at LEAST lava and some have underground spawning entities in darker areas.



I will defend this game to the death as I love it. But when you see what other games are putting together sometimes it feels like 7 Days is behind the times in these areas. A17 looks quite amazing but I am not going to lie having even SOME of these in the game at SOME point would greatly add to its value, its replayability and provide new dangers and situations for us to overcome. Being that these seem standard now I DO hope that one day they will at least be looked at. The last thing I wish to do is play a new survival game and say to myself "wow that would really be something that adds to the 7 days experience. I wish..." because there was a time when 7 days WAS the game every other game looked at and said "I wish".


7 Days is blazing trails in all the areas like POIs etc. It would be awesome to see them keep up with current trail blazers as well.


Get out of my head, Jax!

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Heck, I'd like to have an MP3 player in the game where I can play some tunes or maybe catch a radio station (with adjustable volume). It could alert zombies but hey some risks are worth it. You could let it play like one or two songs from the persons computer and then they could find upgrades that would allow more songs or even some built-in tunes from old copyright free music. Walkie talkies would also be nice in multi-player games or to catch broadcasts from traders, so you know when you're near one based on signal strength. Just some other ideas.


Yea that worse Zombie game turned battle royal had radios/walkie talkies. I found them enjoyable and fun to use with allied bases. also if TFP added radios they could be used to make zombie bait. set one down crank up the volume and wait for the incoming Zed's

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Am with you................btw who is that other 1 person that understands what an EA game is......


I have enjoyed this game for YEARS. It is hands down one the best bang for buck things entertainment wise I have ever spent. One of the things that I enjoy about it is there is someone else out there trying to make it better. I can't say I will ever relive that experience of the first time I played it and how that hooked me but I can't take me out of the game and I always improve my game...And , I think TFP do too.


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Beta has been confirmed like three times since that video...


...the issue is, their definition of beta doesn't jive with convmention, since they still plan on adding new features.


I don't see bandits coming in a17.


Your not counting Roland's April fools, I hope... :)


Well that would actually not be an issue... The "stages" of game development is not set in stone... Their just a guide.

Say the core game mechanics are locked down. You could still add features after that...

I guess that such things would be explained in the notes of the possible beta 1 release, not before...


Well wouldn't bandits depend on lots of systems being done?

Like quests, spawnpoints (analog to sleeper spawn points), AI and so on...


Only so much the dev can do... Theres also the jeep, bike, gyrocopter, zombie AI..........

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Super computers have a hard time mimicking water in real time. How is anyone going to do it on a simple PC? When quantum PC's come out, then you might see real time water effects.


Quantum computers will not likely replace normal computers for gaming and such, they are good for data computation but not running things like games. Look into it a little more before spouting stuff off about QCs lol. Besides that, it's gonna be a long time before they can be cooled efficiently and in a very small form factor for household use...

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Quantum computers will not likely replace normal computers for gaming and such, they are good for data computation but not running things like games. Look into it a little more before spouting stuff off about QCs lol. Besides that, it's gonna be a long time before they can be cooled efficiently and in a very small form factor for household use...


actually! with those new chips they just made (for something like 10 cents a pop) could change our regular computers into quantum computers. or at least some variation of one. which could supposedly do some outrageous computing. which means bigger better quantum games could be around the corner


- - - Updated - - -


btw this new chip is like the size of a couple grains of rice or something

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Redoing the skill system again, but here we are without rafts.


Stop ♥♥♥♥ing redoing things that are already functional and in the game. Start putting things in the game that will actually progress the game towards some kind of "release version" and then worry about balancing out the things you have already implemented into the game 10-15 different times over just to make it look like you are actually working on the game.


Development is not a one step process. That's why it is called "development". The final product is the result of many step-by-step incremental iterations. Those who purchase the final product will never know all the versions along the way that resulted in the game they are playing. But not us. We get to experience the whole process as it happens.


You could say that "♥♥♥♥ing redoing" is a synonym for "developing". If you can't take the ♥♥♥♥ing redoing process perhaps you should wait until the game is in its final form. You don't seem well suited to seeing the construction zone.

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One mission that I would like to see is finding all the traders.


In RG, finding them in that world is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.


Yeah man for sure it would be nice to be able to find notes in the world with coordinates for traders, that would make me very happy.

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Development is not a one step process. That's why it is called "development". The final product is the result of many step-by-step incremental iterations. Those who purchase the final product will never know all the versions along the way that resulted in the game they are playing. But not us. We get to experience the whole process as it happens.


You could say that "♥♥♥♥ing redoing" is a synonym for "developing". If you can't take the ♥♥♥♥ing redoing process perhaps you should wait until the game is in its final form. You don't seem well suited to seeing the construction zone.


That is straight answer ... like it.

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Quantum computers will not likely replace normal computers for gaming and such, they are good for data computation but not running things like games. Look into it a little more before spouting stuff off about QCs lol. Besides that, it's gonna be a long time before they can be cooled efficiently and in a very small form factor for household use...


They would actually be great at games where many possible states can exist like RPG's or wargames. Also Professor Mِttِnen at Aalto University already developed nano cooling for a quantum circuit.


Do you know what you are talking about?

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They would actually be great at games where many possible states can exist like RPG's or wargames. Also Professor Mِttِnen at Aalto University already developed nano cooling for a quantum circuit.


Do you know what you are talking about?


hey now, no playing the "who's got the bigger nerd pole" game, that can get messy

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hey now, no playing the "who's got the bigger nerd pole" game, that can get messy


Oh I got accolades a-million!


"The Brain Trust", "Brain Boy", "So smart you're crazy" (crazy in a good way, I'm sure...) and the latest "Mister Impossible"... I'd like to believe that last one was because the guy meant because of the FBI's billion dollar fraud system AI piece I worked on that no one else could solve and not some personal quirk of mine...


...of course I did call him ♥♥♥♥ retentive because I could get him to correct me whenever I said the word "Nuclear" as "Nuc-u-lar". I'm a wild man. :)

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Guest Rassilon

Inspired from Arks Crunch, how about creating a Contest for Users to submit POIs ?

I see that TFP hired a lot of Worldbuilders and i love the Dungeon Style they are going to.

But they are a lot of work, so why not let the community help ?


You could announce a topic, for what kind of POI you are looking, leave it open for 1 or 2 months and then you pick the best ones ( Might be community voted or by you )


Now i hear allready the lazy answer "Mod it" But it would be a cool alternative to a Steam Workshop, would serve as Advertisment and would enable cool ideas from the outside.


For me, the Game Core Features are Exploring, Surviving and Building. And it would help the Exploring part enourmus, when you have more Buildings to explore.

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