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Alpha 21 Dev Diary


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Good to all

First apologies for my generic English I'm using google translate.

Second France (Sorry it's a joke we make in Argentina post Qatar2022)
Now for real. I'm a server online gamer, SP game just bores me. 
I don't distract them anymore. The code "the network code" has many errors on servers with many people.
 It becomes impossible to play without reboots and role backs that destroy the gaming experience. 
And it is impossible for the devs to recreate it on a server with 7/8 constant people and doing hundreds of different things. 
Prepare a report of this? Brothers I'm just a man who wants to enjoy. Know how to understand, regards
3 minutes ago, rubens9311 said:


Titulos interesantes 

Game Crash/Full PC reset/Reset character to lvl 1/Delete Save

Falling through world after accepting trader quest

Dedicated not closing connections, not disconnecting properly, ghos...


2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 INF GMSG: Player 'Becker' left the game
2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 INF GMSG: Player 'Becker' left the game
2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 WRN OnEntityUnload already unloaded Becker 
2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.767 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_19_0
2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.770 EXC Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
Parameter name: index
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].RemoveAt (System.Int32 index) [0x00009] in <b0b74789f1894dcc9a389d6f5a51da7d>:0 
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].Remove (T item) [0x0000c] in <b0b74789f1894dcc9a389d6f5a51da7d>:0 
  at DictionaryList`2[T,S].Remove (T _key) [0x00028] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at World.unloadEntity (Entity _e, EnumRemoveEntityReason _reason) [0x001c3] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at World.RemoveEntity (System.Int32 _entityId, EnumRemoveEntityReason _reason) [0x00017] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at ConnectionManager.DisconnectClient (ClientInfo _cInfo, System.Boolean _bShutdown, System.Boolean _clientDisconnect) [0x00166] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at ConnectionManager.Net_PlayerDisconnected (ClientInfo _cInfo) [0x00013] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at NetworkServerLiteNetLib.OnPlayerDisconnected (System.Int64 _peerConnectId) [0x00014] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at NetworkServerLiteNetLib+<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<StartServer>b__3 (System.Object _taskInfo) [0x00036] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at ThreadManager.UpdateMainThreadTasks () [0x0006c] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 

_The exit of a player, also with several errors "The game trying to remove it when it no longer exists"_ causing another state break


6 minutes ago, rubens9311 said:


Títulos interesantes 

Game Crash/Full PC reset/Reset character to lvl 1/Delete Save

Caer por el mundo después de aceptar la búsqueda del comerciante

Dedicado no cerrando conexiones, no desconectando correctamente, ghos...


2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 INF GMSG: El jugador 'Becker' abandonó el juego
2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 INF GMSG: El jugador 'Becker' abandonó el juego
2023-07-08T21:25 :43 1121.765 WRN OnEntityUnload ya descargado Becker 
2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.767 INF Subproceso finalizado NCS_Writer_19_0
2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.770 EXC El índice estaba fuera de rango. Debe ser no negativo y menor que el tamaño de la colección.
Nombre del parámetro: índice
Nombre del parámetro: índice
  en System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].RemoveAt (System.Int32 index) [0x00009] en <b0b74789f1894dcc9a389d6f5a51da7d>:0 
  en System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T ].Eliminar (elemento T) [0x0000c] en <b0b74789f1894dcc9a389d6f5a51da7d>:0 
  en DictionaryList`2[T,S].Remove (T _key) [0x00028] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  en World.unloadEntity (Entity _e, EnumRemoveEntityReason _reason) [0x001c3] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa2 8c6573de8f>:0 
  en World.RemoveEntity (Sistema .Int32 _entityId, EnumRemoveEntityReason _reason) [0x00017] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  en ConnectionManager.DisconnectClient (ClientInfo _cInfo, System.Boolean _bShutdown, System.Boolean _clientDisconnect) [0x00166] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 en ConnectionManager.Net_PlayerDisconnected ( 
  ClientInfo _cInfo ) [0x00013] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  en NetworkServerLiteNetLib.OnPlayerDisconnected (System. Int64 _peerConnectId) [0x00014] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0
  en NetworkServerLiteNetLib+<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<StartServer>b__3 (System.Object _taskInfo) [0x00036] en <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  en ThreadManager.UpdateMainThreadTasks () [0x0006c] en <faea3a5b1cd24d 60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
Registro: Excepción(Excepción)



