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Fightin Welsh

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Everything posted by Fightin Welsh

  1. son of a... that was EXACTLY what I was thinking. well i think i'll just have to go get this bad boy loaded up, thanks
  2. I like the idea of tougher bandits. maybe add in something like a portable alarm they could ring to bring reinforcements if you don't take out the smaller groups fast enough?? kinda like a screamer, but bandits
  3. Don't if this is the right spot for it but how hard would it be to allow the electrical pulses traveling down the lines to be color coded?? I know i for one come up with some complex (for me) multi-generator systems and having color-coded electrical lines would be a godsend when figuring out where the #!@%#! that one line goes through the mess
  4. dude.. it's a GAME reality doesn't mean anything. just adapt and overcome, and yes I have both been killed and have killed all three mentioned critters on day 2 and 3 so far. RNG happens.
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