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M$ plunked down 70 billion to buy Activision Blizzard. The Fun Pimps ought to be worth four or five at least.


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Are you suggesting the company sell themselves to another that would most likely force more people onto the project and make them change the game to suit the masses instead of letting The Fun Pimps make their dream game? I highly doubt they'd ever consider selling out.

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11 hours ago, theFlu said:

With the amount of entertainment IP in Microsoft hands, I'm starting to wonder when Disney decides to branch into IT...

They haven't yet? Some where in their mess of subsidiaries of subsidiaries has to be an information tech firm of some sort.

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15 hours ago, ElCabong said:

M$ plunked down 70 billion to buy Activision Blizzard. The Fun Pimps ought to be worth four or five at least.


Yeah, but do you WANT Clippy to pop up with a

"It looks like you are building a base. Would you like help with that?"

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2 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

So the future of gaming in 2025 is basically every AAA studio being owned by either M$ or Tenecent, it's boring AF. I mean at the rate these guys are buying studios lately...

Can we be honest that Microsoft butchers so many games? Grounded is pretty bad and linear despite being "open world", Prey was halfway decent, and Doom Eternal was hot garbage. Now we've got a multiplayer pvp game called Halo: Infinite. They're just really bad publishers.


If Microsoft publishes you, you're hot garbage.

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AAA games quality of games has taken a hit anyways because they have @%$#ed off their developers and the developers that once made their companies great are no longer with them.  That is why I enjoy Indie games more.   BF series stopped being good once they forced BF5 to be "live service" and it came out with little to no content.

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On 1/19/2022 at 2:06 AM, Ripflex said:

If M$ buys Activision Blizzard, would the working conditions change ?


Bobby Kotick is for the moment staying in the seat, but I bet that's only for the transaction process. Once all the paperwork is done, I'm pretty convinced he'll get booted. Microsoft won't tolerate a lying scumbag like this in that top-end position. 

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I have to admit that Zombie Clippy would be way better than Bent Metal Clippy... but I would still hope with every fiber of my non-zombie being that TFP stays independent and resists the buyout.  Besides, that's not even likely to happen until at least after 7DTD goes gold.  Which means we've got at least another decade or so...

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6 hours ago, Urban Blackbear said:


One FPS Grande coming up. That'll be $80.

You know if we're going to judge by sizes, that'll be about 30FPS. Or maybe a fancy 60 FPS at 720p. Older stores may provide a bit of stuttering though due to older equipment.

And forget your gamer tag. It'll never be spelled correctly!

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