2023-07-08T21:05:59 7486.327 INF 7425.936 SleeperVolume 2592, 53, 3202: Spawning 2599, 53, 3209 (162, 200), group 'zombieSoldierGroupGS400', class zombieSoldierRadiated, count 44
2023-07-08T21:06:00 7487.448 INF 7425.936 SleeperVolume 2591, 48, 3205: Spawning 2592, 48, 3205 (162, 200), group 'ZombieSpecialInfectedGroupGS400', class zombieMutated, count 44
mmap(PROT_NONE) failed
Caught fatal signal - signo:6 code:-6 errno:0 addr:0x3ed0001ac4a
Obtained 15 stack frames.
#0  0x007f557b93c140 in (Unknown)
#1  0x007f557b78cce1 in gsignal
#2  0x007f557b776537 in gsignal
#3  0x007f55771d3772 in abort
#4  0x007f55771d36ca in abort
#5  0x007f55771d5424 in GC_merge_unmapped
#6  0x007f55771d5676 in GC_merge_unmapped
#7  0x007f55771db621 in GC_unmap_old
#8  0x007f55771d7a94 in GC_unmap_old
#9  0x007f55771db96d in GC_finish_collection
#10 0x007f55771a5cb3 in GC_finish_collection
#11 0x007f5577150be6 in GC_collect_a_little_inner
#12 0x007f5577150cec in GC_collect_a_little_inner
#13 0x00000041f9cc7f in GC_alloc_large
#14 0x0000004281eeb4 in GC_alloc_large

During zombie spawn, the garbage collector (GC) collected unused memory, and crashed
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12 minutes ago, rubens9311 said:
Good to all

First apologies for my generic English I'm using google translate.

Second France (Sorry it's a joke we make in Argentina post Qatar2022)
Now for real. I'm a server online gamer, SP game just bores me. 
I don't distract them anymore. The code "the network code" has many errors on servers with many people.
 It becomes impossible to play without reboots and role backs that destroy the gaming experience. 
And it is impossible for the devs to recreate it on a server with 7/8 constant people and doing hundreds of different things. 
Prepare a report of this? Brothers I'm just a man who wants to enjoy. Know how to understand, regards


Titulos interesantes 

Game Crash/Full PC reset/Reset character to lvl 1/Delete Save

Falling through world after accepting trader quest

Dedicated not closing connections, not disconnecting properly, ghos...


2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 INF GMSG: Player 'Becker' left the game
2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 INF GMSG: Player 'Becker' left the game
2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.765 WRN OnEntityUnload already unloaded Becker 
2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.767 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_19_0
2023-07-08T21:25:43 1121.770 EXC Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
Parameter name: index
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].RemoveAt (System.Int32 index) [0x00009] in <b0b74789f1894dcc9a389d6f5a51da7d>:0 
  at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].Remove (T item) [0x0000c] in <b0b74789f1894dcc9a389d6f5a51da7d>:0 
  at DictionaryList`2[T,S].Remove (T _key) [0x00028] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at World.unloadEntity (Entity _e, EnumRemoveEntityReason _reason) [0x001c3] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at World.RemoveEntity (System.Int32 _entityId, EnumRemoveEntityReason _reason) [0x00017] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at ConnectionManager.DisconnectClient (ClientInfo _cInfo, System.Boolean _bShutdown, System.Boolean _clientDisconnect) [0x00166] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at ConnectionManager.Net_PlayerDisconnected (ClientInfo _cInfo) [0x00013] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at NetworkServerLiteNetLib.OnPlayerDisconnected (System.Int64 _peerConnectId) [0x00014] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at NetworkServerLiteNetLib+<>c__DisplayClass14_0.<StartServer>b__3 (System.Object _taskInfo) [0x00036] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 
  at ThreadManager.UpdateMainThreadTasks () [0x0006c] in <faea3a5b1cd24d60977fa28c6573de8f>:0 

