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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Second. Even tough I we both set our status to friend. Chest and doors that he made were still locked to me. He accidently locked me in the fort while he was out fighting off a hoard.


This is working as intended. You can set a code on your locks if you want your friend to be able to access them. I have had "friends" in game before that I would not want rummaging through my stash even though I allow them in my base and I fight the horde with them.

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Dog/wolf silence is an issue in both SP and MP. I hope they change that.


Chests and doors are by default created locked so other players can’t get in. Even friends. It is a pain to remember to unlock shared chests etc but that’s the way it currently is. I’m not sure If I would want that changed or not. Perhaps in MP the default could become unlocked. Or a third option, “unlocked to friends” could be added.


Right now, you can place markets on the map and share them with other players, but this seems a bit buggy (when you log out, shared waypoints disappear). It would be nice if you could share your explorations with other players and their maps would unfog in the area you’ve explored.


This is working as intended. You can set a code on your locks if you want your friend to be able to access them. I have had "friends" in game before that I would not want rummaging through my stash even though I allow them in my base and I fight the horde with them.


Thanks for the info guys. :)

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The Fun Pimps Headquarters, earlier today:

https://www.captiongenerator.com/973482/The-Fun-Pimps-HQ /w English subs



I have the highest respect for MadMole, Roland, and faatal. (Used his name, and since he's new, to fit the joke)

And The Fun Pimps as a whole :) This is purely meant as humor, albeit a slightly lame attempt, some might say, and to liven up the crowd a little.

Hadn't seen a hitler video in a while, so thought I'd make my own.


*Sits here waiting for my punishment*


Lol. Another HQ series!!

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I'm curious how many designers actually put any thought into the process of societal collapse and how many just put a bunch of cars at junctions because it seemed the right thing to do.


In more linear games, you frequently have situations that call for a road, artistically, but not a path, level design wise. And then bam, out come the inconveniently overturned semitrailers, whether they make sense or not. :)

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I think the HP bar on top didn't take a hit after the last fill of the XP bar. Is that right?


I basically have the bar at 362 with a total length of 748. What do you have?


So in English 48% left to go before A17 drops


Or 52% completion on an amazingly ambitious game rewrite.

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I'm not going to single anyone out in this thread, but I will say this:


I find the attitude of some people disgusting and majorly disrespectful when they say certain updates don't count or acting as such were not delivered or updates. Heck, some are so rude they don't even count the changes done after a version has reached experimental.


To those people who act as though a particular update does not count, I say "How Dare you turn to The Fun Pimps and say their work and effort was worthless?". That is exactly what you say when you decide to ignore changes because they didn't make enough impact for you. Some are so incredibly rude that they don't even credit the work from the time Alpha 16 hit experimental till when 16.4 was released as valid work. There were a lot of changes from the first day Alpha 16 hit the experimental branch to the time 16.4 came out. It is disappointing to me and I do not work for, nor have I done any code for The Fun Pimps.


To The Fun Pimps: please ignore those who would discredit the value of your time and efforts. Thank you again for all your hard work and continued efforts.


Damn, I know you are not singling anyone out in this thread, but I know you meant me. Where did I say I disrespect TFP, or where did I say I think their work is worthless? You must be reading what you want to read, my friend. That is majorly disrespectful.


I said that I don't count A16.4 and A16 as updates in the same order of magnitude. Do you?


I know TFP have worked on A16 after the release of A16 exp, hence the version changes. But I also know they have been working on A17 since A16.0 was released.


This was all a reply to someone stating that it was only 6 months since the last patch came out. I replied that it's been 10 months since A16 was released.

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Guest Rassilon

Player Vending Machines


Currently, you can set/alter the Sell Price of an Item in Steps of + and - 20 %


Could we please get a change, to enter the exact value ?


Some Items have a odd base-price wich does not fit the reality of Ingame Economics on Multiplayer Server ( Fertelizer im looking at you (and more))


Having to Alter the Prices 20 or 30 Times till you reach your wished Price is very annoying.


