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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Plenty. Go ahead. What’s so wrong with the UI? It seems pretty good to me. I know some don’t like the art style but other than that what’s wrong with it?


Nothing when it is invisible :)


For me its just too art deco/futuristic. Needs more grime, less bland fonts and more survival type images. But really its not THAT big of a deal.

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I have over 650 hours and I have been playing this game for almost 5 years now.

I actually didn't really mean that this game is straight trash, because I really enjoy it and it is in my top 5 favourite games of all time, but there are lots of bugs, crashes, exploits, glitches, frame drops, lags etc. that make the game for some people look trash. Sometimes even for me, when I am on rampage with all these bugs, glitches, this game literally becomes unplayable.

That's why I would like, that they could finally add what they plan to, then optimize the game so it will be finally FULLY SATISFYING for me, and for most people, who would play the game once and then leave it. Why am I saying it? Because there are tons of people who keep saying that they would love if the game was in Alpha forever, lol.


Just look at Terraria. There is enough content, they no longer update this, but this is an almost bug-free version of a game which really is fun and you don't become mad because you died by a glitch or crash. You play it for 50-100 hours, have fun, then leave it for few months, then come back and you want to play it again.



That's fine. Everyone has their own opinion on the game and everyone of them is most likely different. That's how the world works. I was just throwing out there that even though the game is not polished it can still be enjoyable. At least it is to me. I am probably one of those that wishes the game was in Alpha for a long time just to keep getting more and more updates. I guess it could also work if the game was finished and they still kept adding to it...that would work also :D


I swear to god I just snickered like Ernie from Sesame Street, I have 1,279 hours in this game and I have only been playing since the tail end of A15 and I'm probably a scrub compared to some guys who have 10,000+ hours.


Matyese also mentioned it is one of their top 5 favorite games. I am guessing they also play more than those 5 so not having so many hours as me for less time is not surprising. For over 2 years 7DTD was the only game I played pretty much every single day, and is still the one I devote most time to. That accounts for my hours. Lost many hours with it and loved every minute of it. :)

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Are you blue in the face yet?



Are you? :)



You know... Instead of ignoring me and then responding after all this time.


You could have just answered my question. 00


I would have told you that earlier but I thought that it would have been too obvious. ;)

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Any news at all about the lock picking and mine disarming they were talking about and demonstrated before?

I thought it was going to be part of the whole new stealth system and trying to sneak thru buildings instead of bashing your way thru...

Are they working on it at all? as part of A17 or beyond? Haven't heard anything about it in ages...just curious...

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Any news at all about the lock picking and mine disarming they were talking about and demonstrated before?

I thought it was going to be part of the whole new stealth system and trying to sneak thru buildings instead of bashing your way thru...

Are they working on it at all? as part of A17 or beyond? Haven't heard anything about it in ages...just curious...


I would also like to hear about these things. I saw a lockpicking demo in an alpha 15 video, and I was disappointed that it didn't make the cut for that alpha, but haven't heard anything since then. And I would appreciate some way to at least disarm landmines even if I can't keep them afterward. But it used to be fun to collect them from the environment and save them for the first wave of horde night.

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I would also like to hear about these things. I saw a lockpicking demo in an alpha 15 video, and I was disappointed that it didn't make the cut for that alpha, but haven't heard anything since then. And I would appreciate some way to at least disarm landmines even if I can't keep them afterward. But it used to be fun to collect them from the environment and save them for the first wave of horde night.


Yeah. That's how it used to be.


Although, it was a lot of fun getting the zombies to um... disarm them for you lol. Like killing two birds with one stone and so easy, once you saw a mine. :)

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lol. Were did you get that post?


From the newsroom. One of the many recorded gifs we've obtained to keep you fine folks informed on all innovative 7DTD news. Luckily, in this particular outcome there were no fatalities. In fact, our source was unhurt and continued with the event less than 15 minutes later (true!).


Please note: The Breaking News Team respectfully acknowledges the utmost importance of your question and informing our forum peers. Thank you for your rep and attention.


Please also note: Your mailbox is full =)

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It’s just as I said after the last video. Madmole means beta. After A17 drops they will shift into high gear with optimizing and bug fixing and polishing. New content will be more about fleshing out what we already have and any other missing large features from the Kickstarter list of goals will be pushed to post gold launch.


It’s really just semantics. The devs plan to add to, enhance, and tinker with the game through at least 2020.


If “beta” and “gold” are anxiety inducing words then just think of it like this:


“The devs have finally listened and agree that it’s time after A17 to clean up the code and fix the bugs before adding more feature content to the game.”


I know there is a significant faction of our community that has been waiting to hear those words for years. Well...rejoice. :)


Use the fancy words you want, but we want NPC's. One of the things the game desperately needs is something other than corpses walking; and it's alive people walking, and I feel like that's something that should be addressed before moving to gold because people will get very pissed if they see the game move to 1.0 without any NPC's, even if they will be added later.


It's basically like being at a theatre play, seeing the curtains open up and reveal an empty decorated stage, then being told the actors "will arrive later".

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Is that the royal "we"?


If not, speak for yourself, not for me, please.


Obviously, some won't ever want NPC's for some odd reason, but I'm pretty sure the majority of players want NPC's to be in the game.


Mainly cause without NPC's, coming up with new quests, story missions (or story at all), objectives and late-game challenge is very hard to do.

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Obviously, some won't ever want NPC's for some odd reason, but I'm pretty sure the majority of players want NPC's to be in the game.


Mainly cause without NPC's, coming up with new quests, story missions (or story at all), objectives and late-game challenge is very hard to do.


NPC's could add a lot of meaning and fun to the game (helping them, fighting them, saving them, ect). They would give player reputation some fun things (So, your a Badass, these people need help and these people what to surrender). :)


They would be a good points of contact for quests and missions.

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NPC's could add a lot of meaning and fun to the game (helping them, fighting them, saving them, ect). They would give player reputation some fun things (So, your a Badass, these people need help and these people what to surrender). :)


They would be a good points of contact for quests and missions.


One of the things that was in the KS goals was, I believe, NPC controlled POI's. Just imagine coming across a fortified gas station with armed NPC's guarding it that will tell you to stay away or get rekt. Then come back at night, stealth your way in and kill them in their sleep or plainly set their base on fire, or even get inside moments before the 7 day horde appears and watch them fight it off.


Yeah, still don't understand why anyone wouldn't want NPC's, lol.

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You forgot the third category: Indifference.


Everyone has different priorities. For me NPC's is one feature among many. I can live with or without them.


Fair enough. In the end, NPCs will arrive sooner or later, so will bug fixes and optimization. However, people are very nitpicky and impatient, and will be very angry if the game comes out of early access with big features such as NPCs missing. Just something to be aware of.

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Use the fancy words you want, but we want NPC's. One of the things the game desperately needs is something other than corpses walking; and it's alive people walking, and I feel like that's something that should be addressed before moving to gold because people will get very pissed if they see the game move to 1.0 without any NPC's, even if they will be added later.


It's basically like being at a theatre play, seeing the curtains open up and reveal an empty decorated stage, then being told the actors "will arrive later".


I agree. I don't like the idea playing like a LMOE all the time. I'd like to find other survivors. Work with them, even create a small town.

Been wanting to see that since 9.3.

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