_The exit of a player, also with several errors "The game trying to remove it when it no longer exists"_ causing another state break


2023-07-08T21:05:59 7486.327 INF 7425.936 SleeperVolume 2592, 53, 3202: Spawning 2599, 53, 3209 (162, 200), group 'zombieSoldierGroupGS400', class zombieSoldierRadiated, count 44
2023-07-08T21:06:00 7487.448 INF 7425.936 SleeperVolume 2591, 48, 3205: Spawning 2592, 48, 3205 (162, 200), group 'ZombieSpecialInfectedGroupGS400', class zombieMutated, count 44
mmap(PROT_NONE) failed
Caught fatal signal - signo:6 code:-6 errno:0 addr:0x3ed0001ac4a
Obtained 15 stack frames.
#0  0x007f557b93c140 in (Unknown)
#1  0x007f557b78cce1 in gsignal
#2  0x007f557b776537 in gsignal
#3  0x007f55771d3772 in abort
#4  0x007f55771d36ca in abort
#5  0x007f55771d5424 in GC_merge_unmapped
#6  0x007f55771d5676 in GC_merge_unmapped
#7  0x007f55771db621 in GC_unmap_old
#8  0x007f55771d7a94 in GC_unmap_old
#9  0x007f55771db96d in GC_finish_collection
#10 0x007f55771a5cb3 in GC_finish_collection
#11 0x007f5577150be6 in GC_collect_a_little_inner
#12 0x007f5577150cec in GC_collect_a_little_inner
#13 0x00000041f9cc7f in GC_alloc_large
#14 0x0000004281eeb4 in GC_alloc_large

During zombie spawn, the garbage collector (GC) collected unused memory, and crashed

Server charged

2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.322 INF Version: Alpha 21 (b324) Compatibility Version: Alpha 21, Build: LinuxPlayer 64 Bit 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.323 INF System information: 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.323 INF OS: Linux 5.10 Debian GNU/Linux 11 64bit 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.324 INF CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz (cores: 😎 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.324 INF RAM: 31999 MB 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.324 INF GPU: Null Device (128 MB) 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.327 INF Graphics API: NULL 1.0 [1.0] (shader level 5.0) 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.327 INF Last played version: Alpha 21 2023-07-11T16:50:56 0.329 INF Local UTC offset: -3 hours 

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3 hours ago, Javabean867 said:

Is your team reading all of the books they find, or giving them to specialists?  We have 2 people playing on our server, and the crafting is about the same as questing/trader.


I had to insist on us specializing though lol.  But we agreed.  



We are 3 players each specializing in different things.

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21 hours ago, Roland said:

You of all people want a bear rug?!?  Next you’ll be asking for a deflated blimp to drape across your wall. Oh the betrayal…


Hey, I got you a charm bracelet made out of authentic zip line!

Trader Rekt would never lie about an expensive keepsake. 

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20 hours ago, RipClaw said:

It depends on which biome you are in and where your first trader is. In A21, the gamestage depends on the biome. The gamestage increases much faster in the desert, snow or wasteland but your crafting progress remains pretty much the same.


Have you asked the developers what they want? It is rather presumptuous to assume that you know what the desired end goal is.


In my case, that would be to speed up the progress for looting and what the trader is selling. I did a T5 infestation quest in the pine forest this morning and found a Q2 Pump Shotgun but I can already craft a Q5 Auto Shotgun. My lootstage and traderstage is way behind my crafting skills.


If a player choice to start in advanced difficulty zone, is their choice.


For check if the balance is properly done, the comparison must be done with the starter difficulty zone.


Crafting progression is in line with the starter difficulty progression zone.


Trader/loot/Quests instead break the starter difficulty progression zone.


Developers stated what they want for the progression when they talked of magazine system, you don't trust them?


This is the problem you tried to speed up, breaking the normal progression, i played in normal way, only adding perks on the weapons of my choices(knife and pistol) and no perk will break the progression of traders/quests.