This also comes to Show for our Admin-Vending Machine. We tried to sell cars there, that players can buy to wrench. Since they got a Base Price of 1 (not meant as a tradeable Object, i get it ) you cant increase the Price to a reasonable Level with the Steps of + and - 20 %.


We would like to sell them targeted to Endgame Players, as Cars get very scarce after Day 1500 on the Map and would like to set the Price to around 10-20.000 Casino Tokens to balance that out.

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This is working as intended. You can set a code on your locks if you want your friend to be able to access them. I have had "friends" in game before that I would not want rummaging through my stash even though I allow them in my base and I fight the horde with them.


Wouldn't it make sense the other way around? Everything you place is unlocked until you lock it.

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"The Queen died and then the Queen died and then the Queen died and then the Queen died and then the Queen died and then the Queen died and then the Queen died and then the King died" is the story of King Henry VIII. :-)


My inner pedant insists on me correcting this.


Henry VIII only had six wives, not seven. And two of them (Anne of Cleves and Catherine Parr) outlived him.


So it should be:


"The Ex-Queen died and then the Queen was Executed and then the Queen died and then the Queen was executed and then the King died and then the Queen died and then the Ex-Queen died."

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My inner pedant insists on me correcting this.


Henry VIII only had six wives, not seven. And two of them (Anne of Cleves and Catherine Parr) outlived him.


So it should be:


"The Ex-Queen died and then the Queen was Executed and then the Queen died and then the Queen was executed and then the King died and then the Queen died and then the Ex-Queen died."


So they all died? What a sad story: England, the sad place where people keep dying.



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its all about anarchy

7dtd is anarchy - the freedom to do what you want

and reap the rewards or suffer the consequenes

monarchy ( and government and secular authority) suppress that freedom for a corrupt few

kill them all with the blunderbuss or my fave the 600 ql magnum with maxed hand gun skills. boom boom boom


- - - Updated - - -


time for anutha vodka

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You have a good point but ruined castings can be melted down into new castings. Most of my castings are from brass that I found, scraped and melted down.


I'll bow to your experience on that one. If I started making bullet casings in Britain it's quite likely that I'd get a knock on the door from some heavily-armed and very angry policemen. They don't like us playing with anything more dangerous than blancmange, given how often we try to burn down London I can't really blame them. :-)

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My inner pedant insists on me correcting this.


Henry VIII only had six wives, not seven. And two of them (Anne of Cleves and Catherine Parr) outlived him.


So it should be:


"The Ex-Queen died and then the Queen was Executed and then the Queen died and then the Queen was executed and then the King died and then the Queen died and then the Ex-Queen died."


I know, I actually googled it myself just to check. Not quite as funny though :-)


"No, sir. This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."

- The man who shot Liberty Valance - 1962

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So they all died? What a sad story: England, the sad place where people keep dying.




People keep dying everywhere. I've traced the problem to the source... it seems that once a person starts living they eventually die.

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I think that there may be more merit in negative comments mixed amongst positive ones. Now let me give my reason.


Player opinions get heavily filtered by developers anyway (not only TFP, every sane developer is doing that), so their influence is and should be limited and very situational. I believe the only feedback that is really totally useless to them though is if someone is repeating his opinion again and again without new arguments, be it positive or negative


The two terms only seem virtually alike. So allow me to elucidate.


If a fully functional Artificial Intelligent program wanted to fool people into thinking its just a Virtual Intelligent computer program, it would be called a: Artificial Virtual Intelligent program.


Now if it was 99.99% AI, trying the same thing it would be called a: Virtually Artificial Virtual Intelligent program.


There are people who have lots of .AVI files on their hard disk. Get's you thinking. Also the 99.99% AI is already life and working, VAVI's cover (https://www.govavi.com/) calls himself a "sport & social club". @VAVI: Do you think we are idiots? Do you think we forgot to don our alu foil hats?

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