But the progression of traders/quests is broken by itself, there is no need to use perks or do anything else.

10 hours ago, AtomicUs5000 said:

Maybe the game needs just a simple check if this is the case when completing a quest of a given tier, and if the difference is too great, then increase the chance of another crafting mag as a reward choice.
I have no idea if that would screw something up or create something exploitable as I have not given it thought.


I guess I just don't understand how this can be unless you are always accepting something else.


The problem isn't the magazine system too slow.


But traders/quests/loot progress too quickly or directly break the difficulty of the game, making the game too easy too soon on maximum difficulty.


Developers should block some quality/tiers of weapons/tools to appear too soon in trader list, quests rewards and even loot.

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17 minutes ago, Sephiroth87xz said:

Developers stated what they want for the progression when they talked of magazine system, you don't trust them?


This is the problem you tried to speed up, breaking the normal progression, i played in normal way, only adding perks on the weapons of my choices(knife and pistol) and no perk will break the progression of traders/quests.


But the progression of traders/quests is broken by itself, there is no need to use perks or do anything else.

Developers say a lot, but so little. They are rarely specific and usually very vague. They want progress in the game, but you can get it in a thousand different ways. With the Learn by Reading system, they have chosen a progression system based on looting. This makes it hard to predict how the game will progress because looting involves a lot of randomness.


When they talk about balancing, it's unclear what they mean. After all, balancing is a very subjective thing. And they have never explained what "normal" gameplay means to them. Everyone claims to play normally, but everyone plays differently. So the term "normal" is meaningless.


As for quests, maybe you haven't noticed, but they have nothing to do with progression in the game. They are simply based on risk and reward. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. It's the same principle as going into a more difficult biome. If you only do low-risk T1 quests all the time, you will only get T1 rewards.

And one last thing. Your idea of balance is not necessarily the same as the developers'. Balancing is very subjective. So when the developers talk about balancing and you talk about balancing, you might be talking about two very different things.


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A nice idea to slow down trader advancement and add exploration to the mix would be that you need a different trader for each trader tier advancement.


Example: You would do 7(?) quests for trader 1 and would advance to tier2 quests with him. Then you need to find another trader and do 7 quests for him to advance to tier2 and do 7 quests at another trader to advance to tier3.


And there should be some mechanic to prevent doing lots of tier1 quests to advance everywhere. So either you need to do quests of the directly lower tier to advance to next tier or quests of higher tiers give you more "points" for the advancement. Maybe the latter is even already in the game? I did not check, but it would be sensible and still allow for lower tier quests to finally advance someone, but not in a fraction of the time.


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39 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Una buena idea para ralentizar el avance de los comerciantes y agregar exploración a la combinación sería que necesita un comerciante diferente para cada avance de nivel de comerciante.


Ejemplo: harías 7(?) misiones para el comerciante 1 y avanzarías a las misiones de nivel 2 con él. Luego, debe encontrar otro comerciante y hacer 7 misiones para que avance al nivel 2 y hacer 7 misiones en otro comerciante para avanzar al nivel 3.


Y debería haber alguna mecánica para evitar hacer muchas misiones de nivel 1 para avanzar en todas partes. Por lo tanto, debe realizar misiones del nivel directamente inferior para avanzar al siguiente nivel o las misiones de niveles más altos le dan más "puntos" para el avance. ¿Quizás este último ya está en el juego? No lo comprobé, pero sería sensato y aún permitiría misiones de nivel inferior para finalmente avanzar a alguien, pero no en una fracción del tiempo.


It wouldn't be bad if the game works fine in multiplayer first (:
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1 hour ago, meganoth said:

A nice idea to slow down trader advancement and add exploration to the mix would be that you need a different trader for each trader tier advancement.


Example: You would do 7(?) quests for trader 1 and would advance to tier2 quests with him. Then you need to find another trader and do 7 quests for him to advance to tier2 and do 7 quests at another trader to advance to tier3.


And there should be some mechanic to prevent doing lots of tier1 quests to advance everywhere. So either you need to do quests of the directly lower tier to advance to next tier or quests of higher tiers give you more "points" for the advancement. Maybe the latter is even already in the game? I did not check, but it would be sensible and still allow for lower tier quests to finally advance someone, but not in a fraction of the time.


Something like this would be nice. 

I was thinking that adding a required side quest for advancement to the next tier might slow things down. The side quest would become active automatically and runs alongside your other quests. You must bring back a certain number of items to the trader. The higher the tier, the rarer the items and the more items to find (but not impossibly rare or ridiculously large amounts). These side quests are not restricted to a specific POI, so it is all up to you where to go and where to loot. They cannot be failed, but might take a few days to complete.
Alternatively, challenges were once a significant part of the game. They could be brought back into the light by having a required challenge presented by the trader for the next tier of advancement... but still active automatically and runs alongside your quests. With these required challenges for advancement, you could go beyond looting. It could be to retrieve x amount of fresh meat, x amount of clean water, x amount of crops, x amount of zombies killed, x amount of raw ore, x amount of wood, etc. Go a step further and make them themed for the specialty of the trader for a little depth.



Edited by AtomicUs5000 (see edit history)
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Revamp the first person everything. 

the bone work 

the recoil 

the running animation

the way your gun sways when moving the camera 

revamp all of that 

having more than one main attack melee animation 

I've been wanting to make a video but I'd just be pointing out the obvious to the animation team.

Joel needs to put them on that assignment

that's one of the main reason people look at this game and say "what a load of hot garbage" then the fans have to defend and cope about how the gameplay is fine enough. 

That issue is always in your face on every video at all times giving the impression that this is a game in early alpha stages.  

Edited by Zombiepoptard (see edit history)
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51 minutes ago, Zombiepoptard said:

Revamp the first person everything. 

the bone work 

the recoil 

the running animation

the way your gun sways when moving the camera 

revamp all of that 

having more than one main attack melee animation 

I've been wanting to make a video but I'd just be pointing out the obvious to the animation team.

Joel needs to put them on that assignment

that's one of the main reason people look at this game and say "what a load of hot garbage" then the fans have to defend and cope about how the gameplay is fine enough. 

That issue is always in your face on every video at all times giving the impression that this is a game in early alpha stages.  

What part of "we're reworking character and NPCs animations for A22" did you miss?

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7 hours ago, Annihilatorza said:

Concerning the Dew collector, could we not have it collect rain as well, it would make sense to do so, it would give a bonus to fill rate. 


It seems to rain all the times in my world currently lol.

They have given explanations for this and it comes down to resources.  The end result is relatively the same other than that you get water constantly or only when it rains.  The amount of water would be the same (even if they made it work for rain, they'd balance it to give the same amount of water as it does now if that's the amount they want you to get).  They decided that saving resources was worth more since it really doesn't give much of any real benefit.  Also, unloaded parts of the game (like your base when you aren't there) don't have rain because they aren't loaded.  Every time you left the base, you wouldn't get any water the entire time you're gone.  It would basically mean you'd have to stay at the base when it rained if you wanted water.

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This is probs a question for a22 dev diary and beyond but are there any plans to add the new tint masks to the zombie models, or is that even possible? I think that would go a long way in breaking up zombie "sameness" that a lot of ppl talk about 


Or would that be too resource intensive or impossible? Was watching GNS go through the nursing home n there were a ton of repeat nurses (normal, it's a nursing home after all), n the thought occurred to me. But I don't know if it's been discussed already or not (and if it has feel free to redirect me) 

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What will be taken out the game in A22?


stop simplifying everything, this started with the console release back then

changing from the old crafting system that used a grid to a simplified 5 ingredient click craft menu was a bad choice

getting rid of rebar that needed wood for you to pour concrete blocks,, why?! 

chopping wood for logs, making planks out of them.  remember?

needing a mold to cast ingots...

the abscence of water bottles and that messed up magazine skill system. what is wrong with learning by doing?

also stuff you craft is worth less than the ingredients on their own when selling at the trader,

if you dont want people to use traders just get rid of them.


this game is getting better and worse at the same time

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In multiplayer co-op play, blood moon gamestage seems to rise exponentially faster than crafting or looting equipment levels. I have had several players state that it is making the BM hordes no fun to play because you are so tragically outclassed.

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1 hour ago, Kalex said:

In multiplayer co-op play, blood moon gamestage seems to rise exponentially faster than crafting or looting equipment levels. I have had several players state that it is making the BM hordes no fun to play because you are so tragically outclassed.


Hey, they just want to make sure we're interacting with the zombies!

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On 7/2/2023 at 12:56 PM, Callum123456789 said:

That's likely due to the knifes getting a buff against zombie corpses so I'm imagining you get soke kills with glancing blows then your main strike lands as they die and destroys their corpse.

Yep. I fixed that one last week and should be in .1.

I also fixed that corpse heads were getting the head damage bonus when you were harvesting them.

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1 hour ago, Old Crow said:


Hey, they just want to make sure we're interacting with the zombies!

We always were interacting with the zombies. It's gone from us looking forward to blood moons to dreading them to players asking if it is possible to turn the blood moons off completely. These aren't newbie players either. The least experienced still has hundreds of hours in and the most experienced has thousands of hours in and has been playing since Alpha 2.

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9 minutes ago, Kalex said:

We always were interacting with the zombies. It's gone from us looking forward to blood moons to dreading them to players asking if it is possible to turn the blood moons off completely. These aren't newbie players either. The least experienced still has hundreds of hours in and the most experienced has thousands of hours in and has been playing since Alpha 2.

Why?  Just because they have gotten more challenging?  Or another reason?  If it is the challenge, consider lowering the number of zombies per player by one or two and see if it feels closer to A20.  So far I'm fine with the blood moons in A21 but I haven't gotten to say 100+ yet, so I may change my mind.

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3 minutes ago, Kalex said:

We always were interacting with the zombies. It's gone from us looking forward to blood moons to dreading them to players asking if it is possible to turn the blood moons off completely. These aren't newbie players either. The least experienced still has hundreds of hours in and the most experienced has thousands of hours in and has been playing since Alpha 2.


You can tell them that not only is it possible but it has been for years. Top Menu option: Turn off Bloodmoon and/or extend the time between them so they happen less frequently.


The fact that some players look forward to them and others dread them and yes that some have shifted from looking forward to them to dreading them is exactly why the option exists. 7 Days to die existed for years before the bloodmoon event was added and can exist now for anyone who desires it without a bloodmoon event. I don't even know why this is a topic of discussion when the option to modify their significance in the game has been in play for ages.

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On 7/11/2023 at 2:19 PM, Javabean867 said:

Is your team reading all of the books they find, or giving them to specialists?  We have 2 people playing on our server, and the crafting is about the same as questing/trader.


I had to insist on us specializing though lol.  But we agreed. 

With intellect build and daring adventurer I had the trader offer a Q4 steel pic at Teir 2 quests.  Ironically this is before the capstone for T2 that gives a workbench.  So the trader rewards were way ahead of even the other trader rewards lol.


On a completely separate note I'm not sure I like the current Navezgane.  You start out near Joel and without a long long run you're gonna end up with the same general starting POIs every time.  You've got snow to the north, burned forest and Wasteland to the south0, and east/west are long distances before you get to other areas you'd want to settle.  POIs are fairly sparsely put outside of the city and all the cities are located in increased danger zones...with the easiest being the burned forest.  Desert is not a real option either.

This leads to some very samey repeat play throughs unless you're very comfortable with tackling increased challenge areas.  And even then you have a good long hike starting out to do so in the nearest POIs in them.  And if you decide to stay in the Pine Forest your early, mid, and even late game options for POIs are strikingly limited.  You'll see almost all of them in 1 play through.

It's good at introducing challenge areas and getting you into them, but RWG seems like a vastly superior experience atm.

Edited by Ralathar44 (see edit history)
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I love all of the new assets brought into A21 but I question as to why every door is boarded up now? No normal House doors, am I missing something in the CM menu?


Sinks have changed as well but I guess I can deal with that.

7 Days to Die Screenshot 2023.07.12 -

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